Chapter 4

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The next morning, Tomoe was quietly serving Nanami and Atomu a peaceful Sunday morning breakfast when Mizuki suddenly raced into the room, panting heavily, and slammed the door behind him. Beads of sweat dripped from the famililar's face as he leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. Tears and claw marks dotted his clothing, and scratches decorated his exposed skin.

"Mizuki, what happened?!" Nanami shrieked when she saw her familiar in his current state.

"Sakura.....She tried to kill me....." he gasped in reply, trembling. Getting up, he raced to his goddess's side and buried his face into her back, hugging her like his life depended on it. "She tried to kill me!"

"Can you blame her? You weren't exactly the world's friendliest welcoming party." Atomu muttered, earning a glare from the snake yokai.

"Mizuki, I'm sure you just startled her and she reacted out of defensive instinct." Nanami reassured her familiar, patting his arm comfortingly. "I don't think she actually meant to kill you-"

"She did! Look!" Mizuki rolled up his sleeves and pointed at some of the scars. "She went for the veins first-" he pulled aside his collar to reveal more scratches and some bruises, "-then the neck. She wanted me dead, Nanami! Please protect me!"

Nanami sighed and glanced up at her other familiar. "Tomoe, will you-"

"I'll take care of it. Mizuki is probably just being dramatic as usual." Tomoe replied, setting down his cup and heading down the hall.

"Just you wait, Tomoe. You'll see soon enough!" Mizuki called after him.

Striding swiftly down the hall, Tomoe reached for the door to Sakura's room but suddenly stopped. "I don't want to take her by surprise and frighten her." Rapping his knuckles lightly the doorframe, Tomoe called out to the young vixen as he began to open the door, "Sakura-"

"GO AWAY!!!!"

Tomoe narrowly dodged Sakura's nails as she tried to scratch out his eyes, but he unfortunately left his stomach wide open. A kick to the gut sent him stumbling backwards, and the door to Sakura's room hastily shut once more. It took a moment for Tomoe to fully realize what had happened, but when he did, a bitter irritation built up inside him.

"She may look like Nanami, but she is far more spoiled and annoying!"

Grabbing the door, Tomoe nearly ripped it off its hinges as he flung it open. Sakura jumped up from her mat and charged him without a second thought, but Tomoe was prepared. He caught the feisty yokai by her wrists and held her aloft so that her feet hung an inch above the floor.

"What the heck?! Let me go!" Sakura shrieked, writhing in Tomoe's iron grip. "Ouch! You're hurting me!"

"Stop squirming and quit whining." With his free hand, Tomoe gently plucked Sakura's clip from her fiery tresses and held it tightly between his forefinger and thumb. Immediately, Sakura's ears, flattened against her head, and tail, flicking back and forth irritably, materialized once more.

"Hey! Give that back!" the Fennec fox cried, struggling even more.

"You may be a guest at this shrine, Sakura, but that does not mean you can behave like a spoiled brat. You will behave, and if you do not, I shall destroy this clip of yours so you can no longer conceal your true identity. Do I make myself clear?"

A mixture of emotions stirred in the green seas of Sakura's irises: shock, fear, then rage. A low, menacing growl rose from her throat, but Tomoe didn't flinch.

"I said do I make myself clear?" he repeated, scowling down at the redhead.

Sakura looked away from him and after a moment mumbled, "Yes."

"Good. Now make yourself presentable and head down to breakfast. Your meal is getting cold." After returning Sakura's clip to her, Tomoe spun on his heels and headed out the door. He could sense the vixen glaring holes in his back, but he just smiled and kept walking. Upon entering the kitchen, he flashed Mizuki a sneer.

"Like I predicted, Mizuki was just being dramatic as usual. Sakura will be down in a few moments for breakfast."  he said smugly.

Mizuki scowled at the fox. "You stupid liar!"

About fifteen minutes later, Sakura stalked into the kitchen dressed in her old jacket and jeans once more. Oddly, her ears and tail were still exposed, meaning she had not put her clip back on.

"Good morning, Sakura!" Nanami sang.

The vixen ignored her hostess' cheerful greeting and instead approached the kitchen cupboards.

Tomoe scowled. "Nanami just addressed you, Sakura.

"I know. I heard her."

"Then you should respond. And what are you doing in the cupboards?"

The female didn't answer again.

"Sakura, I know you can hear me. Why are you searching the cupboards? Your meal is right here." Tomoe stated, his tail swishing back and forth.

Sakura paused for a moment to glance at the food on the table. Despite her early behavior, Tomoe had already scooped generous helpings of each dish onto her plate and had used his foxfire to make sure it stayed warm.

"I don't want that." she stated flatly and continued scouring the cabinets for something to eat.

Tomoe clenched his teeth angrily. "It doesn't matter if you don't want it. Nanami asked me to make this for breakfast so this is what is being served. You either eat this or starve. Now get out of my cupboards!" he snapped.

Sakura rolled her eyes in annoyance and sniffed about curiously. When a particular smell greeted her nose, she smiled and reached into the back of the cabinet. After a moment, she pulled out of a piece of sasamochi, her eyes sparkling. Tomoe growled.

"Oops, did I find your treats, house pet? I'm sure Nanami will give you one if you do a trick. Can you do a trick?" Sakura sang tauntingly.

In that moment, something inside Tomoe snapped, and he lunged at the Fennec fox with a bloodthirsty snarl. Tucking the mochi protective against her chest, Sakura sprang out of the way and raced towards the door. However, before she could reach it, she tripped over something long, thin, and scaly.

"I got her!" Mizuki cried after he changed back to his regular form.

Sakura tried to jump back to her feet, but Tomoe hastily grabbed hold of her by her wrists and pinned her to the floor.

"Get off of me!" she cried, squirming about. She felt rather uncomfortable in such a position, completely powerless against the male yokai.

"Give back the sasamochi." Tomoe growled.

"It's just food!"

"This isn't about the food! This is about you showing my goddess and I some respect!"

"Let go of me!" Sakura's breathing was now frantic and tears began to spill down her cheeks. "LET ME GO!!!"

"Tomoe, that's enough! Let go of her this instant!" Nanami shouted.

Scowling Tomoe crawled off of the vixen, who scampered to hide behind Atomu, whimpering while her ears rested flat against her head.

"Tomoe, that was uncalled for! Apologize right now!" Nanami exclaimed angrily.

"I will apologize for my roughness as soon as that brat apologizes to you for disrespecting you. She is a guest here and should learn some manners." Tomoe huffed.


"He's right." Atomu said, standing up and turning to his sister. "Apologize."

Sakura stared at her brother for a moment, unsure if she had heard correctly. "What did you just say?"

"I told you to apologize."

The redhead glared up at Atomu. "Why do I have to apologize?! He's the one who manhandled me!"

"But you should have shone him and Nanami more respect. We are their guests. Now apologize."


"Sakura, I order you to apologize to Nanami and Tomoe!"

Realizing that her brother wouldn't budge, Sakura hung her head and mumbled in a voice that could barely be heard. "I'm sorry."

"They can't hear you. Speak up."

"I'm sorry." Sakura said flatly, her bottom lip quivering angrily. "I should not have disrespected you."

"Good. As payback, you shall help me care for the shrine for the day." Tomoe purred with a smug smile.

Sakura's head snapped up and she stared at the fox in horror. "What?!"

"Tomoe, no! That's taking it too far-" Nanami tried to argue, but Atomu cut her off.

"I think it's actually a good idea. Sakura, you are to do whatever Tomoe says without argument. Do I make myself clear?" Atomu stated.

Sakura bit her lip and nodded. "Clear as crystal."

"Good. After breakfast, you will help me with the dishes. For now, give me back the sasamochi." Tomoe stated, holding out his hand.

Sakura growled and held the treat close to her chest.

"Sakura, what did I say?" her brother said sternly.

Scowling, the Fennec fox girl placed the food into Tomoe's open palm before slinking over to her spot at the table. Satisfied, Tomoe unwrapped the treat and stuffed it in his mouth before Nanami could notice.


After breakfast, Nanami, Mizuki, and Atomu were shooed from the kitchen, leaving Tomoe and Sakura to clean.

"Alright, gather up all the dishes and put them in the sink." Tomoe ordered, sitting down in one of the chairs around the table.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you doing? My orders were to help you with your chores, not do them for you."

"You orders were to do whatever I say without argument. Now get going. Those dishes won't clean themselves." the male replied slyly.

Grumbling under her breath, Sakura gathered the morning dishes into her arms and carried them the large sink. After setting them down in the tub, she stood and stared at them.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get started already! I could've been halfway done by now." Tomoe snapped.

Sakura didn't move but instead mumbled something so softly Tomoe couldn't understand it.

"Speak up!" he growled.

"I-I can't." Sakura whimpered.

"You can't what?"

"I can't do the dishes."

Tomoe scowled angrily. "Why can't you?"

"I-I don't know how."

"What do you mean you don't know how?"

"I was never taught."

Tomoe rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you call yourself a familiar. Watch me."

Standing up and approaching the sink, the white-haired fox shoved his red haired assistant aside and turned on the water. He quickly scrubbed the dish till it shone like a new pearl then handed it Sakura. The vixen stared at the plate for a moment then began to put it into the cupboard.

"What are you doing? You need to dry the dish first, you baka!" Tomoe snapped and hurled a dish towel at the vixen.

Sakura flinched and hastily dried the plate with the towel. She continued to do this over and over again for about fifteen to twenty minutes as Tomoe scrubbed each dish, pot, and pan. However, just as Tomoe was handing her the late dish, Sakura's elbow hit the large stack of plates she had dried, and they tumbled to the floor. Sickening crashes filled the air as various dishes shattered into pieces and scattered across the floor. The vixen immediately began trembling and hurriedly bowed at Tomoe's feet.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! It was an accident, I swear! Please don't yell at me!" she cried.

Tomoe stared at the porcelain shards scattered across the kitchen floor. "Get out of my kitchen." he growled.



Sakura's vision began to blur and she hastily fled from the room before Tomoe could see her cry. Tomoe sighed after she had left and hastily grabbed a broom.

"Perhaps I was too harsh on her." he thought to himself as he swept up the shards. "I should have been watching her more closely since she was inexperienced-What am I saying? She was the one at fault! She should have been more careful! I still feel kind of bad though. Wait, is this guilt?"

"Hey, Tomoe! Atomu sent me to check on you and-Wait, where's Sakura and what happened to all of these dishes?!" Mizuki exclaimed as he entered the kitchen.

Tomoe groaned and continued to sweep. "There was an accident, that's all. I sent Sakura outside to pull weeds so I could clean up her mess." he said flatly. "She calls herself a familiar, Mizuki, but she can't even do the dishes by herself. She's pathetic!"

"Perhaps, but I guess that means it's our job to teach her."

"Teach her? I tried to teach her and look what happened!"

"Well, how did you try to teach her?"

"I showed her what to do."

"Were you patient with her?"

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Did you yell at her?"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"Just answer the question: did you yell at Sakura?"

Tomoe looked down at his hands as the guilt began to eat at his insides once more. "Yes."

"Did you get angry with her."


"Did you make her cry?"


"And that's where the problem is. Next time, instead of yelling at Sakura, try to be calmer and a little more understanding. Show her what to do and give her gentle reminders when she messes up. I'm sure the results will be very different." Mizuki grinned. "You should probably go and find her now before she uproots the entire garden. I highly doubt she has had any experience pulling weeds before either. I'll finish cleaning the kitchen."

Shocked, Tomoe slowly handed the snake the broom and headed out the door. "Mizuki, never tell anyone I said this, but thank you."

"Your secret is safe with me. Now stop dawdling!"

Tomoe bit back a curt reply and hastily made his way to the garden where he found Sakura kneeling over a large weed. The vixen was holding the plant by the leaves and trying to tug it out of the ground. However, the stem wouldn't budge, leaving the leaves to tear off into Sakura's hands, causing her to fall back onto her rump. Tomoe sighed in disgust as he watched her and pinched the bridge of his nose, Mizuki's words ringing in his ears.

"Sakura," he called out softly.

Hearing her name, the redhead spun around, her eyes widening in fright when she saw Tomoe. Dropping the leaves, she knelt before him once more, shaking.

"Y-Yes?" she whimpered timidly.

"What were you just doing?"

"Pulling up one of the weeds like you said."

"You were doing it wrong."

"O-Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Tomoe sighed and squatted in front of her. "Let me see your hands." he ordered.

Sakura glanced up at the white-haired fox in surprise then slowly unclenched her fists. Dozens of bleeding scratches covered her palms, and a few thorns still stuck out of her skin.

"Hold still." Tomoe ordered as he picked out the needles and tossed them aside. Taking the corner of his robe, he ripped off two pieces of cloth and gingerly wrapped them around Sakura's hands. As he did so, the vixen watched him with wide eyes.

"We'll have to clean your wounds once we get inside so they don't get infected. Next time, pull the weed out like this." Tomoe slowly reached for the bottom of the weed's stem, carefully avoiding the remaining leaves, and pulled the plant out of the dirt by the roots. "See? This way you don't hurt yourself. You working with you hands like that is a bad idea, so you will help me with the chores tomorrow instead once they have scanned over. Understand?"

Sakura nodded slowly, still bewildered by the male's sudden change of attitude, and began to get up. However, she tripped over Tomoe's robe, causing her to fall into his lap. The two stared at each other in surprise for a moment before Sakura hastily scampered off of him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that." she squealed, bracing herself for another scolding. However, it never came.

"It's fine. No harm done." Tomoe said calmly, brushing himself off.

"Y-You're not going to yell at me?"

"Of course not. Why would I yell at you for tripping? Now hurry up and come inside so I can properly treat your cuts." Tomoe stated, holding out his hand.

Sakura hesitated for a moment then allowed the male to pull her to her feet. She gently hit his chest with a thump and stared up at him with wide eyes.

"Why are you staring at me like that? It's rude!" Tomoe hissed as he felt himself starting to blush.

Sakura quickly snapped out of her daze and looked away. "It was nothing."

Tomoe knew she was lying, but instead of arguing with her, he pulled her back towards the shrine. Suddenly, however, a chill ran up his spine, and he heard some rustling off to his right.

"SAKURA, GET DOWN!!!" he exclaimed, shoving the girl to the ground as a spear soared just above their heads.

"Darn, I missed. Why did you have to do that? I could have killed her in one blow." A voice whined.

Tomoe glanced up to see a girl with long dark blue hair and sparkling purple eyes staring down at him and Sakura. She was clothed in extremely ornate green and blue robes, and many glittering jewels decorated her neck, arms, and fingers. Tucked in the girl's high ponytail was a large, vibrant peacock feather.

"I wanted to do this with as little bloodshed as possible so I wouldn't ruin my clothes, but oh well. Hand over the vixen and Atomu or everyone in this shrine dies!"

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