Chapter 3

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Elise was slowly starting to wake up when she felt a finger gently stroking her cheek. She remained still and kept her breathing stable as she enjoyed the feeling. After a minute the action stopped and she allowed her eyes to open. Eric was seated at the dining room table flipping through some paperwork.

"How long were we asleep?" She asked as she sat up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 

"An hour." Eric replied before going silent again. 

 Elise stood up and began making her way to the kitchen for a drink.

"I want another tattoo and piercing." She said while looking at Eric.

"You're a big girl. Go get them." Eric retorted. 

"You're a dick." Elise told him with an attitude.

Eric rolled his eyes and stood up grabbing his key and heading for the door. "Let's go then." 

Elise grinned as she sprinted past him and out the door. Eric grumbled behind her as he locked the door behind him. They made their way to the tattoo shop. It was a few hours until supper so they chose to stay in there even when they were finished. They went to the piercing section first meeting with the man that dealt with piercings, Jay.

"What can I do today little lady?"

"Double helix piercing Jay"

"Alright give me a minute to prep everything."

Waiting for Jay to get everything, Elise sat down in the chair as Eric sat down in a chair next to her flipping threw some pages of a tattoo book. 

"Are you getting another one?"

"Not sure." Eric said, not taking his eyes off of the pages. Jay finally came back and began cleaning both spots and pushed the long needle threw one hole before placing the stud in and moving to make the next hole beneath it. A sharp sting was felt as another needle went threw to make the hole and another stud was placed. Once he was done, he gave her medicine to clean it with. They made their way to Tori next. 

"I swear you're invincible. What tattoo do you want this time?" She chuckled. 

"I want a crown in color on the back of my neck." Elise said showing her where she wanted it placed. She nodded gathering the tattoo gun and started on the design. Keeping her head slightly down, Elise managed to stare at Eric who was now looking at her giving his classic smirk. Zoning out, Elise thought back to when Eric and her were in Erudite. The only person who never left and who had always stayed beside her and had her back and vice versa. Eric was one of two people that Elise had left since her parents were killed by the Factionless. She must have really zoned out because the next thing she realized was Tori was done with the tattoo. Once Tori was done cleaning up, Elise handed her point card over to Tori for points to be deducted. Elise and Eric made walked back to his apartment and made way inside. 

"Let me see your tattoo." Eric practically demanded of Elise. 

"Hold on grumpy." She replied before holding her hair up. 

"Why did you get a crown?" Eric asked in amusement.

"Because I'm a fucking Queen." Elise snorted and Eric rolled his eyes at her childishness.

Not holding back, she started laughing which was cut short as Eric threw her over the back of the couch. Elise completely missed the couch and smacked against the floor. 

"What the hell?!" Elise yelled but it came out muffled due to her face being pressed against the floor. Eric's laughter could be heard as he walked around the couch to pick her up. 

"I'm sorry your highness." He said with his typical smirk as he dropped her on the couch before sitting next to her. 

"No you're not, you dick." 

Silence filled the room. Elise kept her gaze forward not noticing Eric looking at her. His thoughts drifted back to when they first met in Erudite. They were only seven at the time. He was being bullied and some little shit pushed him then a little Elise yelled at the kid before punching him in the face. She held her ground against the bully who was bigger than she was. The bully had came charging at her and without an ounce of fear she decked him in the face again before punching him in the stomach. She had walked over to Eric and asked him if he was okay before holding her hand out and introducing herself. Eric chuckled with a small smile on his face remembering that that's how their friendship had started. Eric was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Elise's voice.

"What are you laughing at?" Elise asked him with a soft and genuine smile on her face.

"I was just thinking about when we met and how fearless and brave you were. Hell, you still are," he paused before continuing, "You know, you're the only person I have left. I hope you know I will always have your back. I won't let anything happen to you." Eric's voice crossed between a soft yet serious tone. 

Elise knew Eric probably wouldn't ever completely open up to her because he didn't know how to. She accepted him regardless because she accepted him for all that he is and all that he will be.

"I will always have yours and you know that if something happens I'm going to protect you at all cost. You better not leave me here alone because I can't... I can't handle losing you Eric." Elise choked on her words as she fought her tears back. She had never allowed herself to be this vulnerable around someone before and knew that it probably made Eric uncomfortable. 

Eric didn't know what to say or how to act exactly but he tried to comfort her by pulling her into his side. Silence fell over the room as they stayed like that with her head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her back.

"Alright initiates, shut up and listen. Today we are learning how to throw knives. Eric will show you how to properly stand and throw. We don't need anyone showing off when they get the hang of it. If you pass initiation, your lives may depend on this kind of defense one day." Elise told the initiates with her voice stern and strong, her facial expression cold. Eric took his stance and started lecturing about the importance of stance, the force, and how to handle the knife. 

"Initiates grab three knives each and stand wherever there's a target and get to throwing." Eric's voice orders out before he makes way to Elise. 

"Let's see how badly they fuck this up." Eric said with a smirk resting on his face.

"I have a feeling that this is going to be a shit show." She replied.

 They both stopped talking at the sound of many knives clanking against the floor. Elise's eyes scan out over the initiates before she nudges Eric and points. Both make their way to the initiates who were failing at the task. 

"Come on. You're stance is shitty and you have to have a good grip on the knife. We're training soldiers, not wimps. Again initiate!" Elise raises her voice at the girl. 

"Like you're any better." The girl mumbles. 

"Say that louder little girl. I.Dare.You." Elise's voice grows colder as she takes a step closer to the girl. 

"I said like you're any better!" The girl bravely spoke up. Of course it had to be the same bitch that had given Elise problems the day before.

"Stand against the target now. And I better not have to repeat myself." 

The girl swallowed and did as she was told. Elise had enough of mouthy initiates, which is why she was grabbing three knives and standing where the girl had previously stood. 

"We aren't training rebels. Remember this because you're lives depend on it!" Eric yells at the others. Four stands in the back clenching his jaw at the other two leaders. 

"You blink, you're out. You lost points for that smartass attitude. You might gain them back if you keep a good poker face." Elise growls raising an arm up, a knife in her hand. She has her arm back by her head then quickly whips her arm forward releasing the knife. It sinks into the target by the girl's head. She repeats the motion again, but this time the second knife is above the girl's head. Repeating the motion for the last time, the knife whizzes passed the girls ear and embeds into the target deeper. Eric notices the blood dripping down the girl's cheek beneath her ear. 

"You're going to need stitches. You earned a few points back for not flinching, but that was a warning," Eric states before pointing to an initiate, "take her to the infirmary now." 

  The two take off immediately. 

"You are dismissed. You all are to be here at 8 a.m. and no later tomorrow morning! We are gun practicing tomorrow on the rooftop. Enjoy the rest of your day and rest up." Four tells everyone. 

"Was that really necessary?" Four scolds at Elise.

"She was being a little asshole. She needed to be taught a lesson. We're training the future soldiers of Dauntless, not rebels." Elise keeps a neutral facial expression. Four scoffs and walks off. 

"He acts so high and mighty!" Eric growls out.

"I know. He better remember that me and him tied in the first ranking and I was above him before he caught up. I will kick his ass into the wastelands. Too bad Jeanine would have my ass for doing that." Elise giggled. 

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go get lunch." Eric grunts as he grabs Elise's arm and drags her behind him all the way to the cafeteria. 

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