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Once upon a time, I was a younger, naïve teenager who wanted to become a bestselling author. I had dreams of it bringing in the mega money, living the life of a full-time writer — one book a year, lots of money, maybe some movie deals and a video game deal or something. It would've been the life; one where she was a princess.

But poor Princess Adelaide didn't realise how real life is; the reality of the struggling writer who has to pen a masterpiece and still get at least thirty rejections – and that's just from an agent. The publishers... ha, they'll never turn up. And of course, before all of that, the princess never realised there would be rent and bills to pay for, life to fund, and real life does not like artists.

But then she met the Prince Charming – Prince Fletcher Ward, who whisked her up, spun her life around and made her believe all over again. But that prince never worked out, and she found a princess who unfortunately died.

In amongst that is just shit.

Princess Adelaide was always destined to be the lone wanderer because, really, she was never the princess at all. It was just a fabricated dream.

Adelaide always forgot that Prince Charming's and Princesses and happily ever afters are only ever present in fairy tales. She was always the servant looking in and never the princess or the wealthy; those ideas were just fabricated in her mind when she drifted off to sleep after a long, hard day at work.

But as I stare at the copy of One More Fight Fletcher gave me, I realise that, actually, dreams can come true. The once upon a time can happen, because they happened to Fletch.

As I drifted away to a new life after Fletcher, I left the dreams of being an author and just found a life where I didn't really have a dream. I suppose I counted being stable and happy as a dream because until I found Sophia; I wasn't either. Those two days I was pregnant, I realised that maybe I could've found the dream of being a mother, but then it ended. While in reality, it was a good thing it ended because of Sam, it dashed another one of those dreams.

Since Sophia died, I have nothing – no dreams or aspirations – but since leaving the shop yesterday, I wonder if there is a dream out there for me and Fletch. Somehow, once the hatred has been shaved away, the archaeological gold is that underneath, I think I still hold feelings for Fletcher fucking Ward, and I always have. They just don't want to be found beneath this façade of hatred and hurt.

Fucking Sam, I know now was all about Fletcher. I couldn't have him because he decided it was best to walk away – whether it was right or not, that was his call – and Sam looks like him. My eyes would always close, imagine Fletcher, compare the two... I can see it all now. It's all coming back like repressed memories.

I just didn't know how to deal with what Fletcher did, how I reacted, and then what I assumed was a betrayal. Well, there's no doubt about it. He twisted the tale for this book, and he hasn't denied it. No matter the ending, he's made me out to be the bad guy. I suppose it wasn't even him in real life; after listening to him in the bank, I know now it's both of us who were the bad guys.

We were young, naïve, and full of these devastating emotions we didn't know how to deal with. That night was horrific for all involved, but Fletcher and I were eighteen, unsure of our place in the world and breaking free to be independent adults. That got stripped and stabbed away by these arsehole cowards who thought they had the right to bring terror to the world. In turn, that left us both with horrors in our heads that we couldn't even begin to fathom, so we hit out at each other because that's all we had.

Now we're different. Mature, able to deal with our feelings in a healthier way. Or that's the theory, anyway.

Life isn't a fairy tale like I thought and liked to believe as a kid – there are no servants, princes or princesses (unless of course, you're a royal) which means everyone gets a chance at a happily ever after. But the happily ever after needs to be earned, and you can't earn it without working and going through the worst of times to truly appreciate the ending you want.

The bank gave us the chance we needed to really understand each other, and though it's a turmoil and chaos, Fletcher and I needed it. I guess every cloud has its silver lining. It took me to go through the heist to realise that while Fletcher and Sophia were my prince and princess, I was never a servant looking in, and I didn't need saving, they were just... the loves of my life and like anything, it needs that hard work to make the romance shine. It's not a Disney film where love happens and is sentient. Love grows, matures, and blossoms like a flower. It's a verb, not a noun. Love is a feeling that can move, like water. It needs looking after and pruning to stay beautiful. Part of that is reading the book to understand Fletcher even more. I owe it to him now, I think. I've done my bitching and whining and hating.

The book cover of One More Fight is of two hands – a male and a female – reaching for each other under a light background with the title One More Fight in between. It's a simple cover and one that doesn't immediately scream romance to me, but I suppose really, it's more than a romance if the blurb and the things I've read up on it are anything go by.

I open the front cover and there's a hand-scribbled note on the front page.

'Ades, after everything that happened between us, I think this is the best way to say what I wanna say to you after all these years. Please go in with an open mind, and really understand the ending. Even without all that, I hope you enjoy it. You were my inspiration from the very first draft. You're my inspiration every time, every day and always. Fletch x'

A tear is already running down my face. After all this shit he knows how to get to me – words.


I put the book down as there's a knock on my bedroom door. When I call them in, the door opens and Harrison appears with two cups of tea in hand. As he gets closer, I notice the red bruise forming on his chin.

"Where the fuck have you been? Who did that?" I question.

He sighs, puts the mugs on my bedside table, and sits on the bottom of my bed. "I... went to see Fletcher. He sent me his address ages ago for some shit."

I start to get up to go visit him, but Harry puts out a hand to stop me. I don't even want to know how or why they were exchanging addresses, but I want to know why the fuck Harry's been punched.

"Don't. Sit, let me explain," he says. "I went to see him initially to talk to him about you. I'm fucking worried about you, Sunshine, so fucking worried. He feels the same, by the way, but... uh, I don't know how to word this."

I pull my knees up to my chest at his words. Harrison has always been one to tell me like it is; every poor decision I ever made was after Fletcher cheated, and Harry's always been the one to stick up for me in one corner, but also tell me when I've been a fucking prick. That's a lot, but still.

If he says he's worried, then there must be something to it. Personally, I don't know why, because I've just been through that shit, got someone killed and have some broken fingers. It's been two days.

But Harry never minces his words.

"He's also in turmoil over there. Not the same as you; it seems he's dealt with the shit in the bank. What he's in turmoil over is the past. I think seeing you and going through it and finding out the truth with you and Sam... it's brought up some nasty stuff, and he's... upset to put it lightly. I think you two really need to sit down and talk about the Sam shit."

My left eyebrow arches. "You're on his side now?"

He sighs. "Sunshine, there are no fucking sides! Not anymore. He did shit, you did shit, he's just found out the shit and after everything he's been through, he's not coping well. You've been through shit, Sam confronted you and now you're not coping. The two of you need to get over your egos and work this out."

"You're shipping us like we're teenagers now?"

His hand swats my knee. "Fucking listen to me. His brother held up a fucking bank to try and get money to pay off shit and exact revenge on you both. He then finds out his brother and the woman he's been in love with since he was eighteen, fucked and conceived a kid. Someone died in there, and he went through a terrorist attack. All of that will bring up shit for him."

I nod. "I just... don't know how to approach him. After everything I did. This is my fault, so how could he want to talk to me ever again?"

Harry sips his tea and puts the mug back on the table. "No one blames you but yourself, you do realise that? Well, I'm sure Sam thinks it's your fault, but he's a fucked up psychopath. Either way, no one that matters blames you. I think to get yourself over this hump you need to do two things: go see a doctor, and also talk candidly to Fletcher. Personally, I think your brain is looking for his validation more than anyone else's."

I recoil at that and pick up the book for something to hold. "I'm—"

"If you tell me you're fine, Sunshine, I will hit you over the head. Just do those two things for me?" He bats his eyelashes at me.

I feign annoyance and give him a groan. "Fine, fine, I'll do it for you. Mainly because I find you irritating."

He grins. "Good. But in all seriousness, Adelaide... I'm doing this because I really think regardless of romance and whatever, that Fletcher and you can heal together. You've both been through some awful shit and with Sam in between as well, I really think you both need to work this out."

I only reply with a nod because that's all I can give him.

"How much did you read?" He nods to the book I've now put on the bed.

I sip some tea before replying. "Two chapters."

"What'd you think so far?"

I cock my head. "I've always said he's an amazing writer, and I may have been wrong about him being an arsehole. Slightly."

"He used what he did and made you the bad guy, sure, but only to you and people who know you. You're not recognisable to the outside. Plus, the guy is the main character."

I arch an eyebrow. "Who is also bisexual and confused about his identity? Sounds relatable a little."

He grins. "You inspired him more than you think, Sunshine. Take this opportunity. The thing about you is you've masked your feelings with hatred for so long, you've convinced yourself more than anyone else."


"You don't hate him. You never did. From where I sit and look in, I can see how much you love him and always have. I've always told you – two soulmates in life. Sophia was one of those, but Fletcher has been your other and has been since you met him. You both just... weren't mature enough, especially after all the shit you went through."

We both fall silent and finish our teas before he stands up and takes my mug.

"I'll let you do whatever you're doing. But, don't waste this opportunity for a second chance. A lot of people don't get that in life. While he did his shit, so did you, and he's left the ball very much in your court." With that, he walks out of the room.

"Since when did you become cupid, by the way?" I call after him.

"Since the day you met Fletcher Ward, apparently!"

I scoff and flop out on the bed, unsure where to take this now. Fletch and I both did wrong, but it's me that needs to take accountability now. He's put his heart on the line many times in that bank, and now it's my turn to take a chance on him, and if I want it, not wasting a second chance I'm being handed.


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