One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2

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The members of the Transformers Titans has been formed.

Their mission, to find the Infinity Core before Deception and Chaos Bringer.

Along the way, they meet new henchmen of Megatron and form rivalries.

Next the gang finds out there's a spy amoung them.

And to make matters seem worse, one of our Transformer partners gets sent to the Cybertronian Underworld.

Who will it be?

And will he ever come back?

Find out now in Transformers Legends: One Goal Two Worlds!


Najat's P.O.V.

Najat: Where are they? Where are they?! WHERE ARE THEY?!

Me and Ravage were up in Transformers valley waiting for Madalyn and the others to arrive. I was really tense at this moment. We gotta move quick and find the infinity core and repair Primus or else both Cybertron and Earth will be in the hands of Megatron and those two good for nothing goons of his, Deception and Chaos Bringer.

Najat: Your late! What is keeping you guys! I've been standing here for an hour! Ugh! You guys are in so much trouble!

Ravage's hologram appeared on my shoulder and he looked behind him.

Ravage: They're here Najat.

I turned around to see a plane fly over us and land near by. The rush of wind from the plane pushed me back, making me back roll a couple times.

Najat: Ugh! It's about time!

I watched as the exit opened and the walkway lowered itself to the ground and Madalyn and the rest of the gang walked out.

Madalyn: We finally made it!

Optimus: So we have Madalyn.

Najat: Hey you guys! You don't know how happy I am to see you! Welcome to Transformers Valley! It's where I call home!

I ran over to Madalyn and gave her a big hug.

Najat: Hey BFF!

Emanuel: Alright that's enough Najat.

Emanuel pulled me away from the hug with Madalyn.

Bumblebee: I smell a fight coming on!

Selina: Its good to see you Najat.

Najat: I'm so glad you all could make it to my humble corner of the world. Especially you Maddie I haven't seen you in like, forever!

Madalyn: Yeah it's good to see you too Najat.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

I quickly looked over to Emanuel and I could of sworn I saw a look of jealousy on his face.

Bumblebee: Uh oh! He's gonna blow!

Madalyn: Listen up! Our mission is to find out where the Infinity Core is! So, you ready guys?

Everyone: Yeah! Lets do it!

We all walked through the canyon and looks down at the edge of a clearing.

Madalyn: Man! This place is ginormous! Kind of creepy too. It's like it's almost alive.

Optimus: This is where the Infinity core lies. We'll find what we seek here Madalyn.

Madalyn: Its down there somewhere, right Najat?

Najat: Yep! And maybe later we could hang out again like old times! Ain't that right Ravage?

I was shocked at first and then I slipped on a piece of paper. I looked down to see a Transformers card.

Madalyn: What the? I slipped on something.

Najat: Oh that's just Ravage. Meet my Transformers partner guys!

Ravage: Hello.

Everyone: Hi Ravage.

Najat: Oh Ravage, stop being a little stinker!


We all walked down to the bottom of the canyon, and walked around with Najat leading the way.

Najat: This is Transformers Valley! Of course you guys already knew that. Any ways, the infinity core is in here somewhere. But I don't have a clue on where it is.

We all entered a nearby cave and ventured forward.

Madalyn: Lets just hope we're going the right way. The last thing I need is to get lost down here.

Najat: Hey wait just one minute, I think we should try this way gang!

Emanuel: Oh great! I'm starting to think she knows.

Madalyn: Hey wait a second, are you jealous Emanuel?

Emanuel: Don't be ridiculous!

Najat: Hey back off if you know what's good for you! Maddie was my best friend first bud!

Emanuel: Don't tell me who's your best friend and who isn't you blockhead!

Najat: Oh I'm a blockhead?! I am so not! Oh, and by the way, nice hair!

Emanuel: Grrrr! Ok that's it! Just face it! We're lost! We need to get out of here!

If things couldn't get any worse, it just did. Emanuel's screaming woke up a group of bats and they flew towards us. We ran down the trail screaming our heads off and turned only to run into a dead end filled with scorpions! We ran out and kept going straight down the tunnel. Me, Najat, Selina, and Emanuel ran into a door shaped wall and it fell to the ground, making an entrance to a secret room. David and Iestyn followed behind us.

David: You guys alright?

Selina: Peachy.

As we stood up, everyone looked up to see a rainbow glowing light coming from the ceiling of the room.

Najat: Whoa! This is amazing!

Optimus: This is the place.

All of a sudden our tablets glowed and our Transformers Partner's cards shot out of our tablets and into the glowing light above. There was a white flash of light and I slowly opened my eyes to see us all in a dark void of space. All of a sudden, symbols appeared beneath our feet. Me and Selina had the Autobot insignia, Emanuel had the Predacon insignia, Najat had the Minicon insignia, and David had the Dinobot insignia. Iestyn was nowhere to be found.

Madalyn: Hey?! What's going on? Optimus where are you?!

All of a sudden, in the middle of our circle a planet appeared. It was a mechanical one, with yellow glowing highlights.

Emanuel: What the heck?

Najat: This is too freaky!

Selina: Unbelievable!

David: Is this?....

Optimus: Yes.

We all looked to see Optimus, Bumblebee, Predaking, Ravage, and Grimlock looking down at us. Instead of hologram size, they were like 50 times bigger! 100 even!

Optimus: This is Cybertron.

Madalyn: Are you sure?

All of a sudden me and the others started glowing and we moved at light speed towards Cybertron.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

I was teleported to a canyon like part of Cybertron. It was crawling with different Predacons. I looked to my right to see Predaking by my side. He was still a lot, and I mean a lot, bigger than me.

Emanuel: Now where are we?!

Predaking: This is Cyber Canyon. My home, where I was born. But it's, changing.


Selina's P.O.V.

Selina: Where are we?!

I looked around to see that me and Bumblebee were in a small mechanical town. Bumblebee was now a lot taller than me this time.

Bumblebee: Welcome to Blaster City Selina! Second Autobot capital of Cybertron, but its still a sweet place to call home...... But who rearranged the structure of this place?!


Najat's P.O.V.

Najat: Ravage! What's going on here?!

We helplessly watched as a city started falling apart. Buildings collapsing down, dark energy flowing everywhere.

Ravage: Cybertron is morphing into evil!


David's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked around to see I wasn't in the cave anymore. I was somewhere on Cybertron. From what I could tell, the place almost looked like a mechanical jungle. At least on this part of the planet anyways. I watched as a Dinobot raced past me, and a giant metal hand stopped me from falling over. I looked to see it was Grimlock. Man, the others weren't kidding! He was huge!

Grimlock: I got you David.

David: That was bizzare!

Grimlock: Don't worry David we're safe. We do not exist in this world. We are merely observers here.

I watched a tornado form and it started ripping the place apart!


Madalyn's P.O.V.

Me and Optimus were transported to a major city on Cybertron. There were giant structures and buildings everywhere! At one point a building was going to fall on me, so I quickly moved out of they way, but then I felt like I was falling. A giant metal hand caught me and I looked to see I was in the palm of Optimus Prime.

Madalyn: Thanks Optimus. Where the heck are we?!

Optimus: We are in Iacon. This is the Autobot capital on Cybertron. It is my home.

I looked all around to see the city of Iacon being destroyed by a strange dark force.

Madalyn: What's happening here?

Optimus: Our two worlds are colliding with each other Madalyn. It's causing Cybertron to collapse.

Madalyn: For real?! So this is because of that creep Megatron?

All of a sudden one of the streets cut open in half and a blinding light glowed from the crack. I shielded my eyes as it grew brighter and brighter. By the time I opened my eyes I lande on a hard ground floor. I opened my eyes to see that I was back in the cave. And not just me, the others were back too. Iestyn was looking at all of us in worry.

Iestyn: Can someone explain what happened?

Madalyn: You gotta be kidding?!

Emanuel: It looked so real!

Selina: Yeah!

Najat: It was Cybertron!

We all looked at each other in shock. We all saw the same thing. It was unbelievable! All of a sudden the ground started shaking and rocks fell from the ceiling.

Madalyn: Run! The place is going to collapse!

We all quickly got up and ran through the tunnel towards the exit, dodging fall rocks as we ran by.

Madalyn: Hurry guys!

We all made it out of the cave just in time. The rocks caved in through the entrance. There was no way we could get back in there now.

Selina: That was too close for comfort.

Madalyn: You got that right Selina.

David: There has got to be some kind of link to this valley and Cybertron! And we've got to find out what that link is. It could be a portal to the Transformers world.

Emanuel: But how did it show us Cybertron?

Madalyn: And I guess Iestyn didn't see it because he doesn't have a Transformer.

Optimus: What surprised me was the rate that Cybertron is being destroyed.


What else will they find in Transformers Valley? Find out in chapter 2!

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