Getting Adopted

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Victoria groaned as she opened her eyes to find her social worker shaking her. 'What time is it?' she asked.

'Victoria, a couple are here and they want to adopt you,' said Mrs Jenson.

Victoria sat up in bed. 'For real?' she asked. This sounded too good to be true. No one wanted to adopt her. Victoria had difficulty communicating with people she hardly knew. Adults seemed to prefer extroverted children. At 12 years old, it was more difficult to get adopted as parents preferred to adopt younger children.

Victoria quickly got dressed. She was curious about who her new parents were. She ran into the waiting room.

She spotted a couple who looked to be in their late thirties. The woman had curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. She looked very friendly. The man was tall with thick brown hair and grey eyes.

'Hi,' said the man. 'I'm Leon Franklin and this is my wife Mary-Ann. You must be Victoria.'

'Hi,' Victoria said. 'Are you really going to be adopting me?'

Mary-Ann nodded. 'I hope that you will be happy in our home. We have four children and...'

'Four children?' asked Victoria. Why on earth did Leon and Mary-Ann want another child?

'You see, we love kids. And I think that our children would like another sibling. They are all so wonderful. I think that you'll like them.'

Victoria didn't know what to say. She had never known her biological parents. They had left her at the orphanage doorstep when she was a baby. She had no idea what it was like to have parents or siblings.

Naturally, Victoria had concerns about this. What if her new siblings didn't like her? What if they thought that she was too quiet? What if they were mean to her?

Still, she was getting adopted. This was too good of an opportunity to pass. She had to take it.

Victoria smiled. 'I would love to get adopted by you.'

'Great,' said Mrs Jenson. 'Victoria, pack your bags. I'll help Mr and Mrs Franklin fill out the paperwork for the adoption process.'

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