*Chapter 12: Visiting Max & Ryan

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No one knows what the future is going to bring us, so it's pointless to fear the unknown.

"Wake up," A rough, but gentle voice interrupted my sleep.

"Go away," I replied, yawning.

"Wake up, the food is ready," There it is again. The person was coaxing me to open my eyes, and a part of me wanted to be coquettish and refuse.

"I don't want to." I myself had no idea just how spoiled I sounded at that moment.

"You must get up, it's ten in the morning, we've got to hurry up or we are going to be late," The voice said again, gently, but sternly. Wait, that voice.


Late for what? Why did just remembering his name brought shivers to my spine.

"Where are we going?" I immediately regretted standing up so quickly; somehow I got my foot tangled on the blanket and I tripped off the bed onto Blake taking us both down. If I were into wrestling, I'd be a pro.

"Ouch," I weakly said preparing myself for his scowling because the third thing I learned about Blake was that he's either extremely protective or really pessimistic of what would be of me if he were to leave me alone.

"What the hell, woman?" And there it was. "Are you crazy? You could've hurt yourself; or made one of us break something! Who the hell rushes like that when waking up? Can't you be gentler, no one will steal your bed nor food, so there's no need to rush out like thunder!!"

His cursing was on, how I loved to call it, soft mode. Told you he was extremely pessimistic.

"Sorry, but you were the one rushing me to get up," I sheepishly said, he sighed.

"Get off of me, we have to hurry," he said again and I nodded, getting up and offering him a hand, which he gladly took.

However, even after he stood on his feet, he didn't let go of my hand, which only made it more awkward by staring at it. I once again asked myself why were we so close and why wasn't I running away.

"Umm, Blake, you can let go now." He snapped out of his daze before grinning.

"I was just wondering what type of wedding ring would suit you the best and I think I've found the perfect one," he said, making me blush.

Did I just blush? Why, I had no reason to. He was probably just being considerate of something I'd have to carry all around for as long as I was going to be his wife. It's not like he-

Shut up! Thoughts of mine, shut up for a second.

"Oh, well . . ." I did not know what to say as he let go of it.

"Go ahead and take a shower, I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen before we leave," he said.

"And what about you? Shower, I mean?" I said as he looked at with that passive look of his before suddenly grinning like a Cheshire cat. I didn't even need to hear his next words to know what he had in mind.

"Are you asking me to join you? For as much as that sounds inviting, I already had one, so enjoy your shower alone," There was a sexy smirk on his face as he provoked me.

Wait, sexy?

Did I really just use that word to describe his smile? What is going on in my head? Pregnancy was bad for me; it was turning me into a horny teenager.

"I-I wasn't, I mean not that . . . Ugh, why . . . Damn it!" I stormed out in frustration as he burst out laughing.

"Whatever floats your boat," he said, leaving me alone to prepare myself for . . . What was I supposed to hurry and prepare for? It usually took me at least another two hours to function properly after being up on my legs and it was by no means possible to do so in half that time with shower included.

Once I prepared myself, I headed downstairs meeting Blake who was busy swinging Ayden around. For a second, I wondered if he was going to play like that with our kid before I realized just how dangerous it actually was. Ayden might fall! Blake might've dropped him!

"Kay, look I'm superman," He shouted and I chuckled, forgetting my worries for a second. How couldn't I when he looked so happy, everything I did was for his sake, so that he could smile another day. I was satisfied. Maybe the thing wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"Yes you are, but slow down with your powers," I told him and Blake put him down. I still had that feeling that he might've slipped from Blake's grasp and fallen down, I swear, Blake's pessimism was rubbing off on me. Stupid mood swings!

"Why, afraid that his awesomeness is going to surpass yours?" He asked and I huffed.

"No, my awesomeness is unsurpassable," I pursed my lips before digging in the pancakes that were the only ones untouched on the table, not caring that I probably used nonexistent words.

"Don't listen to her buddy, she's just jealous," he told Ade, who only agreed with him. Then I remembered the reason why I was woken up and turned towards Blake.

"Blake, where are we going?" I asked him and his reply came with a frown. What? Was I a magnet for frowning? In apparently 80% of situations he's been with me his frown became prominent.

"Max, where else? We have to check on you and our baby."

"Oh, right." I almost blushed when he said "our baby." It didn't take him long to get to the whole "our" deal?

"Finished?" he asked, referring to my breakfast and taking the last bite I nodded. That was good. Looking around, I noticed that Bridget wasn't around, so I guessed that it was Blake who prepared them.


Definitely the most delicious food I tried, even more than Ryan's. That reminded me, I should've properly quit the job. No matter what, old Ryan was really good towards me. Simply disappearing for no apparent reason is something I couldn't do.

"Blake, do you think that we can stop by my workplace? I need to properly say goodbye," I asked and he nodded.

"Then let's go if we plan to be done with everything on time," Once again I witnessed him wearing casual clothes as he grabbed his leather jacket and car keys. Going to his garage, he opened the doors showing me an eye cookie of a car collection. He got into the driver's side of his black Audi leaving me to open the door for myself as I followed.

"The chivalry died here I see," I mumbled once I got in.

"Well I'm the gentleman only when I'm wearing a suit. Or when there's a lady around me, and I see none," He replied and I rolled my eyes, not seeing anything wrong with that. Well at least one part was true; I was by no means a lady.

I get it that I'm young, but must you lower yourself to my level, Child Blake?

"Do you think that Ade is going to be alright alone with Uncle Alfred while we're away?" I asked Blake, not feeling too pleased with leaving Ayden behind.

"Yes, he'll be fine. Stop worrying."

"Telling me to not worry is like telling a priest to stop praying," I sighed.

He just ignored me.


Once we got to the hospital, I got a bit nervous because I had to meet with Max and because I was once again about to enter a place I was not too fond of. I wondered what Max would think of me? And what if there was something wrong with my baby? What if there was more than one baby? What if there were complications? What if—

"Everything is going to be alright," Blake's voice interrupted my worries as he squeezed my hand tightly. I could only sigh, it was easier said than done.

"But what if—"

He placed a finger on my lips. "There's no if. With our awesome genes, there won't be any problem," he said, making me smile a bit, my worries dissolved apart. Child Blake became a tad bit more reliable in my mind at this moment.

"You mean my awesome genes?" I weakly grinned and he chuckled. It was just a tad bit, after all. How did this person even become a boss of a company?

"Yup, my awesome genes."

"I didn't mean yours, but mine," I complained which only made him shake his head in amusement. Fourth thing, he loved to play with words.

"Exactly, mine and not your genes, now hush and move, it will be alright," He ended this conversation and I smiled. For someone I didn't really like nor hate, he surely knew how to make me laugh.

"Alright, alright, whatever you say. And thanks"

"Did you just thank me?" Blake raised his eyebrow in amusement. I would never have guessed that he was that interesting and amusing. Seeing as he often wore suits, rarely spoke and glared all the time, I took him for a serious, I'm-not-to-joke-with type of person. To each their respective ways, I guess.

"Shut up, this is the only time you'll ever hear that from me," I elbowed him as we continued to Max's office. Blake was leading the way which I honestly didn't mind seeing as I didn't even know where we were headed.

"Dr. Max, we have an appointment," he said to a nurse behind a desk. She checked and after a while, she spoke. "He's been waiting for you. Just enter." Nodding, Blake didn't need to be told twice as he continued to lead the way. Once we reached the doors, Blake entered without knocking, screaming, "Oh, Maxy, I'm home!" in an extremely high pitched voice which made me burst out laughing as Max stared back at him with terrified eyes.

"What the hell Blake, do you know- Kaley? What are you doing here?" He paused once he noticed me.

"I'm here with that." I pointed to Blake who just scowled. Why did he have to either frown or scowl whenever I said something?

"Huh, wi-you mean . . . she's the one you impregnated?" he asked Blake in a lower voice. Yes, please talk about me like I was not standing right by your sides.

"Yeah, it's Kaley," he replied, looking at the wall next to him. That bearing was something like: this lord has no need to explain himself to you, peasant!

Well that's awkward.

"But, you only met each other a month ago . . ." He was trying to figure us out; feeling somewhat ashamed I joined Blake in looking at the wall. Why, would you look at it? Those pictures of pregnant women were kind of interesting. Mhm, very interesting.

"Don't tell me?" Then his tone changed. "I'm going to be an uncle, but I'm so young." He sighed like he was thinking about something difficult. "Whatever. Anyway, congratulations! Let's check on the baby, shall we?" He pointed for me to lie down on the bed as he asked us a few questions.

It was all great until he applied some cold gel substance on my stomach, which almost made me jump out of the bed before he told me that it's the normal part of the procedure.

"Alright, let's see, not, not, almost, there!" he pointed to a complicated black and white image on the screen. "See this?" We both nodded, but actually I had no idea what he was truly showing me. Nonetheless, I still acted like I understood. Quite an adult thing from me. "That's your little baby and my future niece or nephew. The baby looks too young to see anything, but for now, position is fine, the size is about right, the placenta seems to have developed just fine. There'll be some tests to do later, check your health and level of vitamins et cetera," he said but I was too awestruck with the image to listen to him. It was my baby, our baby. Although I could not see anything, but anyway, my baby.

"Why does everyone stop listening to me once they see their baby?" Max snapped his fingers in front of my face and I looked at him.

"Yes?" I asked and he continued before shaking his head.

"As I was saying, we won't know the gender for sure until you're eighteen or nineteen weeks, and according to all information I got, your due date would most likely be around July . . . 25th. Remember, it's just an estimate."

"Alright," Blake nodded, taking in all that information. He was really focused on this, wasn't he?

"Anything else, doc?" I asked with a grin on my face, I so wanted to keep that picture. He started to wipe away the gel as he continued to speak.

"That's right, actually. I will give you some vitamins for both you and the baby. That aside, Blake, out. I need to check her size, blood pressure and something I'm not sure she'd want you around for." My cheeks reddened as he said that and Blake just left without a question as a young nurse came inside.

"I will be back in a bit." Max moved to another room to find some things and I sighed, looking at the young nurse. She smiled at me and I felt relieved that Max had the conscience to call her here. After we were done, Max returned to take my blood and other samples before I was done.

"Here." A bit later when I was about to go, Max also gave me the prescription for my vitamins, as well as a list of medicines I should and mustn't drink, together with a fairly long speech about dos and don'ts until I felt like puking again. Might as well just give me a few books to read instead.

"Avoid stress and exhaustion. You can do some pregnancy training with Blake, and as for your next appointment, I'll see you in three weeks so we can check on our little baby again. Any questions?"

"Nope," was all I could say as he bid me off and called in the next patient. I just walked towards Blake, my head hung low as he followed after me towards the exit without the word.

I hated being pregnant.

Our ride was full of silence, none of us said a word as he drove to the place I used to work in. Leaving Blake in the car who didn't say a word as I went to say goodbye to my work, I braced myself for the talk.

Ryan wasn't angry or anything.

Instead he hugged me saying that I was now independent enough to live however I wanted. I, of course, kept silent about the pregnancy. I said that I'd be moving in with my "boyfriend," which would be Blake, leaving Ryan stunned at my ability to even find one. He was worried for me, offered me to live with him instead and his wife instead, and after making sure that Ryan understood that Blake was no threat to me, I decided to leave. It was not forever, however. I promised to come over from time to time to learn Ryan's cooking skills.

When I entered the car, the silence from earlier was still there. I was feeling so guilty for lying to everyone, but I knew that truth would only make everything worse. Blake said nothing when I almost teared down and I believe that it was because he understood. It would only break me further even if I did say something. Sadness and hurt are just like that. We alone can handle them and pretend they're not real, but it's when other people push us with talk that we break completely under the pressure of our emotions.

Guilt. It's guilt that eats us the most.

As soon as we got home, we saw Ayden and Uncle Alfred building a snowman in the backyard and I joined them as soon as I got out of the car. Surprisingly, it snowed enough during the night to make a snowman, and since we didn't have that much snow in years, I was more than excited to join them.

I realized that I no longer hated snow. Perhaps because those sad memories of snow became overwritten by happy times now that I was able to move on a bit.

"Won't he be cold?" Ade asked once we were finished. We all gave a part of our clothes to warm him, Blake's scarf included.

"No Ade, he's made of snow which is why he won't mind being around an environment such as this," I replied as he stared at it in awe.

"He's so cool, do you think I could stay with him in the snow?"

"Nope, you'll get ill and then you'll have to go to the doctor. Do you want to go to the doctor?" I asked and he shook his head. "Then you can't stay with him," and nodding he rushed inside the house.

"He looks like you," Blake's warm breath on my neck caught me off guard.

"Huh, who?" He probably just means Ade.

"The snowman, you are both pale, have the same hats and tiny hands, and are both midgets!" he replied as I glared at him.

"Oh, yeah?" I moved away from him before grabbing some snow in my arms.

"Yeah," he replied, preparing his stance.

"Well then . . ." I quickly made a snowball and threw it at him who was too stunned to move or speak. "Then I'll make you look like him even more than I do!"

He didn't waste a second before making his own snowball and sending it flying towards me.

All decisions have consequences, but we cannot know whether the outcome is going to be good or bad until we have tried it for ourselves. That is precisely what I've been doing at the moment. I didn't know whether what I was doing with the whole Blake thing was right or wrong, but seeing as I didn't know what the future would bring upon me, I decided to trust my present.

And if my present was telling me something, then it's most definitely the fact that I've been doing the right thing.

I wouldn't be enjoying it if I haven't, now, would I?

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