Chapter 5: Filthy Giblins pt. 2

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(3rd P.O.V)

Y/N continued to walk ahead with Priestess following close behind him. His eyes were squint as he stared at the dark tunnel ahead. They eventually cane to a fork in the road. Y/N looked at the two different tunnel choices.

"So..." Priestesses quietly chirped.

"Hm..." Y/N looked at Priestess who was looking at the ground nervously. It seemed like she was still slightly spooked by him.

"Do you or... did you used to live with yknow... the goblins?" she asked.

Y/N shook his head. "No. I was raised on a farm actually. By two guys called Grans and Oat. Swell guys... even if they do tend to get in trouble."

"Oh... how did you... you know...."

"How was I born? The same way as the rest of these guys...."

"Oh..." Priestess looked down sadly.

"Yeah... look don't worry about it kid, it's nothing to concern you. Just consider yourself lucky I didn't turn out like the rest of these-" once again Y/N was tackled to the ground by a goblin.

"Goblin boy!"

"Just! Rgh! Hang tight!" Y/N chucked the goblin to a wall, desperately looking around for anything to uses as a weapon. The goblin charged right back at Y/N with his poisons dagger, ready to stab. Y/N closed his eyes preparing for the worst but it never came. He opened his eyes and saw a large glowing transparent wall in front of him. It had stopped the goblin in its tracks, not only from the light blinding it, but the bridge of its nose seemed to be cracked from running into it.

Y/N glanced at Priestess and saw that her staff was emitting a similar glow. "I can't hold it forever!" she cried.

"Oh!" Y/N exclaimed. He frantically looked and saw a stone on the floor. He picked it up, ran over to the goblin and slugged it right over the head, spurring some blood out from it and crashing the creature into a wall. The goblin fell to the ground motionless.

Eventually the transparent wall disappeared and Y/N stood there pa ting heavily as he looked at the goblin he just defeated, and slightly spooked by the close call he had. Priestess, looked at him concerned, but decided to respect his state and let him regroup. He slowly turned his head to her. "Still a little new... to all of... 'this'." He wiped some sweat of his forehead. "Let's just get your friend so we can get out of here.

Priestess nodded. "Ok..." she followed close behind and Y/N chose a tunnel.

Y/N looked back at the girl. "Hey kid, I know it's none of my business, but what where you even doing here in the first place? Were you and your friend kidnapped?"

Priestess seemed somewhat surprised by this question. "No, no! I'm... I'm actually an adventurer."

Y/N looked back at her and raised and eyebrow. "You're and adventurer?"

"Y-yes. I'm still kinda new to this all, normally I would never consider coming back here after what happened... the last time. But my new friend, he's actually quite experienced."

"What does your friend go by?"

Priestess looked ahead. "His name is-Goblin!"

"Goblin? Weird-"

"No!" Priestess pointed ahead. "Goblin!"

Y/N snapped his head forward and saw a ginormous hobgoblin slowly staggering to them. Y/N felt his heart drop at the sight, he did t think he'd have to take down something like THIS. However something was off. The hobgoblin was moving in a really unbalanced way. Suddenly the beast collapsed to the ground. The two could see that there was a small sword in the back of its head. The sword was suddenly pulled out.

Y/N looked at the figure that did this and gulped slightly. It appeared to a man wearing some rather ragged and tired looking armour with a de-horned helmet that's in the same condition as the rest of the armour. "Fourteen..." the man said coldly. His helmet shifted up as he seemed to look at Y/N, though Y/N could t exactly tell due to the helmet doing a very good job at obscuring his face.

"Um..." Y/N could barely comprehend his thoughts as the man lunges forward at him. Y/N gasped and staggered backwards almost tripping backwards. The man slashed at him with his sword. Y/N took a step back but the sword sliced right across his chest. Y/N yelled in pain while Priestess screamed. Y/N collapsed against a wall and clenched his chest. He could see his blood seeping into his white shirt. The sight as well as the pain made Y/N feel sick.

The man raised his sword to give the final blow but Priestess stood in front of Y/N. "Goblin Slayer, stop!" she screeched.

The now known Goblin Slayer was motionless. Once again due to his helmet, it was very hard to read him. "What are you doing?" he plainly replied with slight malice in his voice. "You know by now. There's no such thing as a good goblin, there's no reason to keep them alive."

Priestess shook her head frantically while standing her ground. "No! No! Goblin Slayer, this is different. Goblin Boy's not like the others. He saved me. He kept me safe while I looked for you." Goblin Slayer lowered his sword. His helmet shifted. It was clear he was focusing intently on Y/N. Y/' lay there, coughing weakly as he clenched his sword wound. He didn't have the energy to say a thing. "Please Goblin Slayer. Let me heal him."

Goblin Slayer remained silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. He eventually turned around and walked down the way Y/N and Priestess just came from. "Stay here." he said. "I'm going to check if there's any others in this hole."

As he left, Priestess sighed in relief. She kneeled down to Y/N's level with a sad expression. "I'm so sorry about this." Y/N tried to say something but she softly shushed him. "Just hold still." she hovered her hand above his wound. "Hear me oh merciful earth mother... please lay your blessed hands upon this child's wounds...heal him!" The heavenly glow started to appear around Y/N's chest. The light was so bright and then, everything in Y/N's vision went white.


As Y/N's eyes began to reopen, he could see a lovely afternoon sky and the sound of birds chirping. He could feel himself lying in a grassy floor. As his eyes reopened more he could hear Priestess gasp. "Goblin Slayer he's waking up." She stepped into his view.

Y/N sat up and looked down at his chest, the wound was completely gone. He looked up and saw Priestess standing next to him smiling and Goblin Slayer in the back just staring at him. Y/N steadily got back up to his feet. "W-whoa... thanks kid."

Priestess shook her head. "No need to thank me. If it wasn't for you, one of those goblins would've had me."

Y/N nodded. "Right." He looked around. "Where are we?"

"We're on the path outside the forest where that Gonlin den was. We brought you out and decided to look after you till you woke up."

Y/N looked around regrouping his bearings. He saw his wagon that he just left behind when he heard Priestess scream. "My wagon!"

Priestess nodded. "We figures that belonged to you."

"Priestess." Goblin Slayer once again said with little emotion in his voice. "We should head back to the guild and give our report. We might have more den's to deal with."


"Now." Goblin Slayer said while starting walking back to the adventures guild.

Priestess sighed. "Sorry. Don't mind him. He's just... he's really serious about his job on killing goblins."

Y/N rubbed his chest. "Yeah... I figured."

Priestess bowed to him. "Thanks you for saving me. Oh, and hope to see you around Goblin Boy." She straightened back up and ran back to her partner.

Y/N stood there watching them walk away before returning to his wagon. He started to pull the wagon back once again while thinking about what he just experienced. "This is it." he thought. He started to pull the wagon back home faster.


(A little later)

Grans and Oat where just sitting at the kitchen table, wondering where Y/N was. Grans sighed. "Where is that kid? It doesn't take that long to get to the adventurers guild does it?" In perfect timing, Y/N burst through the door. "Oh, there you-"

"Guys!" Y/N closed the door. "I want to be an Adventurer."

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