Ch. 2: Birthday Weekend

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A/N: As of the writing of this chapter, it's my dad's 60th birthday, which also falls on the Season Premiere of Raw and the 25th anniversary of D-Generation X! So, since I was already planning on having his birthday fall on the following Monday, which I honestly didn't know was going to actually happen XD, this part will be taking place the weekend before. So, without further ado, enjoy chapter 2.

The show had come to an end and Carlton went back to meet up with all his friends backstage. They complimented him on the amazing event and talked about their favorite stars and moments of the night before discussing where they wanted to hang out for their post show reunion. They agreed on a local Bar and Grill Carlton enjoyed before going their separate ways. Everyone went to their vehicles while Carl headed for his office to get Nicole. Before he could reach his office however, he was stopped by Mickie James again.

"Hey! Great show tonight, Dyna!"

"Why, thankyou! I'm glad you enjoyed it"

"I'm glad I could make it. Where you headed now?"

"I'm on my way to grab Nicole and head out with the others to catch up. Will you be joining us?"

Mickie's smile faded a little.

"Sadly, I need to turn in early tonight. Maybe next time though"

This gave Carlton an idea.

"How bout tomorrow?"

Mickie looked at him curiously.


"Me and some of the others are gonna go for a little bike ride tomorrow and I would appreciate it if I wasn't the only person there without a date, since everyone else will be bringing their wives along"

Mickie thought about it for a moment with a smirk displayed and a little glint in her eyes.

"Well, I do love a good bike ride, but I have a condition"

"Which is?" He curiously asked.

"You also come to the concert I'm having tomorrow night. You can bring the kids along if you want to"

Carlton didn't even need to think about it.

"It's a deal"

"See you tomorrow then" she smiled.

"I'll pick you up around noon. Make sure you got your ridin' boots on"

"I will. Goodnight, Carl"

"Goodnight, Miss James"

With that, the promoter returned to his previous task of returning to his office. Mickie kept watching him with that smile plastered until he was gone.

He returned to his office, made sure everything was set for closing and cleaning up, then helped Nicole get her things together and set off together to meet with the others. Upon arriving at the bar, the rest of the group was waiting and happy to see Nicole once again. Everyone got their food and drinks, shared a few stories and laughs, all enjoying their time together. Then, Triple H brought up something everyone had been waiting for.

"So, Big Mac, I heard your big 60th is actually this Monday on the Season Premiere of Raw?"

"Yes, sir, same night DX turns 25; and after 21,900 days, I will officially be an old dude" The group laughed at his joke. "I had a good run though"

"So did DX" Triple H earned more laughs, but it didn't stop there. "Honestly, I think everyone's going to feel old after Monday"

Some of the friends, along with the laughs, even raised their glasses from that.

"But since that is the case, we were wondering if you would be attending Raw this Monday?"

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it. I had my front row ticket paid in full months ago"

"Glad to hear it" Hunter smiled.

"But why you ask? Is there any particular involvement for me on Monday?" Carl curiously asked.

"You'll find out when you get there" Triple H smirked and Stephanie chimed in.

"Which reminds me, make sure you don't forget this when you head to the arena" she dug in her purse to retrieve his VIP Pass.

"I'll make a note of it" he nodded while taking the pass, now even more excited for Raw than he already was, before turning to his son. "Whatchu gonna be doing this season premiere?"

"Big match against Finn Balor. That's probably where your involvement will be" he smiled.

"That's been a fun fued to watch. How is Finn?"

"Doing great, we've been having a lot of fun working together again"

"I'll bet. What about you, Miss Racheal? How you enjoying being on the Main Roster?"

"I love it. It's very different than NXT, but I'm enjoying it all the same. I'm glad you'll get to be there too"

"And I'll be glad to finally see you in action with my own eyes"

She smiled gratefully and excitedly.

"Which reminds me, you two wanna go see a Mickie James concert tomorrow?"

This seemed to peek their interest.

"Never seen one of her shows before. What do you think?" Ben turned to his girl.

"I wouldn't mind. We haven't been to a concert yet after all"

"Yea, let's do it" Ben nodded with excitement.

"Alrighty" Carlton smiled.

"And just outta curiosity, you have any other plans for your birthday weekend?"

"We'll just hafta see, won't we?"


The next day, Carlton rode up to the address Mickie James had sent him before messaging her and waiting out front. He had to get her number from Stephanie after realizing he never got her number or where she was staying. She stepped out a minute later, dressed with a leather jacket and cowgirl boots and her usual smile.

"Nice bike"

"Thankyou, nice jacket" he smiled back while handing her a helmet.

"Thankyou" she nodded with a bow. "So, where are we going?"

"Just to meet up with the others and then go where the road takes us"

"Sounds like fun" she got her helmet strapped and hopped on the bike.

The rider revved it up again and the two began riding off. The Harley roared along the concrete paths with winds rushing past them like a hurricane blasting through. The weather was already perfect enough for a ride, this was now just complimenting it. They met up with the same group from yesterday at a parking lot, except for Ben and Racheal, who stayed at the house with Nicole. They stood around and chatted for a moment before returning to their bikes and beginning their ride. It was long, peaceful, lots of scenery and nothing short of enjoyable. They road up to a bar in Arlington to share a few drinks and talk about whatever came up. They talked about how Wrestlemania was going to take place here the following year, Carlton and his roster getting their own skybox that night, Undertaker getting inducted into the Hall of Fame, how it's been for Triple H and Steph since they took over, all that happy stuff. Yet somehow, what Carlton really enjoyed most was getting to talk with his date.

"So, what you have planned for your new future with WWE?"

"Just showing all the young gals that this old dog still has some bite in her" she stated proudly with confidence.

"Miss James, sitting here at a table filled with old dogs, I can honestly say, you are doing as fine as ever"

She smiled at him with red in her cheeks again.

"Well, age doesn't always have to be a factor in what we wanna achieve for ourselves. It just depends on every individual and if they're willing to keep at it"

That was a wise statement from the country girl. Something about it really seemed to spark something within McFarland, but he wasn't yet sure exactly what.

"I just want to be able to prove to myself I can still go at it, especially against the likes of all these other amazing ladies of today's era"

"I'll drink to that. I've been in this game during the span of four long decades now and I can honestly say, the boys and girls of today are by far the best I've ever seen. I would be lying if I said I never thought of how I would fair against today's performers myself"

This made Mickie a little curious.

"Who's your top pick of today?"

Carlton didn't even hesitate.

"Honestly, I'd hafta go with AJ Styles. Pound for pound, that man is one of the most talented I've ever seen. He has more tricks up his sleeve than half the locker room can put together and I'd give my right arm to have him in my own company"

Mickie slightly giggled under her breath.

"Great choice. I've known AJ for a long time now. The man knows his stuff"

"Damn straight"

"If you got the chance to face him, would you?"

Carlton thought about that for a moment, shrugging to himself.

"If I could still get in the ring, yeah I would"

Now Mickie was really curious about something.

"How about this; if you could get in the ring just one last time, who would you face?"

That was a question that really got the Hall of Famer thinking. He thought about it for a minute before giving her the best answer he could.

"Well, that's hard to say really. Most of the guy's I would like to face are either retired or dead"

"What about Styles?"

"I'd face him, yea; but for my last match ever? I don't know. On one hand, if he was good enough for Mark, he'd be good enough for me too. On the other hand, I'd rather face someone closer to my element, someone I have a little more... in-depth history with"

"I get it, to add a bit of symbolism to it, am I right?" Mickie nodded.

"Somethin' like that, yea" Carlton nodded back. "That said, I honestly couldn't say who I'd face in one last match; but I'll tell you this much, it damn sure wouldn't be the Miz or Baron Corbin"

Mickie laughed from that.

"Why not me?" Edge suddenly chimed in, garnering their attention. "Sorry, I couldn't help but eavesdrop" he awkwardly laughed.

"But 'why not me' what?" Carl asked with slight suspicion.

"Why not face me in your last match ever? We certainly have some deep history and we never failed to impress audiences before"

Bic Mac continued to look at him a little surprised.

"You're serious?"

"Hell yes I'm serious. I would be honored and it would be the least I could do after all you did for me roughly fifteen or sixteen years ago"

Big Mac was touched by the kindness of his friend. He definitely wouldn't mind having one last hoorah with Edge. They were the type of opponents that were always guaranteed to put on an instant classic any given time and every time they stepped in the ring. Not to mention, Edge has clearly proven he can go toe-to-toe with today's stars. If Big Mac Dyna Low could still work a match with him, he could work it with anyone.

Indeed it would be one hell of a last match for his outstanding career.

After the nice ride with Mickie and his friends, Carlton returned his date to her hotel so she could get ready for her concert tonight. He then returned to his own household and hung out with his kids for a short while until it was time to head for the show. The four arrived at the small stadium where James and her band would be performing and as it turns out, she had already gotten prepaid tickets for all of them. Even sweeter, they were front row too. The family took their spots right up in front of the stage and chatted amongst themselves before the show began.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Let's hear it for Hardcore Country, Mickie James!!!"

The audience cheered as the stage lights illuminated, revealing the country singer herself. She looked beautiful as always and dressed perfectly for the occasion. Her eyes landed directly on the tall gentleman in the front row and she gleefully smiled with a little wave. Carl tilted his cowboy hat, which of course he brought for the occasion, before the songs began. The country singer performed with as much passion and personality on stage as she did in the ring. She also killed it up there just as well as she did in the squared circle. The whole concert was a knockout and everyone enjoyed it. Once it was over, the audience cheered and applauded and received a blowing kiss from the star in return. She then glanced down at her front row audience and nodded towards the side of the stage, gesturing for them to follow before walking in that direction. The four followed her off to the side of the stage where a security guard stood in ready.

"It's OK, let them through" Mickie assured as the guard stood aside to allow the group to pass.

They followed her back to the lounge area as she thanked them for coming to the show. They complimented her for a wonderful performance and her singing ability. She smiled with flattery before thanking them for their kind words.

"I'm so glad you all joined" she expressed, more towards the kids and Benjamin shrugged.

"Well, it was something different for us and we've never been to a concert before"

"Really?" She asked with excitement. "Well, I'm honored to have been your first. I hope you both enjoyed"

Both smiled before Racheal replied.

"We did. I'm not the biggest country fan, but you are a lovely singer"

"I'll take that, thankyou" Mickie nodded before turning towards Nicole. "And oh my God! Nicole! I haven't seen you in forever!"

Nicole gave her gummy smile in return, but there was no telling if she actually remembered Mickie from all those years ago. After all, she's met a lot of her dad's friends over the years. Nonetheless, they seemed to get along well enough and Nicole adored just about everyone anyway. They had a short little conversation, as good as one you could have with Nicole, before she returned her attention to Carlton.

"It really is great to see you all. You'll need to meet my little boy now"

"I'd be happy to make an appointment" Big Mac smiled.

"Sadly, Nick has him this weekend or I'd be happy to introduce him now"

"No need to rush" he assured.

"So, what else you have planned for the weekend?"

"We talked about going to the State Fair tomorrow and probably catch dinner somewhere nice"

"Mmm, sounds lovely. I hope you all enjoy your time tomorrow"

Benjamin could see what was going on and decided to play wingman for his dad.

"You could join us if you'd like to?"

Both looked at him in surprise before glancing back at each other.

"Uh, I mean... I have nothing planned for tomorrow, but I'd hate to disrupt your family time together"

"No, no, it's fine" Carlton quickly assured. "As long as it's not a problem..." He glanced to his son as if ensuring he was OK with this.

Ben just gave him a smirk with a slight nod.

"Yea, it's no problem. We'd be happy for you to join us"

Mickie was still shocked for a moment, giving Ben and Rach the same glance as Carl did and receiving the same response.

"Ok, I'll see you all tomorrow then; and thanks again for coming to the show" she smiled.

"It was a pleasure. Thanks again for the invite" Big Mac replied.

Mickie nodded graciously while everyone smiled and left. Once they were far enough from her room, Carlton spoke up.

"I appreciate you stepping in for me, but you didn't have to invite her. It can just be us if you want"

"No, it's fine. I don't mind at all having her with us. Besides, it's your birthday weekend. You should get to celebrate with whoever you want"

"Well, thankyou" he smiled gratefully.

"You're welcome. Plus, it's not hard to tell there's something going on between you and her"

Carl chuckled under his breath.

"Yea, there might be something there"

"Hey, it's alright if there is. She's a great woman and I'm happy for you; and she definitely has a thing for you. That's for sure"

Carlton shrugged with a cocky smile.

"Well, how could she not with my dashing good looks and boyish charm"

Ben and Racheal laughed.

"Seriously though, I always kinda felt like she had a thing for me"

"Doesn't surprise me. Back then, from what I've heard, there was hardly a girl in the locker room that didn't have a thing for you"

"Oh, I'm sure there were a few that weren't too crazy about me"

"What about you though? You've known Mickie a long time. You ever felt like there was anything there?"

"I always found her attractive, no question there; but what you're referring to?"

He thought for a moment as they reached his truck.

"To be honest, I don't think I ever really paid that kind of attention to her before. There was always... something else going on at the time. But, times have changed, I've changed, and she's certainly changed. She seems..... more mature now than she was back then"

Ben smiled at the way he spoke about her, knowing for a fact there was something there between them after all. Plus, his father seemed so happy about where this was heading.

The next day, they were all at the State Fair continuing on with Carlton's birthday weekend. The weather was nice but did get a little warm at times, which happens in Texas. It had a decent crowd with lots of fun filled activities and even a few fans that recognized the bunch. They got pictures and autographs and one even agreed to take a group photo of the bunch. It was a fun day with lots of laughs, lots of memories, and lots of time spent perfectly together. They each got a nice souvenir before heading for a local steakhouse, finishing the big day with a nice meal while getting to relax after all the moving around. This really did feel like a full blown family outing. It was lovely too, something Carlton hasn't experienced in a while. Having Mickie along just made it perfect.

Once it was over, they drove Mickie back to where she was staying and Dyna Low, being the gentleman he is, was kind enough to give her a safe escort up to the entrance.

"Thanks for having me along for the weekend, it was lovely" Mickie stated as they walked.

"Thankyou for joining us. We should do this again sometime"

Mickie stopped when they reached the entrance and turned to smile at him.

"I'd love that actually. It was really great getting to spend time with you this weekend"

Carl was happy to hear that. They stayed like that in silence for a moment, as if waiting for someone to do something or say something or not knowing how they should part ways after so much time spent together. Mickie ended the silence with the only response she could.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at the show tomorrow?"

"That you will" he nodded promisingly.

She smiled again before looking to enter her hotel and call it a night.

"Mickie, wait" Carlton stopped her before she could go. "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I think you're a lot more beautiful now than you were then; and I think you've grown to be one hell of an amazing woman"

She looked at him with a peculiar glint in her eyes that Carlton had never seen from her before. It was accompanied by a slowly growing smile that only brightened her features, shining greater than the brightest star in the night sky. Just a moment later, Mickie took a small step forward and stood on the tip of her toes as Carlton slightly leaned down, connecting their lips for the first time in the many years they have known each other. The result was a feeling neither had felt in a long time, but very different than any other moment they've experienced before. It wasn't anything long or super heated, but it was without a doubt the best that has happened in this long and miraculous weekend.

A perfect ending for this birthday celebration.

Once their lips separated, Mickie just grinned at the man before her, having wanting this for such a long time and now finally capturing this moment.

"Goodnight, Carl"

"Goodnight, Miss James" he smiled back, allowing his date to return to her quarters.

He earned a glance back over the shoulder from her as she entered the complex, increasing the smile plastered to his face, along with the already spectacular feeling of getting the woman he had longed for.

"Man, if only I didn't need to take the kids home tonight" he thought to himself.

Once she was safely inside, Carl turned to see his smirking son in the backseat of his truck, giving him the gun gestures with a wink. The Rider just shook his head with a small chuckle under his breath. He did need to head home anyway. After all, tomorrow was to be a big night and he would need to be ready for it.

A/N: Thanks for reading and sorry for the long wait. Lemme know what y'all think and have a nice day/night.

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