BoC Episode 6

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Bambi's PoV-

The doctor forced me out of the medical tent exclaiming that I needed to grab some food for myself. Doll brought me to the tent where they get their food before she hurried back to the medical tent, insisting that she'll watch over Ciel while I ate. I wasn't feeling hungry at all though, however to keep up appearances; I grabbed a plate of food and being prodding at it with a fork.

Rapid footsteps caught my attention, making me look up to see Doll rushing towards me, a scared expression on her face. I immediately became on guard. "What is it?" I demanded, feeling terror creep up within me. "It's Smile. He's having a nightmare, and we don't know how to calm him down!" Doll cried, grabbing a hold of my shoulders. Is that all? I stopped myself from breathing out a sigh of relief before I nodded and made my way to the medical tent, with Doll in tow.

Ciel's PoV-

It was another nightmare. This one was a bit different than the others, instead of just reliving that night, the nightmare blew past that and showed me various things that happened somewhat recently.


Vanel backed away and stood up straight, before he pulled out a gun and pointed it right at me. In the corner of my eye, I saw Bambi stiffen at the gutsy move the Italian idiot made. "Don't you underestimate me, you damned brat! I already have my men waiting at your estate. Where's the key? Spit it out fast, or I'll kill all your servants one by one." He shifted the gun to point at Bambi, "Starting with her."

Fear gripped my heart, however it wasn't for the servants back at the manor, it was for the one that sat binded beside me, for she has no training in any way, no abilities that could help her, and she wasn't a demon either. She is just as human as I am, and we're both powerless against this man for the moment. I wish that damn demon would hurry up! I thought. I faked a smile and tilted my head at the man, "Oh, I think they'll be alright." I saw his boot coming at me, fast. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain, but instead heard a slight grunt.

I opened my uncovered eye to see Bambi curled up on my left, her forehead barely brushing against my knee. I felt my eye widen as I looked at her waist. With a quick glance to my right, I saw that the belts that had bound her were where she was sitting just a few moments ago, only they were shredded.

"You bitch!" Vanel's cursing took my attention away from the torn belts, and back to my maid. He shoved her away from me with his boot and went to kick me again. This time Bambi grabbed his ankle and twisted her body around, tripping the man up with her legs. I watched on as Vanel landed on his backside and let out a grunt of pain. Bambi quickly stood up and reached towards me to help me out of my bindings, but the sound of a gun made us both flinch.

Bambi grabbed her right side and coughed, doubling over. I could see Vanel behind her, his gun smoking from the bullet he had just fired off. She fell to her knees before collapsing on her side. Vanel quickly stood back up, cursing Bambi out as he did so. He lifted his foot before slamming it into her side, and I watched, powerless, as she tried to curl up into a ball to avoid any more damage. Vanel's boot pounded into her side repeatedly before I heard a loud snapping sound and he stopped, pleased with what he had done to her.


I let out a gasp as Bambi appeared in front of me from out of seemingly nowhere. She let out a yelp of pain before I looked over her shoulder to face an astonished Madam Red. With a feral snarl, she ripped the dagger that Madam Red had been holding out of her shoulder and tossed it to the ground, locking eyes with her attacker. "You're a doctor! Why do this?!" I screamed, my heart filling with fear for my maid as she put a hand to her wound. Bambi held her ground in front of me as Madam Red looked at me over her shoulder. "A kid like you would never understand even if I told him!" Madam Red's arm reached out before I could react, pinning Bambi to the wall by her neck, choking her. I felt my heart pounding against my ribcage as Bambi let out strangled gasps. "You... You... You should have never been born!" She screamed. I could see her raising her free hand before she plunged the knife down towards Bambi's heart. I felt my own heart stop. By sheer luck, she missed, going too far to the right and the dagger dug into Bambi's lungs instead. My maid let out another cry of pain and Madam Red released her hold on the little maid, letting her crumple to the ground, shivering. I could only stare helplessly at Bambi's trembling form.


Lau and Brandel went to the restroom to freshen up. While we waited, I poked at my food, a small pout on my face. "Not hungry, master?" Bambi hummed, catching my attention. With a sigh, I let my fork fall onto my plate. "Not particularly, no." I answered, glancing over towards the window. "What's wrong? Is it still that sense of foreboding?" She questioned, following my gaze. "Bambi, will you promise me something?" It was apparent the my question caught her off guard, seeing as she took a slight step back, her enchanting lavender eyes widening. "What is it, Ciel?" She asked warily.

"Promise that you'll never betray me. That you won't leave me." I didn't mean to say the second part of that sentence aloud, it just slipped out. Nonetheless, she crouched down by my chair, looking me straight in the eye. I could feel myself beginning to drown in her amethyst gaze. "I promise this to you, Ciel Phantomhive. I will never turn my back on you. I will never leave your side. I will always be one call away. I will come running whenever you need me. I will never betray you, or your trust." I felt my entire body sag, relaxing back into the chair I was sitting in. Whenever I need her.....she'll just be a call away....


Tears gathered in the corner of her violet orbs as a small smile grew on her face. "I'm so sorry Ciel. I--"

Her eyes widened as her face looked shocked. She let out a small cough and a dark red substance dripped out from the corner of her mouth. Alarmed, I looked down to see what was wrong and I stepped back, horrified.

A hand was sticking out of her chest, covered in her blood. With a sickening squelching noise that I will never be able to forget, the hand pulled out of her chest slowly, leaving a cavity in it's wake. I looked back into her eyes and saw pain flash across them. "Ci...el..?" She gasped out. Blood crawled out from her mouth and dripped slowly down her chin. I watched as her vibrant violet dimmed out. She swayed softly before collapsing to the ground. Panicked, I bent down and pressed my fingers to check her pulse.

Bambi was gone.


Images of Bambi getting injured flashed in my mind, torturing me with her screams of pain. "Stop......" I muttered, trying to get the images out. "Stop." I said firmer, trying not to listen to the taunting voices. "STOP!"

I can't lose her.....not when I.....not when I.......


I woke up with a start, my breath coming in heavy pants. My entire body felt like it was on fire, though, I suppose that was due to the fever I had. "Bambi..." I muttered out, remembering my nightmare. I stiffened as I felt warm breath fan over my back.

Turning over, I came face to face with a sleeping Bambi. I let a soft sigh escape my mouth as I looked at her.

Her long brown hair fell over her face, ending in wavy curls. Her captivating lavender eyes were hidden beneath her pale eyelids, her dark eyelashes fluttering as she slept. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she breathed in and out. Her left hand was underneath her cheek, while her right hand was laying atop my left one. My right arm was draped over her body, holding her closer to me as I slept.

She is the embodiment of perfection. I felt my eye widen at the sudden thought, a blush rising to my already heated face. "I suppose it's true." I whispered to no one in particular. With a soft sigh, I closed my eyes, falling back into a dreamless sleep.


The feeling of a cold hand against my forehead made me wake up, struggling to open my eyes slightly. The crimson eyes of Sebastian were the first things I looked at. "Sebastian." I muttered out. He greeted me with a 'Good Morning' before beginning to blather on and on about something I paid very little attention to. I turned over to where Bambi had been resting the other night, only to find it empty. I felt a frown spread across my face as my heart ached for her to be beside me once again. Ignoring the feeling, I turned back to the demon.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, a fake smile on his face. "Not well, but... better than yesterday." I said, coughing as I tried to sit up. I felt my chest ache as I sputtered out dry coughs. From the corner of my eye, I saw a glass with water appear. "Drink some water." He said, handing the glass over to me. I took the glass, glancing down at his hand in disapproval. "Where are your gloves? Your nails and the seal of our contract are on display." I scowled, taking a sip of the ice cold water. "I got them a bit dirty, I'm afraid." I stopped myself from rolling my eye at the demon.

"More importantly, I assume you got my errand done?" I asked, giving a small, pathetic cough at the end of my sentence. "Yes, my lord. No need to stay here any longer. Let's leave while everyone is at breakfast." He said, taking off my covers before picking me up. "Ah yes, that reminds me...." I gave a wary glare to the demon that held me, scowling up at him. "You seem to enjoy having a bed mate, don't you, young master? Perhaps I should have Bambi accompany to bed every night from now on, eh?" I felt my eye widen at his words. "Wha--" I couldn't finish my sentence because it devolved into a fit coughs as I felt a blush spread across my face.

"S-Sebastian!" I looked over at the sound of a feminine voice. Bambi was standing at the entrance to the tent, her face completely red, her lilac eyes as wide as saucers. The demon did nothing but chuckle. "I must pull the carriage around--" He dropped me unceremoniously onto Bambi, who--thank to her quick reflexes--caught me easily. I wrapped my arms around the shocked maid's neck, feeling highly uncomfortable in this position.

Bambi and I watched as the demon waltzed out of the tent, a small smirk on his face. "Damn him." I muttered, glaring at the spot where he had disappeared. The maid sighed softly, gently shaking her head before she looked down at me. "Get some rest, master. We'll be back at the townhouse when you awaken." She smiled down at me. I scowled at what she called me, glaring up at her. "I'm not tired." I said petulantly.

The maid rolled her eyes at my attitude before looking down at me through a narrowed gaze. "This is for your own good." She muttered. I was about to comment on what she had said, when her eyes rippled into their icy blue. She stared hard into my eye, and I felt myself becoming tired from her gaze. "What......?" I managed to murmur out before I saw all black.

Bambi's PoV-

I watched guiltily as Ciel fell asleep in my arms, his sapphire eye closing, his head falling against my chest as small, adorable snores escaped him. I hated that I had to use my powers on him, but he left me no choice. Get better soon, Ciel. I thought, resting my forehead atop his before I continued on my to where Sebastian was waiting.


I was in the servant quarters' currently, getting changed out of the ratty old dress I had been wearing previously. I sighed in content as I slipped on my maid uniform.

Suddenly, my door flew open, making me shriek as I turned to face whoever had thrown in open. I glared at the person in the doorway. Damn you, Soma.

"Bambi! You're here!" He cried, throwing himself on me, while blubbering. Agni appeared behind him and waved at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Good morning, Soma. How have you been?" I asked politely, gently prying him off my person. "Now is not the time for greetings! Ciel is sick!" I sighed at his words. "I know, Soma. I was there when he got sick." I said, crossing my arms across my chest. "Well, he is going to leave the townhouse!" He cried, making me stand up straighter. "Over my dead body." I growled out, stomping over to the young earl's door. "That's a bit morbid..." Soma muttered, following after me. "I can't have him getting even more sick than he already is!" I said, exasperated.

Just as the door in front of me opened up, I took my position.

Ciel's PoV-

Sebastian opened the door, revealing something I least expected.

Bambi was standing before, using her body to block the doorway. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her legs spread apart. A snarl was set on her face as she glared at me with her violet eyes. "Not so fast, master." She growled out, shocking me with her tone.

"Don't assume you'll have an easy time escaping the town house I protect!" I felt my face drop at Soma's words, watching as the moronic prince popped out from behind my maid. "I know you've caught a cold. As the viceroy of this estate and your dear friend, I cannot allow it!" Soma insisted, taking multiple steps towards me until he was in my face, making me take steps away from him. The annoying prince just followed me as I moved back until I shook my head at his words, stamping my cane into the ground in annoyance. "Who made you my 'dear friend'? Don't be daft! And don't drag Bambi into this mess either!" I scowled, walking past the prince, heading towards the door. Just as I stepped in front of Agni, the prince called out once again. "Agni! Don't let Ciel pass you!"

"Listen you fools! I have work to do, I don't have time to play games!" I shouted, ending my small rant with a series of coughs. I looked up, locking eyes with Bambi. Concern swam within her gaze. "A sick person's job is to stay in bed and be looked after!" Soma shouted, catching my attention. I inhaled deeply, preparing to yell at them some more when I broke down into coughs. Bambi gasped softly while Agni and Sebastian began to argue. As I began to black out, I felt a soft, familiar embrace surround me.


I woke up to see the familiar white ceiling of my room in the townhouse. I still felt awful, but it seemed to be nighttime at the moment. I looked over to my side, and felt my eye widen.

Bambi was sleeping on the chair that was next to my bed. She had a frown on her face, as though she was uncomfortable in the position she was in. Coming to an easy decision, I gathered my strength and at up, pushing down a series of coughs that threatened to erupt from my raw throat. I sat on the edge of my bed and gently hopped down, almost collapsing as my weak legs struggled to hold me up. I slowly made my way over to Bambi, before climbing into the over-sized chair. The chair easily held the two of us as I snuggled into Bambi, curling into her lap.

"Ciel...?" She muttered, keeping her voice low. I closed my eyes, already feeling tired. "I just.....don't want to be alone...." I murmured sleepily. A soft sigh came from my maid before I felt something wrap around me. Whatever it was, it was cold, and it felt nice on my burning skin. "Get well soon, Ciel." I felt something soft brush against my forehead, making me sigh softly.

Unable to fall asleep, I let my thoughts run amuck for a bit. I thought about Bambi. About why she affects me so much. My thoughts drifted over to the times when I had thought I lost her and how I felt then. I thought about how I felt when she had come back to me. My thoughts then drifted to how I felt around her; the way she makes me blush at the little things she does, the way my stomach erupts into butterflies the moment she enters the room,, the way my heart races at her touch, how I long to be around her, how my arms ache to hold her, and finally, how my heart screams for her.

A lone thought struck me then, as I thought about all those things:

I love Bambi.

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