One night

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A-N: okay so I wanted to spice things up a bit haha shut up monse haha- and make poppy the one craving the desire of IT,, so like yeah— this also isn't a full lemon one-shot, just a spicy one. since i've got many other drafts to finish. hope y'all understand ilyyyy 


He did as he stared, at the invitation laying right in front of his eyes. How hard is it truly? To spill three simple words. To him it felt as if, spilling them his world will collapse. Or he'll get more hurt or he'll—

enough branch.

He thought, as he shook his head and scoffed. Thinking about the princess always caused him to admire her, or get hurt. And tonight was the useless thoughts he hated. So he grabbed the invitation, and stood up with it in his hands, placing it back into its shelf. Once satisfied, he gave a tiny smile at it.

why does she care?

That thought hit him, as he stared at the invitation slightly. The smile gone as fast as it appeared. It's not like she wants you. He tried telling himself, making himself feel like nothing, always made him forget about the princess. Made him focus on who HE was. Or to how people saw him in their eyes.

He ran one of his hands through his hair slightly, trying to get the stress away. You're nothing, you ugly, disgusting, hideous—

knock knock

He stopped immediately, placing his hands back on his lap and standing up. Only one person comes this late at night, so as usual he scoffed and responded softly.

"Yes?" He replied just loud enough for her to hear, and her fucking sweet voice just pitched up.

"Just came to give you something, I promise it's not something crazy!" She replied with a slight giggle. He sighed and opened the trap door, letting the pretty pink princess in.

"So, what did you come to bring me now?" He replied not making eye contact, as he was locking up the doors. She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled, grabbing ahold of his arm to make him face her, by the touch he turned around a bit flustered by her hand on his arm.

"Well, since you mostly spend your time in here, I was hoping—" she stopped and placed her hand in her hair, pulling out a card. Not invitation. Just a card.

"— you'd help me garden!" She said happily, giving him the card. He took it slowly and examined it. "A garden? Like helping you with a the community garden?"

"Yes! Right on branch!" She said and chuckled softly. He looked at it a few seconds more before scoffing, don't let them close. His mind told him, and with that he threw the card on the ground, leaving poppy with a hurt and shocked expression.

"Sorry, Princess. But I rather die." He said cold, as he walked away from her. The princes wasn't amused on the other hand, and thought. that.. no, not again.

And she frowned, picking up the card walking over to him upset. And turned him around till he was facing her, he looked at her shocked as her expression was just upset and anger "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but I work hard on these, and all you ever do, is throw them as if there nothing! And sorry Branch, but as your princess, I won't tolerate that behavior." She said not noticing she inched a few inches closer, and Branch. Oh god. Her words seemed slurred to his ears, for being this close to her, gave him the opportunity to count all her glitter freckles. No, stop it.

Soon, he remembered he was letting his guard down. So he shook his head and frowned back.

"I don't live in your fucking village, princess. I'm not your problem. So fuck off." Scoffing he pushed her shoulder away, walking away. Poppy blinked 'oh he didn't' she felt her fists ball up. Blood boil. Frown replacing her smile.

"Come back." She sneered. Branch chuckled "yeah no." Poppy smirked inching closer to him, he turned around right in time for her hands to clutch his wrists. "Let go of m—" Poppys hands raised his wrists above the side of his head, pinning him down. He flustered, he was pinned onto the wall, by her. Poppy giggled as her lips glided his ear "Did I fucking ask?"

He gulped now, as his hands were still pinned by her. Poppys body pressed against his, gotta get out now. He thought, immediately started worming around. Poppy's sweet giggle filled the air again as she didn't let go. "P-poppy i- i um-" he stuttered as he couldn't even face her eyes, for she was oh so close.

Poppy's lips now centemiters apart. Poppy's hum brought his senses back. Branch blushed furiously, as he forced himself to look at her eyes. Poppy's magenta pierced his sky blue. He gulped— and what happened next was unexpectedly.

Her lips were tasting every bit of him. Down his neck, up his ears. As he panted softly in delight, still being pinned against the wall by her soft touch. Just before her tongue lapped his ear, he released a slim moan past his closed lips. Oh god. 

The pretty pink trolls lips curled into a smirk as her hot breath glazed his neck, he shivered slightly. "P-poppy.." he whispered her name now. Letting his wrists go, stepping a step back, she giggled at his flushed face. Branch now realizing where he was he flushed, and brought his hands to his chest. Fuck. 

"You're very cute when you're dominated." He snapped back into reality, "I- i wasn't letting my guard down." His face getting hotter. She chuckled and stepped a step closer, he panicked and stepped back, back now pinned to wall again. "You were saying?" He flustered. 

Poppy then grabbed his wrist again, and pulled him onto the couch with her. His face couldn't get any hotter then now. She giggled and laid him down, "I won't bite." She whispered in his ear, now hovering over him. He moaned once again as her lips nibbled and tongue lapped his ear. Her hands roaming underneath his vest. 

Branch shuddered when his vest was practically yanked off. Her soft hands roaming his rock hard six pack, v line waist. He was panting now, god fuck. 

Poppy's eyes met his, as his met hers. With her on top, he took opportunity to admire her facial features, mouth slightly open in awe. As she giggled and leaned down, nuzzling her nose with his. He chuckled back, now feeling more comfortable and less flustered. And taking that opportunity— he rolled her over. 

Smirking, he now pinned her against the couch. "Whos letting their guard now?" Poppy scoffed and smirked back, "Kiss me already, idiot." 

Taking a deep breath, he dipped down and captured her lips in a desperate lip lock. Tongues tasting each bit of themselves. Foreheads sweating, body's shuddering in delight, both of them in desire of each other. 

Poppy's hands left his cheeks, to unbutton her dress. He parted away, looking at her. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked between pants. Poppy scoffed and smiled back at it "I'm sure." 

He chuckled and kissed her nose,, "okay, love. whatever you say." Poppy giggled, pulling him back down "just for one night." 

yeah, that night was unforgettable. 


okay on a serious note, enjoy whatever the fuck this is :D it's short but idc i mean ily

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