Ch.20 Burnt Memories

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"Oh (y/n)!" Elizabeth squealed and grabbed the girl's arm, dangling loosely from her elbow. "Are you ready to come my manor?"

(y/n) wasn't excited. She loved Lizzy, but sometimes she was annoying and if you didn't do what she wanted she would throw a fit. Considering (y/n) was stilling looking for the golden cup she would have to make sure to stay away from Elizabeth or make excuses.

"Of course," (y/n) mimicked the tone Lizzy had use. "We can discus over a nice steamed pot of tea and enjoy the outside air of your garden."

"I'm so excited! This will be the best day ever! Ciel and you coming over to my manor!"

The manor doors swung open as Ciel stepped out, chin high and proud as Sebastian followed with him. Hopefully the three would handle the mansion alone without Sebastian or (y/n). That was her only wish.

Ciel came over as Lizzy was beaming with happiness. He held his hand out for her, covered with a sainted glove. "Let's go."

Lizzy smiled and let Ciel help her into the carriage. Once they were in (y/n) was about to step in herself, but Sebastian held out his hand for her. "It would only be right if the butler gave his hand to a lady, servant or not."

(y/n) froze in her steps, but her arms weren't frozen as she smiled. "Why thank you."

Once everyone was in the carriage started moving. (y/n) couldn't get the funny idea about the carriage. It was being pulled by Malach, the prince of angels. Malach came back late from his mission and couldn't find anything. Sebastian and he had a fight last night, but Malach was able to disguise himself as a carriage rider.

(y/n) covered her mouth when the image came to mind. The high and mighty Malach was reduced to some worn out cotton clothes and one of Sebastian old black jackets. He even had a newsboy hat to top it all off.

It was deadly quiet in the carriage until Elizabeth spoke up. "(y/n), where are you from?"

Unexpectedly (y/n) tensed at the question. She didn't like to lie to people, not even to Lizzy, but her secret of being an angel had to be kept. "I'm from Ireland. It's a rather quiet place from where I grew up, but it is lush with greenery and thick with forest and the smell of raindrops."

Lizzy clapped her hands. "Oh my! That's sounds absolutely lovely! What are the people like?!"

(y/n) slipped into old memories and let loose a stupid grin. "Everyone was happy, even in the darkest times of our tiny place. Festivals would light of so brightly even nearby towns would see from miles away. When it rained, people gathered around and played in the puddles. Children would always come out of their homes and play with each other, of any ages. It was a true paradise inside that town.... even the kingdom was magnificent to see from a-top of the hill."

"Kingdom?" Lizzy questioned. "I didn't know Ireland had a kingdom."

The feeling of panic swelled inside (y/n)'s chest. "Did I say kingdom? I meant village."

"But I thought you said it was a town?" Lizzy questioned again, her voice becoming tense.

Sebastian flashed (y/n) a warning look, even Ciel did, but Ciel saved the day. "Lizzy, from where she come from village or town doesn't matter. They are both small in population and size, so they can 't be called either a village or town."

"Oh," Elizabeth said.

(y/n) was thankful for Ciel's save, but the carriage rocked violently back and forth. Malach cried out from outside, along with something crashing into the carriage. Lizzy screamed and covered her head. Sebastian pulled out his knives as Ciel gripped his walking cane tight.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ciel demanded, tone of worry inside for Lizzy.

"My Lord, stay inside." Sebastian said before exiting out of the carriage.

Worry bubbles inside (y/n) chest once again, only into a feeling of wanting her sword inside her hand. It was under her seat, just in case any dangers came along the way. Elizabeth was shaking lightly, but Ciel moved over and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Lizzy, everything is going to be alright." Ciel spoke softly to her, "I promise nothing will happen to you."

Elizabeth smiled and hugged Ciel, "Thank you, Ciel."

It was a sweet moment only to last a second before the door to the carriage was thrown open. The face before the carriage made (y/n)'s heart stop. Ariel. His scarlet hair was bright against the dim evening sun as he reached in.

He gripped Lizzy's arm and pull her outside, but (y/n), swifter than the wind, drew out her sword. It was pinned against his neck as she dug it deeper into his throat. "Put Elizabeth down before I slice your throat like the filthy pig you are."

Ariel chuckled but he didn't mean her gaze, but Ciel's. His deep blue eyes were dark with horror. "It would be a shame if her throat was slice right in front of you, dying slowly just like your parents did?"

Ciel bared his teeth and ripped his eyepatch off, the demonic symbol bright and flowing with energy. "Sebastian! I command-"

Ciel was cut off by (y/n) as Ariel threw a knife towards him, but her sword deflected in time. She growled and slashed his hand, making him hiss and jump away from the carriage.

"Where is Sebastian?!" (y/n) cried out and took her position. Chest bared out and feet spread apart.

Ariel laughed and motioned his head backwards. (y/n) looked to Malach and Sebastian were stuck in some magic trap, high up in a tree. They were struggling as hard as they could as the webs of the magic spell was smoking with heat.

Before Ariel could jump away (y/n) reached forward and slashed his knee. She smirked as she saw he was slower with Elizabeth in his arms, giving her the advantage. Ariel cursed under his breath as (y/n) jabbed at him, head to arm and legs, barley only dodging before spinning around.

(y/n) was ready for the kill, but Ariel held out Elizabeth as protection. She was pasted out and slumped against Ariel, under the influence of magic. "You coward!" (y/n) cried out. "Using someone to guard yourself."

"Ha!" Ariel rose his hand and gripped the sword in his hand, a trail of blood running down his arm. "It's using a defense against a weapon! After all, I don't have one on me at this moment so it's only right the defenseless guard their selves for a change."

"(y/n)!" Ciel cried out, the evening sun casted a glow onto his demonic eye. It coils deep purple and sparked with rage. "Kill Ariel and take Elizabeth back!"

"Sorry, no can do." Ariel smirked and disappeared.

"Wait!" (y/n) cried out.

But it was too late, the magic net surrounding Sebastian and Malach released an explosion. Ciel cried out as (y/n) went to action and protected her lord with her body.

Fires roared inside her ear as she held on tighter, the burn marks appearing on her skin was soon healing with the spell she was whispering to herself. Ciel coughed violently and looked around the forest in horror. She could sense this was bringing back dark, resentful memories inside the Lord's mind.

"My Lord, please calm down." (y/n) cried out and held him tighter against him.

Ciel screamed like a mad man as everything was burning. Smoke rose ease and blew west as the carriage was a smoking mess.

"Let me go!" He cried out. "Damn you! I said let me go!"

A hand reached out from the smoke and caught his hand. It was Sebastian, blood pooling from the side of his head and his clothes torn and burnt. "My Lord, a gentleman in distress mustn't be panicking about when his lady has been kidnapped. He must be thinking about a plan to rescue her."

Ciel stopped ragging out and almost collapse if not for Sebastian. It was clear the Lord wasn't going to be functioning right until Elizabeth was good and safe.

"I promised her..." he whispered, broke and torn inside. "And now she'll be dead... like the rest..."

"No, she won't."

From the smoke came Malach as he was pretty beaten up like Sebastian, only he wasn't bleed deeply from scar wounds. He came forward and looked down at Ciel.

"You might have signed a contract with a demon, but I won't let a maiden be left in danger. Ariel isn't aware the royal family of Heaven can sense other angel's spirits. Ariel is heading west. We can take him down before Elizabeth can be used as his play toy."

"But Malach," (y/n) said. "You're the only one who can fly."

Malach smirked and took something out from his pocket. A tiny pouch filled to the top with golden dust. "There's a secret I've been keeping from you, (y/n). But for a good reason."

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