Chapter 7

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Little Mix- No More Sad Songs


His rough callused hand travels up from the back of my legs to my thighs as he kisses me passionately. His tongue caresses my lower lip asking for entrance and I don't even think twice about opening up for him. I wrap my thick thighs around his muscular legs and I moan into the kiss as he begins grinding into me, his large bulge nestled into my core.

I moan his name as the pleasure from his ministrations becomes too much for me to handle. He gives me time to breathe as he trails kisses from my neck until he arrives at my breasts. He licks my nipple before taking it into his mouth while his hands trail downwards until he reaches my core.

He runs a finger through my slit and swears as he inserts two fingers, "fuck baby you're so wet and so tight."

He begins moving his large digits in and out of me, curling them at just the right place and hitting my g-spot repeatedly.

"Cum for me baby, bathe my fingers in your sweet juices."

He says huskily as he leaves a trail of kisses all over my chest. My breath quickens as I feel my orgasm approaching...

"Alexand-ahhh," I moan loudly as I reach my climax. My back lifting off the bed as pleasure wracks my entire body.

I can still feel the aftershocks of my orgasm as an annoying sound registers and I jostle awake, looking around my room. I plop back on top of my pillow, withdrawing my fingers from my sex.

"Masturbating while asleep Lelz? Even that's a new low."

I mumble tiredly, the alarm still ringing. Of course it was just another dream, just like nearly every day for the past month since that night. According to Danny last night- I've been "Dickmatized", when I asked him what he meant he looked at me and winked.

"You've been traumatized by good dick babe, that's why you keep dreaming about him every night. You need to sleep with him again until you get him out of your system."

"That's not true, I don't dream about him every night, maybe five times a week."

I say feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You could find him if you wanted to and you know it. You're just too chicken to make the first move."

"It was a one night stand Danny, that was clear from the beginning. I'm not one of those clingy women, I won't run after a man."

I said crossing my arms, that wa-

"Bitch wake up, your alarm is getting on my damn nerves!!!" I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Danny's yelling from his room across from mine.

Gosh I hate Monday mornings, I groan tiredly and switch off my blaring alarm clock. I finally get out of bed and go to relieve myself then I brush my teeth.

Still half asleep, I go to the closet and pick up the first thing I see which is a white off the shoulder top and a floral pencil shirt. I pair these with my black high heeled pumps and black handbag.

An hour later I arrive at work, with my bag and white starched coat on my arm I enter A&R Pharmaceutical Company. "Morning Rose," I smile greeting our beautiful receptionist who's also a friend of mine and I make my way into the pharmacy.

I was so lucky to be approached by a number of successful companies after graduation. The results of hard work, dedication and making the sacrifice of not partying every weekend but staying in and studying my books.

The only thing that dampened my happiness about finally finishing my studies was my father's sudden illness and subsequent death because he never got to see me graduate. He'll never walk me down the aisle, he'll never see his grandkids, he'll never grow old and grey with my mom like they had planned.

I sigh as I make my way to my station, thinking about my father always makes me feel sad even though two years have passed. A hug from behind drags me from my melancholic feelings and I'm suddenly surrounded by a soft, feminine perfume.

"Morning Lelz," I turn my chair and smile as I look at Neo, a fellow pharmacist and former classmate of mine. She takes a seat next to me.

"Morning babe, how was your weekend?"

"Ohh the usual, just spending as much time with the hubby and son. Running after Siya is exhausting, I tell you."

We laugh at that, her cute four year old is a lot of work and I know that from doing my auntie duties which is babysitting once in a while.

"Can you believe that his teacher called us last week because he made a little girl in his class cry?"

"What did he do to her?"

"He nearly traumatized the poor girl by kissing her... On the lips and the poor girl burst into tears. When asked why he did that, he said that his mommy and daddy do it all the time. I was so embarrassed. We then had to have the awkward talk of why he can't go around kissing people on the lips."

"I don't want to imagine how that went."

"You really don't want to, next time something like this happens his father will talk to him man to man. I'm staying out of it, my heart can't take all of that awkwardness a second time. Anyway let me leave you to your work, I'll see you at lunchtime."

"See you babe," she goes to her cubicle and so begins a day full of prescription charts, hospital folders and dispensing of medication.

I lose track of time due to being busy until Neo peaks her head into my cubicle, "it's time for lunch babe. I decided to come get you because we all know that Rose and I would wait forever in the first floor for you."

"I'm not that bad Neo, you guys are blowing things out of proportion but let me just get this last file done and then we can go."

Once done I pack up then grab my bag. Neo and I walk to Rose's desk then all three of us walk to Le Grotti's which is a small restaurant next to our workplace.

Upon getting a table, the three of us sit down then place our orders. As soon as we get comfortable, I suddenly get goosebumps on my arms and feel the hairs at the back of my neck stand up. It honestly feels like that night, like someone is watching me. Like he is watching me. I discretely look around, searching. I just don't want to admit to myself just who I'm looking for.

I roam my eyes around the small restaurant until my brown eyes meet a pair of crystal blue eyes I've been dreaming about for weeks now.

Fate must trully be playing a twisted joke on me, out of all the restaurants in Cape Town, Alexander Greene had to come to this one. He's seated with a blond, petite woman in front of him. She's busy talking to him while he's not paying attention but staring straight at me. Just like the last time we met.

Oh God, what if the woman with him is his girlfriend?

I can't believe that there's a chance that I slept with a man that's in a relationship, I never even considered that fact that night. Oh gosh the guilt that's eating me up is enormous... I know how it feels to be cheated on, the fact that I could've
the other woman is making me feel so bad.

"Lelo, you look like you've seen a ghost and your hands are shaking. Is everything okay?" Rose asks looking worriedly at me, her soft voice pulls me from the trance-like state he pulled me into. "And you haven't even touched your food yet," Neo pipes in.

I shake my head, trying to clear it and give the both of them a hopefully reassuring smile. How can I tell them that I just saw a man I had a one night stand with weeks ago, not just any man but playboy billionaire Alexander Greene?

"Honestly you amaze me sometimes Lelo, how could you not recognize him? I mean his beautiful face is everywhere."

I can still hear Danny's incredulous voice after I found out from him that the man I had spent an amazing night with was well known for his business acumen and breaking women's hearts. Alexander Greene, CEO of Greene Enterprises LTD. No wonder he looked a bit familiar, the man has been voted as South Africa's Sexiest man a few times by Cosmopolitan magazine.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired. It was a very hectic weekend."

Rose and Neo both nod in understanding, I bring a fork to my mouth but I'm so on edge that the greek salad in front of me tastes like cardboard. I glance sideways at Alexander's table, only to find him standing up and he begins making his way towards our table in determined strides. There's a chance that he's going somewhere else but I can't take the chance that he's coming to my table.

I abruptly stand up, my chair nearly toppling over in the process. "Lelo?" Both ladies look up at me in shock at my behavior, "I uhh... I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I don't even wait for them to respond as I make a mad dash for the bathroom. I turn my head to look at him and he's standing a few feet away from our table, staring at me with a scowl on his face.

I hide in the bathroom for about ten minutes, all the while chastising myself for my cowardice but I can't deal with all of this right now.

I fix my hair, take several deep breaths and square my shoulders. "You're not going to run away every time you see him Lelo, that's just childish."

If he's still there, I'll face him head on. I'm a young, independent and successful woman and I can do whatever I want.

It was a stupid one night stand, nothing to be ashamed of. I smooth my skirt and open the bathroom door, intending to step out. The door is suddenly pushed open and a tall muscular man clad in tailored navy suit and navy shirt steps in. A scream nearly escapes my mouth before a large hand clamps over my mouth.

I'm filled with anger as I look up at the intruder. Alexander... I jab at his ribs with my elbow and he lets me go with a curse. I take a step back but unfortunately cannot leave as he's standing against the door. I glare at him as he smirks down at me, "hello babygirl. Fancy meeting you here..."


"I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22😁💃🎉🎊"

How'd I get so old, how'd I get so old😥?

12 March 2018... Today's my birthday you guys🎂. 22 years of God's grace and favour and I should be out celebrating but instead I'm at school because tomorrow I have a test😔. Varsity really sucks... Chapter 7 done and dusted. Enjoy my loves ❤.

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