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I heard shocked gasps at my claim. Leaving the warm embrace of the Undertaker, I turn to face the astounded faces of Madam Red and Lau. "T-That creep is your father?!" The lady in red shouted. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

I suppose now is a good a time as any to tell my young master about my past, though not all of it... I mulled over the thought and looked up at the Undertaker, who subtly nodded his head, giving me the go to tell them.

"Undertaker is the only one who I remember from my past. I had an accident about 2 years ago, and I can't seem to bring up any memories before then. Sometimes things trickle in every now and then, but they don't reveal anything helpful. I remember the incident from 2 years ago, but after waking up from it, I couldn't remember anything from before then. I was lost, wandering around, hungry, and injured. Everyone looked at me like I was filth, or some sort of disease until I managed to find my way into a forest.

"I was terrified and had no clue who I was and where I was. I assumed I had parents, but I couldn't be sure. I found a tree and slept in it, hoping to be more successful on the morning. When I awoke, I wasn't in the tree and instead was in a coffin. I was terrified, I thought that there were going to bury me alive. However that's when the Undertaker made his appearance.

"He told me that he found me in the forest and took me in. He honestly thought I was dead, but I had somehow frightened him ever so slightly when I woke up just when he was about to embalm me. H called me by the name 'Bambi' and when I asked him if it was my name he just kinda frowned. He asked me what I remember and I told him about what I did know. He seemed really sad for some reason, and when I asked him why, he said that I was a dear friend of his. I always made him laugh whenever I came over with my parents.

"I wanted to know about my past, where I had come from and who my parents were, but when I asked him, he just said 'It's better that you don't know' and would change the subject. I still haven't a clue about my past, and I call Undertaker 'Father' because he treats me like his daughter. He was the only one who took me in after what happened, and the only one who protected me.

"On the several occasions that the young master would come and visit him, Undertaker would hide me away in a coffin somewhere and beg me not to come out. I would listen to him of course, thinking that whoever coming was dangerous. However, as fate would have it, one day I had a sneezing fit from the dust in one of the coffins. My fit alerted the young lord to the presence of another and he ordered his butler to open the coffin, much to Undertaker's chagrin.

"I fell out on the ground when Sebastian opened the coffin's lid and both he and the young master were surprised by my being in there. The Undertaker wasn't happy and practically demanded that they leave his building. When the young master didn't listen to him and instead asked to know who I was and where I came from, the Undertaker reluctantly explained to him the situation. Well, not all of it, as he never mentioned the fact that he really isn't my father and that I haven't got any memory of my past." I explained, looking down to the ground at the end of my story.

Ciel frowned as well, as he finally got the answers to the questions he was looking for, although they weren't what he was hoping for. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Madam Red looking at me with pity swimming in her gaze. I felt the burning of tears as I looked down to the ground, my brown hair covering my face as I tried to hide the crystal drops falling from my violet orbs.

"Let's get back to the reason why we came here in the first place, why don't we?" Undertaker spoke up, realizing what was about to happen.

"Right, we're here for-" Ciel was cut off by Undertaker's peaking voice. "You don't have to tell me, I already know.

"That wasn't the type of customer fit for respectable people. I'll have you know. I made her beautiful" I look up at the man's words, after finally rubbing the tears from my eyes. "I want to hear about it." Ciel stated, a stony look upon his face. His sapphire orbs revealed nothing that would hint towards his emotions. "Ah, I see, so the funeral parlor is your cover business. How much is the info." I cringed at Lau's question, just waiting for Undertaker to go wild, and he did right on time. Undertaker's face change almost made me laugh. He went from smiling to small mouthed, and his green eye was wide. All in all, he looked like a child whose cookie was just stolen from him.

"I have no desire for any of the Queen's coins!" Undertaker shouted, dashing forward and into Lau's face, the large grin back back on. Madam Red, Grell, and Lau all looked...well... astounded and slightly frightened by the sudden change of demeanor. Undertaker turn towards Ciel and his grin grew larger. "Come on, my lord, give it to me! Give me prime laughter! Do that, and I'll tell you anything."

I cleared my throat lightly and nudged him softly. He turned to me then, his craze grin softening slightly. "Father, you're drooling..." I muttered.

Undertaker merely hugged himself and danced around. I shook my head and took my place by Ciel. "Leave it to me." Lau piped in, catching everyone's attention. "Behold the genius of the man that Shanghai called the Sleeping Tiger of New Year's Parties!" His dramatic reveal made my eye twitch in annoyance. "Every calendar's days are numbered!" I blinked at his simple joke before the meaning clicked in my head. I growled at the idiotic man and my arm shot out to grab a nearby surgery mask from a drawer. I slapped the man upside his head, making the mask stick to his face, covering his mouth.

"If I must..." Madam Red's voice came from behind me and I looked her way. "Madam Red, the belle of fashionable society, will tell you her special story!" I have a bad feeling about this...

The first improper word that came out of her mouth made me gasp. Sebastian covered Ciel's ears and I felt warm hands cover mine as well. A quick glance back showed that the perpetrator was in fact Ciel. I silently thanked him with my eyes and he nodded ever so slightly as he understood what I was trying to say. Undertaker copied what I had done to Lau with Madam Red and turned to face Ciel, Sebastian, and I.

"Now, my lord, you're the only one left. I gave you a special discount last time, as you had brought Bambi to me, but I won't do it again." Undertaker announced patting my head like I was a dog. I frowned at the action.

"Bloody hell." Ciel muttered. "I see there's no help for it." Sebastian stepped up, a determined look shining in his crimson eyes. "Everyone please wait outside. You must not peek inside on any account."


We all stood outside, waiting in anticipation for the okay to be allowed back in. It was silent, no one even dared to breath to break it. Suddenly thunderous laughter caught us all by surprise and the sign that was hung up above the store collapsed to the ground, missing us all by a mere few feet.

The door opened slowly and Sebastian's face appeared, smiling joyfully. "Please come in. It appears he will tell us everything."


Ciel, Madam Red, and Lau all sat on the lids of several coffins. Grell stood behind his mistress as Sebastian and I stood behind our master. Ciel held a beaker filled with hot tea on his lap, taking sips from it every now and then.

"These day I often get customers who are incomplete." Undertaker said, having calmed down from his laughing fit. "Incomplete?" I asked quietly. "Yes, incomplete... the wombs are missing." Undertaker revealed, caressing a plastic model of the upper body of a human. I gulped down my disgust and continued listening to his words. "Though the killer makes quite violent splatter, the wombs themself are neatly cut out." The very thought of that happening to me made me sick.

"It was done on a public road, even if it was not a high-traffic one... Wouldn't such an excision have been difficult for an amateur, particularly in the middle of the night?" Sebastian questioned. "You're a sharp one, butler. That's my opinion as well." Undertaker walked over to me as he spoke. I became wary of his actions when he placed an arm around my shoulder.

"First the Ripper slashes their throats with a sharp hand weapon," the insane mortician wrapped his long spindly fingers around my throat as he said this before continuing on, "the he cuts this part open... and takes what's precious to them." His other hand lightly drug his nails across my stomach in circles and I had to hold down the growl rising to my throat. In my peripheral vision, I saw Ciel grit his teeth and scowl at Undertaker's actions.

"I'm sure there will be others killed. People like that don't stop until someone stops them." Undertaker stood up, walking back towards his desk. "Can you do it, o villainous noble Lord Phantomhive?"

"On the honor of my family crest, I eliminate anyone who defiles the Queen's garden, without exception... And by any means necessary." I gulp at the meaning of Ciel's words.


We were in the carriage heading back to the townhouse. Madam Red and Lau were across from Ciel, Sebastian, and I. The two adults were deep in conversation and weren't paying much attention to the rest of us. Sebastian seemed lost in his mind as he stared out the window. Ciel was also staring out the window by his side and I, who was squished in between the two males, was just staring at my hands.

"Where did you get that?" Ciel's voice whispered into my ear. I stiffened at the sudden sound before looking up to face him. His sapphire gaze seemed guarded as well as curious. I looked down at what he was staring at; it was my ring.

"It's something from my past, I'm sure of it. I just don't know who gave it to me or why." I said, looking down at the small band. "Why have I never seen it before?" Ciel muttered, keeping his voice quiet so as not to attract too much attention to us. "You haven't looked at my hands before young master." I giggled, keeping my voice low as well. Ciel blushed and looked away before laying his eyes back on my ring. "It certainly is unique. It's probably one of a kind." He said. I admired the ring, looking at it more closely in hopes of finding a clue about who I am.

It was a golden band that wrapped around my left hand's ring finger. Towards the top of the ring, the gold split into two paths, forming an eye as they connected once again. White diamonds encrusted the eye's golden path and two were placed on each side after the two branching paths reconnected. In the middle of the eye was a small blood red ruby that glinted in the sunlight.

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