Episode 14

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Bambi's PoV-

A knocking at the door to Ciel's room woke me. From the small groan beside me, I could tell it woke him up as well. I opened my eyes, looking towards the door to see Sebastian poking his head in. "He's on the move." The demon said, making Ciel sit up immediately. "Good. Let's follow him." Ciel glanced towards me, tilting his head towards the door slightly as a sign for me to come along as well. With a reluctant sigh, I climbed out from under the covers and padded down the hall to my room, getting changed into my uniform and grabbing my scarf and coat.

As we approached the front door, a set of hurried footsteps caught my ear. I look over to my right, just in time to see Soma opening the door right beside me. "Take me with you!" He cried, a small pout on his face. "You?!" Ciel scowled, his eyes hardening into a glare. "I've known all along that Agni was going out after I went to bed. I want to know what he's doing!" The prince said, crossing his arms.


We were in front of a large manor. Not as big as the Phantomive manor, but not as small as the townhouse. I shivered from the cold, my thin jacket not being enough to keep me warm. "Who lives here?" I heard Soma ask. I looked over to the others and saw Ciel glance Soma's way for a brief moment before looking back towards the manor. "This is Harold West Jeb's estate. He handles a wide range of import goods from India. He also owns stores, a coffeehouse, and the like." It was hard not to smile at Ciel. He just looked so adorable in his oversized winter jacket. We were looking around the corner of a stone wall as we all watched Agni walk through the front gate.

"I've met him once. He's disgustingly obsessed with status." Ciel's words made me frown. Is he really that bad? I thought to myself. "People at the coffeehouse were trussed and hung upside-down, but since Mr. West, its representative, happened to be away, he escaped unharmed." Sebastian revealed, making me scowl. Happened to be away, huh? Seems fishy to me. "Happened to be away, eh?" Lau asked, giving a small smirk. I just said that....granted he couldn't hear me but...still... I pouted mentally.

"Shall we have a look?" Ciel suggested, looking up towards his demon. The butler bowed and muttered, Very good, my lord." Suddenly, arms were around my waist and I looked up to see Sebastian's grinning face. Ciel was under his other arm. "Oh, great." I muttered sarcastically, trying hard not to let out a shriek as Sebastian launched off the ground and jumped over the fence.

We all snuck inside, tip-toeing through the darkened halls of the house. I gulped softly and moved slightly closer to Ciel. The quiet halls were beginning to scare me. After awhile, we came across a closed door. Light shone from the crack in the bottom and I reached up carefully, wrapping my hand around the golden knob. Twisting cautiously, I pulled open the door, just a smidge. We all stuck our faces into the little room, Ciel's head above mine as I lay down on the ground, Ciel on his knees, straddling my back, and the rest standing over us, crowding the door. I blushed, thankful for the darkness, as I tried to ignore the position Ciel and I were in.

"Why not have a Scotch and relax? It's top-notch Scotch from Justerini & Brooks, holders of the Royal Warrant." A tall man in a dark brown trench coat handed Agni a glass filled with what I can only assume is the Scotch he was speaking of. The servant was sitting on a deep purple couch, stiff and silent. The room was mostly barren in the middle, just two of the purple couches and a small, round, table next to the one Agni was sitting on.

The man pulled the glass away with a soft sigh. "Our plans so far have been perfect. You've done well for me, Agni." He smirked, his combed back blonde hair looked almost shiny under the light of the chandelier above their heads. He held newspaper clippings in one hand as he walked around the couch to stand in front of the manservant. "You don't have to string up any more people. We've crushed all of my major rivals." A dark, intimidating look was on the man's face as he tossed the papers down by Agni. He bent down and grabbed a hold of Agni's bandaged hand. "With this godly right hand, the Royal Warrant is as good as mine."

"Royal Warrant?" I whispered softly, squinting my amethyst eyes at the words. "So that's what this is about." Ciel muttered, I could picture a scowl on his face as he said this. "And if I carry out this plan as promised, Mina will...?" I stiffened at the name of the woman Soma has been searching the whole of London for. The prince gasped and shoved open the door, making me tumble over and fall into the room with him.

"Mina?!" He cried, catching the attention of the man and Agni. I gasped and sat up, cursing the prince for being an idiot. "Who are you?!" The man growled looking from Soma to me. "P-Prince Soma! Bambi!" Agni cried looking at the two of us. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ciel staring at me, horror flashing through his eyes. He opened his mouth to shout out, but I gave Sebastian a sharp glare and he placed a hand over his mouth, silencing him before he could speak. The demon pulled the earl back as the latter tried to fight against his grip. I kept my eyes ahead of me as Sebastian whispered something into Ciel's ear.

My heart beating wildly, I watched as Soma ran up to Agni, clutching onto his green clothing. Rage burned within his hateful glare. This can't go well. I thought, standing up quickly and rushing over to Soma. "Agni! You've known where Mina was?!" The prince exclaimed, his hazel eyes cold. I pulled lightly at Soma's robe, trying to get him to back off. "Oh, so that's your master?" The man questioned. I turned to face him and looked into his brown eyes. A cold smirk was spread across his face as he looked between the three of us. "And who are you, his little maid?" I clenched my teeth as he chuckled malevolently. Soma turned towards the man as he spoke, pushing Agni out of his grasp. "You must be the one who took Mina away!" Soma snarled. The prince looked at Agni and pointed towards the nobleman. "Agni!" He ordered. "Defeat him!"

I frowned as Agni stiffened and looked down, shaking ever so slightly. "Agni, what are you waiting for?" I could hear a faint whimper in Soma's tone. "Agni, hit him to make him shut up." The Englishman grinned as Agni began to shake violently, his fists clenched. Agni raised hand up high, his body pointed towards his master, arm raised. I saw Soma's eyes widen in disbelief. My body reacted before my mind did.

I was in between Agni's fist and Soma, snarling at the servant as his hand came down upon me. I caught his arm easily enough, however I had to use both hands to hold back against his strength. His bandaged fist came hurtling at me, connecting with my side. I flew to the side of the room, slamming into the wall. I fell to the ground, my breath knocked out of my lungs. Laying across the ground, my vision began to blur slightly. I could make out the form of Agni, stalking closer and closer to me. I coughed, curling up into a ball as I tried to lessen the pain I was in. I heard a faint apology as I gave in to the darkness.

Ciel's PoV-

I watched as Agni raised his hand against his master. I frowned at the sight. In the blink of an eye, Bambi was in between the two of them. I could tell she was struggling to hold his fist back when his other hand rammed harshly into her side. My heart stopped and I felt my eye widen in shock as my maid flew towards the wall. A booming thump came from next to me and I flinched away from the sound.

Suddenly, Sebastian leapt into the room, between Bambi and the advancing Agni. A stuffed deer head was on his own head. I nearly smacked my forehead from the idiocy of the act. All the males in the room looked blankly at Sebastian, unsure of what to do. Jeb backed away, frightened, as he shouted out. "Wh-Who the devil is this deer man?!"

Sebastian turned towards Jeb and the man gasped. "I am a deer who has come to take this prince and this maid home." Sebastian stated with a slight bow. "H-He might be an enemy spy!" The noble shouted "Agni!"

Sebastian looked up, raising one hand as though he was trying to say he's of no harm. "No, I am simply one hell of a deer--" Jeb cut him off. "Kill them! Starting with the girl." He growled.

I froze before my eyes hardened into a frigid glare, a silent snarl crossing my face. If you touch her...I'll have Sebastian kill you. I thought. My eyes widened as Agni began to cry tears of blood before he fell to his knees. "I have only one god...only one master. I vowed to myself that I'd only brandish this fist for my god's sake. For the crime of betraying that god... Please forgive me!" Agni shouted, sanguine tears cascading down his cheeks. "Agni, don't tell me you're...?" Before the prince could finish, Agni ripped his bandages to shreds. A dark aura of power surrounded him and his eyes began to glow white. He stood with a yell and ran towards Bambi's fallen figure. My heart leapt into my throat as he raised his and punched down at her, his glowing white eyes blank as he stared her down.

To my great relief, Sebastian ran past at an inhuman speed, grabbing Bambi out of harm's way with Soma in his other hand. As Agni chased down Sebastian, punching at him any chance he got, the room was being destroyed. "The crystal glasses I bought at Thomas Goode! My Royal Worcester centerpiece! My Tiffany stained glass!" Jeb cried out as he realized what Agni was doing to his precious belongings. "It looks like trouble in there." I barely heard Lau's mutter from the banging going on in the room. I needed to watch. If Bambi got hurt....

I felt arms wrap around me waist and I gasped as Lau lifted me onto his shoulder. Sebastian passed by the door and swiftly dropped Bambi off in front of us. However, before he could do the same to Soma, Agni was bearing down on him, and he had to leap away from us. A small groan came from the little maid and Lau bent down to pick her up, when she flinched away from him, her eyes flashing blue for a moment before she realized what was happening.

"Let's make our escape." Lau said. Bambi nodded and stood up. Before she could start walking, Lau picked her up, placing her light body atop his other shoulder, her stomach pressing into the body part. Lau wrapped an arm around her waist to make sure she would stay on as he turned and began to run to the exit.

"Hey! We'll attract attention if this commotion keeps up! Take him and get out of here!" I shouted out at Sebastian as he dodged each one of Agni's attacks. Before I could hear a word of confirmation, Lau took off, dashing down the halls.

I heard a small squeak and looked over to Bambi, concerned the pace was jarring any injury she may have. "G-Get your hand out of there!" She snarled out, making me look down. Lau had her hand up the skirt of her dress. "My, you have quite nice assests. You would do well in certain jobs." I glared down harshly at the idiot holding us. "Get your vile hands off my maid!" I growled out, watching as Lau gave me a small smirk before placing his hand in a more appropriate area. "'Your maid' huh? Possessive, aren't you?" Lau whispered smugly to me, although from the blush that rose to Bambi's cheeks, I could tell she had heard it as well. "Stupid pervert." I muttered out, crossing my arms.


Bambi's PoV-

"That man was superhuman." Lau observed as Soma, Lau, and Ciel all sat around drinking tea. Sebastian stood by Ciel's right side, near Lau, while I stood on his left, by Soma. "It's Samadhi, a state of mental concentration. When he gets like that, no one can touch him." The prince explained, a small frown on his face.

It was still night time, the sky still pitch black, the stars shining brightly in the late hour. I resisted the urge to rub my tired eyes and bit my tongue to prevent a yawn from escaping me. My back still ached from slamming into a wall, and I'm pretty sure a bruise has formed on my side from Agni's punch.

"'Samadhi'?" Ciel question, furrowing his brow. "I imagine it's a type of trance. He's producing superhuman power through his absolute faith in his master. It's the power of faith, born from believing in and loving someone. A power we can never have." I felt a gaze buring into the back of my head and looked to the side to see Ciel staring at me, concern swirling in his sapphire gaze.

"Then why would he betray me?" I looked over at Soma as he slammed his fists down into the hard oak table, the sound making me flinch back. "Why do the people close to me always leave?!" He cried out before shoving the kettle, and his cup off the table. I let out a gasp as the hot tea flew towards me and the steaming liquid landed on me, burning my skin. I bit down on my lip to keep in the shriek of pain as Soma stood up.

"Why, you..." Ciel started, a glare on his face. The pain from the tea fading, I looked up to see Soma shaking, his hands clenched into fists. "Why? Why?!" He whimpered before blindly running out of the room, bumping into me harshly as he did so. I fell to the ground next to the broken tea set as Sebastian looked down at the mess.

"Oh, just look at the Haviland tea set I ordered thinking it would suit my lord..." My eyes narrowed into a frigid blue glare at the demon. "Sebastian, you idiot!" I snarled out, standing up and dashing out of the room after the prince. A faint call of my name coming from behind me as I closed the door upon leaving the room.

I ran to Soma's room and took in a small breath before gently opening the door. Soma was laying down on his bed, the blankets completely covering his body. I sighed softly and padded into the room, quietly shutting the door behind me. The pile of covers shifted slightly as I neared them. "Soma?" I called out quietly. The pile didn't move, making me sigh.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out my hand to put it on the pile, stopping inches before I actually made contact with the pile. Nibbling on my lip, I took in a breath and placed the hand on his side, watching as he stiffened underneath the covers. "Please come out of the covers, Soma." I muttered, tea still dripping from my hair.

Soma's head poked out, his hazel eyes red from crying. My heart softened at the sight. "Bambi..?" He squeaked out, his voice raw. "Soma, don't cry." I frowned, pulling down the sheets and raising my hand to his face, wiping away the tears that cascaded down his cheeks. "Bambi, why did Agni betray me like that?" The prince whimpered. I frowned, furrowing my brows. "I don't think he's betraying you, Soma." I stated, making the prince frown in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asks, sitting up straight.

"I believe he has an ulterior motive, one that benefits you." I started, holding my hand up to silence him as he opened his mouth to speak. "Before you rushed in there, Agni had mention something about Mina. I believe everything he is doing for this man, is to get Mina back for you, or to let you see her at the very least." I watched as shock and confusion flashed across his face before he sighed, not knowing what to believe.

"Has anyone betrayed you, Bambi?" Soma asked, his gaze sad as he stared at me. "Not from what I can remember. You see, I haven't any memory of my past." I smiled sheepishly as Soma gasped.

"So, someone could have hurt you deeply, and you have no clue?" I frowned at the thought. "Bambi..." Soma started. "Would you.....would you promise not to leave me and be my friend?" I gasped at his whispered words, my head flaring up in a familiar pain.

"Promise!" He cried, his enchanting gaze boring into my own. "Promise I won't lose you! That I won't lose you like I did him." He sniffled, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. "I will never leave your side, I will never betray you. You will never lose me." I soothed, wiping the tears from his pale cheeks. Strands of his hair fell across his eyes as he looked up at me through them. "Say it." He frowned. "I need to hear you say it." I smiled as I grabbed one of his hands, winding my fingers around his. "I love you, ____." I said, a soft smile on my face. His eyes lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "I love you too, my little butterfly." He raised a hand and wrapped his fingers under my chin, gently pulling me closer to him. With a soft chuckle, he connected our lips, my soft ones on his rougher ones. A few moments later, he pulled away, a lovesick smile on his face as he stared at me.

"Bambi!" I gasped as I was pulled out of the memory by Prince Soma, who was shaking me as he gripped my shoulders. With a groan, I put my hand on my forehead, ignoring Soma's calls. "S-Sorry. This happens sometimes." I muttered, closing my eyes as another flash of pain hit me. "What? You get headaches?" He asked, befuddled.

"No. I get flashes of memories and it hurts my head when I do. Like it hurts me to remember anything." I explain, breathing in and out slowly as the pain faded away. "What did you remember this time?" He asked, somewhat shocking me. No one but Finny has asked about the memories... I bit my lip. Should I tell him? Coming to a resolve, I nodded my head slightly.

"There's....a boy. He's important to me, but I can't quite remember who he is, or what he looks like. I just....I can only remember things that happen between us. I had promised him I would never leave, that he could always count on me but....." I frowned as I trailed off. "But what?" Soma pressed. "Someone took me away....he tried to stop them but the guy hurt me and then....I don't remember. I must have blacked out or I just don't remember because that's pretty much as far as I can remember for now." I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around myself.

"What is this boy to you?" Soma asked, a curious frown on his face. "I'm...not too sure. At first I thought he was just a friend but...the memory I just saw...we..." I blushed a deep red at the thought. "You what?" I looked up at the prince. "We kissed...." I whispered, my face as red as a cherry.

The door opened, slamming into the wall, revealing Sebastian. "How rude!" Soma scowled at the interruption. "Which of us is the rude one?" Sebastian scoffed, glaring down at the prince. "This is England, and the residence of the Earl Phantomhive. You have no right to give me any orders here. You're just an ordinary brat." I gasped at the demon's insult, anger burning up within me. I have had enough of this demon. "You stupid, raven-haired, pretentious, stuck-up, perfectionist, abusive, bastard!" I bellowed, the curse word turning sour on my tongue. Sebastian's eyes widened immensely at my foul words.

"Bambi." Ciel's curt call came from behind the demon, and I looked around his towering figure to see the boy earl scowling at me in disapproval. "Go to your room, Bambi." My eyes widened at his order. "Ci-" He cut me off. "I am your master. Not your friend. Disobeying a direct order would mean punishment for you. Now go."

I felt my heart ache at his words. I could see in his eyes he was just trying to keep up appearances due to Soma being in the same room, but it still hurt. I felt tears gather in my eyes as I stood and ran out of the room, dashing through the halls and into my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed, hugging a pillow to my chest, and let the tears fall. "Why...?" I whimpered. "Why do his words hurt me so easily...?" I glared with blurry vision at the wall beside me. I hate you, Ciel...


Ciel's PoV-

I sighed as I lay under the covers. Sebastian had just tucked me in and put me to bed, but I couldn't get my mind off of Bambi. I had sent her off crying. I clenched my fists and turned over, facing the wall, berating myself.

The image of her amethyst eyes filling with crystalline tears played around in my head, keeping me from sleep. I closed my eyes, trying to think of anything besides her and faded into a restless sleep.


I sat at my desk, writing on a piece of paper when a knock sounded at my door. After calling it alright for them to enter, Sebastian walked into the room, holding a piece of chocolate cake in his hands. "Where's Bambi?" I questioned, seeing as she usually brings me my afternoon tea and snack. "I'm afraid she was insistent on not coming, my lord." Sebastian revealed, making me frown. "Get the sabre I wear to audiences with Her Majesty." I ordered, turning towards Sebastian. The demon smirked. "You insist she won't come, but you dress up anyway. The Queen's Guard dog is as well-trained as one would wish." I ignored his comment.

"Have you managed to make a curry better than Agni's?" I asked, ready for this demon to leave. "No, according to the prince, something is still lacking." He stated, placing the cake down in front of me. "Then you haven't got the time to be baking cakes. Get back to the kitchen." I ordered. "Very good, my lord."

I looked back at the cake in his hands, glaring at the infernal sweet. "I'm not in the mood for chocolate right now." I scowled. I want something Bambi made. I stiffened and widened my eye at the sudden thought. "What shall I do with it then?" Sebastian questioned. Shaking out of my stupor, I roll my eye and turn back to my desk. "Drop it in the curry or something."


We were at the ceremony, the contest was about to begin when a familiar tune began to play. Everyone turned to look behind them when a red carpet spread out across the floor. "Her Majesty!" I gasped.

From beside me, Bambi backed away, bumping into Sebastian. Why isn't he on the stage? I questioned. I was shocked when Sebastian grabbed Bambi by the arm, whispering something in her ear. Looking reluctant, she nodded, and followed the demon onstage. Realization hit me. She's going to be helping Sebastian cook the curry!

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