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Dear past me,

It's me, the future you. First of all, you're doing great, honey. You have no idea how proud I was of you. Until you met that boy named Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.

I appreciate that you came all the way to Daegu for your past, but it was a rash decision. On most of the parts, it was. But again, you're a part of me.

So, I'm writing this letter to you for telling you that life's gonna be hard. 'But it's already hard.' you'll say. No. It will be really, extremely hard on you. On us.

But I know you'll survive. Do what feels right, what makes you happy. But don't even think about falling in love. Not with him.

Whatever happens, don't fall for the boy name Kim Taehyung. He's bad news, and you'll regret it. Try and stay away from him. Maybe you won't become what I am today.

A part of you,

The future you.


"Is this for friendship or like a hostage kinda situation?" She asks, pointing to the handcuffs.

"Depends on how you look at it," he answers smugly.


"My life is like a sword dance. Dangerous but beautiful. And soon, my feet must stop from swaying to the rhythm."

A story in which a mafia falls for a con artist.


"Any last words, babe?" the beautiful girl in front of him mocks.

Taehyung shakily lifted his head to meet her artistic eyes which took his breath away. His voice cracks as he whispers through his chapped, bloody lips, "I love you. I love you so much."

She sat breathless for a moment as her heart warmed. Then reality kicked her in the face and the girl was cold again. "Then why did you let me become this? Why, why did you turn me into the monster that I am today?" A tear escaped her eye as she whimpered for an answer from the man covered in blood.

"You're not a monster." he voices out to which she remarks, "Oh, you're gonna change your opinion pretty soon."

A breathy, dark chuckle escaped her lips as she stood from the ground, taking a few steps away from him, she cockily declares, "One last dance for the love of my life!"

She picks up two swords as she smiles sadly, "One Last Dance."



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