Chapter 16

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"Alexander is-"

"Alexander is... He's a friend of ours mom." I hurriedly interrupt Danny, you can never know with him. He could tell my mother everything that has happened with Sam and subsequently how I met Alex. He is the one who told my parents when I started dating Sam after all.

He glares at me for interrupting him as he passes by me and goes to sit on the couch. "We met him a few months ago and all three of us have gotten closer since then."

"I'm glad that both of you are making friends here in the city. You know what? How about you invite your new friend as well as your other friends from work for dinner sometime and I'll cook? I've been wanting to meet Neo and Rose for so long. I've heard so much about them."

My mother says with a gleam in her eyes, she looks so excited that I don't have the heart to deny her request.

I look at Danny in panic, I'm not ready for my mom to meet my new boyfriend. I haven't even told my best friend about us yet.

"Uh Rose and Neo could definitely make it mom but I'm not sure about Alex, he's a very busy man so I'll have to check with him."

Thankfully Danny sees how uncomfortable I am and takes over the conversation from me, "we can discuss this more in-depth some other time mommy. Tonight is movie night so we're binge watching chick flicks and ruining our figures. Since we've missed you so much mommy, how about you be the one to choose the movie?"

Thankfully my mother's attention is easily taken off the topic and she nods then searches through my cable for a good movie while Danny goes to change into his pyjamas.

I guess there'll be no watching Channing Tatum and co. strut their stuff in Magic Mike tonight.

My mother finally settles on P.S. I Love You and all three of us make ourselves comfortable as the movie begins.

We're watching Holly, Denise and Sharon on their fishing trip in Ireland where they get stranded in the middle of the lake after they lose the boat's oars, when my cellphone begins ringing on top of the coffee table.

Both turn to look at me as I pick it up. Rule one of our sleepovers: NO CELLPHONES.

"Sorry." I whisper apologetically as I check the caller ID, a huge smile comes to my face as I see that it's Alex. "I need to take this."

I make a mad dash for my bedroom with the phone still ringing in my hand. When I get to my room, I throw myself on top of my bed... Juvenile, I know.

Just as I'm about to answer, it stops ringing. I decide to call him back but he calls again at that moment. I lie on my stomach and prop myself on my elbows as I answer his call.

"Hey babe." I greet him why a chirpy voice. He groans at the endearment, this is the first time I've called him by anything other than his name.

"Hello baby. Who knew that something as simple as an endearment coming from your lips could sound so sweet."

His deep, sexy voice comes through and I can't help but wish that he was here as well even though I saw him this afternoon. He and I have grown so much closer during the past few months, I've found that he's a good hearted man whom I was very lucky to call a friend and now a partner.

"How are you baby?"

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm great, just missing you. That's all."

He whispers the last words to me. I grin widely, this man will be the death of me.

"I know how you feel. I miss you too love."

I'm mildly surprised just how true that is. In the past months that I've known Alex, we've spent quite a lot of time together. We always ensured that we met up as often as both of our schedules permitted and talked at least once a day. On the instances that he was on business trips he ensured that he always called as much as he could.

"How about we meet tomorrow? Have lunch again?"

"I can't Alex, I already have plans with my friends. You know that." I'm feeling bad since I'm rejecting all of his suggestions to meet up but I refuse to be that woman who forgets her girlfriends when she gets a new man.

"How about dinner then?"

I gnaw at my teeth nervously, I can't leave my mom alone when she's come so far to see me. I also do want to see Alex again though. Poor man must think that I'm not really interested in him, I doubt that the GREAT ALEXANDER GREENE has ever had to work this hard to get with a woman.

"Uh I... I can't have dinner with you either Alex."

He keeps quiet for a while then deeply sighs. The guilt I'm feeling right now is so bad that I find myself thinking of how I can make it up to him.

"Okay then, that's alright."

He says finally and I decide to just come clean to him.

"It's just that my mom is in town babe and I can't leave her alone in my apartment after she came so far to see me."

"Ohh, I had no idea. I understand though, I hope that you'll enjoy your time with her."

I don't miss the implication that I sould've told him considering the big fact that we're in a relationship now.

"Yeah, that makes two of us. She arrived tonight and I was just as surprised."

I take a deep, fortifying breath as I prepare myself for what comes next.

"I know that we haven't been dating for long but you can come over and have dinner with us if you'd like, Danny will also be there."

He clears his throat and I face palm, he must probably be shocked. You can be so stupid sometimes Lelo, of course it's too early for him to be meeting your mother.

"You know what, forget I said anything. I-"

"Can you please give me a chance to speak woman?"

He cuts me off as I start rambling.

"Yes, yes. Of course, you may speak Alex. What I want to say though is-"

"I'll be happy to come over and it would be an honor to meet your mother baby."

His says slowly, his voice laced with humour. I can't believe that he's laughing at me!

"Ohhh okay. Okay, great then... Umm, one more thing. I don't know how to say this buuuut could you please not kiss me in front of her? We both know how handsy you can get..."

"WHAAAT!!! And why the hell can't I kiss my girlfriend? Are you ashamed of us or something?"

Oh boy, I can tell that he's getting pissed.

"No, no. Alex, how can you even think of that? It's just that- You know that we both come from different backgrounds. Well in my culture it's seen as disrespectful to show intimacy in front of your parents with a man that's not your husband. I'm not even allowed to introduce him unless he's my fiance to my family, which is why I don't want you to be offended when I say that you're just a friend."

He takes a deep breath and I hold my own, waiting to hear what he'll say.

"I understand babe and since I'm no expert on African culture, I can't really say much."

"So, I know that that was a lot of information but you are still coming right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world baby. I should probably let you get back to your mom, I just wanted to say good night to my queen."

"Good night love. We'll talk tomorrow then."

I disconnect the call and head back to the living room only to find the movie finished, Danny and my mom chatting as they pack away the food and fleece blanket we were covering ourselves with.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for ruining our sleepover. I didn't realize how long I took in there."

"Must've been some conversation for you to forget all about us."

Danny says speculatively. I stick out my tongue at him when mom isn't looking and he replies by flipping me the bird.

"It was Alex, if you must know. I've invited him for dinner tomorrow night."

"Oh wow, that's marvelous. I'll prepare my world famous chicken stew."

"Maybe you should invite Alex every night if that'll lead to us having mommy's delicious chicken stew."

Danny says grinning at me.

We finish tidying up and then we all go to bed, with mom taking the guest room and Danny sleeping in my room.

We're just about to fall asleep when I remember that I haven't told him about Alex and I's new relationship status. I lie on my side facing him with my elbow propped up and just decide to say it.

"Alex and I decided to take our friendship to the next level, we're now dating."

Danny jumps out of bed and looks at me in disbelief. My loud mouth friend is actually speechless, had I known that he'd react like this I would've brought a video camera and recorded it. It's a rarity to see him in such a state.


He screams, jumping up and down in excitement. I shush him, scared that he'll wake up mom.

"Yes really Daniel, now come back to bed. You're making me cold."

He knows when I call him by his full name that I'm serious.

"Don't call me that Lelo," he mutters as he climbs back into bed.

"Wow, so LeXander is happening at last! Good for you Lelz."

"That's a terrible ship name Danny. Go to sleep please."

"Wait, what-"

"Sleep Daniel or you'll be spending the night on the couch." I say threateningly then switching off my bed lamp and close my eyes.

"Fine, I'll let it go for now but just know that we'll talk about this tomorrow."

"Fine, we'll talk about it tomorrow now good night Dannybear."

"Night Lelz."


Hey everyone, I don't have much to say this time except that I hope that you enjoyed the chapter.

Any better ship names for our couple?

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