BoC Episode 10.5

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Ciel's PoV-

I couldn't move. I could only feel my heart thundering in my ears as rage built up within me. My breathing became ragged and heavy as I stared at the scene.

Then, suddenly a hard shove from Bambi. Finny fell back on the grass, a look of shock crossing his face. "Wh-What the hell Finnian?!" She screeched, her eyes locked on his figure in an icy blue glare. "I-I thought..." Finny stuttered, unsure of what to say. "You thought what, Finny?!" She snarled, her fangs bared. "Thought that you could just kiss me like that?!" Finny choked out unintelligible words as Bambi went off on him. "You didn't even think to see how I felt! You should have at least asked before doing something like that!" Her breaths came out in heavy pants as she stood to her full height, towering over the gardener who still sat on the snowy ground. Upon seeing tears well up within Finny's eyes, Bambi's ridged figure relaxed, regret swirling in her now violet eyes. "Finny...." She sighed, getting to her knees by the whimpering teen.

She began to wipe away the tears trailing his cheeks as she sat by him. "Look Finny.... I love you, but only as an older brother. And....that felt....wrong to me." A smile made its way on Finny's face as a giggle escaped him. "S-Sorry. I really don't know what came over me. I-I love you like a sister too, and that k-kiss was weird. Like it didn't feel right." He revealed as he laughed. Bambi let out a giggle with him. "Besides, Finny.... I...I love another..." Her face lit up like a Christmas tree as she spoke. My heart rose to my throat. Finny's eyes widened and a grin spread across his face. "Who do you love, Bambi?!" The gardener leaned forward in anticipation. "It doesn't matter.... I can't be with him anyway. It's not allowed." Her face was saddened as she said this, a small pout making itself known on her plump lips. "Well, why not?" Finny asked, his brow furrowed. Bambi sighed solemnly, her amethyst eyes swirling in sadness as she played with the soft snow by her feet. "Because, masters cannot court their maids." I felt my heart leap from my chest. She....She feels the same! I felt my feet begin to move towards her.

"Besides, he has a fiancé."

My throat dried up. Elizabeth.....

I cursed whatever god had it out for me. Maybe I can convince Lizzie to stop the betrothal? I bit the inside of my cheek to figure out way. "And it's not like he can just cancel the engagement either. He needs to keep up appearances. It would sully the Phantomhive name if he were to break off the engagement over a maid. What a scandalous affair that would be...." My heart dropped down to my feet in pieces at her revelation. Damn....why....why does it have to be this way...... I sighed heavily and turned sharply, heading back up to my office to do some thinking. There's got to be a way...


No One's PoV-

It was a few days after the incident that occurred between Finny and Bambi. At the moment, Bambi was finishing up the last of her chores for the day; cleaning up Ciel's office. The Earl was currently in the room with her, staring at the paperwork before him. There was a faraway look in his eyes as he was thinking hard about a certain subject. Ciel suddenly released a heavy sigh, catching Bambi's attention. "What's wrong, Ciel?" She asked, her voice soft as she organizes the bookshelf. "I can't come up with an idea for a new product. I've hit a roadblock." He lied expertly, a frown spreading on his face. His sapphire gaze seemed tired, and the earl himself looked to be absolutely bored.

Upon glancing outside, an idea comes to her mind. She finishes up her chores and steps up to the earl's desk.

"Yes, Bambi?" Ciel asked, not looking up from his papers.

"Come on."

Ciel blinked before looking up at her, confused. "What?"

"You heard me. Come along, Master, let's get you out of this confining study."

Ciel scowled at being called Master by her, but followed nonetheless, intrigued by her actions. She led him to his room and she began to dig through his closet for something appropriate.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, raising a brow as he watched her shuffle through his clothing.

"Looking for-- Ah ha!"

Bambi pulls out his warm winter jacket and mittens, smiling in triumph.

After a bit of protest from Ciel, Bambi managed to get him into his winter gear before heading to her room to dress herself up as well.

They head outside and Bambi took in a deep breath as they begin walking through the garden. Ciel walked beside her, pouting slightly as he stared down at the snow underfoot.

"Why are we out here?" He asks, glaring at her. Bambi turns to face him, a small grin on her face. "To help you get an idea!" She cheers. Ciel couldn't help but blush and look away from her, choosing instead to study the snow covered trees.

It's sweet of her to try and help me come up with an idea, even if she has no clue what it's really for.... But I don't see how walking in the--

Ciel's thoughts were cut off when something cold smacked him in the face. The slight burning sensation from the impact and the cold made him shiver as he wiped the remnants of the snowball out of his eye. He looked over to his maid to see her on the ground, laughing loudly. His sapphire eye narrowed into a glare and he bent down and picked up a handful of snow, morphing the ice crystals into a sloppy ball before he launched it at her, just as she was standing up.

The snowball hit Bambi directly in the shoulder, and she froze, looking up to her master. Ciel stood there with a proud smirk on his face, before the look dropped from his face and he dodged an incoming snowball. They erupted in a fight, with Ciel hitting Bambi more than she could hit him. The fight ended when Bambi yelled out her surrender and stepped out from behind the tree she was hiding behind. Ciel had a grin on his face as he panted heavily. "I. Win." He said firmly, making the vampire laugh and nod. "Yes, you do. Would you like your prize?" Ciel perked up at the question, slightly anxious to discover what it was. Bambi leaned in close, making sure there was only an inch of space between their noses. "Close your eye." She whispered. Ciel's cerulean eye fluttered closed and he felt her breath puffing onto his face. His heart began to beat wildly in his chest.

Suddenly, cold exploded down his back, and his eye snapped open. Bambi was doubled over in laughter as Ciel shivered and shook violently, trying to get the snowball out of his jacket. "You little minx!" He cried, laughing as he ran towards her. The vampire gasped and began to run away from the young earl.

As she ran into the nearby forest, she disappeared behind a tree. Leaning against the rough bark, she panted, a smile on her face. Only when she caught her breath did she peek around the trunk to see nothing. Bambi chuckled out a relieved sigh and let her head fall against the trunk.

Her breath escaped her in a high-pitched yelp when she felt something slam into her side, knocking her to the snowy ground.

The two erupted into laughter as they lay on top of the soft blanket of snowflakes. Ciel had Bambi pinned underneath him, her long brown hair splayed about wildly. Ciel's laugh ceased immediately when he looked at her face.

Her amethyst eyes twinkled softly as she gazed up at him. Snowflakes were caught between her eyelashes as well as in her chocolate curls, making her look even more breathtakingly beautiful. Her plump, pink lips were pulled up into a wide smile, her white teeth clenched together in a toothy grin.

Bambi's smile slowly died out as she gazed up at the starstruck earl, watching as he slowly pushed a lock of hair out of her face. Her breath hitched when his glove brushed up against her cheek. She could heat Ciel's heart beating faster the longer he stayed in that position. "Ciel?" She whispered, listening as his own breath became caught in his throat. Ciel gulped loudly, a dark blush rising to his face. Their faces seemed to magnetize towards each other, getting closer with each passing second. They both flinched slightly when their noses brushed up against one another's. Before she could regret her actions, Bambi leaned up, closing the gap between them.

Ciel's face burned red as Bambi's lips connected with his cheek. His mouth dropped open slightly at the feel of her soft lips brushing against his skin.

When Bambi laid back down into the snow, Ciel stared back at her, unable to do anything but look at her in shock. That is, until the little vampire shivered from the cold, snapping the earl out of his thoughts and back into reality.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Ciel stood up quickly, holding out a hand to help Bambi up, to which she happily accepted.

"T-Thank you." Ciel stuttered out, smacking himself in the head mentally when the words escaped him. Did I seriously just thank her for kissing me?!

Ciel's mental beration was cut short when he heard Bambi giggle softly. "It was no problem, I hope you had fun." Ciel blinked owlishly at her. She must think I thanked her for bringing me out here.... Ciel frowned at the thought before he furrowed his brows. "Wait.... Why did you bring me out here again?" He questioned, looking at her with confusion swirling in gaze.

"Well, I was hoping it would refresh your brain. You know, give you an idea on your product...." She trailed off, twisting her fingers around nervously -- an action Ciel found adorable. "Well unfortunately I--" Ciel cut himself off with a gasp as a memory sprang to his mind.


"It doesn't matter.... I can't be with him anyway. It's not allowed." Her face was saddened as she said this, a small pout making itself known on her plump lips. "Well, why not?" Finny asked, his brow furrowed. Bambi sighed solemnly, her amethyst eyes swirling in sadness as she played with the soft snow by her feet. "Because, masters cannot court their maids."


It's true that it's frowned upon for a master to be with his maid in that sense...but what if his maid, wasn't really his maid?! Ciel's eye widened at the thought, another bit of memory flashing back to him momentarily.


"What do you know about my maid?!" Ciel shouted, keeping his eye on Bambi. Kelvin furrowed his brow as he glanced between the earl and maid, before he opened his mouth to speak.

"My lord, she is no maid. She is Lady Bambi Mayweather, daughter of Earl Mayweather."


With a smirk he grabbed Bambi in a hug, making her gasp in shock. "Thank you." He whispered before letting her go. He impulsively kissed her cheek before he rushed back into the manor, mind set on figuring out a way for the two to enter into a courtship.

Bambi watched him run off, her face scarlet as she raised her hand to the cheek he kissed. I wonder what kind of product he's making this time... She thought, oblivious to the lie he had told her earlier on. A fond smile found it's way on her face as she stared after him.

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