Chapter 7

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"You and Tomoe broke up?! Oh Nanami, I'm so sorry! That's awful!" Ami cried as she, Nanami, and Kei ate lunch together.

"Ami, quit sobbing like that before you get your snot and tears on my food!" Kei snapped.

"But Kei, Nanami broke up with her boyfriend!!!! Don't you think that's sad?!"

"She'll get over it. I broke up with my boyfriend this morning and I'm fine, aren't I?"

"You two had only been dating for a week though, Kei! Nanami and Tomoe were together for a really long time!"

"Ami, it's okay. I'm not upset." Nanami said, grabbing her friend's hand.

Ami blinked at the brunette and wiped her eyes. "You're not?"

"Nope. Well, maybe a little, but I care more about Tomoe's happiness than my own."

"And you think he's happy now that your relationship is over?"

"I don't know, but I didn't want to keep him chained down by a dead romance."

"Nanami, you're so sweet and selfless! Tomoe has no idea what he's missing!" Ami exclaimed, wrapping her friend in a hug.

Nanami said nothing and began poking at her food with one of her chopsticks. Ami frowned.

"Nanami? Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sure. Why?"

"You seem distracted."

"I was just thinking about something, that's all."

"Nanami Momozono was thinking about something? What is our world coming too?" Kei said sarcastically as she set down her phone, causing Ami to gasp. "What's so important that its got your gears turning?"

Nanami sighed and gazed out the window. After Sakura left, it had started to rain, which perfectly matched the goddess' mood.

"It's Tomoe, isn't it?" Ami inquired.

Nanami nodded slowly.

"Nanami, quit thinking about him. He's just another stupid guy who isn't worth your tears. Get over him already." Kei said flatly.

"I am over him, Kei, but I don't know if he's over me and that's what I'm worried about."

"That's his problem, not yours."

"I guess you're right..." Nanami sighed and took a bite of her lunch. "But then again, I'm the matchmaking goddess, not an ordinary girl, so it kind of is my problem."

Sensing her friend's unease, Ami decided to change the subject.

"What do you think of the two new students?" she asked Nanami, smiling in her usual bubbly way.

"Huh? Sakura and Atomu? They're pretty nice, I guess."

"You've talked to them?"

"I met them when they moved here over the weekend. I didn't know they would be coming to school here till yesterday though." Nanami lied.

"Ooo, it must be fate that you guys are going to the same school!" Ami squealed.

Kei rolled her eyes. "Don't be stupid, Ami. They started attending school here because it's probably close to where they live."

"I like the idea of fate better." Ami said dreamily. Turning back to Nanami, she started to giggle. "You know, Atomu is kinda cute. Maybe you or Kei should ask him if he's single."

"He's not my type." Kei muttered.

"How could you know that? You haven't even talked to him yet!"

"I can just tell. It's a skill that comes with experience."

"I guess that means you have to do it, Nanami!" Ami exclaimed cheerfully.

Nanami smirked. "Yeah right. I'll ask Atomu out the day you confess to Kurama."

Ami blushed bright red as Kei snickered.

"Nanami, don't say that so loudly! He might hear you!" Ami squealed, glancing over her shoulder at the pop star sitting a few tables away.

Nanami chuckled. However, when she noticed Tomoe was sitting a few feet away from the tengu, her smile faded and she became lost in thought.

"And we're losing her again..." Kei grumbled.

For a moment, silence fell over the three girls, but before long, Nanami broke the silence with a question that completely caught her friends offguard.

"Hey, do you guys think Sakura and Tomoe would make a good couple?"

Kei's jaw dropped while Ami choked on her drink and began to cough violently.


"Do you think they would make a good couple? I mean, their personalities are similar and-"

"Nanami, are you nuts?! I can understand you worrying about Tomoe since you two are friends but are you seriously already trying to set him up with another girl?!" Kei screeched.

Nanami flinched and began to nervously fiddle with the hem of her skirt. "Well Kurama said-"

"You asked Kurama for breakup advice? Are you really that stupid? He's a pop star; he lives in a world where everything can be solved with a dazzling smile, a song, or money. He's not a reliable source." Kei lectured.

"Kei, that's mean!" Ami protested.

"It's the truth!"

Nanami sighed and quickly left the table as her friends continue to bicker. Heading into the hallway, she hastily found her locker and put away her lunchbox, completely oblivious to the footsteps approaching her from behind.

"I must agree with your friend about Kurama being an unqualified source for advice."

Nanami jumped before spinning around to find Tomoe standing behind her. "Tomoe, don't do that! You scared me."

Tomoe continued to scowl down at her, his lips curved into his signature frown. "I am only going to say this once, so you better listen up. I have no interest in or attraction to Sakura. I find her whiny and annoying and her incapability to perform her duties as a familiar is quite irritating. Therefore, I will not go out with her, and nothing you say or do will change my mind."

Nanami stared up at Tomoe as his words sank in. Slowly, the bubbling anger in her stomach began to build till she was practically shaking with rage.


Tomoe's eyes widened in surprise, taken offguard by the goddess' outburst, as Nanami removed her possessions from her locker and stormed down the hallway. However, the girl was so fuming mad that she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and failed to notice Atomu walking out of the lunchroom until she collided with him. The two fell to the ground in a pile of limbs and groans, Nanami landing on top of the handsome demigod.

"I-I'm so sorry! I should've been paying attention." the brunette apologized, leaping to her feet and blushing.

Atomu chuckled as he got back up and dusted himself off. "It's alright. No harm done. However, are you okay, Nanami? You looked upset when you were leaving the lunchroom."

"Huh?" Nanami looked up to see concern reflected in the Atomu's eyes.

"He...he came to check on me? He was worried about me?"

"Uh....y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not feeling very good so I was going to have Mizuki pick me up and take me home." the goddess replied sheepishly.

Atomu frowned. "Wouldn't it be more convenient for Tomoe to take you since he is already here?"

The goddess glared at the white fox angrily from over her shoulder. "He has classes to attend. Will you please let the teachers know why I left?"

Atomu nodded. "Of course. I hope you feel better."

"Thank you."

After shooting Tomoe one last angry look, Nanami made her way outside of the school and stood underneath the awning as the rain poured.


Again, the snake familiar appeared in the blink of an eye. This time, he held a large black umbrella in his hand, sheltering him from the downpour.

"What is it?"

"I want you to take me home."

Mizuki frowned and felt Nanami's forehead. "Why? Do you not feel well?"

"No. I just need to get away from Tomoe."

The snake's enchanting green eyes narrowed. "He didn't hurt you, did he? If he did, I'll kill him."

"No. He's just being stupid and stubborn like usual."

"I see. Well, don't worry, Lady Nanami. I shall be much more cooperative than that dumb fox." Mizuki cooed as he summoned his giant snake and helped Nanami onto its back, handing her his umbrella so she wouldn't get wet.

Nanami smiled gratefully at her second familiar and wrapped her arms around his waist so she wouldn't fall. "Thank you, Mizuki."

The snake yokai blushed bright red and said nothing as he spurred his serpent forward and flew away from the school. However, before they disappeared from view, he turned around and stuck his tongue out at the fox glaring at him from one of the many windows in the building.


As Nanami and Mizuki entered the shrine, thunder crashed loudly overhead.

"It would seem the storm is getting worse. Hopefully the weather will force Tomoe to remain at the school overnight." Mizuki mumbled as he shut the door.

Nanami was about to reply when a soft whimper greeted her ears.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"That whimper."


The sound suddenly repeated, this time much louder. Following the noise, Nanami crept down the hall till she came to Sakura's room. However, as she began to pull the door open, Mizuki grabbed her wrist and yanked her back.

"No no no no no! Bad idea! That's a very bad idea! Her inexperience and lack of control makes her even more dangerous!"

"Well I can't just leave her in there! What if something's wrong? What if she's hurt, Mizuki?!"

"She's fine!"

"She clearly isn't. Let me through so I can check on her or do so for me."

"Absolutely not."

Nanami glared up at the snake yokai and spoke in a stern tone. "Mizuki, move aside so I can check on Sakura. Now."

Bound by Nanami's words, Mizuki stiffly stepped aside and the goddess grabbed the door. Peeking into the dark room, she saw Sakura curled on her futon in the far corner, her body shaking violently. Tiptoeing over to her, Nanami peered down at the vixen and saw her eyes were closed. Tearstains adorned her pale cheeks as she continued to whimper in her sleep.

"Sakura?" the goddess called softly.

The redhead didn't wake up, mumbling in between whimpers. As the listened carefully, Nanami began to make sense of the words.

"....Please. Please let me in. I'll work hard, I promise. N-No! Please don't! You're my last hope! Please don't shut me out! Please!!!"

Worried, Nanami began to shake Sakura and shout louder. "Sakura! Sakura, wake up!"

"Nanami, don't do that!" Mizuki exclaimed worriedly, but the goddess ignored him.

"Sakura! Wake up!"

With a loud cry, the vixen bolted upright in her bed, claws extended.

"Nanami, look out!" Mizuki shrieked in horror.

Seeing the claws, Nanami did the first thing that came to her mind: she wrapped her arms around the redhead and hugged her tight. Sakura immediately froze and stared at Nanami in surprise.

"It's okay, Sakura. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real." the brunette cooed soothingly.

Sakura's eyes hardened and she roughly shoved the goddess away before turning her back to her. "It was not just a dream! You would never understand!"

"Hey, show her some respect, you ungrateful wretch!" Mizuki hissed, his eyes narrowing.

"No. It's okay, Mizuki." Nanami cooed. Placing a comforting hand on the vixen's shoulder, she said in a soft voice, "Do you want to talk about it? I may not completely understand, but I'm a good listener."

"No, thank you. All I want is for you to leave so I can get back to my nap." Sakura snapped.

Mizuki ground his teeth angrily. "Why you little-"

"Okay, Sakura. Call for us if you need anything." Nanami stated as she rose to her feet and grabbed Mizuki's arm, dragging him from the room.

The snake stared at his master, his mouth hanging agape. "Nanami, what the heck are you doing?! You are the goddess of the shrine! You can't let a mere redheaded rat disrespect you and order you around! She needs to be taught a lesson! Let me go now and I'll show her the error of her ways-"

"No, Mizuki. It's okay."

"It is not okay! She has no right to behave like this!"

"Just let it go, Mizuki."

"Why should I?"

"We have no clue what she is going through. She seems to be struggling with something big, and rather than get upset with her, we should try to help her."

"That doesn't mean she can just behave how she wants!"

"No it doesn't, but that is an issue that will have to be resolved another time. Trying to deal with it now will only result in more problems." Nanami said, recalling the tears she had seen in the vixen's eyes. "Just let her cool off for now. In the meantime, I have something I need you to do."

"What is it?"

"I need you to take out your incense burner and send me back in time."

Mizuki's eyes widened in surprise. "Huh? Why?"

"Sakura obviously isn't very comfortable about sharing her past but I can't just let her suffer in silence either. I want you to send me back in time so I can learn about her past." Nanami stated.

"But Nanami, you don't even know Sakura's age so how do I know how far back to send you?! Besides, wouldn't such actions be rather invasive?"

"You certainly didn't care about being invasive when you sent me back into the past to meet Tomoe's former self."

Mizuki blushed bright red. "Those were totally different circumstances..."

"Uh huh. Sure they were. Go get the incense burner and meet me in my room." Nanami ordered.

Mizuki sighed. "Yes, Lady Nanami."

Moments later, both the yokai and his goddess were in her bedroom, Nanami laying on her futon.

"I'm only sending your spirit back so you don't tire yourself out too much. Are you sure about this, Nanami?" Mizuki asked as he set down the magical incense burner.

Nanami nodded, her eyes full of determination. "Quit talking and just do it. I want to get this done before Tomoe gets home from school and scolds me for being nosy!"

Mizuki chuckled dryly. "Very well, my mistress. Close yours eyes."

As the goddess' eyelids fell, the scent of the burning incense filled her nose and everything became fuzzy. Slowly, she sensed everything around her fading, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself staring at the orange sky of a fall evening.

((Hey guys! Sorry about this chapter being a tad shorter than the others. The next one will be really good though, I promise!))

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