Chapter 3: Fate Comes

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(Ok this took much longer than it had to but I finally ha e ideas down Oat and should be able to update more quickly, or at least bit taje as long now.)

(3rd P.O.V)

(13 years later)

"Ok... ok... here we go. Ready and... go Duke!" an older and more mature looking Y/N had pointed forward. He still retained the same goblin like features he was born with but luckily he also still had his more human aspects. Despite him generally being a rather peaceful inhabitant as keeping away from goblins he was still an outcast in his village, either out of fear or ridicule. "... Duke c'mon."

Y/N watched as a scraggly chicken started pecking at a small stone. It was his pet and only friend besides
"C'mon Duke stop pecking the stone." He gently picked him up and began to walk back to his house. Once inside he poured Duke a bowl of chicken feed and sat down at the table. No one was in the house at the minute aside for Y/N and Duke. He assumed that Grans and Oat were out doing some chores.

Y/N sighs and looks out the window and does some deep personal reflecting. It's been years since he first came here and he hasn't even come closer to getting people to understand or get close to him. Well aside from Grans, Oat and his pet chicken Duke.

"... Duke, you think I'll get people to understand I'm not like one of... them?" Duke regurgitates some chicken feed out, before returning to eat it again. "Ye thought so."

After a little while longer, Grans and Oat returned. Grans seemed to be in a rather frustrated mood which actually seemed to happen a lot whenever he was working with Oat. "And entire stack... and entire stack of hay! Just gone and we gotta do it again." Grans yelled.

"I'm sorry." Oat complained. "There where loads of bees." he rubbed his arm where a sting appeared to be.

Grans groaned while muttering something. "Gotta do it allll over again." The two where so focused on their problems they almost hadn't noticed Y/N. "O-oh kid, didn't notice you there. How's it going?"

"Eh, the usual." He said while flopping to his side while laying his upper half on the table."

"Right... say if you're not doing anything at the minute, do you think you could do as a favour?"

Y/N sat up slightly. "Sure what is it."

"I want you to go to town and deliver some buckets of milk to the the guild for adventures."

At this request Y/N shivered slightly. He had on rare occasions ventured into town, often people would give him cold stares, as if they were waiting for him to make a move. Or others who were less threatened by the concept of goblins would simply be repulsed by his green skin and long ears. "Uhhh... do... do I have to?"

"Nooo, but I'd really appreciate it." Grans said. Y/N just looked down at the ground. "Look you want people to understand it's gotta start somewhere. Besides when you were just a wee little lad you used to go on and on about being an adventurer."

Y/N ears tucked in to the side slightly. "That was ages ago."

"Yeah, well better late than ever. Look can you please do this for us. We'd really appreciate it."

"... fine. But can you guys looks after Duke?"

Oak and Grans glanced over at Y/N's pet chicken. He was just standing on top of a stool staring blankly at them, before regurgitating some chicken feed out and started to eat it. "Uhhh, sure we'll take good care of the little guy." said Oak

"Great, thanks." with the deal made Y/N walked outside to carry the cans of milk to town. Just as Y/N left Duke screeched out a loud call out of nowhere making Oak and Grans jump. Grans sighed. "Why is this thing even around again?"


Y/N was pulling the cart full of cans of milk down a slightly bumpy path. The sound of the milk swishing around was the only sound being heard as Y/N silently trudged ahead, with beads of sweat dripping down his head from the rather heavy load. "Just a lil' while longer."

As Y/N started to see more villagers he knew he was getting closer but as this happened more attention was put into him. Y/N just looked down slightly and kept going. He couldn't quite tell, since he was focusing so much on the ideas of what towns folk were saying about him, but it felt like he was going faster.

Eventually Y/N found himself within the centre of the town. He found it to be a rather quaint looking place. Seemed safe enough and everyone seemed to be busy doing something. That didn't stop more people from staring at his green skin and long ears. Despite him liking the general aesthetic of the place, Y/N just wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. He didn't want to stir up any trouble. Y/N could actually here some of the townsfolk whispering to each other, it was almost as if they weren't trying to hide their voices.

"Look, it's the Goblin Boy." he heard a woman's voice say.

"I thought that was just some bed time story parents told their kids to spook them." a man's voiced hissed.

"Those are some long ears." Another voiced chimed him.

Y/N rubbed his ears upon hearing this. "They're not that long." he muttered.

After his inner venting about how long his ears actually weren't, Y/N spotted the sign for the Adventures guild.  "Finally, now where do... I..." Y/N suddenly realised that he had no clue where to precisely put this cart of milk. "He looked at the door the building. Y/N gulped a lump in his throat. "Ok you can do this."  He pushes the door open, a little harder than he should've, and glanced inside.

The moment he did this, almost every individual in the room looked right towards him, all noise appeared to stop too. Y/N stood there motionless, he knew that these guys were all likely experienced adventures and he knew that they were most likely having an unliking towards his resemblance, to the green menaces. He slowly walked forward towards the front desk. Y/N could feel all eyes following him as he walked ahead.

Y/N could see the back of a lady with golden blonde hair and wearing a blue dress with white sleeves, she appeared to be busy with a whole load of papers in her hands. "Err... excuse me?"

The lady turned around. "Yes, can I help- Eep!" A few chuckles could be heard from the back.  The lady with golden hair studied him for a few seconds. "Can... can I help you?"

Y/N could see she looked a little uneasy. "Hi um, I have some cans of milk outside, from Grans and Oat, just wondering where we should put it."

"Wait milk? From Grans and Oat? Oh! oh... those two." That last part she said with a hint of annoyance. "I'll..." She quickly snatched a hoop of keys behind her, "bring them in for you." She swiftly walked out from behind the counter to outside. Y/N followed.

The girl took Y/N to behind the building and opened a large wooden door. Inside appeared to be some other types of resources. "Here you go."

Y/N could still hear slight uneasiness in her voice. "Thanks." Y/N pulled the cart in and out all the milk on some shelves then came back out. The lady with golden hair looked at him with some serious focus. She appeared to be choking on her words. He just sighed. "Thanks again I'll just go." He held on tight to the wagon and left without saying anything.

As Y/N was gone the lady continued to struggle to say anything before something finally came out. "Wait!" But he was already nowhere close. She sighed slightly. "That was a little rude of me..."


Y/N was having a easier time walking back. Especially since there wasn't a heavy cans of milk holding him back. "Well time to head back and-"

"Excuse  me there boy~"

"Huh?" Y/N turned to see who interrupted his inner thoughts, but his view was assaulted by a puff of smoke. He started coughing and sputtering while trying to fan the fumes away. "H-hey! What's the big id- oh my..." Y/N saw a lady with fair skin, long purple hair, and yellow eyes that almost glowed. She was wearing a witch hat and clothes that really didn't leave much to the imagination. "I... I... I..."

The witch chuckled and puffed some more smoke towards his face. "So... you must be the Goblin Boy... yes?"

Y/N just stood there with his mouth hanging open slightly. He eventually came to his senses and spoke. "Well actually- I mean to be frank- actually I mean... y-yeah Goblin Boy I guess."

"Ah... so you're the one that those two... interesting farmers talk about?"

"Farmers? Oh you mean Grans and Oat. Wait you know Grans and Oat?"

"Why yes boy." she blew another puff of smoke out, this time away from his face. "They come to the guild quite often to deliver there... goods." She giggled slightly. "The one with the... interesting personality often has a hard time charging to me. Quite like you... to be frank."

"She's probably talking about Oa- Wait! Like him?!" Y/N thought. "Err look lady, I appreciate you coming up and chatting to me but the sun's setting and I gotta get going."

"Just a moment now." She said before taking her last drag. "Surely you didn't just come in today to deliver some things?"

"Well yes, kinda- I mean, look what exactly are you getting at here?"

The witch just smiled and took a step closer to him. Y/N stuttered as she closed the distance between them. "One thing I do remember those two talking about, regarding you Anyway is that you longed to be an adventurer... or at least used to."

Y/N looked down. "Those were just... dumb dreams... of a dumb kid, who thought everyone would just understand he's not like those other little green bastards. Pretty hilarious right?"

Y/N was about to go but the witch placed a hand on his shoulder. This lady was already making Y/N uncomfortable, with the way she was speaking and her general demeanour, but this was the longest he'd ever talked to a woman.  "If you truly wish the be understood..." she leaned close to his ear and whispered, "it might just help, to try and do something bigger than the things you're already doing."

Y/N tried to muster words but nothing came, whether that was due to him being stumped by what she said or him just being plain nervous was debatable. With that said the witch smiled and walked away. "Good bye for now, Goblin Boy, hopefully this isn't the last time we meet." She then turned and left leaving a silent Y/N to himself.

"M-my name is... Y/N." he muttered quietly when he realised she was already gone. He just looked up at the sky which was now turning orange. "I better get going." He started to pull the wagon back home, thinking about the random encounter he just had.


Y/N looked on ahead as he kept on thinking about what the witch had said. "Bigger than what I'm already doing?" he repeated.

Suddenly Y/N heard a blood curling shriek from the right of him. It actually made him freeze and he glanced over. It was going from some thick trees in a forest. There was a small part of Y/N that just wanted to pretend he didn't hear that. He just wanted to go home and relax and pretend that nothing had been heard. He looked a little longer. He had made up his mind. Y/N left his wagon behind as he started heading right towards where he heard the scream. "Please don't be what I think it is."


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