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The room that has been prepared for Quinn and I is rather large with two beds. An adjoining bathroom connects to the room, Quinn stretching her neck before flopping down face first on the bed. Alpha Keir hadn't followed us, returning to that of his duties to his pack...

...though Coen smiles from the door and says, "I guess I'll come to get you two when dinner is ready?"

"Is that a decision for you to make or for your Alpha?" My voice is slightly cold, not turning around as I stare out the window across from me. Quinn lifts onto her forearms, her eyes glancing at me before she looks back over her shoulder at Coen.

"I..." Coen sounds stumped, and I can see Quinn mouthing something to him out of the corner of my eye.

Turning around on the spot, Coen nearly falls back a step at my quick movements. Lifting my chin, I tell him, "You're not comfortable in the beta position..." tilting my head to the side, I narrow my eyes and state, "...you're perhaps Alpha Keir's 'beta', but you haven't actually been given the title entirely...you're still training. I'd rather you send someone sure of their job then fumbling to be quite honest."

"Luna..." Quinn feels bad for her mate, but I'm not wrong at all in my deductions.

"Y-Yes," Coen nods and replies, "my father is Ilyas Hale, he'll come for you both with proper orders from Alpha Keir."

A smirk tugs at my lips as I reply, "Smart choice."

That's all I have to say for him to leave the room, closing the door behind him. Quinn blows hair out of her face and asks, "Did you have to be so aggressive?"

"Yes," I shrug my shoulders, feeling the ache of my body as I just want this heat to cycle through. Stretching my arms, I walk toward the bathroom door and remind her, "Alpha Keir's already claimed me...so I won't show submission to others. He might have taken from me something that should have been exchanged equally, but that doesn't mean I have to roll over for others."

Quinn breathes our quietly and asks, "He really did it...?"

"Yes," I grasp the edge of the door, holding it open while stating, "and I'm going to make him regret putting me beneath him. I will be treated as an equal, submitting on my own accord, allowing his dominance..."

"Laura, but he's to be your Alpha, it doesn't matter, you don't have a choice-"

Whirling around, I snap, "He has no respect for me. He will learn that unless I'm treated as his equal in every way, he'll be forced to reject me on his own accord."

"Laura, you're playing with fire and you're gonna get burned," Quinn shifts on her stomach as she lies out in the bed.

"Then let's hope the flames don't consume everything they touch," I muse more to myself, stepping into the bathroom while allowing the door to close behind me.

Stripping from the clothes...I know I'm a mixture of horrid smells, to others though, not necessarily. Turning the water on, I wait for steam to rise from the tiles. The water feels good against my flesh, holding the back of my neck with my hands while rubbing my thumbs into the muscles. My head tilts back, the water cascading over my face and down my neck.

After stepping out of the shower and drying off, I hold the towel around my breasts while moving to the edge of the counter. My hand touches the mirror; streaking away the condensation until I'm left staring...it's his mark that I see, the hurt I feel can't be helped, no matter how much I want to bury it.

Releasing a sigh, I moved away from the counter and head back into the bedroom. Quinn is changing into new clothes, ones that had been filled for our use while we remain here. She giggles and states, "Go look, there's a whole lot of things to choose from" She points at a closet and I walk toward it.

Crossing the room, she lies back on her designated bed in jeans and a light V-neck shirt. She glances up at me when I start to go through the choices. A snug blue turtleneck sweater brings out my eyes and covers his mark at the same time, taking a pair of jeans off the hanger as well. After setting them on the bed, I see Quinn point to drawers, opening them to pick out a fresh pair of underwear and bra. The clothes don't fit exactly right, but that's to be expected...

...this isn't our home.

"What do you think is happening right now...?" Quinn asks me, sitting on the lid of the toilet while she plays with the hem of her shirt.

My head is tilted to the side, blow drying my mane of red curls and waves while I reply, "I don't know...but my only wish is that Silos hasn't killed anyone for trying to help me."

"Chances are?" She's not hopeful and neither am I.

Alpha Keir has made it clear he's going to go about this his way on his terms and not on mine. Lives are more than likely already lost and we're much too far away to have felt their loss. Worse...Silos could torture them until my return, knowing I'll come back, but if he expects me to return without help, he's dense.

Perhaps he's counting on me not caring anymore for the pack...

...it wouldn't be that outlandish, considering how I've acted.

"Honestly..." my voice trails off, not wanting to try for optimism at this point, knowing it won't make a difference either way. Quinn notices my change in demeanor and quickly drops the subject, catching her rising from the toilet lid out of the corner of my eye.

Hours pass, the two of us talking potential strategy as to removing Silos from his claimed position. There are those that are loyal to my father's line...but I know many want to see an Alpha leading and that's why most are backing Silos. He's cunning and used my actions against me, not really having to paint a horrible picture of me for a leader with the way I had been choosing when I want to care.

Alpha Keir is very right about that...

...I hate myself. It's my fault I'm even in this position or allowed Silos to turn those against me. If I'd just realized and listened to the many times Mama-Laurel told me that nothing has changed...

Quinn sits on the bench beneath the window, staring out and watching the training grounds. Silly looks cross her fears, widening if it's Coen she's admiring from afar. I shake my head and glance away from her, wondering how many more from the pack are being turned against me.

At this rate, perhaps it's a lost cause...

...but I'd be giving up on myself and those who do care and believe in me. What about Mama-Laurel? I've left her at the mercy of Silos...

There's a knock at the door before it opens inward, the position he holds clear as he announces, "Luna Laura?" After he questions me a moment, I nod, and he replies, "Ilyas Hale, dinner is almost ready and I'm here to escort yourself and Quinn downstairs."

Alpha Keir is going to introduce me...

...fuck, I don't want this. I have a pack already that disputes who I am or how I should be...I don't need another judging me or presuming my capabilities based on what they may or may not know of the Silent Stars Pack. Whatever rumors are going around...I'm sure they've already formed wonderful opinions about me and whatever Alpha Keir has said himself.

Dinner in bed sounds much better.

"Thank you," I reply, rising to my feet while Quinn lifts off the bench, coming to halt beside me. We follow Ilyas out into the hallway, walking down the staircase before the main floor comes into view. There are those who are giggling and talking to one another while others are rather silent.

Quinn and I glance to one another, her brows raising as she and I follow around the table to the spots Ilyas stops beside. He motions to the left side of the head of the table, pulling the chair out and saying, "Luna," before I garnish many looks. I feel their stares, blocking them out as I take my seat and keep my gaze on the table.

The talking turns into downward whispers, hearing Ilyas show Quinn her seat next to me. I'm thankful I don't have to have another I'm unfamiliar with near me...it's already going to be an interesting night. I hear Ilyas walk around, and I sense him sitting across from me, a shift in Quinn's demeanor causes me to understand that Coen must be sitting across from her.

Plates are being placed before each seat, one coming into my field of view. I see steak and mashed sweet potatoes with string beans and corn. I glance to see Quinn looking up and making movements across from her, and I can't help but quietly sigh. She's happy and I'm happy for her.

I can hear many falling silent, the sounds at the far end of the table telling me that someone is seated, but it's almost completely forgotten the second I hear the chair next to me pull out. Alpha Keir's presence lowers beside me, my eyes lifting only after a few minutes pass and he clears his throat.

My gaze shifts to Alpha Keir, seeing that he has a small, cut piece of steak that he's waiting for me to take.


I'm not taking part in this.

It's a false assumption to the pack that he can provide for me and that of his pack. He's yet to treat me as his equal...I don't need him taking care of me as I've done that myself for years.

I just stare at him, shifting my gaze in front of me, only to catch sight of Ilyas and Coen. Both look at me with apprehension, confusion filling their features when I continue to keep my eyes off Alpha Keir.

He mistakes this for an opportunity to show he's giving...when really, it's just to show his pack I've accepted him. The sweater wasn't a hint enough in itself?

"Luna," Alpha Keir's voice holds an edge, borderline Alpha tone...

"Respectfully," I turn my eyes on him again, staring at him hard as I reply, "no."

Quinn breathes out, hearing many other audible exhales at my response. Alpha Keir's grip on the fork tightens, his eyes never leaving mine as I'm challenging his authority. I won't look away...

He's beginning to understand this and instead, he says, "Regardless..." his voice trails off, halting whatever thought he was about to speak. Instead, he drops the fork and stands to his feet, his gaze landing on the dinner table as he announces, "this is Laura Tomes, Luna of the Silent Stars Pack," he pauses a moment, his gaze flickering to mine as he states, "I've already staked my claim on her."

My knuckles turn white as I clench my hands into fists beneath the table. Many now whisper, knowing what Alpha Keir is doing...

...he's turning his pack to wonder what shame I must not proudly bear his mark, a display for the entire pack to behold the truth.

Proving me wrong?

Showing me who he really is?

He has a fucking funny way of showing it!

He regrets the way he's claimed me, yet displeased and agitated that I won't show his mark? Upset that I won't accept him in a matter of hours? Seriously...

Alpha Keir wants my submission, that hasn't changed.

I'll show him submissive...

I'm about to say something, when Ashling clears her throat and says, "When a guest on another's territory, it's custom to provide a certain hospitality."

Alpha Keir looks to his mother, his clenching his jaw while a few moments of silence pass between them. She's made whatever point she's trying to with him because he lowers himself onto his chair and begins to ear his dinner. Others quickly follow his lead and they begin having small discussions and talks with those closest to each other.

Quinn giggles and tells me, "You really must try the steak Luna, it's amazing."

My muscles tense, seeing the way Alpha Keir looks to me for a split second. His gaze quickly wanders, and I eat the sweet mashed potatoes. They're good, combining the string beans and corn next.

"Wow...I can't believe you escaped," Coen is in admiration at the way Quinn tells our story of how we came to end up on Nightshade Prowlers Pack territory.

Quinn grins and nods, "It was wild, but Luna Laura is one of the fiercest tracker assassins I've ever known...she could take out a whole-"

"Enough, Quinn," I stop her from telling about me in a light painted outside what Lunas are seen as.

Instead, I take the side of my plate, readying to stand and clear my food when Alpha Keir states, "You haven't touched your steak."

"No, I haven't," I reply, congratulating him on his observation.

"Let me clear that for-" he's already standing as I rise from my chair, reaching for my plate.

I move out of his reach and around the back of the chair, retorting, "I can do it myself."

Many observe our interactions and behavior, picking up on the disconnect we have. While they continue to talk, I walk into the kitchen, finding where they've designated a bin for the dishes to be loaded. I set mine down, looking to the kitchen window as I see the sun is still above the trees, sinking slowly as time passes.

"Excuse me," I say when I come back, Alpha Keir furrowing his brows as I start to head toward the staircase. I hear footfalls behind me as I continue to head toward the room Quinn and I are sharing, his presence easy to feel.

"Are you going to be okay?" Alpha Keir asks when I touch the handle on the door.

"I'm perfectly fine," I tell him without taking a single glance in his direction.

Alpha Keir asks with an edge to his tone, "Why did you choose to hide my mark?"

"It's a shameful thing...what you have done," I turn my head in his direction, seeing the look in his eyes soften and his demeanor shift, "I'm not proud to bear your mark. I've not accepted you and you can't expect you wanting to act like everything is okay is actually making it okay...it's not okay."

"I'm trying to-"

I scoff and state, "No, you're trying to get me to conform to the role you wish. You're showing your pack how an Alpha should treat his mate, but it's out of obligation and not sincere."

"I am sincere," his nostrils flare, "I'm trying to show you how sorry I am and treat you right."

"No, you're not...your treating me like a Luna, showing your adoration, yet expecting complete and utter submission," when I pause, I see how his demeanor shifts to one of protecting his pride and ego, but I'm quick to finish, "I wanted to be treated as your equal-"

"You are!" He's louder this time, moving closer to me, yet I hold my ground.

"Am I?" I arch a brow and tilt my head to the side. Testing what I already know, I move quickly and push my hands against his chest, knocking him backward at my unexpected movement.

He stares at me with utter confusion. When he moves forward again, I lash out and he grabs my hand, deflecting me and trying to ask, "What are you-"

I try again to hit him, but he just evades me eventually pins my arms to my sides, my back against the door. My chest barely rises and falls, not even having used a true ounce of my speed...yet he stares down at me, his confusion growing when I ask, "Why won't you fight back?"

"I'm not going to hurt you," Alpha Keir tells me.

"What would you have done if it were anyone else?" I tilt my head back against the door, lifting my chin as his nose lowers closer to mine.

Alpha Keir looks at me hard before stating, "I would have..." though he won't say it, his features reflecting that he knows the depth to my question. He would have fought them...he would have put them quickly in their place.

"I thought so..." my voice holds its challenge, Alpha Keir releasing his grip on my arms. I look at him once more before I turn and slip inside the room.

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