Chapter 1: And so he's Born

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(First time I have to do a trigger warning for a book....
So naturally because of the dark and shocking content in the show they'll be references to that, I'll handle the particular subject matter of how goblins reproduce best as I can but if you can't handle it don't read. Also this book is kind of an experiment like my RWBY book and I'll see if it goes anywhere)

(Y/N) = your name

(H/C)= hair colour

(H/L)= hair length

(E/C)= eye colour
(3rd P.O.V)

Goblins were possibly some of the most vile creatures you could meet on this world. They weren't particularly strong, nor extremely clever but at the same time, they weren't pitifully weak or bone dead stupid. They had green skin, crooked pointy noses and piercing yellow eyes that often shun in the moonlight. Often they weren't very big only being as tall as a small child, but in some instances they could grow quite large and be a Hobgoblin, which were far deadlier than regular goblins.

These creatures held no regard for other life they only cared about keeping their den of miscreants alive. They did this by burning down nearby villages, killing their crops, stealing their supplies, killing children, slaughtering the men and then kidnapping women for procreation.

Goblins would preform unspeakable actions to the women they had kidnapped to produce litter and the worst part is, the babies grew up ridiculously quick, to the point that they would be ready to hunt and kill in just a few hours, maybe less.

Despite everything though, because of the goblins seemingly weak disposition and there vermin like ways, no one, aside from those who have seen or experienced their cruelty, seemed to care. However, this its thanks to these monsters horrible cruelty, it causes this young boy undeserved pain.

A small 6 year old boy swiftly avoids a rock that's about to hit his head. "Disgusting little creature! Get out of here!" a chorus of voices yell at him. He swiftly avoids more rocks.

The boy had (H/C) hair that was (H/L). He also had bright (E/C) eyes. He also had a distinctive look of green skin and pointy ears. He was the height of every normal 6 year old child. He was running away from a few angry villagers who had just encountered some goblins not that he knew. The villagers were screaming every name calling him every name under the sun.

He was eventually able to hide from them inside a muddy ditch. "You see where it went?" he heard a villager say.

"No." said another. "Let's get out of here."

Once the coast seemed clear the small boy stood up and looked and his reflection in a puddle. All things considered he did'nt look horrible, he looked like most normal little children, but there were just two features that plagued him. Pointy ears accompanied with green skin. These two features were enough to assume that he was some kind of strange goblin, especially with the height he was at the minute.

Yes Y/N was what you would call a half goblin. The by product of s mistake, something that shouldn't of occurred. He had no desire or motivation to do any of the horrible things that crush goblins do, but those two parts of him sealed the deal.

Y/N then sat down in the mud and wiped a tear from his cheek. He continued to look at his reflection sadly. "Why me?..."

(6 years ago)

There was nothing but absolute anarchy tearing through this particular night in this particular village. A small village currently falling to shambles, fires were spreading to house to house, children were scattering and screaming and adults were doing their best to fight of the threat becoming them. Goblins.

The fires continued to worsen as the goblins continued there assault. "Stand your ground!" A man from the village yelled as he threw he walloped a goblin in the head with a club in his hands. This action caused goblins to surround him and overwhelm him with their numbers. They they started tearing his body to pieces as a women looked over and screamed in horror at the sight. The goblins were literally tearing her liver apart in front of her.

The man looked up at her with all the energy he had left and bellowed, "Run!"

It took the women a moment to bring herself to do it but she started running away, tears in her eyes as she kept thinking of just what went wrong. "Why? Why us?"

The poor women kept running into the dark, she wasn't fully sure but she could faintly hear the sound of the goblins horrible laughter filling the air behind her. After running for a few minutes the women his behind a tree completely out of breath. As she sat in the ground panting heavily, she peaked her head from behind the tree to see if she was being followed.

It was hard to make out, due to the intense darkness, but all she could see were trees. She sighed and rested her head against the tree. In that moment though, she heard a twig snap. The poor women felt her body freeze. She began to turn her head again, but before she could turn around and look, she felt something hard hit the back of her head and before she knew it, she was out cold.


The women slowly regained consciousness. Her vision was still slightly blurred and her ears were ringing but it was gradually going away. She could see a single light source in front of her which turned out to be a fire and she can here height pitched cackling and grunting.

Her eyes shot open in horror as she cane to realise where she was. She was in a goblins den. Everything she had heard about was true she could see the remains of humans as goblins played around with them she could also see several woman lying on the ground.

She tried to pry herself up from the dirty ground she was lying on but as she tried she felt an unimaginable pain in her left arm. "Auuuugh!" she screamed as a goblin stabbed her in the arm with a spear.

This caught the attention of the other goblins as they all slowly surrounded her with terrifying grins on their faces and drool seeping from their mouths.

The woman just looked down at the ground in absolute despair, she didn't try fighting or running, she just lay there. She didn't try fighting or running she just lay there. Awaiting the horrors that would plague her.

(Hours later)

After hours of goblins doing such unspeakable things, it happened. A goblin went down a tunnel we're the offspring from the woman they used were. As usual all seemed normal until the creature noticed something.

There was a small green goblinish looking baby but this one looked different. The others had developed enough to be walking around in two feet but this one appeared to still be completely helpless. Not only that but it's Face was different. The others had pointy noses and crooked faces but this one, its nose was small and cute it's eyes big (E/C) and innocent.

The goblin hissed at the sight. It picked up the baby with no gentleness what so other and lugged it through the tunnels. When it reached the exit, it tumbled the baby down the hill and cackled at the sight.

Eventually the baby stopped and naturally started crying. He was cold, dizzy and a bit sore from all the rolling down the hill he just did.

This continued for a few minutes until fate would have it, someone found him. It was a gimpy old man with glowing yellow eyes, pale skin and a white beard that was a little thinned as it almost looked like a set of whiskers.

The old man picked the infant up and looked at him. "A baby?... a Goblin?" He took a closer look. "Well now," he laughed a little "I'll be damned, of all the things, ya came to be huh?" The baby just stared at him with its wide eyes. The old man sighed. "Poor little bastard." he looked up at the sky. "Definitely die out here on his own.... ah well," he wrapped the baby in some cloth, "might as well take him with me, let's see where this all goes."


(Thanks for reading. Be sure to tell me what you think of this idea)

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