Chapter 3

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Lyon Pov

"Stay." Gray looked up and stared into her eyes while I looked away. Angry at what I'm feeling on the inside. Something bubbling inside of me.

My butler pulled her into a hug standing on his good leg. I could see Juvia's face changed from surprise to sad and then finally to happy. My heart squeezed. His arms wrapped around her neck and she warped hers around his waist. She leaned her forhead on his, smiling but she soon jerked up and looked with question in her eyes at Gray

"I knew it, you are running a fever." She brought the back of her hand up to his forehead. She repostioned them so thay Gray was leaning agasint her and for the first time today I realised how pale he was and how feverish his eyes seemed. I sat there as she helped him up to his room. Staring at the empty space in front of me reflecting excatly how I felt.

After finally claiming my nerves I headed upstairs to check on my butler. He laid there motionless on his bed but his eyes were ooen, his mouth curved into 'U' shape. Juvia dipped a white cloth into the bucket of ice water, squeeze it and pushed his hair back before gently placing the damp cloth agasint his forehead.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I walked over to the other side of the bed, my eyes on focused on everything else but the blue haired girl.

"Like shit." Gray repiled me with a weak smile.

"It must be a side effect from his injured leg." I nodded. There was a silence, his breaths became soft and shallow. Juvia placed a finger on her lip, asking me to be queit and beckon me out of the room. She gently closed the door behind her and I started to walk to the end of the hallway.

"Why don't you sleep here for the night?" I motioned to the inside of the room. She nodded and mumbled a thanks and headed into the room but without mwntioning a small good night. I whisoered back with a smike but once the door was svut my face fell and so did my soul. I dragged my feet into my own bedroom, where I slunped into my King size bed. Staring up at the vast ceiling I let a sigh escape from my mouth.


I awoke as the beam of light hit my eyes. Natsu is taking over for Gray as he recovers. The pink hair guy had pulled the heavy shades apart let the Sunlight shine clearly into my room. It took a second before my eyes finally adjusted to the brightness.

"Good morning your highness. Breakfast will be served soon." He bowed and I grunted letting him know that I understood. He left my room to allow me to freshen up. Once I did I headed down to the kitchen where plates of bacon, eggs and pancakes gretted me. Juvia was already seated at the other end of the table. Natsu pulled a chair out for me which I settled down in. Without a word, I began to dig in as per usual so did the rest. Juvia looked at us in disbelief.

"Is something wrong, Princess?" I asked, shoveling another fork full of pancake in my mouth.

"Is this how you spend every morning?" I nodded and so the rest. She shook her head and just continued to eat her food.

"Where is Gray?" I asked even though I knoe the anwser.

"He is resting, your highness." Gajeel repiled in a grunt.

"I can't take this anymore." The Princess placed her half eaten food aside and stood from her place. "Thanks for the meal." She said as she passed by me, heading out of the door. I clenched my knife, I wanted to follow her but I know that if I did it might look departed so I just resumed eating.

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