BoC Episode 2

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Bambi's PoV-

Ciel, Sebastian, and I were walking out of the manor and towards a carriage that awaited us out front. The other servants stood by, ready to wave us off after we started our ride to London.

"How nice that the weather has cleared up. It's the perfect day for a circus!" Sebastian smiled. I raised a brow at his words. "Circuses are held in tents. The weather is irrelevant." Ciel frowned before walking up to the carriage. As Sebastian held the door open for Ciel, the young master stopped on the steps as he was climbing in. "You three." He called to the servants, who stood at attention. "Look after the place while I'm gone." He ordered, his gaze flickering over to me as the three servants complied with the order.

Ciel was reading over the letter sent by the Queen as Sebastian and I sat across from him. After finishing the letter, he placed it back into the envelope and put it in a pocket in his coat. "Where will you go first, my lord?" Sebastian questioned. I let my gaze wander over towards the window as Sebastian and Ciel spoke amongst each other.

The country landscape sped by fast, the trees all blurring into one. I noticed dark clouds beginning to roll overhead. A storm is brewing.


Ciel and Sebastian were digging around in the file room of Scotland Yard while I kept an eye on the carriage. Leaning against the side of the cart, a familiar figure caught my eye. Shocked, I rubbed my eyes and reopened them, only to find the person gone. I sighed in relief.

Ciel's voice made me turn to my left and I saw the two walking towards me. As Sebastian held the door open for Ciel and I, we all piled into the carriage, taking our appropriate seats.

"Will we be visiting him again to find out, then?" I gasped at Sebastian's words, a grin spreading across my face. "I'd really rather not, but needs must. Let's go." Ciel frowned, reluctant to head over to where we need to be. It was hard to keep in my joy.


Ciel opened the door to Undertaker's shop, calling out for him. The store was dark, lit up only by candles that were scattered throughout the store. As we stepped into the building, the door behind us closed, and a familiar chuckle brought a smile to my face. "Welcome, my lord!" Undertaker called out. The sound of something rolling along the floor caught my attention and I pulled Ciel out of the way as a skull rolled under his feet and crashed into something in front of us.

"Is today the day you'll condescend to enter one of my special coffins?" Undertaker's voice came from behind us, and we all turned to face his figure, which was silhouetted by the dim light shining through the window in the door. "Look, you--" Ciel was cut off as Undertaker came closer, a grin on his face. "Please, have a seat. I have a batch of biscuits fresh from the oven." He grinned.

Soon enough, Ciel and I were sitting on a coffin together while Sebastian stood nearby, Undertaker sitting atop another coffin across from us. "Children's bodies, hmm?" Undertaker questioned. "Regular society regards them as missing, and no corpses have turned up." Sebastian explained.

"Well, dead children are an everyday affair in the underworld." Undertaker started. "Although, some of them don't stay dead." He finished, his gaze landing on me. I bit back a gasp and turned my gaze to the floor.

"I've brought their information. Did you take care of any of these children?" Ciel asked as Sebastian handed over several papers with pictures of different children paperclipped to them. Undertaker bent his head down low and took a close look at them. "Hmm, did I? I feel as though I could remember, if I saw something entertaining... You know what I want, my lord. Give it to me!" I bit back a laugh as I heard Ciel groan.

"Give me prime laughter! Do that, and I'll tell you anything!" Undertaker grinned, holding his hands out and wiggling his fingers at Ciel. "Sebastian." The earl called.

"Oh, you're relying on him? Aren't you able to do anything without your butler, my lord? Well, anyone entertaining enough will do, really." That struck a nerve in Ciel.

Ciel's PoV-

"I'll do it!" I snarled, placing my cane down. I heard Bambi gasp lightly at my words. I wouldn't accept this if I wasn't confident in my ability to make him laugh. I had noticed something earlier. When Bambi was giggling, it made Undertaker smile. Therefore, if I make her laugh, I make this fool laugh.

"Sebastian, get out. And do not peek inside! That's an order!" I pointed at the demon, who bowed and left.

I turned on Bambi, who looked shocked and confused. "D-Did you want me to--" I held up my hand to stop her. "No. You stay." Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, but she nodded nevertheless.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, opening them as I let the breath out. I lifted a hand and pointed to my maid, determination on my face. "A prisoner's favorite punctuation mark is the period. It marks the end of his sentence." I stated with confidence.

Bambi lifted a perfect brown brow and crossed her arms over her chest, unimpressed. I let my arm fall, a frown crossing my face. "Uh..." I muttered. Bambi rolled her eyes and took in a deep breath.

He amethyst gaze snapped open, but this time, her eyes were....darker. She sauntered towards me, her hips swaying back and forth slowly. When she reached me, she lifted her hands up and wrapped them around my neck, draping her body on mine. "W-What are you.." She raised a hand, placing one finger across my lips. "Shh... Just go with it. I'll make Undertaker laugh." She whispered into my ear, making my face go ablaze. Bambi pulled back slowly, her pale hand grasping the light blue ribbon tied around my neck. With a soft tug, she pulled the ribbon off and wrapped the ends around the index fingers on both her hands. Pulling the ribbon taut, she lifted it over my head, letting it rest against my neck, and then with a harsh tug, used it to pull me closer. My heart was racing in my chest as my jaw dropped open, my face getting darker and darker by the second. Her scent of strawberries filled my nose and I couldn't think properly. The only thing I could see were her plump lips inches away from me. They were curving up into a sultry smile. I couldn't help myself; I began to lean in closer to her. Just when we were centimeters apart, she pulled away, taking the near unbearable heat along with her. I was left staring at where she had just been standing, my mouth opening and closing in shock and confusion.

Suddenly, a thunderous laugh filled the room. Bambi was standing a few feet away, her face as red as mine as she looked down at the ground in shame. I blinked in confusion. How can she change so fast? I frowned as Undertaker continued laughing. Sebastian walked through the door and he seemed shocked.

As the demon grabbed my coat, which I hadn't noticed Bambi had slipped it off me, I realized that my hair was mussed. Sebastian easily fixed my hair and tied the ribbon around my neck into a bow once again.

I shook my head, snapping back to attention as Undertaker's laughter ended. "All right, I've paid your fee. Tell me about the children!" I ordered, feeling the heat in my face die down.

"They're nowhere." Undertaker smiled, shocking us. "Sorry?" I questioned. "None of them were my customers, and there aren't any rumors, either." Undertaker answered, holding up a sheet of the paper we handed him. "In other words, you don't know a thing about this?" I scowled, stepping up to his desk. "I beg to differ. I know that I don't know."

Bambi's PoV-

I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of what I did to make Undertaker laugh, that I tuned out their conversation. Only after Ciel called my name, did I snap back into reality. I looked up to see Ciel and Sebastian heading towards the door. I quickly followed suit, heading over to the door before I was called back by Undertaker.

"Yes?" I questioned, watching as Ciel hopped into the carriage and Sebastian stood by my side. "Keep a wary eye out, my dear. He's back in town." I gasped at his words. "But, I thought he was--" A grave look on Undertaker's face stopped me in my tracks. "Unfortunately, you were not strong enough to kill him, only hinder him for a long while. He's been looking for you. I suggest you stick close to the boy and his butler." Undertaker advised, nodding towards Sebastian, who looked on in confusion and curiosity.

"Who is he speaking of, Bambi?" The demon asked, his crimson gaze on me as a frown spread across his face. "Someone from my past. That's all." I said, trying to drop the subject. "I know what you are. It took a while, seeing as you don't exactly exude the characteristics they usually have. You've hidden it well, much better than how I've been hiding my true nature." Sebastian's praise made my lips twitch up into a smile. "If you know what I am, then you can take a guess at who we speak of." I smiled, walking out the door after waving a farewell to Undertaker.


We were walking down a crowded street, presumably towards where the circus was taking place. Due to the amount of time it took for Ciel and I to make Undertaker laugh, it was now nighttime. The moon was high in the sky as we followed the crowd that was heading towards the circus. Sebastian and Ciel were a ways ahead, but they were still in my line of sight. I lagged behind, a bad feeling curling within my stomach.

Cold hands wrapped around my head, covering my mouth and pulled me into a back alley. Panic struck me and I fought to tear the ironclad grip off of my face. My captor let his hands fall off my face and instead wrapped them around my waist, pulling me into his hard chest. "Quiet, my pet." The familiar voice chilled me to the bone and made me freeze in my struggles. "No..." I whispered, horrified. I pulled away from his slackened grip and turned around to face the monster that haunted my nightmares.

His eyes were a burnt orange and they looked me up and down as though I was a prize to be won. Greasy black hair stuck to his forehead and he opened his mouth into a rotting smile. He stood to be as tall as Sebastian as he towered over me. He wore a ragged and torn old butler's outfit, same as when I last saw him all those years ago.

"You." I growled out, my eyes flashing blue. "Me~" He sing songed, a murderously playful glint in his vile eyes. His expression went from playful to serious in the blink of an eye. "You need to come with me." I widen my eyes at his claim, before barking out a laugh. "Go with you?! The beast that turned me into a monster?!" His face went sour.

His bone white hand wrapped around my pale throat and he easily pushed me into the brick wall. I clenched my jaw upon impact and felt my brain bounce around in my skull. My vision went fuzzy before it focused and I could see him directly in front of me, inches from my face. I could feel his heated breath on my face and I closed my eyes as something sharp scraped my neck. "A monster, eh? I gave you the best gift one could ever possess. Is that how you treat me? Like dirt?" He snarled, squeezing my throat. I gasped for air and he loosened his grip, letting me gain a breath of air.

"Listen to me, my pet. You will come with me or else." I threatened, making me laugh bitterly. "Or else what?! You took everything I held dear! My memories, my family! Everything!" I shrieked, spitting in his face. He flinched away with a grimace and wiped the offending substance off his cheek. He opened his mouth to speak when another call erupted from around the corner. "Bambi?"

Ciel's voice made my heart stop and my eyes widen. I didn't want him to see this monster. If he did...

Unfortunately the beast that held me noticed my silence and sent a cheshire grin my way before glancing towards the opening of the alley. "He means something to you, doesn't he? Do you him?" I gulped, fear burning within me. He laughed lowly, shaking his head. "He doesn't have a clue of the monster you are, does he? And you don't want him to know." My silence answered his question.

"You love a human! A devil like you, loves a human!" His laughter became louder and he let me go, choosing instead to clutch his sides as he dissolved into giggles. I hit the ground, my tailbone slamming into the hard cobblestone and grunted in pain, gingerly touching the blooming bruises on my neck.

As I stood, his laughter stopped and he became serious again. "You will come with me, or else..." His voice trailed off towards the end and he sent a dark glance over to where the earl was, sending shivers of fear running up and down my spine. "You have until the end of the night to decide, then I'm coming for you." His eyes flashed crimson and he backed away, blending into the shadows.

"Bambi!" I watched the shadows, looking for any sign of movement when I heard the familiar clicking of heels from behind me. Panicking, I turn around and bring up a smile to my face.

Ciel halted in his steps and looked at me with a narrowed eye, Sebastian on his tail. "Sorry, young master. I got distracted." I smiled sheepishly, hoping he would believe me lie. Ciel came closer and gasped his sapphire orb widening. I tilted my head, feeling my hair brush against my neck.

Ciel stepped closer, bringing his gloved hand up to my neck. I flinched back, my throat erupting in a burning pain. The bruises... I cringed at the thought, and held my neck softly, looking up into Ciel's sapphire gaze. His cerulean orb lit up in anger, and intense fire burning within the uncovered eye. "Who did this to you?" He growled, his gloved hands clenching.

"I-It doesn't matter. We have to get to the circus, Ciel." I whispered, keeping my voice low so as not to hurt my throat. The young earl's scowl deepened and he swirled around and stomped off, his anger smoldering from his intimidating figure. I bit my lip and let out a sigh, moving to grudgingly follow after him when another gloved hand rested on my shoulder. I look up to see Sebastian's concerned gaze.

"Was it him, Bambi? Did he come back?" His voice was low, so as not to attract Ciel's attention. "Yes." I whispered back. I could see the demon clench his jaw. "What did he want?" he asked. "He gave me until the end of the night." I answered, keeping an eye on any shadow we passed as we followed after the earl. "Until the end of the night to do what?" I sighed at the relentless demon. "He gave me until the end of the night to go with him and leave you all behind or else..." I trailed off, my gaze flickering over to the fuming lord. "Or else what?"

"Or else, he'll kill Ciel."


We walked into the large, navy blue tent. Climbing some stairs, we finally took our seats. With Sebastian on the left, Ciel in the middle, and me on the right. The lights dimmed and the crowd quieted down, everyone on the edge of their seat with anticipation for the show.

A spotlight snapped on, the yellow light forcing our attention on the man under it. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to Noah's Ark Circus!" He called out, projecting his voice throughout the tent.

My sharp eyes looked over the man. He appeared to be twenty-five. His purple eyes glinted with mischief and he had long orange hair with extensions which were bleached at the tips and braided at the strands. He seemed to wear light-blue make-up, which he used to paint a tear drop under his left eye. He also had multiple piercings in each ear, four on the left and three on the right, wearing thick silver hoop earrings. The man's outfit was comprised of a yellow bow around his neck, a purple coat trimmed with gold that was draped off his shoulders and used like a cape, a black and lavender checkered vest with a white ruffled button up shirt worn underneath, puffy short pants with diamonds on the seam, and black and white boots that reach to the knees and curl at the toes. He also donned a white glove on his left hand. Additionally, his right arm looked missing, and replaced by a skeleton arm prosthetic.

Between his fingers were colorful rubber balls, four in each hand. "My name is Joker. Please to meet 'ee!" He smiled, tossing the balls up in the air and juggling them. As he finished his introduction, he bowed, seemingly forgetting about his balls as they fell on his head bounced onto the ground. The audience laughed at this, however I just frowned.

Joker, as he liked to be called, stood back up, opening his mouth to show a blue rubber ball, which he grabbed with his skeleton hand, quickly making the toy disappear with a smile on his face.

"Tonight you'll see performances to stun and amaze 'ee!" He cheered as four people ran out in the center ring to join him. "And now, with a great broze from our fire-breathing Jumbo, the show of the century begins!" A giant of a man stood up behind Joker and the others, causing them to freak out and run away as he let out a roar. Their antics made a giggle escape my throat.

We watched what seemed to be two young children, named Peter and Wendy, flip around on the trapeze for a bit before another boy was introduced. His name was Dagger, and he began throwing knives at a woman tied to a spinning wheel. After Dagger's performance, we saw a man who wore nothing but a loincloth come on stage, several different kinds of snakes were winding across his body. He began to dance as he was being introduced. His name was Snake. Above Snake was a young girl wearing all white and holding a white parasol. She carefully walked across the tightrope before her as Joker introduced her as Doll. And, finally, the last act was of a woman known as Beast. She used a whip to force a tiger to jump through flaming hoops.

"We'd love some audience participation for this act--" Joker called out. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian stand up. Oh no.... I groaned, unwilling to picture the outcome of this. "Oh? This gent in the tailcoat seems rather eager! Please come on down!" Joker cheered, pointing to Sebastian. Ciel gasped and looked up at his butler, who said nothing but instead, stared down at the tiger.

I gulped as Sebastian stalked down the stairs and with deliberate steps, walked up to Joker. "Now, if you'll just lie down here--" Joker stopped as Sebastian walked right by him and Beast, kneeling before the tiger and placed his hands under the tiger's chin. "Ah, what lovely round eyes you have! Soft ears..." Sebastian began admiring the tiger as Ciel looked on in horror. "Oh, blast! Tigers are cats!" He muttered, horrified.

"I've never seen such vivid stripes! They're adorable." He stated, squishing the tiger's cheeks together. "Oh dear, your claws have gotten a bit too long... we'll have to groom them." Ciel placed his head in his hands as everyone looked on in utter shock. With a sigh, I patted his shoulder lightly.

"And your paw pads are full and plump. Very attractive!" I gasped as the tiger opened it's furry maw and chomped down on Sebastian's head. I cringed as everyone in the audience screamed loudly. Sebastian, you moron.

"Betty, let him go!" Beast cried, cracking her whip at her tiger. Before the whip could strike the large cat, Sebastian caught it. "She hasn't done anything wrong. I was so overcome by her charm that I behaved rudely, that's all." Sebastian smiled "And also... Indiscriminate whipping isn't enough to train her properly."

I nearly smacked myself in the forehead as I saw the tiger place her front paws on Sebastian's shoulders and chomp on the back of his head. The audience screamed once again.

"Betty! Spit him out this instant! He's dirty!" Beast bellowed. "Goodness, aren't you a tomboy, my dear?" Sebastian chuckled. I sighed at the demon's antics.


"I didn't tell you to go that far!" Ciel reprimanded as we walked out of the tent. "My apologies, my lord. I've lived many years, but cats are such whimsical creatures, I still can't quite read their moods." Sebastian was almost glowing from the encounter with the tiger. "What was the point of attracting unnecessary attention--" Ciel's rant was cut off by his adorable sneeze. I couldn't hold it back; I began laughing.

"You know I'm allergic to cats! Stay far back." I heard Ciel order through my giggles. "And you. Stop laughing, Bambi!" I calmed down my laughter enough to be able to follow him as Sebastian hung back. Small chuckles escaped every now and then as I wiped the joyful tears from my eyes. The carriage came within sight as Ciel and I walked over to it.

Before Ciel could step into the carriage, I looked at our surroundings. It seems too quiet. I gasped as I saw burning orange eyes watching us from in between two tents. I felt my shoulders drop. "Hey, Ciel?" I called, stopping the earl in his tracks. "What is it, Bambi?" He questioned. "Do you remember the promise I made to you last night?" I looked down, keeping my eyes on the ground. "What about it?" His voice was firm, wary. "I'm afraid I have to break it." I whispered, catching the earl's attention.

I bit my lip as I stared up at Ciel. "Bambi, what are you saying?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly at the end of his question. I could feel my heart shattering in my chest. "It's so hard to say, but I have to do what's best for me." I said, my gaze drifting to the ground. "Bambi..." I could hear the pleading tone in his voice. I shook my head. "You'll be okay." I told him. I smelt salt in the air and glanced up to see his sapphire orb brimming with unshed tears. In response, my own violet orbs glistened with crystalline droplets. I had to do this. I have to protect Ciel. I sniffled softly as I grabbed his pale hands. They gripped me harshly, afraid to let me go. "I've got to move on and be who I am." I whispered. I reached up and rested my hand on his cheek. In response, he leaned into my hand, closing his eyes as he relished my touch. "You can't go. I need you." My heart twisted painfully in my chest at his whispered words. "I just don't belong here, I hope you understand." I choked out, a lump crawling up my throat. Ciel shook his head, a lone tear creating a trail down his porcelain skin. I gently brushed the droplet away. I tried to back out of his grip, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. "Where is this coming from?" He demanded, his voice breaking off towards the end. Letting out a sob, I pull out of his arms, away from his warmth. "We might find our place in this world someday." My bottom lip quivered as I spoke, my back facing him. I didn't want to see his face. I wouldn't be able to leave if I looked into his eye. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. I could feel him trembling behind me. I gently put my hand atop his, turning my head slightly to look at him. "But at least for now, I have to go my own way." I blinked away the tears that were building up as my heart ripped itself apart. I turned to face him before I left.

In a quick movement, I leaned up and kissed his soft cheek. I could faintly taste the salt of his tears before I pulled away and ran off, leaving the navyette, and my heart, behind.

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