Exciting News - so please don't beat me for being gone for so long QAQ

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Hey everyone... who still decided to stick with me and this story despite me being taken away by aliens, obviously!

Hope you won't beat me. I really do.

Time flies so fast, and before I knew it, it's already been five years since I first published this book (and good six - seven years since I started writing it). It seems like it was only yesterday that I first started writing this black history of mine *cough cough*, at times pretending like it never existed or contemplating if I should just erase it. However, a good number of you, my publisher and even my younger self, really liked this novel - so I couldn't bear to let go of it!

And so, five years later, I finally got my chance to change my black history! That's right, you didn't read it wrong: ONSWB got the chance to be re-published!

And I got my chance to edit it! EDIT! EDIT!!! Edit 'till it's a black history no longer!

So, we are updating ONE NIGHT STAND WITH A BILLIONAIRE with brand new stuff(s)!

This includes:

    • A brand new cover - how nostalgic, I still remember making my first cover from some random image of a crying girl and Pixlr app hahaha

    • A revamped manuscript - ...in which I am not so obsessed with drama and making main leads hurt each other. The new version is a bit healthier as compared to the old version, gentler, and more mature - but there's still good ole drama and main points remained unchanged. I also made sure to remove some stereotypes regarding the side characters and made Blake more mature. I mean, he's the CEO. He ought to be smarter (ah, my 17 years old self really liked unnecessary dramas and bad boys *cries*)

    •  A cool book trailer - I myself haven't seen it yet, so I'm actually a bit excited for it UwU

   • Hopefully, me finishing the BOOK 2 - Five years ago, I really couldn't bring myself to finish it for one way or another. I think, the biggest reason why I dropped it was because for my younger self back then that did not understand the world of adults fully, I just lacked enough knowledge to write a satisfactory ending. Be it the change in personalities, emotional changes, bonds - at that time, I who only knew of a simple world, simply had no idea how to finish the book in a way I would not regret it.

I mean, to me back then, world was so simple. I ain't joking, I was quite naïve back then - if I were Kaley, I'd just be: "Oh, then so be it."  - to whatever happened...

So now that I had found what I lacked back then, I really might pick up BOOK 2 in the near future to (ofc, after editing it first) finish writing it.


Today, I'm going to reveal the new cover!

Here it is!!

To be fair, out of all new covers suggested for me to use, I couldn't chose one since I liked them all so much, so I just yeeted this problem to my friends and sister, and they picked up this one for you. I hope you like it too UwU

I should also revise chapters here and edit them in this week, so if some of you want to be sentimental and remember my black history a bit longer, go ahead - I will pretend like I know nothing hahahahaha

Also, I will try to stay in contact with you guys. Until the next time~


The scum author that once ran away after provoking you with an incomplete story *cough*

Ayla D. Viktoreva

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