Chapter 1

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Phindile Gwala ^^ as Lelo Dube


ONE Night Only by Onele Adonisi

Song: Sia- Big Girls Cry

"Okay, that's it. I've had enough of this shit. What the hell is wrong with you Lelz? This isn't like you, letting a man that never deserved you to make you stop living your life."

I groan loudly as I feel the blankets I was lying under being yanked away from my body. A blanket tug of war ensues between me and my best friend Danny and I'm sadly the loser.

I sit up and rub my eyes tiredly. The room is way too bright, the sun shining outside. He must've opened the curtains, now even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully with the sun on my face. The day promises to be a beautiful one with birds singing as well as children playing and laughing outside. I squint my eyes looking at a pissed off but clearly worried Danny, he's never liked my ex and he's never even tried to hide it.

"Come on Danny. It's Saturday, Can you please just stop? I'm tired and I want to sleep."
"No my dear friend, you've been moping for three weeks now. It's enough. You've been alternating between crying and biting everyone's head off. I'm getting sick of it now."

"Danny... You know, if you want me to leave so badly. You should just say so." I whine childishly as I bury my head under my pillow.

"Ohh please Lelo, could you stop already with the pity part? Where the hell will you go considering the fact that you left your apartment because your boyfriend of five years cheated on you with your roomate?"

"You don't need to remind me of that, okay?" I say, head still buried under my pillow.

He sighs and sits on the edge of the bed, snatches the pillow from me and begins stroking my hair. I guess he still remembers how much that calms me down. I move around the bed until I lay my head, eyes closed on his lap.

"You know that I love having you around my love, I just hate the fact that you're crying over that no good bastard while he's out there having a great time wherever he is."

"I know that he's an idiot Danny. What hurts is the fact that I wasn't enough for him even though I tried all I could to be the perfect girlfriend. I just wish that he had told me that he was no longer happy with me instead of cheating. I'm also upset because of the five years that I wasted on him. He was my high school sweetheart, my first love. How could he throw all that away, for her, then turn around and blame it all on me?"

"What?" Danny exclaims, hands fisting as his eyes burn with anger. I take a deep breath and for the first time since I came to his place weeks ago, I actually tell him what happened when I found my ex Sam cheating on me with my roommate Nikkie.


"Are you absolutely sure that you have to leave today, my baby?"

I turned my head unable to look at my mother's sad face. The weekend went by way too fast. I make sure that I come home as much as I can, especially ever since my father died two years ago. I can see how lonely she is living by herself and I try my hardest to spend lots of time with her as a result.

"Yes mama, you know that I have to go to work tomorrow but I'll be back sooner than you know it." I consider texting my boyfriend Sam and tell him that I'm on the way back but I decide not to. We'd had a fight just before I left on Friday because he wanted us to spend the weekend together and couldn't understand why I had to go see my mother.

He must be still mad at me because we didn't speak ever since I left. Fighting seems to be all that we do these days, he expects me to act like a wife to him even though he never ever mentions marriage. Which in turn makes me think of the "moving in debacle". He wants us to move in together and I just can't.

My family would be very disappointed in me since living with a man while both of you are still unmarried is frowned upon in our culture...

I left my mother with a heavy heart, it's always hard to say goodbye to her because she's always sad to see me leaving. I drive off from my home, heading towards my apartment in Woodstock, an upmarket neighborhood in Cape Town. Two hours later, I park my car in the underground parking lot and take out my overnight bag.

I use my key to get in, and the first thing I do is take off my shoes and walk to the sofa barefoot. The way it's so quiet, I guess my roomate is out. My guess is proven wrong as I then hear loud moaning and grunting, also known as classic sex sounds so I decide to give her some privacy and go to the tea shop across the street so long. Thank God my room is the first door you reach from the living room, I decide to take my bag to my room then leave because I hate things being out of place. I tiptoe to my room, trying to make as little noise as possible 'cause I don't want to disturb them.

Just as I'm exiting my room, I hear my roommate screaming.
"Yes, yes, yes. Harder Sammy, harder."
Wait, she also calls my boyfriend Sammy, I shake my head, maybe her guest must also be named Sam.
"G*d, your p*ssy feels great Nikkie."
That's definitely my boyfriend's voice, my legs weaken and I slump against my bedroom wall.
"I bet Lelo can't make you feel this good, right Sammy?
"No one compares to you baby, you're the best."
That's it, I somehow find strength and march towards Nikkie's room. The door is open and I just walk in. I'm then greeted by my boyfriend of five years thrusting into my roommate from behind, a look of absolute pleasure in his face. Rage takes over me and I pick one of Nikkie's heels from the floor and hurl it at him. It hits him on the side of the head and he opens his eyes in surprise.

When he sees me standing there, he springs away from her as though burnt.

"Baby, it's not what it looks like."

The evil witch I had considered my friend snorts as she covers herself with a sheet, "you're seriously gonna say that?"
I decide to ignore her, "ohh so what is this then? Because it looks like you cheating on me with my roommate."

"It was a mistake my love, you know that I love you and only you."

"You sure have a fine way to show it." I say venomously, trying my best to not cry in front of these two.
"You know what, you two deserve each other. Have a nice life."
I leave him standing there while Nikkie is still in bed looking smug. I grab my car keys and just as I'm about to open the door, someone tugs me by my wrist. I turn back and see Sam clad in his boxers,
"baby, let's please talk about this."

"No, there's nothing for us to talk about. What you did back there just erased all that we had these past five years. We're over Sam."

"You can't do this munchkin, I love you."

"You sure have a fine way to show it."

"I do love you, very much. I was just angry at you for leaving me this weekend. You're always so busy with work, I was just lonely and she was there."

"And I wasn't there right? So now it's my fault that you cheated on me? With my roommate? In my own apartment? You know what, it's fine, she can have you. Goodbye Sam."

I pulled my wrist from him and slamned the door. It was only when I was in my car that I finally allowed myself to break down.

After I calmed down a bit, I drove to my best friend Danny's place in Milnerton. Luckily he was home and welcomed me with no questions asked. The following day I had no choice but to call in sick the next day because I was in no condition to be amongst people.

Hey everyone, welcome to my first book and thank you for reading. I hope you'll enjoy it ♥

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