One Last Kiss

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"C'mon, it's about to hail. Get your lazy ass outta water," Zach shouted from the boardwalk.

Bubbles swirled around me as I took an easy turn and reached for the surface. I raised myself propping on the boardwalk and water dripped off me as I made my way to the deck and soaked myself with a towel.

None except my dick of a best-friend, ever could even dare to raise his voice before me and let alone talking bawdy. I mean, who wished to get on the wrong foot with the head marine biologist?

Ignoring Zach's smugness and stupid innuendoes, I darted straight inside my room and slammed the door behind me.

It started showering in less than a minute. Changing into my usual shirt and sweats, I stared blankly at the tumbling blue through the glass-window.

I closed my eyes as memories started to line up at the threshold of my vulnerability.

"Honestly, raining was never my thing." He grimaced his face.

"Oh c'mon, don't be silly," I chirps while dragging him out of his car and leading him to the marsh as water poured heavily. "You'll love it."

I jumped into the water and felt a bizarre warmth surrounding me. But he still hesitated to follow me there.

"Do you trust me?"

His eyes bored into mine as his calm voice sent sparkles through me. "With all my heart, all my soul."

The water dipped beside me as he jumped into it leaving his attire behind. I tugged him down from under the water and he squealed like a child. I came back to the surface and swam afar , but only to get caged in his sturdy frame.

"How did you..." I got cut off as his lips claimed mine in a fierce hunger. Rain hovered over us and made us wet in our own wild fantasies.

Ecstasy and love would be an understatement to define my feelings towards him. He made me feel different. Whatever we had , was something more than genuine. I felt complete whenever I was with him.

We never said the 'l' word to each other, cause we knew better. And actions are much stronger than words. Instead he used to say, "You're my rains. I don't want it to drench me; but still want to feel it."

On set of twilight, we were on our way to home from the marsh. We were talking on random things while he was staring at me often now and then. He didn't see the other car coming. As the rain stopped pouring, so did my entire world in one snap of a moment.

My eyes snapped open as my vision got obstructed with unrestricted tears. I tried hard to blink them back.

There came a loud bang on my door. Gaining back my composure, I opened the door confidently, only to get utterly numb as there stood the same man I knew all my life; but in a whole new shape.

"Hello Dr. , I'm your new assistant."

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