BoM Part 2

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No One's PoV-

Bambi shivered from the cold as she fell against the trunk of a nearby tree. The rain seeped into her dress, soaking it, and making her even colder. The devil in her head was screaming at her, giving her a headache. The cold was making her tired, and as she leaned against the trunk, the hard bark bit harshly at her skin. I'll just close my eyes for a bit. I'll be fine. She thought to herself, her eyes fluttering closed. The beast's cries faded out as her mind began to shut down.

Ciel's sapphire eye squinted as he caught sight of a figure hunched down in the rain, leaning against a tree. His heart racing as the harsh droplets pelted him, the young earl rushed over to the person, clenching his teeth when he saw who it was. "You stupid girl." He whispered out, crouching down near her. In an easy movement, he picked her up, holding the girl with one hand under her knees, and the other supporting her shoulders. Sensing his warmth, she nuzzled into Ciel's chest, making a deep red stain his cheeks as heat rushed into them. Shaking his head, he gave a small smile to the sleeping girl, before turning on his heel and walking back to the manor.

Upon getting to the manor, the door was immediately opened for him by Finny, who gazed down at the unconcious girl in worry. "She's probably tired from the excitement of the past few days." Was all the earl said as the servant frowned down at him. As Ciel turned to began his walk to the servant's quarters, Finny's voice called out to him. "Y-Young Master?" Ciel turned his head slightly, giving a look of questioning to the older boy. "While you were looking for Bambi, a man showed up. He claims to know you, but says he won't talk until you're" The gardener looked down the ground, awkwardly shuffling as the earl stared him down. "Very well, I shall be there in a moment." Ciel sighed, before turning away and making his way to Bambi's room.

Walking into the room, Ciel shivered. "Damn, why is it so cold in here?" He cursed, shaking his head lightly as he gently laid Bambi down, before pulling the covers over her. "Get some rest." He said, gently kissing her head, before pulling away.

He stopped when her fingers wrapped around his own, preventing him from leaving. Fighting down a blush, he looked down at the girl, only to see her groggily looking up at him. "Ciel." She whispered out. He leaned in closer to better hear her softly spoken words.

"I can be cured."

Ciel wrenched his head back in shock, staring at the girl with wide-eyes as she fell back asleep. "'Cured'?" He muttered to himself, his mind racing. "She can be human again..?"

A part of him didn't want that. He didn't want her to lose her unique qualities that she had. But, then again, she'll always be herself, there's no changing that. She just wouldn't be able to protect as well anymore, which the earl was fine with. He was sick of seeing her getting hurt at his expense.

Ciel looked down at the girl, determination sparking in his sapphire gaze.

"If there is a way to cure you, I will find it."


Bambi's PoV-

My head feels...foggy. My throat....raw. Nothing feels right at all. It feels like I'm a step behind the world as it spins around.

My eyes snap open and I lurch up, coughing violently into my elbow. I felt my body shake as I hugged my knees to my chest, holding in the rest of the coughs. Breathing heavily, I wait for my body to settle before I look up. Slightly surprised to see that I was in my room, I glance around for any sign of someone in the room with me. Finding none, I quickly jump out of bed and winced at the feeling of my uniform. It was soaked, and sticking to me like a second skin. There were small holes in the dress, and it looked to have been dragged along the ground by a carriage. Shuddering at the freezing cold the wet uniform gave off, I quickly shed my clothing and dried off with a nearby towel I use for when I take baths. Sighing softly at the ruined outfit, I toss the torn up uniform to the side for now. "That must have happened while I ran in the rain..." I muttered to myself, already putting on a fresh uniform.

Once I was finished getting dressed, I stepped out of my room and took in a big sniff, catching Ciel's scent immediately. As I followed his scent to a guest room, I frowned slightly. I'll have to apologize later to him for giving him the trouble of running through the rain to find me. I stopped before the door where Ciel's scent was the strongest. Why does it smell like Sebastian...? I furrowed my brows in thought as I gently pushed open the door.

Other than me, there were four people in the room; Ciel, Arthur, Charles Grey, and a strange man whom I've never seen before. The new man was the only acing me, and as soon as we made eye contact, I saw his eyes flash a familiar demonic pink. Well. I suppose that answers that then.

"No human can leave in this storm, after all." 'Sebastian' said, giving a slightly mischievous smirk towards the young earl. "That's a rather cryptic statement." Arthur frowned at the hidden demon, his eyebrows furrowed. "Capturing Mr. Phelps' killer is our priority. It will require two things. One is that we wait until nightfall. As for the other..." He trailed off with a demonic smirk directed at me. "For that...I need your assistance." He smiled nodded to me. I felt my eyes widen immensely.

"M-My assistance?! Whatever for, sir?" I spoke up, ignoring the way the other three in the room jumped at the sudden sound of my voice. Ciel turned around, his eyes widening in horror at the sight of me. "I'll tell you why this evening, madam. However, I will also need your help, my lord." Sebastian explained, nodding to Ciel. I watched as the young earl clenched his fists, and I felt a faint spike of annoyance burst through the cloudiness in my mind.

"In any matter, I suppose it's time to see the butler." Grey said, leading the group out of the room and towards another. Sebastian opened the door to the room, and my eyes immediately landed on the covered up body in the middle of the floor.

"I believe you said that he was fatally stabbed after receiving a blow to the head. I'll just take a closer look." He said, walking towards the body and kneeling beside it to lift the covers. Just as the demon's hand grabbed the sheet, I heard Ciel gasp, and my eyes snapped to the side to look at him. His hand was placed over his mouth and he wobbled for a moment until he landed on me, grabbing my arm to keep himself upright. Out of reflex, I wrapped my arms around his middle to keep him standing, looking down at the earl in concern. "Master?" I whimpered out, watching as Arthur and Grey turned to face us.

"I apologize. I'm finding it tries my nerves to keep seeing Sebastian's body like this." Ciel said, his hand gripping my arm even tighter as he spoke. "I'm all finished." Sebastian said, catching the attention of everyone in the room. As I righted Ciel to his feet, I heard Grey begin to speak, "Oh, look at that! It's almost time for dinner. I shall see you downstairs."

As we all left the room, I turned to face the demon in disguise as he spoke to Ciel, Arthur, and I. "You three go on ahead, I must prepare for tonight's festivities." He said. I watched as Ciel and Arthur nodded before they began to walk down towards the dining hall. As I moved to begin my trek to the kitchen, I was stopped by Sebastian. "Bambi, if you would, please call me by Jeremy until further notice." The demon advised. With a soft smile, I nodded and gathered some energy before attempting to speed off to the kitchen.

Keyword 'attempting'.

I instantly found myself panting heavily on the floor, just a few feet away from where I had just stood. The fog in my mind was thicker, my throat rawer. "Wha..." My waned off into a pitiful whimper. Opening my mouth, I tried to speak, only to hear a raspy breath is the only thing I could form. Great...I've lost my voice.... I rolled my eyes as I struggled to stand. Was this because of the rain? There was silence to my unspoken question. Beast? Are you there..? There was no answer other than a very faint groan in the back of my mind.

With a soft sigh, I shook my head and slowly made my way down to the kitchen. Upon getting there, I found Jeremy, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard standing around the table. "I can't believe I forgot until now!" Mey-Rin cried, shocking me as I stepped up to the table. "Earlier, when we ladies were looking through each other's rooms, I happened upon something terrible!" She said, catching my attention. "Terrible, eh?" Jeremy asked, raising a fine eyebrow at her. "Ms. Diaz had a suspicious bottle in her things. It was filled with a dark red liquid!" I stiffened at the revelation. "Everyone said Mr. Phelps got bit on the neck, so when I saw that bottle, I couldn't help but think..." She cuts off into a whimper. "Yes, I see, that is quite intriguing indeed." Jeremy hummed thoughtfully, rubbing his chin with his hand. "And Ms. Diaz told me they keep their courtship a secret because she's twelve years older than Mr. Keane." She continued on. "And you know what they say about vampires... Well... They don't ever age none, do they?" I clenched my jaw as Mey-Rin finished, before glancing towards Finny, whose worried gaze was on me. "Huh. A vampire among us. I have no doubt that would be a fascinating experience indeed." His snide comment earned a sharp glare from me, and his mouth twitched up into a smile. "I am afraid there is a simple explanation for what you saw though." Jeremy said. "Oh? Is there? Really?" Mey-Rin asked, leaning forward. "Yes, there is, and I shall reveal it to you this evening. But, back to dinner. That is where we should be concentrating our efforts." Jeremy grinned, taking off his jacket as he prepared t help us.


"Ah.... What an excellent meal! I couldn't eat another bite!" I stared at Grey, flabbergasted at the twenty odd plates he had stacked around him. Once everyone was finished sharing their praises of the food, Jeremy was asked to share his theory with everyone at the table.

"No need to rush. As I said before, I need the earl and his young maid's assistance if he'll be so kind." The vicar reminded, gently dabbing his mouth with his napkin. At the mention of me, Ciel's eye narrowed ever so slightly. "What is it you need us to do?" The young earl asked, his guard up.

"Not very much, my lord..." I felt a bad feeling grow in the pit of my stomach.

"Simply undress."

My eyes were wide and I felt my jaw drop as heat rushed to my cheeks.

There was silence for all of six seconds.

"PARDON?!" Ciel shouted, his blue eye burning with rage as he shot up from his seated position.


"Now listen carefully. You mustn't speak, or move a muscle, not on any account."

"Close your eyes and remain perfectly still. Do no more than breathe until I give you the word."

"So much as a twitch, and you may find your life forfeit to our investigative gamble."

I felt so strange, just lying there underneath the covers of Ciel's bed. The only thing that stopped me from panicking was the scent of the earl that surrounded me as I lay there. The more I stayed still, the more I could feel the fatigue creeping up on me.

"Do it now!" The call snapped me back into action, and I kicked the blankets off of me, tripping over the edge of the bed as I scrambled to get away from the attacker. As I fell from the bed, I hit my head against the floor.

All went black.

Ciel's PoV-

"Pardon the intrusion, but I've been sent to inform you that they've apprehended the murderer." I raised my head at Tanaka's voice, watching as Grey walked in behind him. "We've got the guilty party in custody, all right." He said, stepping aside to let Jeremy into the room. My eyes widened at the sight of a large grey snake writhing in the demon's hands. "Allow me to introduce our killer."

"A-A snake?" I gasped, watching the slithery creature as it tried to escape the clutches of the demon. As everyone else voice their opinions, my mind raced as my eyes scanned for any sign of Bambi.

"I realize how incredible it must sound, but the creature truly did attack the lady here when she was wearing your clothing." Arthur announced, walking into the room with my maid in his arms, unconscious. I had to stop myself from ripping her out of his grasp. "And my maid? What happened to her?" I clenched my jaw as I glared at the demon. "Hm? Oh, well upon trying to escape the fangs of this snake, she slipped and hit her head. he should wake any moment now." Jeremy said signaling Arthur to put her down.

Just as he bent down to put her on the floor, I stepped off of the bed and reached for her myself. Holding back a scoff when the man widened his eyes, I gently laid her down on the bed after climbing back into it. As the demon began explained the type of snake it was, I let my eye drift over the sleeping vampire.

She was wearing the black suit that I had been wearing just minutes before. It was tight on her, seeing as she had curves I did not. I gulped at the thought and tore my gaze away before it could betray the blank expression on my face.

While everyone was paying attention to the theory that Sebastian was spitting out, I sneakily, and gently, grabbed Bambi's hand, softly stroking the back of her soft skin with my thumb.

At least she's safe.... I thought to myself, giving her a brief, yet tender, glance.

No One's PoV-

Blazing eyes watched from the window as the earl held the maid's hand. "Safe for now." A voice growled out.


Bambi's PoV-

I found myself whimpering in pain as I curled into a ball underneath familiar sheets. "Bambi?" I stilled at the sound of Ciel's voice calling for me. A soft sigh came from my right. "You certainly know how to worry me, don't you?" His voice was gentle, and I felt a hand softly set down on where my head would be. "You really need to stop that." He whispered out playfully. "Well, in any case, you missed one hell of a funeral." He stopped himself short from continuing with an annoyed sigh. "Damn, now that demon has me doing it too." I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face.

With a giggle, I slowly sit up, looking into the sapphire gaze of my master. His eyes shined with relief and I saw his shoulders sag slightly, as though a weight had been lifted from them. "You're awake." He breathed, the corners of his lips twitching up into a smile. "I apologize for worrying you, master. But I can't promise that won't happen again." I stated seriously, not breaking eye contact with him. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, his eye narrowing slightly.

A frown crossed my face as I let my eyes flash into their threatening icy blue shade, and felt my fangs drop from my gums. "I made a promise to protect you with my life. And I will hold myself to that promise, no matter what you say against it, master."

Ciel held my gaze for a moment, before he looked away, closing his eye regally with a sigh. "Bambi?" He started, looking back up at me. I tilted my head, nodding for him to continue.

"Have you ever heard of the Campania?"

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