chapter 10 : shattered barrier

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The night had settled over the city, and the slumbering house was wrapped in a peaceful quiet, save for the gentle hum of the heater. Mira and Sydney were nestled comfortably in their sleeping bags, enjoying the rare tranquility of a typical sleepover. The room was dim, lit only by the soft glow of a night lamp on Mira's bedside table. The sound of their steady breathing was the only indication that they were asleep—until it was abruptly shattered.

A loud banging on the door jolted both girls awake, their hearts racing as they exchanged worried glances. Mira's hand instinctively reached for her phone, but Sydney quickly sat up, eyes wide with confusion and concern.

"What's going on?" Sydney whispered, her voice tinged with fear.

Before Mira could respond, the door burst open, and in rushed Dustin and Suzie, their faces etched with urgency and concern. Dustin's eyes were wide and determined, while Suzie's expression was a mix of anxiety and resolve.

"Mira, Sydney, get up!" Dustin commanded, his voice sharp. "We need to move. Now!"

Mira and Sydney scrambled to their feet, their sleep-disoriented minds racing to catch up with the sudden chaos. Suzie quickly crossed the room to help them gather their things.

"What's happening?" Mira asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Dustin didn't waste time with pleasantries. "We've just uncovered something big. They're planning to use your abilities, Mira. They want to drain you of all your power before the monsters arrive. We need to get to the lab and stop them."

Sydney looked at Dustin with wide, frightened eyes. "What do you mean, drain her power?"

"It's complicated," Suzie cut in, her voice steady despite the urgency. "But the important thing is, we need to get to the lab before they can execute their plan. We need to get in and out before they realize we're there."

With a sense of urgency, Dustin and Suzie led the girls through the house. Steve's voice came through the intercom in the hallway. "Dustin, Suzie, I'm outside. Get your asses down here!"

The sound of Steve's voice was a welcome, if jarring, reminder that they were all in this together. As they raced down the stairs, Mira's mind was racing with questions and fears. The sight of Steve's jeep, parked outside with its headlights casting long shadows, did little to ease her anxiety.

Steve was waiting by the vehicle, his face a mix of determination and worry. He handed out guns to Dustin, Suzie, and Mira, his hands steady despite the urgency in his voice.

"Here," Steve said, thrusting a gun into Mira's hands. "You need to be ready to defend yourself. They're not just going to let us waltz in. There are monsters and security personnel inside the lab. Shoot to kill if necessary."

Mira took the gun with a trembling hand, her mind racing with the gravity of the situation. Sydney, standing nearby, looked on in alarm.

"dad, what's going on?" Sydney asked, her voice trembling.

Steve's expression hardened as he spoke. "I found out that the lab and dome authorities want to use up all of Mira's abilities, rendering her powerless. They want to make her a liability, so when the monsters come, they can escape while she's left to fend for herself. We have to stop them before it's too late."

The urgency in Steve's voice was palpable, and Mira could see the fear and determination in his eyes. She tightened her grip on the gun, her mind focusing on the task at hand.

Steve turned to Dustin and Suzie, his tone commanding. "We need to get through the mid-security clearance before we can reach the time travel machine. Suzie, you're in charge of altering the CCTV feeds and any other surveillance. Dustin, you're with me. We go in, get to Mira's abilities, and make sure they don't touch a damn thing."

Suzie nodded, her face set with determination. "I'll handle the surveillance. Just make sure you keep your heads down and stay alert."

As they climbed into the jeep, Steve glanced back at the girls. "Stay close, and don't do anything stupid. We're all in this together."

The jeep roared to life, and they sped off into the night, the streets passing in a blur of lights and shadows. The tension in the vehicle was thick, each person lost in their own thoughts, but united by a common goal.

When they arrived at the lab, the scene was anything but calm. The building loomed ahead, its darkened windows betraying the intensity of the situation within. Suzie wasted no time, sliding into a small room off to the side to begin altering the surveillance feeds. Dustin, Steve, Mira, and Sydney crept through the back entrance, moving swiftly but silently.

As they approached the security checkpoint, Steve motioned for everyone to stop. "This is where things get tricky. Suzie, make sure the cameras don't see us. Dustin and I will handle the guards. Mira, stay close and be ready."

Suzy's voice came through the intercom, her tone calm and focused. "I've got the feeds under control. You're clear to proceed."

With a nod, Steve and Dustin and even Mira moved forward, their weapons at the ready. They encountered the first set of guards quickly, and the air was filled with the sharp sound of gunfire and the sudden shouts of the guards. Steve's movements were precise and deliberate, while Dustin needed more practice, Mira moved with practiced aim and efficiency what steve had taught. sydney was scared, impressed and proud of her friend.

Mira's heart pounded in her chest as she followed closely behind, her mind racing with the urgency of their mission. The hallways were a labyrinth of steel and concrete, and the sound of their footsteps echoed ominously as they navigated through the corridors.

a loud explosion is heard far away indicating the barrier has been broken. 

steve and dustin led the way, his face set in grim determination. Suzie, who had been part of their emergency response team, was right behind them. As they rounded a corner, the horrifying truth was revealed.

A group of monsters, their grotesque forms rippling with otherworldly power, was wreaking havoc in the lab. Their screeches filled the air, a sound of pure terror that seemed to claw at their very souls.

Suzie was struggling to hold back one of the creatures, her face a mask of fear and determination. She had been brave, but the odds were stacked against her. The monster's claws slashed through the air, its monstrous form lunging toward her with a speed and ferocity that left no room for hope.

"Suzie!" Dustin's voice was a desperate cry as he saw her in peril. He rushed forward, but the monster was faster. With a horrific roar, it swiped at Suzie, its claws raking across her chest.

Suzie staggered back, a pained gasp escaping her lips. She fell to the ground, her face contorted in agony. Dustin's heart shattered as he watched in horror. The scene was almost too much to bear—Suzie, the love of his life, the mother who had given Mira so much love and care, was lying on the ground, her life slipping away.

steve led an onslaught of ammunition on the monster, finally putting them down.

Dustin scrambled to her side, his hands shaking as he tried to help her. "Suzie, no... please, stay with me," he pleaded, his voice cracking with raw emotion.

Suzie's eyes, filled with pain and a deep, unspoken love, met Dustin's. "Dustin... I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of the battle. "I tried... I tried to protect them.i love you so much honey"

Her blood stained the floor, mingling with the wreckage of the lab. The monster in far distance of the barrier loomed over . its grotesque form a terrifying reminder of the danger they faced. Dustin's eyes were filled with tears as he held her hand, trying to offer whatever comfort he could in those final moments.

Mira's voice broke through the chaos, her pleas piercing the air as she knelt beside Suzie's crumpled form. Her eyes were wide with desperation, tears streaming down her face as she clutched Suzie's hand.

"Mom, please, stay with me!" Mira cried, her voice trembling with anguish. "You can't leave us. Not now, not like this. no..nooo.nnooo.... Please, just hold help!!"

Suzie's eyes, though filled with pain, met Mira's with a faint smile. Her hand squeezed Mira's weakly, a gesture of love even in her final moments. "Mira, sweetheart... I'm so proud of you. I love you more than anything.ok baby...remember You're my everything. Be strong... for me baby...take care of dad.."

Mira's sobs grew louder, her grip tightening on Suzie's hand as if she could somehow keep her from slipping away. "No, no, Mom! You can't go. We need you. I need you! Please don't leave me alone. Please..."

But Suzie's strength was fading, and her gaze softened. Her final whisper was barely audible, a heartfelt message for her beloved daughter. "I'll always be with you... i... I love you, Mira. Always."

As Suzie's hand fell limp, Mira's anguished cries filled the lab, a heartbreaking testament to the love and loss that would forever mark this moment.

Suzie's death was a brutal reminder of the stakes involved in their mission. Her love and dedication had always been a source of strength for those around her, and now, in her final moments, she had sacrificed everything for them.

The monsters continued their rampage, their monstrous forms a dark cloud over the lab. Steve, Mira, and Sydney fought desperately, their hearts heavy with grief and determination.

Dustin, still holding Suzie's hand, was a picture of heartbreak and resolve. His face was etched with the pain of loss, the memories of their life together flashing before his eyes. The laughter, the quiet moments of love and support—they were all mingled with the overwhelming grief of her untimely death.

oh man this was tough. to type. it gets worse.

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