Chapter 11

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Hailee Steinfield ft. Zedd- Starving


I know that I'm staring at my date like a creep but I can't help myself. Her big coffee coloured eyes draw me in until I feel like I can drown in them, happily might I add.

"Do I have something on my face or something?" Her soft voice pulls me from the trance her beauty has put me in. She's smiling with her eyes twinkling. Looking all kinds of beautiful and free.

"What? No, of course not. Sorry for staring, you're just so beautiful. The most beautiful woman I've ever met."

"You're laying on the charm a bit too thick Mr Greene but thank you." She gives me a playful smile and I fist my hands at my sides to stop me from doing what I actually want to do at the moment, which is to pull her to my lap and kiss her senseless.

"It's the truth though. I'm a very lucky man tonight."

I can't control my hand as it rises on its own accord and caresses her cheek. I smile when as if by instinct, she closes her eyes and leans into my touch.

"So when will you actually tell me where we're going?"

"Never, it won't be much of a surprise if I tell you now will it. Relax Lelo baby, we're almost there."

Just then the car stops and I press a button to roll down the partition. "We're here Sir," says Daniel who has been my driver/ bodyguard for as long as I can remember. "Thank you Daniel." I say looking outside, we're at our dinner venue. I open my door and make my way to her side and open her door.

"See, we're already here." My eyes drift to the exposed creamy skin of her legs as the slit of her dress parts as I help her out of the car. Lord give me strength to resist all this temptation tonight.

"Where exactly is 'here?'" I don't let go of her hand as we stand next to each other.

"Table Bay Harbour." I say trying not to give anything away.

"You really don't want to tell me anything about tonight, do you?"

"Nope, I'd rather show you." I say, leading her to our venue which is one of my pride and joys, The Greene Yacht. She suddenly stops as we get closer it.

"You've got a freakin' yacht?"

I nod, "amongst other things. Can we go in now?"

"Yes please." We walk along the ramp towards the yacht's entrance and I look at her face as we enter. I don't know why but it's important to me that she loves everything that I have planned for tonight.


WOW!!! That is the only word I can use to describe Alexander's yacht. It is HUGE, obviously. From what I can see, considering it's now evening it's  white with the words Greene written on the side. The outside is only the beginning though.

My jaw drops as we enter and I get my first look at the interior of his boat. The man obviously has expensive tastes as everything inside screams luxury. A spiral staircase leads us to the second floor where the decor of the room we'll be having dinner in is minimal with touches of white and blue. I can feel his eyes solely on me as I take everything in.

"Your boat is very beautiful."

"Thank you babygirl. I'll make sure to give you a tour of it soon but tonight I only promised you dinner so let's get to it. I don't want you to faint from hunger, not on my watch."

He leads me to the middle of the room where there is a table set for two, there's instrumental music playing softly in the background.

He pulls a chair for me, I thank him as I sit down and as soon as he takes his seat, a young man in a waiter's uniform suddenly appears and stands next to our table.

"Good evening lady and gentleman, my name is Mike and I will be your waiter this evening. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Is champagne alright babygirl?" I give him a nod.

Right there and then I decide that one glass is all I'm having tonight. I am absolutely not getting drunk and embarrassing myself. I have a feeling that when it comes to this man seated across from me, I'm going to need a clear head. 

"Bring us a bottle of champagne please."

Mike leaves us to fetch the bottle and I'm left to look into the crystal blue eyes that haven't left my face all night.

"You really do like to stare, don't you?"

"Only when it's something that I like and I have to say that I'm loving the view in front of me at the moment."

I'm luckily saved from answering by Mike who comes back and pours the  champagne for us both. Alexander lifts up his flute and I do the same.

"Let me make a toast, to an unforgettable night and to us of course."

I lift up my glass in toast with him although I'm not so sure about the 'us' part.

"So tell me more about yourself, just who is Lelo Dube and what makes her tick?"

"There's not much to tell about me, I'm twenty three years old, I work as a pharmacist, I'm an only child although I consider Danny as my brother. I was born and raised here in Cape Town and that's me in a nutshell. Now tell me about you."

"All that you've told me I could've gotten online babygirl, I wanted you to tell me things that no one else knows but I understand why you're reserved. You don't know me enough to let me in and that's alright, I'll wait. So I'm thirty four years old, I'm the first born in my family. I have a younger brother and a little sister. I'm the CEO of Greene Enterprises, we own a chain of five star hotels and resorts across the globe as well as some shares in a few other businesses. It was first started by my great grandfather in the early 1940s and has been in the family ever since."

Mike comes in wheeling a table with two covered plates. He places them in front of us, I thank him with a smile and a cute blush appears on his cheeks. He removes the covers and my mouth waters at the dish in front of me. Filet mignon with mashed potato, string beans and mushrooms.

Mike turns towards Alexander and is met with a glare, making the poor poor teen to blanch and mumble an apology and escape to the kitchen. I hit Alexander lightly on the arm in reproach.

"That was not nice, you nearly scared the poor boy to death."

"He was hoarding all your attention, what did you want me to do?" He says pouting like a child.

"Not behave like a Neanderthal, that's for sure."

"Are you sure about that baby? I could carry you to my cave and show you my big stick." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

My goodness, what am I going to do with this man?

"No thank you," he places a hand over his heart. "Ouch, you sure know how to break a man's heart."

"I try." I say with a grin. "This is very delicious, I must confess though that I was expecting seafood given our venue."

"That's understandable but is too predictable, I'm trying by all means to impress you as well so I went all out. I've also never been one to follow the status quo and I wouldn't dream of starting now."

Our dinner progresses with us making small talk and asking each other questions in order to try getting to know one another.

Mike then comes in with our dessert which is Malva pudding. It is a sweet dessert of South African origin and it contains apricot jam and has a spongy caramelized texture. Mine is served with ice cream while his is served with custard poured on top.

Just when I start to relax, comes the question I was hoping I wouldn't have to answer tonight.

"So tell me, why did you leave that morning Lelo?"

"Alexander... I don't understand why you're being like this. I thought it was clear to us both that what happened between us was only a one time thing. I had never had a one night stand before you but from my understanding when morning comes the two people who spent a night together go their seperate ways and hopefully never meet again. I didn't want to come off as clingy and therefore overstay my welcome, so I left."

"I get what you're saying and that's true in most instances, but in our case we had an amazing although unnatural connection baby. We didn't have sex that night, we made love. I actually wanted to wake up with you next to me, to have breakfast with you and for us to talk but I just woke up in an empty room, with only your scent on your pillow as evidence that I hadn't dreamt you up. I was hoping to ask for your contact details and we'd try to do things traditionally this time. I'd take you out and we could see where this leads us. I feel like whatever this is between us needs space to grow so why can't we try to get to know each other better and see where it leads us?"

"I'm not ready for a relationship Alexander, I've just come out of one that lasted for years. I just wanted to forget that night and I used you. For that, I'm so sorry. I can only offer you friendship for now, we can get to know each other better because I  really do like you. I am attracted to you, yes but I don't want to rush into anything at the moment." His face falls at that and although I feel bad, I know that I need to say this.

"I understand but just know that I'm not going to just be friends with you Lelo, I want to be more than that... I'll give you time to get over your stupid ex because I dont want to be your rebound guy but allow me to give you a heads up- I'll do everything that I can to be your man, friendship won't be enough for me. I'll try by all means to make you mine. Fankly you don't even stand a chance against me." He says with resolve and I have a feeling that he's right. I highly doubt that I have a chance when it comes to a battle of wills with this man.

After our long talk, he takes me home and he holds my hand in his all the way. I don't have the heart to take my hand from his grasp.

"I had a great time tonight, thank you Alexander."

We've now arrived at Danny's and I'm standing in front of the door with him before me.

"It was my pleasure, thank you for going out with me."

"Would you like to come in for coffee?"

"Maybe some other day, I don't want to keep you up too late when you still have work tomorrow."

"Oh okay, I guess I'll say good night then."

He steps closer to me and caresses my cheek, he lowers his head and drops a soft kiss on my other cheek.

"Sweet dreams, Lelo baby." He reaches behind me and opens the door for me. It is only when I'm safely inside that he turns back, walks towards the limo and it drives off into the night.

I lean against the door with a huge smile on my face. After a few minutes I move away from the door intending to go to my room without switching on the lights when I hear footsteps coming from the living room. I scream, obviously because there's an intruder in the house. Shock registers when he screans as well. Wait, Danny?
Suddenly the hallway is filled with light to reveal Danny in a bathrobe.

"Danny, what the hell? You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Me? You're the one who's screaming your lungs out in the middle of the night."

"That's because I thought you were a burglar. Anyway what are you doing up? It's nearly midnight."

"Waiting for you, obviously. Now tell me, how was it?" He asks, excitedly.

I sigh deeply, knowing that I won't get away until I give him what he wants so I let him lead me to my bedroom.

Danny gets inside my bed as I start recounting on the night's events while taking off my make up and changing into my pyjamas.

I join him and continue with my tale with additional comments from my bedmate until we both fall asleep.


Chapter 11 uploaded early, why? Because we're celebrating babies. When I logged in on Wattpad yesterday, I found out that ONO was #311  on Chicklit then today we're #253 💃. I seriously wish that I could hug and kiss all of you. Thank you all so much ♥.

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