Chapter 4....

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Surprisingly checking out wasn't a huge deal. I thought they would give me some trouble since I was wearing the clothing but once I explained what happened the girl behind the counter didn't seem to mind. I think most of it had to do with the fact she couldn't keep her eyes off of James.

When we got to the counter he pulled his hat down further and leaned his chin towards his chest. It did nothing to stop the girl from checking him out. Girls are petty because we go off of looks more than anything, as you can tell.

Before I could reach for my purse to pay for my clothes James's hand was there, holding a black credit card. When I tried to protest James cut me off and practically shoved the card at the girl.

"You didn't have to buy these." I said as we moved towards the front doors. My right hand holding a bag with my ruined clothes in it.

"It's my fault your clothes got ruined." His tone left no room for discussion. He is definitely use to getting his way. I thought amusingly.

Suddenly my arm was grabbed and I was yanked into James's side.

"That's the old lady that was stalking me." James whispered gesturing with his head to the left of us. I turned towards where he was talking about and saw an older lady looking through the racks, not even looking like she saw us.

"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes. She was practically eye raping me." He shivered, looking thoroughly disgusted.

"She must like the younger ones."

"Cause that's not disturbing."

Walking back out onto the street I moved off to the side so we wouldn't get hit by people. We stood there awkwardly staring at one another. Surprisingly I didn't want to say goodbye to James. This past hour has been fun. It was nice laughing and being carefree with someone. For just a few minutes I wasn't thinking about work.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" James asked suddenly, surprising the two of us.

"Like dinner?" I stupidly asked.

"Yeah like dinner." James smiled, once again showing me his beautiful straight white teeth. "To apologize again for your clothing."

"James you already bought me these clothes. You've done enough."

"Maybe I have other motives." Immediately my mind flashed to something entirely different. I wasn't going to lie I wanted James to have other motives. It's been too long since I've been with someone.

"Would I be able to actually see your face?" I teased.

"You'll have to agree to find out." Oh boy did I want to find out.

"Okay." At my answer James grinned. A part of my brain was telling me I had too much to do instead of going to dinner, but the other part was urging me to go and have some fun. The latter was the one that made my decision.

"Where would you like to eat?"

"Somewhere lowkey." The writer in me wanted to ask James tons of questions to get to know him. Somewhere quiet would be perfect for that.

"I know the perfect place." James held out a hand waiting for me to take it. Despite a warning bell going off in my head that this wasn't a good idea, I placed my hand in his.


"I present to you....Bella's Pizza Parlor." With a wave of his hand, James gestured to the sign hanging above our heads. I grinned at how proud he was. Little did he know this is one of my regular places. I mean my apartment was only three blocks down.

"Pizza. Good choice." Not waiting for him I opened the door, letting the amazing garlic and pizza smell wash over me. My stomach growled loudly, earning a laugh behind me.

"Lets get you something to eat." With a firm hand on my lower back, James lead us towards a booth near the back. The place wasn't that busy for which I was glad, it was only 6 o'clock. Most came to eat around 8 or so. With it not busy it would make it easier for me to get to know James.

With two menus in hand I slid into the booth, knowing I probably don't even have to open my own menu. I didn't miss the fact that James choose a booth where no one would look and that his body would be unseen by anyone else. It heightened my curiosity.

I continued on staring at James as he looked over the menu. I wanted that hat and sunglasses gone. Wanted to see his entire face and what color of eyes he had. Even with half his face covered he was really, really nice looking.

"Seeing something you like?" James voice broke my staring. I felt my cheeks heat up getting caught staring.

"Maybe." I opened my menu, willing my cheeks to return to normal. I heard him chuckle softly.

"Hey Lily." A new voice spoke. Smiling I looked up at one of my favorite people.


"Back again I see." He teased. Ryan is always the person that serves me or sees me picking up my order on my way home from work.

"I can't get enough of the garlic knots." I shrugged.

"At least you brought someone else with you." I watched in amusement as Ryan checked James out. I didn't have to see his eyes to know he was beyond confused. Little did he know Ryan was more likely to ask him out than me.

"What can I get the two of you?"

"Definitely an order of garlic knots." I immediately spoke. James would thank me later. "What did you want?"

"I'm fine with anything, but no anchovies."

"How about a large pizza with pepperoni and pineapple on half and whatever you want on the other half?" I suggested.

"Pepperoni and banana peppers."

"What would you like to drink?"

"Just water." James and I said at the same time.

"Sounds good. I'll get that right out." With a sly wink at me, Ryan turned and walked off.

" come here a lot?"

"A fair amount." Wanting to change the subject I leaned my forearms on the table, placing my chin on my hands. "I think you promised me you'd take those off if we went to get something to eat." My curiosity was too much to contain at the moment.

"And here I thought you'd forget."

"You'll have to try harder to detour me." I waited almost impatiently for him to get rid of his ridiculous hat and sunglasses.

"I'll remember that."

"Off with the glasses."

James hesitated for a second. I could tell he was thinking hard about something. It made me want to tell him never mind. If he didn't want to show me his face he didn't have to.

"James you don't-" I was cut off as he reached up towards his hat, plucking it right off. What looked like super soft brown hair came out from under the hat. It was shaved lower on the sides and the top was longer. My fingers itched to run through it.

When he reached up for his sunglasses I felt my breath hitch in my throat. He seemed to gather himself before I pull them off, laying them on the table.

Bright emerald eyes met mine. 

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