Episode 1

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Black covered the extent of my vision, making me release a groan. With a heavy sigh, I opened my eyes to see the barren cement walls that made up my room. A small wooden wardrobe sat at the opposite end of my room, across from my bed. The plain white sheets of my bed were wrapped around my legs, constricting my movement. Growling at the sheets, I scuffled with them before finally getting freedom, although I had fallen on the ground in the process.

Scowling at my bed, I stand up, brushing off my white nightgown. I walk over to the wooden hanger that held my maid's uniform and start to get dressed, starting with the devil's contraption known as a corset. After much struggling and biting my lip to keep in my screams, I managed to get the stupid thing on. With my intestines now gasping for air, I quickly put on my navy blue maid's dress, slipping on my white apron and frilly lace headband. As I stepped out the door, I quickly stepped into my small black boots to complete my uniform.

As soon as I stepped out into my hallway, I bumped into a taller, muscular body. A blush rose to my face as I looked up to see who it was. "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright Mimi!" The well-known nickname made a soft smile appear on my face. As my eyes peered up into the person's face, I was met with shining turquoise eyes. The smile on my face grew more apparent when my violet eyes met with his beautiful bluish ones. "Good morning, Fin Fin." I said, giving him my award-winning smile, which he returned ten-fold. "Good morning, Mimi!" He said, his grin growing even wider, if it was at all possible. "Off to the garden are you?" I asked, eyeing the bucket in his hands. "Yup! I have to water the flowers before Sebastian gets onto me about it, bye Mimi!" He replied, walking away speedily. With a smirk on my face, I started in the opposite direction, "You've got weed killer in your watering can, not water!" A strangled sound came from behind me as I pictured his dumbfounded face, making me giggle as I walked away.

My laughter died out as I walked further down the hall, the long strings of my ribbon swaying back and forth as I made my way to the kitchen, walking through the entry hallway to get there. A sharp crashing sound and the breaking of china reached my ears, making me clench my teeth in frustration as a deep sigh was forcefully exhaled through my nose. I pushed the giant mahogany doors open, only to come across a scene that I have witnessed many times.

Mey-Rin was laying on the ground surrounded by dozens of broken china, a tipped over serving cart was a few feet away. My eye twitched, and although a fond smile made it's way onto my face, I shook it away and rushed over to help the clumsy maid up. "Oh Mey-Rin, you really should be more careful, you're going to injure yourself if you keep falling like this!" I reprimanded her, gently pulling the red-haired klutz up from the sea of ceramics around her. "I'm very sorry Bambi, yes I am! I didn't mean to I swear!" She wailed, her voice carrying throughout the manor. "You never do Mey-Rin! And hush! You'll wake the young master if you talk so loudly." I spoke, hushing her before Sebastian could waltz down the stairs and call her out on the mess. The woman's beautiful honey colored orbs were hidden behind her thick glasses, which had a prominent crack running down the middle of the right lens. "Mey-Rin, go get another tea set for Sebastian to serve to the young master please. I'll take care of this mess." I said, shooing her away and into the kitchen while keeping an ear out for the earl's butler. Quickly scanning the room for anyone inside, I take a deep breath before feeling a burst of energy inside me. With a smirk, I use that energy to speedily clean up the broken cups and saucers, sweeping them up into my hands before shoving them into the folds of my dress, to be taken care of later.

"Wow Mimi! You're fast! I barely even saw you moving!" I froze as Finny's voice reached my ears. My heart beating furiously in my chest as I turned to the taller teen. A nervous chuckle came out of my throat when our eyes met. "I loved running when I was younger, I guess I'm just really fast because of it." I spoke, the lie burning in my chest as I gazed upon the strawberry blonde before me. Guilt swelled within me as I saw that Finny had accepted my lie. "That makes sense Mimi! Well, now that I have water, I'm going to actually water the flowers." Finny said, an embarrassed blush rising to his face as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. A chuckle rose to my throat and a smile stretched across my face as he scurried away and towards the garden. Shaking my head at the two unique servants, I finish making my way through the entry hall and quietly stepped into the kitchen, it was surprisingly not blown up or charred in any way, which means that Bard has not been in here yet.

I get to work on washing the dishes that weren't washed the night before, when I feel a sudden heavy presence at the door. My back stiffening, I take a small sniff of the air and smell a hint of some sort of spice in the air. I relaxed when I saw a black suit in my peripheral vision. "Is there something you need Sebastian? Or would you like to just sit there and watch me wash these plates some more?" I spoke, a nearly invisible smirk lit up my face. A deep chuckle sounded from behind me, making my smirk grow. I turned to face the butler in black who stood at the doorway to the kitchen, a fake grin upon his face.

"Miss Bambi, I need you to do something for me, it's not on the usual list of your chores, but I'm afraid I can't do this particular chore for I have something more trying to take care of." He said, bowing slightly to me before righting himself and looking me in the eyes. I narrowed my eyes slightly at him and tilted my head to the side, my long brown hair falling over my shoulder as I moved. "What exactly is this chore, Sebastian?" He just smirked at my question. As his crimson eyes gazed at me, suspicion grew in my chest. "Make the young master's breakfast for me, I have to go and run some errands in town. Also, wake and dress the young master when you've finished with his meal, tell Mey-Rin to set the table while you wake him." My heart froze at his words. I had never woken the young master before or cooked food for him, Sebastian wouldn't let anyone else do that. That annoying demon knows that he's putting me in an awkward situation. I thought, scowling at his request. "Yes Sebastian, is there anything in particular you would like me to cook for him?" I ask, bowing. "No, just make something suitable for him." The butler stated, walking out the door and leaving me with a pout on my lips.

I get to work on making the young master's breakfast, nothing too extravagant, just a Puits d'Amour with Crème Pâtissière and Raspberry Jam. All it is, is a small personal pie with a creme filling and a raspberry spread on the top of the golden crust. As I put the pie into the oven, Bard walked in, his normal cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth. "Ah Bambi! What are you up to, huh? You do know that a chef's kitchen is his temple, right?" He said, leaning on the wall, the smoke from the cigarette filling the room. "I'm sorry Bard, Sebastian ordered me to make the young master's breakfast." I revealed, pouting. Bard laughed at my pout, which made it turn into a scowl. "It's alright Bambi, I was just pulling your leg." He said, chuckling as he straightened himself from his position on the wall.

I shook my head at him as he walked out the door to do God knows what. I frowned at my sudden thought. There is no God in this hellhole of a world. My shoulders fell as I thought about what had happened to me before Sebastian had offered the job of a maid to me. I quickly shook off the growing sadness and pulled the pie out of the oven when I realized that it had been beeping. Taking a deep inhale of the pie, I smiled at the mouthwatering scent. I set the hot meal on a silver platter and covered it with a matching dome lid. I set it on the serving tray and swiftly made some Earl Gray tea for the young master as a wake up call. I pushed the serving tray out of the kitchen and into the dining hall, leaving the cart by the table and taking the tea tray with me to the young master's bedroom.

At the young master's door, I take a deep breath to ready myself and knock three times, as per Sebastian's instructions. When no answer was given, I walked into his room, fighting down a blush. This is so inappropriate! When Sebastian gets back I'm going to kill him! I thought, my battle with the blush becoming a losing one as I spotted the young earl sleeping soundly in his extravagant bed. Quickly shaking off my nervousness, I set the tea platter on his bedside table and walk over to the navy curtains to draw them. A soft whimper caught my attention as my hands gripped the soft cloth of the curtains. Releasing the cloth, I turn to the young teen in the bed behind me.

The navy haired boy was tossing and turning in his sleep, his face contorted with what seemed to be pain. My heart clenched when another pitiful whimper came from the boy. I didn't even realize that my body had moved on it's own until I sat on the bed beside him. As Ciel tossed and turned in a never-ending nightmare, I reached out with my right hand and rested it on his head, in his soft navy hair. I stroked his head softly, hoping to erase his fears as he curled into a ball under the creamy sheets that surrounded him. My hand moved down to his cheek, as I caressed it gently, his skin as smooth as the silk sheets he slept in. My heart beat faster as he unconsciously leaned into my touch, his fears finally disappearing.

Realizing what had just happened, I gently rise off the silk sheets and walk back over to the curtain, pulling it open and trying to forget about what had just occurred. Taking in another deep breath, I spread the curtains apart, allowing light to enter the room. A groan came from behind me and I turned to face Ciel. "Good morning, Young Master. I trust that you slept well?" I said, my mind going back to the incident that happened not too long ago. At my voice, he shot up and turned to me in shock, both his eyes wide open. I held in a gasp as I saw the eye that was normally hidden by the eye patch. Now I could understand why he did that. I knew Sebastian was a demon, and had my suspicions on why he was helping Ciel, but to think that they had a contract...

The other eye was a purplish blue, a great contrast to his other cerulean orb. A spiked pink ring circled around the middle of his iris, the inside held a pentagram where his pupil would be. Truth be told, both orbs were quite beautiful.

Ignoring my thoughts, and the look of shock that was still plastered on Ciel's face, I made my way over to the earl's bedside table and picked up his eye patch. "W-Why are you in here?! Where's Sebastian?" Ciel demanded. His slight stutter made me smile as I walked back over to him, standing behind him as I smoothly tied on his eye patch as though I had done it a thousand times. "Mister Sebastian has ordered me to wake and," I cleared my throat awkwardly, "dress you. I apologize for the inconvenience as Sebastian said he had work to do."

A dark blush rose to Ciel's face at my explanation, and I had to fight one down as well, although I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. I made my way across his room to where his outfit for the day was hanging. A white undershirt and forest green jacket were hanging by a pair of knee-length forest green shorts. 8 silver buttons were spread evenly along the front of the jacket and a dark blue tie was hanging around the jacket. I grab the clothes and walk back over to the still blushing earl, who seemed to be avoiding looking at me.

Trying to ignore the heavy heat that was crawling up my face, I start undressing the earl before me, taking off his white sleeping wear while trying to ignore the situation that stupid demon had us in. I swiftly remove his shirt, catching a glimpse of a red branding on his side.

The branding was a circle emblazoned into his side, just under his chest on the left side of his body. I froze and let out a shocked gasp at the familiar design, I gripped my right side as I felt a burning sensation there. Ciel looked up, alarmed at my sudden reaction, he himself covered his branding as he squinted his eye, carefully watching me with his uncovered sapphire orb. "What is it? Are you alright?" He asked, taking my actions as though I were in pain. "I-I'm fine Young Master, I apologize for that." I say, shaking off my shock and releasing my hold on my side, I continue dressing the earl, who now stared at me with a guarded look in his eye.

After I finish putting on his shirt, jacket, and pants, I slipped on his socks and clipped them to the ring around his upper leg before finally putting on his high heeled shoes. An inaudible sigh escaped me once I realized I was done dressing the boy. "Breakfast will be served down in the dining area, would you like some tea before you go down there, Young Master?" I questioned, turning to the tea platter. "Yes, I would." He replied, his monotone voice ringing in my ears. I briskly poured the tea into the teacup and handed it to him on the saucer.

He pulled the cup up to his nose, taking a quick sniff of it before pulling it down to his lips. "Earl Gray, huh?" He said, his voice barely a whisper. "What's my schedule like for today?" Ciel asked, taking a sip of his tea and closing his eye in apparent bliss. "After breakfast, Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire, will be visiting, and Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be here after lunch." I said, recalling what Sebastian had told me before he left. "Ah, yes, the man I have manufacturing stuffed animals at that factory in India?" He asked, opening his eye and looking at me, seemingly bored. "I'm told he's Italian, Young Master. We will prepare to offer him the utmost hospitality. I shall await you at the dining room table." I said, bowing before turning to take my leave. As I was halfway out the door, I stiffened, allowing my instincts to take control as I heard a soft buzzing sound. My reflexes took hold and I caught a the needle of the dart that had been thrown at me between my two fingers.

I turned to see the young master sitting on his bed, still in the position he took to throw the dart at me. I hid my frown and replaced it with a sarcastic smile. "My lord, perhaps we should save the games for later, yes?" I said forcefully, although the boy didn't seem to notice that. He simply closed his eyes and and agreed, before reopening them. With another bow, I threw the dart back towards the boy as I straightened up, causing him to fall backwards onto his bed in shock. It flew past his face and stuck into the bullseye on his dartboard. I quickly made myself scarce from the room, not wanting to see his reaction to what I had done.

Ciel's PoV-

I was having the same dream again. It was more like a nightmare, and it doesn't happen as often anymore. Sebastian learned his lesson the first time he tried to wake me up from one of them; I had stuck a gun in his face. Needless to say, he ignores it if he ever hears me scream from a nightmare.

The dream was about my time back in that horrible place, when the cult had killed and tortured all of us. When my parents were killed in that fire. I can hear their screams, the cries for help from the children. It makes me sick when I see it all happen again, and can do nothing about it because of how weak I am.

This time was different, the dream at least. Well the dream was the same. I could feel the smoldering heat from the flames, the smoke wafting around me, choking me. I found my parents sitting in that chair. The men that stole me away, their rancid breath, the iron taste of the blood in my mouth, and the only other person who I knew being taken from me and killed on the altar. The glint of the dagger as it was stabbed into the chests of the children, how red everything was. The cold bars of the iron cage I was held in.

Normally around that time in the dream, I would be reminded about my deal with Sebastian, but instead, there was a soft white light in the distance. It turned the entire room black, I could see nothing except for the ball of light that floated a few feet away from my face. I could feel the comforting warmth of it, and I wanted it. So I got up and ran towards it, but every time I got closer, it drifted further away from me. "Wait! Don't go! Don't leave me here again..." My voice trailed off when the ball stopped and miraculously wandered over to me. It stopped inches away from my face, and pressed up against my cheek. I let out a gasp.

It felt as though someone was holding my cheek. The touch was so gentle, as if the person who was holding me thought I was going to break from the slightest touch. It reminded me of when my mother would hold me whenever I got scared. I leaned into the invisible hand, relishing the feeling of comfort again. However, as quickly as it had come, it was gone. The world went dark as the ball of light disappeared completely.

Light hit my eyes, blinding me. It was warm, though not as warm as that ball of light from my dream. I realized it was sunlight, and I groaned. Damn that demon, the one time I felt somewhat happy, and he had to go and ruin it! I thought, a frown marring my face. "Good morning, Young Master. I trust that you slept well?" A female voice called out, making me freeze. I swerved around as I sat up, only to see one of my maids standing by the curtains, a bright smile on her face. Why is Bambi here?! Shouldn't Sebastian have woken me up? This may be embarrassing, but I need to be calm and collected. I watched as she walked over to my bedside table, a tea platter sat there. She grabbed my eye patch, forcing me into a realization. She saw my other eye! Dammit Sebastian! "W-Why are you in here?! Where's Sebastian?" I cringed mentally at my stutter. So much for being calm. I saw the smile on her face grow when I spoke, making my eye twitch. So, she thought that was funny? It wasn't funny...I grumbled in my mind. She walked behind me and placed the eye patch over my marked eye, before tying it as though she had done it before, shocking me. "Mister Sebastian has ordered me to wake and," She cleared her throat somewhat awkwardly, "dress you. I apologize for the inconvenience as Sebastian said he had work to do."

I felt my face heat up and knew I was blushing heavily. Sebastian is going to get a bullet through his skull for this! I saw her cheeks flush slightly, and had to hide a smirk, although I don't know why I would've smirked. She gracefully walked across my room to the outfit that I assume Sebastian had left out for her. She quickly grabs the articles of clothing and walked back to me, the ends of the ribbons of her dress gently swaying back and forth. I look away from her as she steps in front of me.

She starts with the shirt I was sleeping in, it was really more like a nightgown, but was honestly just a large shirt. She easily slipped it off me, but I felt her freeze as she did so. She gasped and stepped away, grabbing her side as she did so. Remembering my brand, I grabbed it to hide it from view and looked at the young girl. Her violet eyes were wide and her chest heaved slightly as she breathed heavily. Confusion hit me, as well as slight worry. Why am I worried? She's just a pawn. "What is it? Are you alright?" My voice seemed to snap her out of whatever revere she was in, because she quickly dropped her hand to her side and stood up straight. "I-I'm fine Young Master, I apologize for that." She spoke shakily, before she continued to dress my. I looked at her curiously. That wasn't just nothing...

She pulls the shirt and jacket on, as well as the pants, both of us were blushing heavily as she did so. The final part of my outfit was a teal colored tie, and she wrapped it around my neck, before tying it into a bow. Her hand brushed up against my cheek as she pulled away, shocking me. That touch, it was- "Breakfast will be served down in the dining area, would you like some tea before you go down there, Young Master?" She asked, cutting off my thoughts. "Yes, I would." I answered, reverting to my careless voice. She easily poured the tea and handed it to me. I pulled the cup up to my nose, taking a sniff of the sweet scent. "Earl Gray, huh?" I say, mostly to myself. "What's my schedule like for today?" I question, taking a sip of my tea and closing my eyes at the same time. "After breakfast, Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman empire, will be visiting, and Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be here after lunch." She said. "Ah, yes, the man I have manufacturing stuffed animals in India?" I asked, bored with my schedule already. "I'm told he's Italian, Young Master. We will prepare to offer him the utmost hospitality. I shall await you at the dining room table," She said, bowing quickly before turning to leave. I swiftly grabbed a dart out of it's holder and threw it at her. I didn't want to hit her, just scare her, so I aimed for the empty space by her head. Her hand moved so fast, I couldn't even see it, I only saw that she had caught the dart by the metal needle, between her two fingertips.

I was shocked at her reaction time, but didn't let it show as she turned back towards me. I was still in the position I took to throw the dart at her. She gave me what I could only describe as a sarcastic smile and spoke. "My lord, perhaps we should save the games for later, yes?" I closed my eyes and nodded, opening them to see if she had left. I was met with her bowing, and as she straightened herself up from her bow, her wrist flicked and I saw the dart heading towards me. I yelped, and fell backwards onto my bed as the dart flew past me and stuck directly into the bulls eye on my dartboard. I felt my jaw drop open and turned to Bambi to see her reaction, but she was gone. That girl is insane! She could have killed me!

I get up and walk out my door, grabbing the dart from the it's spot on the board and made my way towards the dining room. On my way, I think about what had occurred in my room, ignoring the dressing part and focusing more on the dart and the branding part of the incident. I frowned as I remembered the latter, picturing how she acted. I wondered why she grabbed her side like she did, she seemed to be in pain, not physical, but mental. I shook my head and walked into the dining area and took my seat at the head of the table.

My breakfast was laid out before me on the plate on front of me. It was a small pie, with what seemed to be raspberry jam spread along the top of it. It smelt delicious, but I didn't dig into with fervor as I wish I could've, instead, I grabbed the fork next to my plate and started to eat it. Sebastian has outdone himself on the breakfast this time. I became quickly bored and reached for the tea that sat beside me. I smirked as I felt the dart against my side. With a quick flick of my wrist, I threw the dart towards the servants, nailing Finnian in the back of the head. As the dart dug into his skull, some blood spurted from the wound, Bambi's eyes immediately shot over to me, and her violet orbs narrowed into a glare. I quickly close my visible eye and take a sip of the tea I was holding to avoid her burning gaze. Finnian's pained cries rang in my ears as he danced around in place before running up to me.

"Wh-What was that for, Young Master?!" He asked, tears leaking from his eyes. "Actually, you should have seen that coming." I spoke, setting the teacup back on its saucer. The glare from Bambi burned even harder at my words. The door opened suddenly, revealing Sebastian. Where the hell has he been? "Finny!" He called. The gardener panicked and danced around in place again when Sebastian said his name. "Have you finished weeding the courtyard?" Finnian let out a noise of confusion. "Mey-Rin, have you washed the sheets?" Mey-Rin, who was blushing at Sebastian's arrival, started to press her two index fingers together and laughed nervously. "Bard, weren't you supposed to be preparing for dinner?" Bard smirked, "Damn." He spoke, rubbing the back of his head. "Tanaka," Sebastian started, turning towards the older butler who was sipping tea in his chibi form, "Well, you're all right as you are." He sighed. "Bambi," Sebastian spoke, facing the violet eyed maid to my right. In turn, she looked at him, a bit irked at him, probably for forcing her to dress me. "Watch over the young master for the day." He finished. Bambi nodded her submission to his order. "Everyone, if you have the time to dawdle about here, use it to do your jobs!" Sebastian shouted, scaring the three incompetent servants out the door to do their jobs. "Honestly..." He muttered, watching them run out the door.

I merely bit into the pie that was in front of me, finishing up the last bit of my breakfast. I get up to head out the door as Bambi cleans up what was left of my meal. Before I step out the door, I turn to Sebastian, "That was one of your better meals, Sebastian. Why haven't you made it before?" I asked, eyeing the butler. Bambi flinched at my words, making me turn towards her. "Actually My Lord, I-" "He didn't make because he wasn't sure if you would have liked it, Young Master." Bambi cut him off, making Sebastian widen his eyes in shock. I looked between the two before shaking my head and walking away, back up to my office. I head up the stairs of the entry hall and pass the painting of my mother and father.

I stop walking on the second set of stairs and look back at it, scoffing, I turn away and continue my path to my office.

Bambi's PoV-

I had followed Sebastian into the kitchen where he started to polish silverware. I scraped the leftover food from Ciel's meal into the trash, and set the dishes in the sink, turning to Sebastian to help him polish. "Why didn't you inform the young master that you had made his breakfast?" He asked, his crimson gaze looking at me from the corner of his eyes. "It doesn't matter who cooks his meal, as long as it gets to him, correct?" I state, glancing at the demon beside me.

"The silver is polished to a mirror like gloss, the tablecloth is brand new and wrinkle-free. I've removed all the bruised blossoms from the master's favorite white roses so that they look beautiful. And I've prepared lavish amounts of all the carefully chosen ingredients for the cornerstone of good hospitality: dinner. This is the first-class hospitality of the Phantomhives."

I looked at Sebastian with a 'what the hell is wrong with you' face, when he saw, his mouth opened a bit, before he awkwardly chuckled. A bell's ring made us both look towards the wall of golden bells that connect to each room, in case the master has need of us. The one for his study is ringing. "My goodness, calling for me when I'm so busy." He said, putting down what he was doing and gesturing for me to follow him.

We get to the master's office and walk in. He was sitting at his desk, looking small, yet slightly intimidating in the larger chair. His elbows were on his desk, his hands linked together and sitting just under his chin. "I'm hungry. I want something sweet." His words forced me to bite my lip in order to hide a smirk from him. His sapphire orb stared at Sebastian expectantly. "You shouldn't, young master. You have dinner with your guest tonight." He said, trying to convince Ciel to stop eating so many sweets. He may act all tough, but he's still a kid Sebastian, he loves his sweets. "I don't care. Make me a parfait or something." Ciel demanded, closing his eye. Sebastian stood firm in his decision, "You really should not."

Ciel scoffed at his butler's decision and stood up. "Oh, and about the portrait in the hall.."


"Take it down."

Sebastian reeled back a bit in shock, before returning to his previous position. "I, Ciel Phantomhive, am head of the house now." His words made Sebastian smirk before he bowed. "Very good, my lord." Sebastian walked out of the room, giving me the gesture to stay here and follow out the order he had given me earlier. One quick glance at Ciel showed me that he still stood with his back to me, looking out the window. "Bambi," Ciel started, "I got a new game shipped this morning. I wish to play it, it's in the cupboard with the others." He stated, turning his head to me. I nodded and made my way to the cupboard of games. I pulled out the top one and set it up in his front room, between two chairs.

We had played the game a total of 8 times, Ciel winning 6 of the eight, and me winning the last two we had played. As we were about to start another game, I heard footsteps down the hall, and my head snapped towards the door, my long brown hair whipping around my face. "What is it Bambi?" Ciel asked. I recognized Tanaka's soft footsteps, followed by a heavier thumping of someone new. I turned back towards Ciel, "It appears your guest has arrived, young master. I apologize, but I cannot play with you any longer, I shall set up the game for you and Mr. Damiano." I said, getting up and moving the pieces back to the start of the game.

Ciel pouted as I did this, making a giggle bubble within my throat, thankfully, the arrival of Mr. Damiano didn't let that giggle escape. The guest sat down in the seat I was previously in, and I stood by Ciel's side as he and Mr. Damiano started the game.

Ciel moved his piece across the board after he spun the dial. "The progress of spinning technology in East India is truly astonishing. We're also developing quite a top-notch staff-" Damiano was cut off by Ciel, "'You are bewitched by the eyes of the dead.' Rotten luck. I lose a turn." Damiano was stunned for a second, before he continued on with his story. "Now is the perfect opportunity! We'd like to expand our company and secure a labor force-" "It's your turn." As Ciel once again cut off his guest, I had to bite my lip to hold in my laughter. "Ah, yes, then if you'll excuse me..." Damiano trailed off, reaching for the spinner that acted as a die. "All right, five spaces." He said, moving his piece along the board. "So, if I might ask for your support in the form of another 12,000 pounds. I believe it would be a profitable venture for you, my lord." I held in a growl as I glared at the man who sat across from Ciel. "I would like to become a vehicle for the Funtom Company to make an even bigger name for itself in South Asia-" "'You lose a leg in the enchanted forest'" Ciel reads out, staring at Damiano. Said man looks up, confused. "It's your turn again. I lost a turn, remember?" Ciel said, his gaze burning holes into Damiano's head.. "O-Oh, quite." He stuttered, spinning the dial once again. "Right, six..." He said, starting to move his piece. "No, that's three." Ciel spoke, his hands folded on his lap. "What? But..." Damiano started, clearly befuddled by how the game works. "You lost a leg, remember? From now on, you can only go half the number of spaces" Ciel revealed, making Damiano laugh nervously. "This is quite a severe board game. Isn't there any way to regain my leg?" He asks, holding his piece in the air above the board. "Once you've lost something, you never get it back." Ciel said lowly, before he grabbed Damiano's piece from his gloved hand and pressing it down on the space he was supposed to go to. "'Your body is burnt by the raging flames.'" Ciel read aloud, his cerulean orb looking up at the man across from him. Damiano gasped and looked down at the picture on the board.

Sebastian thankfully walked through the door at that particular moment, "Dinner is served." He said, forcing our attention on him. "Ah, the dinner in the stone garden? I've been eagerly awaiting it." Damiano said, as I moved to his chair to help him out of it. I pulled out his chair as he stood, accidentally tripping him, although I don't know how. He swiftly grabbed my arm to straighten himself out. I open my mouth to apologize when he whispers into my ear, "Perhaps if I must stay the night, I could call you in to keep me company pretty little thing."

His words made my face flush with rage and my jaw dropped. "Then we'll finish playing later." Ciel's words made me pull away from Damiano, who had given me a reason to hate the man even more than I already do. "I'm not sure we need to finish it; it's clear that I'll lose." He said as I made my way back to Ciel, trying to stay far away from the older man. "It's not my style to abandon a game halfway through." He said, walking towards the door.

"How childish." Damiano's words made my head snap towards him, the hate in my chest burning stronger at his words. Ciel heard his words as well, because he turned back towards Damiano. "I mean, the flexible heart of a child is required of a craftsman. That must be what made the Phantomhives the nation's foremost toy makers. You certainly impress me!" He said, trying to save himself. I let a scowl cover my face as the man walks past me, catching the earl's eye. He gives me a questioning look, but I just shake my head at him, trying to get him to ignore it. Besides, if I know these two, that man won't be here much longer, this so called 'meeting' seems as though it's for something more, as though Ciel knew something I didn't.

We step outside and into the garden for dinner, well, Ciel and Mr. Damiano are eating, Sebastian and I are standing to our young master's right and left respectively. When I had first stepped out into the garden, I was astonished by the way it looked. Crushed up gravel covered the expanse of the garden, circular patterns were carved into the sand around several large boulders. A small deck that carried the table had rectangular lanterns covering the edges. A white tablecloth covered the long table in front of the earl and his guest. I stood by Ciel's side as Sebastian stood of to the side of the middle of the table with Mey-Rin.

"On tonight's menu is a finely-chopped raw beef donburi from our chef Bardroy." Sebastian said, after placing down bowls filled with raw meat. Ciel and I stared into the bowl, shocked, before I let a quiet giggle slip out, catching his attention. He looked sharply at me, although I saw no venom in his gaze, just a hint of amusement instead. "And this is...dinner..?" Damiano asked, clearly confused. I felt a growing pit in my stomach. Here we go again...

"Yes. Are you familiar with it? A traditional cuisine passed down in Japan since ancient times! A treat offered to someone who has done work of note as a sign of gratitude and appreciation! That is the food we call the donburi bowl!" Sebastian said, adding extreme dramatics to his description. "I'm bowled over!" Damiano's small shout came from the other side of the table. "We devised this scheme to show but a small token of our thanks for your devoted efforts on behalf of the Funtom Company." Sebastian finished, with a fake smile on his face. A whisper off to my right caught my attention, "That's our Sebastian!" I glance over to see Tanaka, Bard, and Finny hiding in a nearby bush. What the heck are they.....is that grass?! Taped to their foreheads?!

"That's the legendary first-rate Phantomhive hospitality for you!" Damiano said, amazed by Sebastian's story. A quick glance towards Ciel showed me that he was digging into his bowl of meat. "We've prepared a wine whose bouquet won't clash with the scent of soy sauce. Mey-Rin" Sebastian revealed, giving the clumsy maid the 'okay' to start pouring the wine. I watched on in confusion as she just stood there, seemingly in her own head. Sebastian sighed and said her name again. "Y-Yes, Sir!" She replied. Sebastian leaned in close to her, whispering to her what I could only assume is an order for her to pour the wine. My heart sunk to my stomach as her face flamed red and she wobbled over to the table. My fears easily came true as she poured the wine, missing the glass completely. I held in a gasp at her actions, but thankfully Damiano was digging into his meal, oblivious to her mistake. I looked to Ciel and Sebastian, they stood there in shock, watching the purple liquid creep over the tablecloth and closer to the lap of our guest. In an instinctual move, I grabbed the edge of the covering that was closest to me and pulled back as hard as I could. My heart was racing in my chest as the cloth pulled out from under the dishes and towards me, the glasses and plates still atop the moving cloth. As soon as the other end of the tablecloth was within my grasp, I folded it quickly and handed it off to Sebastian, who was about to do the same thing I did. I held my breath as Damiano looked up from his meal, the bowl now empty, his face filled with shock as he saw the tablecloth was now in Sebastian's hands. "Hmm? Where did the tablecloth go?" He asked, as Mey-Rin was dragged away by the servants.

"I saw a speck of dirt on the tablecloth, so I had it removed. Please pay no mind." Ciel explained, his head bowed. Sebastian and I bowed in turn at the earl's words. "My deepest apologies, Sir. Please take your time and enjoy your dinner." The butler said, convincing our guest to ignore everything that had occurred. "Well...I'm staggered, Lord Phantomhive. What a truly able man your butler is." Damiano laughed, making me cringe at the sound. "He merely did what was proper as my servant." Ciel replied, a smirk growing on his face. I mentally groaned at what Sebastian would do next. "My master is quite right. You see, I am merely one hell of a butler." I rolled my eyes and Ciel scoffed at his butler.

We made our way back to the game room and Ciel and Damiano both sat in their respective seats. "My, I thoroughly enjoyed that! Now then, about that contract.." Damiano started, only to be cut off by Ciel, "Before that, we must finish our game."

"A-Ah, quite. But I'm afraid I have another appointment to go to..."

"Children are avid for games. You know that as well as I do."

Damiano nodded at Ciel's words, "In that case, might I ask to borrow your telephone for a moment first?" At Ciel's nod, Damiano listened to his directions on where to find the phone, before standing and heading out the door. As he walked past me, he gave me a look that made my stomach churn before he turned away and went to open the door, but Sebastian had beaten him to it. "I've brought tea." He said, a fake smile on his face as he pushed the gleaming silver cart into the room. "I'll be right back." Damiano grumbled, walking past the demonic butler.

After Sebastian had poured the tea for Ciel, said boy picked up the cup and went to sip it. He pulled away from his lips, a disgusted look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at his reaction. "What is this? The aroma is so weak." He complained, staring into the light brown heated water. "I've brought Italian tea in deference to our guest." Sebastian explained. "Italian tea?" Ciel questioned. "In Italy coffee is the mainstream drink, so it's difficult to find high-quality teas there. Is it not to your liking, my lord?" Sebastian asked, after explaining to Ciel. Ciel stared into the cup, looking at his own reflection, "No. It isn't." He replied.

"I'll go prepare the pudding." Sebastian stated, setting the tea down on the tray and turning to face Ciel. "Yes, let him enjoy the Phantomhive hospitality to its fullest." Ciel spoke, a conniving smirk set upon his face. Sebastian bowed at his master's request, "Yes, my lord." He said, bowing. As he straightened himself, I caught a glimpse of his eyes before he turned to walk away. They were a glowing pink, and his pupils had turned to slits. Just as I thought. I was always one to trust my instincts, and once again, they've proven me right.

Sebastian had walked out the door, leaving Ciel and I in silence. "Let's play another game, Bambi." His words pulled me from my thoughts and I turned towards him. "What about Mr. Damiano, Sir?" I asked, glancing at the empty seat across from us. "That man won't be coming back, trust me. Let's finish the game we had been playing before he interrupted us." I nodded, confused about what he said about our guest. As I set up the game, I sat down, internally cringing at the warmth the man had left behind. We took our turns, and as I watched Ciel move his piece ahead of mine, a scream rang in my ears. My head snapped towards the door, catching Ciel's attention. "What is it?" He asked, his head tilting at my actions. "N-Nothing, young master. I thought I heard a scream, that's all." I stuttered, shaking my head and focusing on the game in front of me.

Only a few minutes later, another scream echoed throughout the manor, louder than before. "MAMMA MIA!!"

My head whipped towards the window where the scream originated from. Ciel raised his head and glanced out the window. I chanced a look at him, and was surprised to see a smirk on his face. His shoulders shook and he burst into laughter. The sound of his laughter made my heart skip a beat and I had to fight down a blush. He opened his eye, which had closed when he was laughing, and locked his gaze onto me. "What an ugly scream. He sounds like a strangled pig. He sells the factory without telling me, and then he says he wants to 'secure a labor force'? Did he really think he could keep that a secret? That stupid trickster.." Ciel spoke, trailing off at the end. He leaned forwards and moved his gargoyle to the space he had spun to. The tile read 'Happy End' meaning that he had won the game, and I had lost. Ciel knocked over his piece, a frown marring his face. Violet clashed with cerulean as we gazed at each other.

"Once you've lost something, you never get it back." He said, his sapphire orb falling down to the board. Ciel stood up and walked over to the window as I followed his lead and cleared up the game, returning it to the cupboard. I made my way back to the earl, his back facing me. I move to tap his shoulder, before pulling my hand back and shaking my head, walking back towards the door. "Bambi."

His call stopped me in my tracks. "Yes, young master?" I asked, turning back around. He was still looking out the window, but his hand gestured for me to come closer. Puzzled by his request, I followed his order.

As I stood by Ciel's side, he moved his head to look me in the eye. His face was serious, as always, but there was another emotion in there I couldn't identify. "What did that man say to you when he grabbed your arm?" He asked, well more like demanded. My face heated up in embarrassment and rage at the reminder of the slimy hands that had gripped me. "N-Nothing, young master. He just apologized." I quickly stuttered out, lying through my teeth. I move to back away, but Ciel grabs my wrist, in the same fashion that Damiano had done. His touch made me cringe visibly.

He quickly let go of me when he saw my face, his own growing puzzled at my reaction. "Trust me, young master, he said nothing bad to me." I assured him, watching as he reluctantly accepted what I told him. Sebastian walked through the door just then, assumingly to take Ciel to bed. "My, my. When I had encountered our dear friend on the phone, he said some interesting things." Sebastian started, peaking the interest of the both of us. "His words confirmed our suspicions about the factory. And he also spoke about Bambi here." I froze as the two males turned to me.

"What did he say exactly, Sebastian?" He asked, his eyes narrowing as he gazed at me. "He said, and I quote, "Once we dispose of the servants, that stupid kid will be nothing more than just that; a kid. But, the girl, one of his servants. I think they called her Bambi. I'd love to take her with us, perhaps she would fetch a fair price on the black market." That's what he said, word for word, young master."

I was inching my way away from the two and towards the door. I had just grabbed the handle and was about to slip out when Ciel's eyes shot to me, his sapphire orbs burning with rage. I gulped and bowed deeply, "Goodnight, young master. Have a nice rest!" I said, before exiting the room hastily and rushing to my own room.

As I collapsed onto my bed, I let out a heavy breath before giggling slightly. Another day in paradise.

A/N: So, I wrote the first few episodes of the show up already, but I'm only going to update the story once a week. Every Saturday, I'm going to post up a new chapter. Hopefully having a weeks worth of time will allow me to get one episode done. I do work, so I may be a bit late with uploads, just as a warning. Anyway, stay lovely!

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