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chapter 11 - complicated truth

ash woke up to the sound of a phone ringing, her eyes fluttered open as she laid on jays bare torso, hearing him groan from under her as he reached for his phone. groaning she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

her head aching from the effects of alcohol it took her a second to realise she was in her living room, naked, laying on jay. all the memories from the night before came rushing back in an instant. she closed her eyes again as jay held his phone up to his ear.

"yeah alright on my way." she heard, getting up she grabbed her clothes littered across the floor before walking into her bedroom. jay never failed to disappoint on that end of the spectrum, he was great, if she wanted him to be gentle, he'd be gentle. but he also had a complete other side to him, one ash enjoyed. digging through the mess of her room she started getting dressed, hearing a knock on the door she told him to come in her upper half still bare. jay opened the door noticing her bare chest and turned away, another thing jay and brian had shown ash was respect.

"jay your dick was inside me like 5 hours ago you're good" ash chuckled putting her bra on, he smiled half naked, his jeans now covering his lower half.

"i still have respect babe. we gotta get to work, voight spoke to hobbs. they've got a plan" ash nodded, she just kept making her life harder.

pulling a shirt over her head she grabbed a hair band off her dresser and started putting her hair up as jay walked away to put his shirt back on. looking in the mirror the voice in the back of her head told her to get a grip. she couldn't understand why she couldn't just have a break. The stress was getting to her, crawling into her bones. Her hands trembled with anxiety as she looped the hair and around her hair.


"so lopez reyes, he's higher up then john, nick, dante and josè. thanks to ash and dom we saved 36 women last night but that's only the tip of the iceberg. i spoke with hobbs, and we came to an agreement." ash's heart raced as she listened to her sergeant brief the team.

"chicago is our jurisdiction, so we're going to stay here. work on what we can find safe houses and any other girls they trafficked into this city. hobbs and his team are working the roads in and out of chicago to catch them in the act and close in on anything that even signals lopez' location. this trafficking is a lot bigger then just chicago that's why we need hobbs" silence returned the bullpen tense, it wasn't often voight ever agreed to working with anyone but special victims unit in new york.

"ash, hobbs requested you go and help them" sighing ash nodded unsure of what to do, leave them short, or leave intelligence short. yet another decision with consequences for the case.

"get to work. known associates, whatever we have on the cars, witnesses, cameras, everything find it check it" voight ordered before storming back into his office. this really wasn't how this case was supposed to work out.


the calmest day intelligence had in weeks, ash and the team sat going through files, cctv footage, known associates, hours past and they had a few leads but nothing to keep them overnight. ash had to meet brian at mollys, considered voight agreed to let ash work with hobbs she was let out early.

since it was already getting a bit late ash headed to mollys, sitting in her car for a while she mentally gave herself a pep talk. what could she possibly say to brian, especially after spending the night with jay. leaning her head back against the seat she sighed.

"fuck!" she let out her frustration hitting the steering wheel. 7:56. looking down to see the time. she still hadn't figured out what to say, not even one word.

grabbing her phone and keys she got out the car, slamming the door closed she locked her car sighing. she needed to sort herself out, this couldn't be her life anymore. she had to make a decision.

"hey hunny d'ya miss me?" was the thing she heard before her head was thrown into the car door.


a/n - again guys, I wrote this book AGES AGO, and since then I have written an actual novel and am focusing on an actual career in writing. This is not a good representation of my writing. I do have around 30 chapters written but the quality of them IS NOT good. But if you guys want them, I'll post them.

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