Chapter 25

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"To victory!"

Cheers rang throughout the Mikage shrine as Jirou, Mizuki, and the other warriors all raised their glasses of sake in celebration before downing it all in a few quick gulps. Nanami, who had received some soda pop from Onikiri and Kotetsu since she couldn't drink, chuckled and sipped daintily at her beverage as she examined all the happy faces around the room, eyes half closed as they chatted and laughed merrily just like they should be after a great victory. However, upon closer examination, she noticed one long face weaving amongst the crowd, the face of Tomoe as he circled the room with a plate of appetizers perched on his shoulder. Although he would flash a smile whenever someone looked at him, the distant, distracted look in his eyes said his heart and mind were someplace else, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out whether they had gone. Smiling and shaking her head, Nanami approached Tomoe and tapped his arm to get his attention. As he spun around to face her, she held out her hands, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Do you need something? Could you ask the lazy snake to do it? I'm a tad busy at the moment." he remarked grumpily.

"I'm offering to help you, baka!" Nanami retorted, her lip sticking out in a pout as her cheery expression was replaced by a look of annoyance.

Tomoe's brows drew together quizzically. "Why would I need your help? I'm perfectly capable of handing out hors d'oeuvres."

Nanami's eyebrow twitched as a vein on the side of her forehead bulged.

"I was going to offer to take over for a bit so you could go check on Sakura, but if you would rather stay here and distribute food then that's fine by me." she huffed before twirling on her heels and strutting off, arms folded across her chest.

Tomoe's eyes immediately went wide and he hastily thrust out his arm to grab her before she could move out of reach. "Nanami, wait!"

"No no, keep doing what you were doing. I don't want to tear you away from your passion." the goddess stated sarcastically before jerking out of his grasp.

Tomoe groaned loudly and pinched the the bridge of his nose. "Look, I didn't mean it like that. I really appreciate you offering to help. It was very kind of you to think of me-"

"Yes, it was." the goddess snapped sharply.

Tomoe's ears drooped as his eyes fell to the ground. Glancing back at him, Nanami found her irritated mask starting to slip as she drank in the kicked puppy expression on Tomoe's face; she just couldn't stay mad at him. Allowing a small smile to grace her lips, she shook her head before snatching the tray of food from his hands.

"Fortunately for you, I'm in a good mood right now so I'll forgive you. Now get your fluffy behind down that hallway and take those two some food while you're at it." She chirped sassily, giving the fox's head a playful smack before sauntering off into the crowd, a beaming grin on her face. At first, Tomoe stood and stared at her retreating form, his mind still trying to decipher what the heck had just happened. However, as the information began to register, he started to smile as we and all to happily slipped off into one the shrine's dark hallways, leaving the annoyingly boisterous crowd behind him. However, just as he was about to dash into the kitchen to grab a platter of unserved food, he skidded to a stop when the sound of two voices greeted his ears.

"You're leaving?" Said some that sounded suspiciously like Mizuki. Tomoe's lips curved into a scowl. Of course the snake was hiding out in here so he wouldn't have to work.

"I'm not one to stick around long. Besides, I'm not a good people person." the second voice replied.

Tomoe's brows scrunched together in confusion? Was that Ayano? Slowly pushing open the kitchen door as not to alert the two to his presence, the fox stuck his head in the room, and sure enough, there stood Mizuki and Ayano. Judging by the pack slung over the chameleon's shoulder, the snake had caught her mid departure. As he peered closer, Tomoe could've sworn he saw a slight blush on Mizuki's cheeks as he bashfully avoided eye contact with the woman's alluring orbs.

"You could stay here, you know. We would keep you safe." the snake cooed in an unusually soft voice, his pristinely white eyelashes fluttering as he risked a glance up at Ayano's face.

Ayano shook her head. "Thanks but no thanks. I get antsy if I stay in one place for more than a few days. Side effect of the business."

"You could always start over." Mizuki suggested, sheepishly twiddling his fingers and he talked.

Ayano couldn't help but smile at his naivety. "I wish it was that simple but I've been part of this life for far too long. However, I have the feeling we'll see each other again, next time on better terms."

"Yeah, on better terms." Mizuki echoed.

For a moment the two just stood there in awkward silence, avoiding direct eye contact in case they accidentally became locked in one another's gaze. Then, having made up his mind, Mizuki suddenly leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Ayano's cheek, being particularly gentle due to the burn scars still marring her skin. Ayano's face immediately flushed bright red but before she could say anything, Mizuki had shifted into his snake form and slithered off to some unseen place, leaving her to stand dumbfoundedly in the middle of the room.

Pressing his lips together into a fine line, Tomoe slowly closed the door to prevent the hinges from squeaking and carefully tiptoed a few feet back. Once he was far enough away, he whirled around and started to run only to trip over Onikiri and Kotetsu as they flew behind him. The fox spirit hit the ground with a loud crash and a groan, causing Onikiri and Kotetsu to shrink back and hold their breath as they watched him get up, his hand tenderly rubbing his head.

"M-Master Tomoe. We didn't see you there." Kotetsu stuttered nervously.

"Please forgive us. We did not mean to get in your way!" Onikiri hurriedly added.

"It's fine." Tomoe grunted as he allowed his hand to drop to his side as he looked the shrine spirits in the face. "Actually, I could use your help. Once Ayano has left the kitchen, please bring some of the food in there to Sakura's and Atomu's rooms. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, of course! We will bring it along shortly!" Kotetsu exclaimed, relieved that the usually hotheaded kitsune was not angry with him.

"Very good. Don't run into anyone else while you're at it." Tomoe chirped, his lips curving into the slightest grin before he disappeared down the hall. For a moment, Onikiri and Kotetsu stood motionless in the darkness, their eyes wide.

"Did Master Tomoe....just try to make a joke?" Onikiri finally wondered aloud.

"I think so...." Kotetsu replied.

The two spirits stared at one another for a few more seconds, their brains still choking on what had happened, before they both stiffly made their way towards the kitchen.

"It wasn't a very funny joke."

"Well, he is just a beginner."


Hearing the door to her room slide open, Sakura raised her head ever so slightly from her pillow and opened her eyes just wide enough to see Tomoe closing the door behind him. As he looked up and met her gaze, his face immediately tinted pink.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but I really don't mind. I'm actually really happy to see you. Come here." Sakura smiled as she sat up on her yukata, her green eyes sparkling as she patted the spot next to her on the bed. Tomoe hastily obeyed and hurriedly to her side, easing himself down onto the cushy mattress so Sakura could cuddle up to him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I still can't believe it. I mean, I dreamed about what life would be like after Atomu and I beat Hirito and took over Dad's role, but I guess that at the back of my mind I never truly believed that it would happen so now that that time is here, I don't know what to do with it." Sakura mumbled as she tightly hugged Tomoe's arm to her chest, her voice coming out like a soft purr.

"Well, how about we start with us?" Tomoe cooed gently. He immediately felt Sakura tense up, causing him to frown. "Is something the matter?"

"N-No, it's fine. I guess we do need to discuss that topic so we're on the same page." Sakura replied hastily, her hand reaching up to nervously twirl a strand of her scarlet hair as she bit her lip.

Tomoe's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Something bothering you. What is it?"

Sakura's shoulders sagged forward and her eyes dropped the the ground where her foot nervously danced across the wooden floorboards. "Well, I assume you wish to discuss preparations for the pre-mating ceremony, correct?"

"That is correct. Is there a problem?"

Sakura didn't answer right away; in fact, she didn't answer for a while, allowing a foreboding silence to blanket the room and steal Tomoe's breath as his heart hammered against his ribcage.

"Tomoe....I want to postpone the ceremony." Sakura finally blurted before turned her head away rather sharply, her eyes squinted shut as she waited for him to start yelling. When no screams came, she timidly peeked over her shoulder to see Tomoe staring at her, his face a collage of sadness, confusion, fear, and anger as he sat completely motionless beside her, his ears falling limply against his head.

"...Why? Don't you want this?" He finally asked, his voice quivering slightly as he struggled to swallow the pearl of worry forming in his throat.

"Of course I do and that's precisely the problem!"


"Tomoe, I'm still not ready. I've improved greatly since coming under your supervision but I still have so far to go before I'm able to be a proper familiar, much less a life partner. When I'm your mate, I want to be able to pull my fair share of the weight and not burden you, so I was hoping we could wait just a little longer till I've grown enough."

Tomoe's brows scrunched inquisitively together. "And how long do you think that will take?"

"I don't know." Sakura replied with shrug. After a long sigh, she added, "I know that this is a lot to ask and I understand if this is a dealbreaker for you-"

"No." Tomoe swiftly interjected before snatching up her hand and giving it a tender squeeze. "I can wait. I will wait as long as you need me to."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm certain. I will wait for you and when the time is right, we will continue with the ceremony. Just make sure you don't change too much." Tomoe purred as he pulled her onto his lap and gently nuzzled her cheek with his nose, making her giggle.

"That tickles! Cut it out!"

Instead of listening, Tomoe proceeded to grab her sides and tickle her harder, causing her laughter to grow. This continued for several minutes until Sakura waved her hand for Tomoe to stop, heavy pants escaping her lips as she tiredly slumped against his sturdy frame.

"You're sure you're okay with waiting?" She asked as she rested her head against his chest

"If it's for you, then yes."

Sakura's lips curved into a smile as a mischievous look crept onto her face. "Then hold still."

Tomoe was somewhat confused by her statement, but all became clear to him as she pressed her lips against his, her teeth grazing the bottom of his lip like he had done to her. A flower of warmth bloomed in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his hands in her hair, all the while purring quietly as Sakura nibbled and nipped at his lips. Once she was satisfied with her work, she broke away and looked him dead in the eyes, smirking in amusement when he whimpered in protest and reached for her lips once more.

"Nuh uh uh. We have to let the marks heal up now." she cooed softly, her smirk widening when Tomoe stuck out his bottom lip in a sort of childlike pout.

Sighing in surrender, Tomoe settled for placing a gentle peck on Sakura's nose before gently setting her back down on her bed and standing up.

"I must return to my duties at the celebration but I will come in later and wish you goodnight. Onikiri and Kotetsu should be bringing you some food shortly." he stated as he made his way to the door.

"Okay. Don't work yourself too hard." Sakura cooed as she gazed at him with hooded eyes.

"I won't. Make sure you keep your leg elevated and let Onikiri and Kotetsu know if it starts to hurt again."

"I will. I love you, Tomoe."

Tomoe blushed slightly at her words.

"I love you too." he echoed quickly before scurrying out of the room.

As soon as he had disappeared, Sakura fluffed her pillow a few times before lowering her head back down onto it, but just as she was closing her eyes, a loud knock sounded from her door, making her groan in annoyance.

"Come in." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat back up. To her surprise, the door slid open to reveal Hiromi, who quietly tiptoed into the room before shutting the door behind her.

"Hiromi? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed recovering?" the vixen asked.

"I was sick of laying in that bed and your brother wanted me to give you a message since he is still bedridden like you." Hiromi stated, her pretty eyes grave as she squatted to the redhead's level.

Sakura's brows drew worriedly together. "Go on..."

"Well, now that Hirito has been taken care of, it is the duty of your brother to take Lord Daichi's place as the mountain god, meaning that he must return to your father's shrine and we in turn must go with him." Hiromi said quietly, her expression softening as she watched Sakura's eyes widen in horror. The vixen felt her heart drop into her gut as the news sank in, the weight of it causing her shoulders to hunch over as she began to curl in on herself.

"I...I knew this day would come, but after everything that has happened..." Sakura's voice trailed off as she bit her lip.

Smiling sympathetically, Hiromi spread her arms and drew the vixen in for a hug. "I know you don't want to leave them; I don't either. However, it is our duty."

"Still, it's hard to imagine not having them there every day, and who's going to continue my training if Tomoe isn't there? What about our engagement?"

"I have heard rumors of a new shrine that specializes in training familiars. It supposedly is not far from the mountain where your father's shrine is located, so you will most likely resume your training there. As for your engagement, that is something I think you and Atomu will need to discuss with Nanami and Tomoe." Hiromi crowed, her hand tracing comforting circles on the vixen's back.

"Have you told Nanami or the others yet?" Sakura inquired.

"No. Your brother thought it would be best to wait till after the party to tell them as to not ruin the mood."

"What about Jirou? He's bound to be upset about this as well."

Hiromi's cheeks flushed pink. "Your brother and I are currently discussing a.....compromise in regards to that matter, but that's not for you to worry about. Do you want to tell Tomoe about this or would you rather I tell him?"

"I should be the one to tell him. He won't be happy though."

"Well, tell him that instead of seeing it as a goodbye to look at it as a see you soon instead." Hiromi advised gently.

"Yeah. That will totally fix everything." Sakura muttered sarcastically.

Hiromi bit her lip. "Maybe you and Atomu could discuss a compromise as well. He might be willing to let you stay behind to continue working with Tomoe."

"Yes, he probably would...but wouldn't that be selfish?"


"I'm his only familiar, so by staying behind for my own personal comfort, I'm putting him in danger. I can't do that."

"I could always take over for you while you're gone." Hiromi offered but Sakura shook her head.

"That's very kind of you but it doesn't change anything. I am his familiar so I must be the one to protect him at all times, even if it takes away from my own personal time and pleasure. Lord Dai-my father and brother have sacrificed a lot for me already; it's about time I start paying back my dues." she stated.

"So you'll go?"

"I have to."


"Tomoe, give me the flipping suitcase! I can't call myself a familiar if I can't handle one suitcase."

Tomoe rolled his eyes in annoyance but smiled as he hoisted the suitcase higher up in the air, making Sakura growl before she started jumping for it, desperately swinging her claws at the handle in hopes of grabbing it. Behind her, the giggles of their friend's shattered the remaining morning silence, smiles clearing away their formerly somber expressions as they watched the two foxes.

"Do you really have to leave?" Nanami asked Atomu softly.

"I wish we didn't but I must go reclaim my father's home and position before someone else tries to take it again. However, next time you are on break from school, Sakura, Hiromi, and I would love for you all to come visit us." Atomu cooed.

Nanami's smile widened. "I would love that! Thank you so much!"

"There's no need for that. It is I that should be thanking you. You were a very kind and generous hostess to us and Tomoe has been a great help to my sister. Mikage chose his successor well." Atomu purred. After a momentary pause, he reached into his pocket and produced a box the size of his palm and handed it to the goddess. "This is for you. I saw it a little while ago and thought you might like it."

Nanami's eyes sparkled as she threw her arms around Atomu's neck, completely oblivious to the blush invading his entire face. "Thank you so much! I'm really touched."

"You haven't even looked at it yet."

"I know I'll like it. Thank you, Atomu."

Fiddling with his robe's collar as his skin radiated excess heat, the demigod pulled away. Turning, he expected to see Sakura and Tomoe still arguing but was instead met by the sight of the two hungrily locking lips, the bag placed in the magic carriage Nanami was lending them and all but forgotten as they pressed against one another in a final farewell.

"If you two are done flirting now, we should get on the road." He called teasingly as he and Hiromi made their way over to the cart and climbed in.

A sigh escaped Tomoe's lips as he finally broke the kiss. "Don't you dare forget about me."

"I won't. No chasing any pretty maidens while I'm away."

"I'm going to miss you constantly annoying me with your clumsiness and inexperience."

"We'll see each other again before you know it." Sakura replied before placing a tender peck on his nose and scrambling into the cart after her brother and friend.

As the cart took off into the air, more waves and farewell wishes were exchanged between the two parties till the cart finally disappeared from view. Once they had gone, Nanami returned her attention to the box she had received and absentminded began to toy with the ribbon wrapped around it.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!" Mizuki exclaimed impatiently.

"Okay! Don't rush me!" Nanami retorted before carefully undoing the bow while the others all crowded around her. A gasp left her lips as she removed the lid of the box to reveal a gold necklace with a thin chain and a sakura pink gemstone attached to it. "It's beautiful."

"Yes, it is. You know that this is a courting gift though, don't you?" Tomoe interrupted, ruining the moment.

Nanami's brows scrunched together. "Huh?"

"For gods, giving another deity such a gift would be considered a courting gift. By accepting it, you have agreed to court Atomu."


"Quite clever of him, if you ask me. Oh Mizuki, I am quite curious to learn what exactly happened between you and Ayano that led you to kiss her?"

"Eeh?! How did you know about that?!"

"Mizuki, you kissed Ayano?!"

"Yes! I mean, no! It was just on the cheek anyways!"

"I think I'll take my leave now."

"Oh no you don't! I'm going to kill you for sure now, sly fox!"

"Mizuki, get back here! You still haven't told me what happened!"

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