Look What I Found...

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I was bored. No surprise. So, naturally, I went on Netflix to see what I could watch that would cure my boredom. I watched Sky High (love the idea behind that movie, btw. Little bit cheesy, though), but was still bored. I was just about to click on Sherlock (because it's my go to) when I saw something that caught my eye.

Now, let me press pause for a second. For any of you out there, I'm not big on kid stuff or anything super cheesy. BUT. I LOVE stories and the founding ideas behind those stories. For instance, many of you may have heard of Monster High. I am not a fan of the execution of the stories related to the Monster High franchise, but I love the character designs and the overall idea of a school for monsters really intrigues me. (I'm also a little bit of an MLP fan for the same reasons)

So, a while back, I was on Wattpad and saw an image on someone's profile that looked like this:

Some of you may know who that is, others (like me at the time) have no idea. This, my friends, is Cat Noir. When I saw his picture, I liked it. I didn't know where it came from, but I liked it. His overall design is really pleasing to the eye. And look! He's got a little bell like a cat!

*back to the present day*

That thing that caught my eye on Netflix? It was Cat Noir.

Did I click on it? Why, yes, yes I did. I watched the whole 30 minute Christmas special. And I kinda liked it. The problems I have are mainly with the horrendous singing and voice acting/script (sorry to all that disagree with me).

But the idea behind the story captured my attention. I won't explain it here (I just don't know enough about it yet), but let's just say that it took "hero" in a different direction than I would've expected.

This is Ladybug:

I like her model, too, but... I like Cat Noir's better!

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