Chapter 13

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((Don't worry everyone. I know you are all expecting this to be a troll chapter or something but I promise you're safe from tricks here. ;) Enjoy!))

"Sakura, for the millionth time, straighten your back and square your shoulders. You're not an old hag! And stop looking at your feet and keep your chin forward! If you drop one more book, I swear to the gods that I will make you walk across this room another two dozen times!" Tomoe barked as he leaned against the wall, eyes narrowed as he watched the vixen pathetically waddle across the room.

Biting her lip, Sakura raised her eyes to look at him, and in that moment, she stepped on the hem of her kimono, causing her to trip. Immediately, all five books tumbled off of her head and onto the floor with a mighty crash that echoed like ominous thunder throughout the room. Sakura froze, not even daring to breathe, as Tomoe's eyebrow twitched spastically and his hands shook, his long nails digging into the flesh of his palm till it bled.

"I-I'm sorry..." Sakura whimpered, her ears flattening against her head. She was already too exhausted and discouraged to fight with her mentor so she merely swallowed the lump forming in her throat and braced herself for another scolding.

Grumbling something under his breath, Tomoe took a deep breath and strode towards the open doorway.

"Let's just move on to something else. I'm tired of watching you flop about like a fish on land. Follow me." he growled flatly then walked out of the room, not even checking to see whether to not he was being pursued. Sighing loudly, Sakura rose to her full height and chased after him, not wanting to earn more reprimanding than necessary. The two foxes quickly made their way outside before Tomoe finally turned around to face his student, giving her a stern glare.

"Summon your kitsubeni."

Sakura blinked at him, not sure she had heard correctly. Tomoe's eyes narrowed.

"Why are you staring at me like that? You heard me with those massive ears of yours, did you not? Summon your kitsubeni!" he snapped.

Sakura took a step back, her eyes wide. Was he insane? Did he want her to burn the entire shrine down with their friends inside?

"I-I can't!" she whimpered, her ears dropping.

"Yes you can! The problem here is not that you can't; it's that you won't. Now summon your kitsubeni!" Tomoe barked.

"I told you, I can't! I can't control it! I'll kill everyone!" Sakura argued.

"Fine, if you want to be stubborn then I'll force it out of you!" Tomoe snarled as he summoned a massive ball of his own foxfire and hurled it at the vixen like a flaming baseball of death.

Sakura released a noise that sounded like a cross between a yelp and a shriek as she dove out of the fireball's path. "Hey, what the heck?! You could've killed me!"

"That's the point! Summon your foxfire and fight or burn and die!" Tomoe shouted as he summoned a horde of smaller orbs of kitsubeni and sent the flying at her.

Heart racing, Sakura ducked, slid, and jumped to avoid getting hit then took off running towards the house, hoping to hide within its walls. However, Tomoe hastily leaped into her path, eyes full of an unsettling light that sent chills down the vixen's spine. Skidding to a halt, she turned and hastily ran another way, narrowly avoiding the balls of fire that were sent after her.

"He's not playing around. He's actually trying to kill me!" she panicked. Scanning her surroundings, she noticed Mizuki lounging lazily on the back porch, sipping a cup of sake. Next to him was a half full jar, a basin of water, and a pile of untouched laundry. Running past him, she hastily snatched up the basin before Mizuki could protest and spun around with it, tossing the water onto the flames that had been following her and extinguishing them.

"Hmm, you're quick on your feet and resourceful, I'll give you that. However, familiars need to able to attack as well as defend. Now summon forth your foxfire!" Tomoe shouted from where he stood perched on the roof.

"Haven't you been listening?! I can't do it! I don't know how to control it! Whatever happened at Yonomori's shrine was a fluke accident and in the end I burned the shrine to the ground! I just can't, Tomoe!!!" Sakura shouted. By now, hot, angry tears had begun spilling down her cheeks. She was tired, scared, discouraged, embarrassed, and overall completely miserable, and given that the silent submission method had failed to provide her with the results she hoped for, she decided to resort to lashing out again.

Glaring down at her, Tomoe raised his hand into the air and summoned a massive cloud of kitsunbeni, far too large for even the fastest of yokai to dodge. Was he going overboard? Probably. However, as he watched the defiant redhead tremble before him, he couldn't help but smile.

"I'm trying to teach her." He reasoned with himself. "I'm saving her from a lot of future trouble by helping her realize that she needs to become more aggressive in battle but at the same time indicating the importance of knowing her place. I am the superior here and she will do what I say without argument!"

"Summon your kitsubeni, Sakura. This is your last chance." he stated and swung his hand downwards, sending the fiery cloud soaring straight at the vixen.

Biting her lip, Sakura collapsed to her knees and curled up into a ball as she prepared herself for what would probably been the most unbearable physical pain she had ever experienced in her life. However, just as the heat of her impending doom began to sear her back, a loud, clear, shrill voice ripped through the air.


Immediately, the kitsubeni froze midflight and Tomoe's body went stiff. Raising her head, Sakura saw Nanami standing by the corner of the porch, her face scrunched up into the angriest expression she could muster as she glared daggers at her head familiar. Mizuki swiftly slid out from behind her and ran to Sakura's side, taking the trembling vixen into his arms and helping her to her feet. Tomoe's eyes narrowed.

"Traitor." he spat.

Mizuki scowled at him.

"Dictator." he hissed. "You're going to get it now, Tomoe."

The white fox said nothing, but an involuntary shudder ripped through his body when Nanami gave another shout.

"TOMOE, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" she bellowed, her hands clenched into fists. Once her faithful familiar had reluctantly slipped down from the roof and presented himself to her, she grabbed him by the ear and began shouting into it. "Have you completely lost it, Tomoe?!?! You could've killed her! Look at Sakura; she's shaking in fear! Go inside and start working on dinner! Himemiko is dropping by later to join us so you better make extra! Once she is gone, you and I are having a long, LONG talk! Got it?!"

"Yes, Nanami." Tomoe mumbled, glancing distastefully over his shoulder at his Sakura.

Releasing Tomoe's ear and turning to the trembling redhead, Nanami's expression softened as she approached her and placed a comforting hand on her arm.

"You have my sincerest apologies, Sakura. I assure you, Tomoe will be thoroughly dealt with for this atrocity. For now, take the rest of the night off. Mizuki will watch over you and take care of you so ask him for anything you need." she cooed softly, hoping to soothe the traumatized apprentice to a degree. However, Sakura only flinched away from her and further buried herself into Mizuki's embrace.

"Here, let's go see your brother. He woke up a little while ago and has been asking dozens of questions since I told him you were trying to become a better familiar." Mizuki stated, guiding Sakura back into the house and shooting Tomoe another disapproving look before disappearing through the doorway. Sensing the intense heat of Nanami's glare, Tomoe trudged into the house as well, ears down and tail tucked between his legs as he slunk into the kitchen and shut the door behind him.


Hearing the door to his room slide open, Atomu tried to sit up but was gently pushed back down by Sakura's tender hand.

"Hey, how do you feel?" she asked softly as she sat down on the edge of his bed, placing her hand over his own.

"Sore and kind of foggy, but other than that, I'm great." Atomu replied cheerfully. "How about you? How's your training going?"

"It's...great. I've been learning a lot." Sakura lied as she forced an extremely fake smile onto her face.

Atomu raised a suspicious eyebrow at his sister and started to sit up again, peering into her eyes curiously. The dulled sparkle of her green irises, the slight puffiness of her eyelids, and the faint tracks of tear stains through the makeup on her face all told him his sister was a liar.

"Is it really?" He asked, his voice soft but stern.

Sakura's shoulders stiffened and one of her ears started twitching. Soon, her lip began to quiver as more tears welled up in her eyes, and the redhead hung her head shamefully, a few choked sobs resounding from her throat. Wrapping an arm around her, Atomu drew his sister to his chest and held her close as she started to cry.

"It's horrible, Atomu! Tomoe is an awful teacher. He nearly killed me!" Sakura wailed as she clung to her brother's shirt like a child. "He's crazy. He goes from bossy to kind then annoyed then gentle then angry all within seconds and all he does is yell and hit me! He has no patience either and whenever I don't know or understand how to do something right away, he just gets even more frustrated with me!"

Atomu stroked his sister's head soothingly, listening quietly as she ranted about her day. Once her voice had faded and her rivers of tears had been reduced to trickles, he pulled back and look her dead in the eyes.

"You don't have to do this. You don't have to go through with this training. I can protect us both once I'm better-"

"No, Atomu, I do. I'm not going to leech off of you for the rest of my life like the peahen. Besides, I made a promise to our father that I would serve as your familiar and protect you; I am not going to let my last promise to him be one made in vain." Sakura sighed.

"Well, then what do you plan to do? You have agreed to let Tomoe teach you and he is using the methods he thinks are best." Atomu said. When his sister glared at him, he hastily added. "Do not be mistaken; I am not excusing his behavior or methods in the slightest. However, in becoming his student, you have willing submitted yourself to his methods and must now deal with them."

Sakura let out a weary sigh and allowed herself to dramatically flop down onto her brother's mattress, hissing slightly as her bruises throbbed from the impact.

"I know, I just...I just wish he wasn't such an insensitive jerk!" she sighed.

"Have you tried talking to him and asking him if he could try another teaching method?" her brother questioned as he laid beside her.

Sakura laughed dryly. "Yeah, and get my head lopped off in the process? No thanks."

"Well, you have two options here: either you stay quiet and things continue as they are or you speak up and see if Tomoe would be willing to compromise." Atomu stated.

"Ugh, I hate both of them; I'll die no matter what I pick." Sakura grumbled.

"Well, maybe you could have someone talk to him for you, someone he won't be as hard on. Nanami perhaps?"

"Well...Nanami did say she would be having a long talk with Tomoe later...maybe I could voice a couple of my concerns before she does..." Sakura mumbled thoughtfully.

"Why don't you talk to her about it after dinner? I heard she's having a guest so Tomoe will have to be on his best behavior." Atomic winked.

Sakura managed to smile weakly at him. "Alright, I will."

"Good. Now, next question: what did you do to your hair?!"


When her catfish princess friend was escorted into the dining room by Onikiri, Nanami leaped to her feet and ran to greet her, enveloping her in a hug.

"Himemiko! I've missed you!" she squealed excitedly.

"I missed you too, Nanami. Kotaru wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf for being unable to join us." Himemiko stated in her usual monotone way. Glancing over her friend's shoulder, she noticed Atomu seated quietly off to the side. "Nanami, who is your other guest?"

"Huh? Oh right! Himemiko, this is Atomu, son of Lord Daichi." Nanami said cheerfully as she beckoned the demigod to her side.

Himemiko blinked. "Lord Daichi, you say? I have heard rumors that the powerful mountain god has been slain. I pray this is not true?"

"Unfortunately it is, Lady Himemiko. My father was slain by an old friend who turned against him." Atomu replied, a cloud of sadness covering the usual sparkle on his eyes.

"I see. You have my condolences. I met your father a few times throughout my life; he was a firm but kind man. My support is yours if you choose to go avenge him." Himemiko said softly.

"Thank you, Lady Himemiko. You are very kind." Atomu stated as he bowed respectfully.

Nanami squirmed awkwardly as a melancholy aura clung to the air. Eager to disperse it, she gently placed a hand on Himemiko's shoulder and guided her to her seat, resuming her usual happy babbling.

"So Himemiko, how are things going with you and Kotaru?" Nanami asked sweetly.

"Very well. Yesterday we had had an evening picnic next to my swamp then stargazed and told stories."

"Aw, that sounds so romantic!" Nanami said dreamily, imagining the yokai princess and her human love sprawled out on the grass, hand in fin. It made her want to squeal for joy; it was moments like those that made the strain of being a matchmaking goddess worth it.

Himemiko clacked her teeth together in a happy reply. However, she grew curious when she noticed Atomu staring expectantly at the door.

"Are you waiting for someone, Atomu?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh, yes. My adopted sister, Sakura, told me she would be joining us shortly. However, I'm starting to wonder if she meant "shortly" standard time or "shortly" her time." Atomu chuckled, bashfully scratching the back of his neck. Nanami giggled as well.

Suddenly, the door slid open, but instead of redheaded vixen waltzing in, Tomoe strolled into the dining room with an air of dignity around him, Mizuki trailing behind him with a tray laden with food in his arms. Scanning the line of hungry faces, the fox scowled when he noticed Sakura wasn't present. Sighing loudly, he bowed respectfully before the trio and set the first course of the meal, a bowl of onion soup and a small salad, before each of them. Mizuki meekly shuffled out of the room and Tomoe turned to follow. However, in that instance, a blur of red, green, and pink flew into the room and collided with him, knocking him to the floor. Tomoe grunted as Sakura landed on top of him, knocking the air out of his lungs, and Sakura in turn let out a groan as she raised herself up onto her arms. As the foxes eyes locked, vibrant blushes rushed to their faces and their bodies went stiff from horror as the realized the awkward position they were in. Sakura's legs were draped over either side of Tomoe's body and one of Tomoe's hands rested on the redhead's waist while the other brushed against her thigh. Their faces were extremely close as well, close enough that they could feel the warm but shaky breaths escaping each other lips. For a moment, they both just sat there, staring at one another in shock as their brains rushed about frantically as they tried to comprehend what had just happened. However, the sound of Nanami's muffled chuckling broke the spell's hold on Tomoe and he hastily started to sit up.

"Imbecile! Get off of me!" he snapped, shoving Sakura aside and leaping to his feet. Ears flat against his head and tail between his legs, he ran from the dining room as Nanami's giggled grew louder. Ears down as well, Sakura bowed respectfully to Himemiko then raced to her seat beside her brother, keeping her head down so the redness of her cheeks would be camouflaged by her hair.

"My apologies for being late, Nana - Lady Nanami." she mumbled under her breath.

"It's alright, Sakura; don't worry about it." Nanami replied as she started to calm down, wiping tears from her eyes.

Sakura hardly spoke throughout the rest of the meal; she would only share a glare with Tomoe whenever he served her a new dish and then quietly ask Mizuki, Onikiri, or Kotetsu if her food had been poisoned by the other fox. Meanwhile, Nanami and Himemiko continued to chatter excitedly while Atomu ate in awkward silence. However, every time Tomoe would go to serve Sakura, Nanami would glance at the duo and get lost in thought. Although all they did was stare down one another, Nanami couldn't help but think of her previous theory that they would make a cute couple if they could stop trying to strangle each other every five seconds.

"Priorities, Nanami!" her conscience scolded her. "That isn't what's important right now. You need to worry about dealing with Tomoe and making sure he doesn't kill Sakura while she is training with him. Hopefully if I can get him to be a little more compassionate, Sakura won't be as hostile either and they can start to get along. Once they reach that point then I can try and see if I can pair them up."

"Nanami, is something wrong?" Sakura asked when she caught the goddess staring at her.

"Oh, no! Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking. Sorry." Nanami smiled and returned her attention to Himemiko.

Tomoe's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the back of his master's head. Nanami was thinking? That meant trouble for him.

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