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A/N: This is the sequel to Forrbiden Love so maybe you shoukd read that first before reading this. XP hope you enjoy! p.s I don't own fairytail Hiro Mashima does
One year later

Gray Pov

"Don't you ever miss them?" Lyon and I was hanging upside down, off the edge of his bed.

"Who?" Lyon asked back.

I eyed him from the side and raised an eyebrow when he did so too. He sighed and slowly got up into a sitting position, I followed, learning from my mistake to take my time.


"I guess........They were the King and Queen of this Kingdom and when they disappeared, they kinda just put me as they're new ruler." He shrugged.

"You're avoiding the question, besides I know all about your history, background and stuff."

"Sometimes. I don't know. Why are you evn asking this? They died when i was a little boy." I shurgged my shoulders, looking down at my hands. "Is it because you miss her?"

"Maybe." I mumbled, watching myself as I continue fidgeting with my fingers. He nooded and turned focus towards the direction of the balcony, I looked out of it in pure curiosity. In the woods, through the tree branches I could make out a thin shadowy figure skipping around with a wodden basket hung on her left arm while her right busied with choosing the fruit. I jumped up to my feet and rushed out, half my body was out of the banister. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look at the figure. I gasped as I got a glimpse of the face. Lyon came up beside me and did the same.

"Is that....?" All I could was to nod with my mouth dropped wide open.

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