*Chapter 02: Proposal

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Is us being here our destiny or the result of us fighting it?

"We can't spend our money on something so insignificant. People die all the time, you'll get over it . . . Here I come honey, wait for me!"

I replayed those words my aunt just told me over and over again as I cried in front of the mirror in the hospital bathroom. They fucking told me that their nephew's life was insignificant to them! The people I thought could help me with my brother's transplantation and therapy said that to me like it meant nothing to him! Those sick bastards!

I bit my lip trying to stop my sobs as I tried to forget about it. Those people no longer considered us family. Why did I get my hopes high? I should've known better. Their answer wasn't all that surprising now that I think about it.

Two years ago, when my parents died in the car accident, we were left in our aunt's care. She and her husband convinced the jury that they were going to use the money left by our parents to take care of me and Ayden, so they were appointed as our guardians. We truly thought that we could live with them as a family. They did come often with presents back then, but they apparently had other plans. They sold our house and rented a small one-story house for me and Ayden to live in before taking the money and going to cruise the world. I was still young. I didn't know what to do. Since I was underage, they might've separated me and Ayden had I complained about our case to the judge. I was threatened with the same thing by my aunts. That's why I kept quiet. It was only two months ago that I became an adult and Ayden's guardian. The so-called remaining family we had were more than willing to get rid of him, so they didn't complain.

I splashed some water on my face, trying to hide my bloodshot eyes. I knew that it would be hard. I've cried the whole day ever since learning about Ayden's state, and I doubted that it would go away just by washing my face once. Hopeless. I took deep breaths again and again. I didn't want to think, but I had to. I didn't know how but I had to get that money for him. With that as my final thought, I headed back to Ayden's room. I couldn't do anything.

I noticed Mel's pain when she heard everything from the doctor. I knew she was from some rich family, but she cut her ties. I didn't know how, but they destroyed her life. It was all she said when she mentioned it to me long ago. She said she'll try to get it, but she wasn't sure just when she would make it. He may die by then. I couldn't let it happen.

The doctor explained everything to me; he had AML, the type of leukemia that attacked your red blood cells. Most leukemia cancers attacked white ones, but this one reduced the production of red cells, thus causing problems to every single cell in the body. There was no oxygen for them. The remedy was simple: marrow transplantation, then chemotherapy. He will constantly be under strong rays that will destroy his sick blood cells while it will get filtered in the meantime. He'll also need some medicine, but they couldn't say for sure. The question was if his body would accept it anyway. I prayed it would, but I needed money for all that—the one I didn't have.

Fortunately, as Doctor Grainger said, some costs were covered because of a recent donation by some big shot, so those tests and hospitalization earlier didn't cost anything. It was some kind of a welfare system that was recently implemented in this hospital or poverty alleviation, I didn't really understand it properly. Nonetheless, I was thankful to that person because we discovered Ayden's problem while it was still in effect. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have the chance to do those tests just after fainting. I dare not ponder on this issue any longer.

"But I don't want to stay here and I don't want you to go!" Before I knew it, I was at Ayden's room as he whined, unwilling to cooperate. Visiting hours were long over and I had to go, but Ade had to stay here. I did not notice until Dr. Grainger warned me, but Ayden's wounds won't heal easily. Even a simple grasp would leave bruises on his skin. He was no different from a porcelain doll at this moment. Still, he wouldn't let me go. I didn't want to leave him either, but I had no choice. I have never been separated from Ayden at night, not since the day our parents died. After the accident, he's had nightmares and I was always there to calm him down. That's why we've been sleeping together no matter what. Seeing what has happened to our parents at such a young age was a terrifying experience for me, I couldn't even imagine what was going through his head.

"Ade, you know I would like to stay here or take you with me, but I can't." Alright, let's make this more interesting. "You see, there is a monster's bacteria in you and those nice superheroes in white are trying to destroy it, otherwise you will become one of them and start terrorizing this planet!" I tried to make this like an adventure to him. I moved my arms, making different figures to make this talk more interesting for him. He didn't have to know what's happening, not yet at least. How the hell do you explain to a six-year-old kid what leukemia is? Blood cancer? How do you even explain to him that he has to get surgery? He would probably escape the hospital on his own if he were to find out about the very process of surgery at that.

"Even Amy?" His eyes widened and I chuckled. Amy's been his crush for a long time, as he was to her. The little girl was Melissa's daughter and was the same age as him. They were in the same grade and in a team of troublemakers, so I swear that he wanted to protect her more than he cared for himself. He'd always share his food with her, and she'd do the same.

"Yep, her too. Do you want her to get hurt or will you stay here and fight like a real hero?" I raised my eyebrow. He's buying it.

"Let's beat it. You go! You're distracting me on my mission!" Children were always such fickle creatures. Heartless little thing! He raised his little fist in the air and I did the same. Kissing his forehead, I told him I would come back tomorrow and all he has to do is go to sleep. I gave the nurse my phone number in case Ade wanted to talk to me and she nodded, saying that she'll call me if needed.

That night, for the first time in my life, I spent my time alone in our little home. It was just a simple one-story house with two rooms, but the man was kind enough to rent it for us at the price of a studio apartment. I didn't sleep. Just cried. There was, after all, nothing I could do for the time being. Not a single thing.

Next day, I was working at Eat & Smile, but my usual cheerful mood was gone. How could I even think of being happy when Ade was in the hospital on his own? I didn't even say anything to that Betty that comes in everyday; I just walked around like a zombie. How could I be myself when Ayden is in the hospital, probably scared to death from all the staff going in his room? He's never been good with strangers around him and all those people in white must have been scaring him.

I needed to go and see him soon; although he might have seen them as heroes, he was still a child. They'll just come, give him medicine and leave. They won't play with him, I thought. He'll be scared no matter what.

"Kay"—I turned around to face Ryan—"is everything all right honey? Do you want me to send you home?" he asked with worry etched across his face. I just shook my head.

"I'm alright, just . . . it's Ade. He's sick." I tried to keep my tears back. Maybe I'm not strong enough to stay cheerful and positive in this situation, but I sure as hell can't cry like he has already died. I cried enough yesterday and today I promised, for him, that I will always laugh whenever I think of him, so I just have to hope for things to settle down and get better. I prayed that something good will happen. It just had to. It had to.

"There's nothing to worry about. You know how Ade is, he will get through any fever that gets him, just like always." Ryan smiled as always, but that made me feel worse. Ryan knew nothing. I wasn't strong enough to talk about that yesterday and now. Oh, God. I just couldn't . . .

"That's the point. This isn't some usual fever Ryan." I stared at the floor, rubbing my forehead so as to not let him see my teary eyes.

"What do you mean?" This caught his attention as he stopped chopping the carrot he was working on.

"H-he has leukemia . . ." I finally choked it out. "The doctors said that without surgery, he will only be able to live, at most, for more than a few months, barely one at the worst case scenario and I . . . I have no money for it." I let a tear escape from my eye. I didn't think. I couldn't. My mind was broken at that moment.

"Don't worry, he will make it somehow." He hugged me. "We can try something. We can help you. You can count on me and my wife. We'll get through this together," he said but I shook my head. Even with their help, it would be hard.

"He's my only family, I can't lose him too." I cried.

"We will help you somehow, everything is going to be alright. What about your aunt . . . ?"

"Those people aren't our family! You should have heard them . . . oh, what she said." I cried and trembled with anger. "I really need that money. I know that it's a lot but I need it!"

"So what are you going to do? Do you have any plans? Have you contacted anyone else?" he asked.

"I don't know anymore. I would do anything to get that money." No matter what, I will get that money even if it kills me. I didn't care if I had to go around every single help center for his sake. I reminded myself that I had to move forward. I had no time to stop or he'd be taken from me.

Hearing the front bells, Ryan set ring as they warned us that we had a customer. I apologized to Ryan before heading to the bathroom. I couldn't allow myself to bother our customers. Even if I had my own problems to deal with, Ryan worked hard to get this far. I need to do the same. If I thought positively, positive things would happen, right? As if.

Splashing some water on my face, I checked to see my reflection in the mirror. It wasn't enough to hide my swollen eyes. Silently cursing, I only splashed my face with more water before drying it off. It will have to do. If they asked, I was cutting onions or something.

When I came back in the lobby, I noticed that the only new customers were Melissa's friend Max, and someone I didn't know. Grabbing the pen and paper from my apron, I headed in their way. Just keep it natural.

"What can I get you?" I asked. Both Max and that guy looked up at me. The guy's eyes widened as if he recognized me. Strange. I didn't recall seeing him, now that I have taken a closer look at his face. He was breathtakingly beautiful, that I could say. His finely defined jaw and disheveled black hair gave him that serious, business-like look with eyes blue as the ocean that seemed to bore in my soul. He also seemed older than me, his business suit proving me right. I most definitely didn't know him.

"You." Just then, Max spoke, interrupting my thoughts. I turned my head towards him with a frown. Him and his womanizing act.

"I have a vision, Max, and in that vision, you are left without a certain third leg. So, if you don't want my vision to really come true, I suggest you start behaving." I meaningfully narrowed my eyes at him and he gulped. Apparently, he didn't expect my threats to go this far. Maybe I should apologize? Just then, he smirked and was about to say something witty, but I shot him another glance, daring him to continue. He pouted. He was just like a child sometimes. Now I see why Melissa loved to tease him so much.

"I need to go to the bathroom," he said, rushing. I sighed. He's probably going there to practice a comeback that I would accept without finding it bothersome like he always does. He'll be late, though.

Just as I turned around to deal with his friend, for his friends always tried to hit on me whenever they came around, I sighed when I saw him opening his mouth to speak. But what he said next, I could never expect.

"So you need money." My eyes widened with his statement. How did he know? Did someone tell him? No, who would? It all happened so fast, there was no time. "I couldn't help but overhear that conversation you had." My lips parted, not knowing how to respond to that statement. Was he stalking me? When did he overhear? Now? Was it now? Just as I was about to tell him off, he continued.

"I have a proposal for you." What the hell is he talking about? "One night with me. I can do whatever I want until morning and will pay you as much as you want. Take half a million if you want for all I care," he said.

My cheeks reddened in anger. My mind cleared up as all I could think about was teaching him a proper lesson.

"What the hell are you . . ." I whisper-yelled at his face and was about to leave, when a single thought stuck in my mind. Ayden.

From his looks, he seemed like he was not lying about the whole deal, he probably had enough money to pay, but could I really . . . ? Ayden. It struck me again. As much as I hated the thoughts of sleeping with this guy, or touching him even, Ayden's life was in danger. With nothing I could do, I bit my lip before lowering my gaze to the floor. What choice did I have? This was the only thing I could do.

"Fine . . ." I almost spat that word in his face when he only sighed and turned his head with an annoyed look.

"The name is Blake. Will tomorrow be fine with you?" he nonchalantly asked as if this was no big deal for him. Was he for real? Didn't he have a soul? If he overheard our conversation, he should know what I needed that money for.

"Peachy. It will do," I replied, the venom in my voice strong as ever. I didn't give a damn if he found me disrespectful or something, but this guy was a damn bastard I couldn't stand with my entire soul. Never did I hate anyone like him, not even my aunts. And that said much.

"Half past six. Be ready, and give me your address," he said and I angrily scribbled it down before ripping the piece of paper. However, I soon calmed down. Why was I even angry? Sighing, I shook off the annoyance and gave it to him who only glanced at it in confusion before putting it in his pocket. None of us bothered to look the other party in the eyes.

Just before things got any chance to become more awkward, Max returned from the bathroom.

"I didn't come up with anything this time, but that doesn't make you a winner. Bring us the chef's specialty, I'd love to present this goof over there with the most delicious food on Earth." Max chuckled and I feigned a smile, trying not to show off my rage from a few seconds ago.

"Sure, anything to drink?" I didn't pay attention to this Blake guy anymore. I acted as if Max was the only customer I've been serving.

"Coke and . . ." He turned to Blake, who only grunted in response.

"Same." Max raised his eyebrow.

"Come on, man. Don't be angry for not getting laid. I told you she'll flip you over. She makes the best bachelors tuck their tails in defeat when they try to get her number, plus you're ugly as hell. It's no wonder she won't go on a date with you." Max taunted him and I guessed that he didn't really know what just happened here. Blake only told him to shut up. If only he knew.

"Would that be all?" I asked and they dismissed me as I retreaded back to Ryan, trying to hide my frustration as I handed him the orders

"Tim, can you take care of the table I just dealt with? They have two cokes and specialties. I need to go to the bathroom," I said as I noticed him coming into the kitchen.

"Sure thing. Oh, and Stacy asked to take your shift tomorrow at noon. She said that she had to go to the hospital in the morning, so she could only trade with you," he informed me. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Could things be more in favor, or was it a curse?

"Sure, I'll tell her right now." I took out my phone. Could it truly get any more convenient?

"Kaley?" Ryan called. "Is everything alright?"

I hope he hasn't noticed. "Yes, just your usual Max. I'm fine. It's just the deal with Ayden . . ." I lied as he sighed understandingly. But no. Nothing was right. At that moment, I wasn't sure if my present was the result of me fighting my destiny or it was my own fate itself that I met Blake. In either way, it was a double-edged blade. It was a chance paid with the price of pain, but would the results really be what I want? I did not know. I didn't know anything.

Which is why I accepted. It's when we love that we sacrifice, but the question still lies in price, if it was worth it or not. Back then, I couldn't even guess that the answer to that would give me more than I bargained for. 


Now that I think about it, Blake was quite the scum male lead in my previous version, ah...

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