Lost At Night

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Victoria was shivering badly as she walked through the streets. Betty's clothes weren't equipped to protect her against the cold.

If that wasn't enough, the high heels she was wearing were hurting her feet. Victoria was also exhausted and was tempted to just sleep on the pavement.

Victoria had to sit down for her legs were burning and felt like they were going to fall off. Victoria started to sneeze.

'Help!' she screamed. But nobody heard her. Victoria started to cry again. She was really scared now.


The rest of the Franklin family had arrived home to find that it was totally quiet. 'That's weird,' said Betty. 'Usually you can hear Annie eating snacks or watching the TV.'

Annie was home, but was hiding in her room, for she was starting to feel very guilty about leaving Victoria outside all alone.

Her mother opened the door. 'Victoria, Annie, are you there?'

Then she spotted Annie at her desk and said, 'There you are. I was starting to think that you got lost.'

Annie hummed nervously. She didn't understand why she was worrying about Victoria. She hated her! Or did she?

'Annie, where's your sister?' asked Mrs Franklin.

'She's not my sister,' said Annie.

'Now don't be naughty,' said Mrs Franklin. 'Well, where's Victoria?'

Annie stayed quiet. In fact, she was so quiet that her mother suddenly realized that something was wrong.

'Annie...' she said.

Just then, Annie burst out, 'I brought Victoria out to the pet shop, then we got kicked out and I said some mean stuff to Victoria and she's still outside!'

Annie's Mom gasped. 'You left Victoria outside all alone?' she asked.

Annie looked down guiltily.

'Annie, I can't believe it of you!' said Mrs Franklin. 'I knew that you didn't like Victoria, but leaving her outside at night?'

Annie knew that what she had done was wrong. 'I'm sorry,' she said.

'I'm not the one you should apologize to,' said Mrs Franklin sternly. 'Once Victoria is back home, you must apologize to her. And you're grounded until you learn to get along with her.'

'Why do I have to get along with her?' burst out Annie. 'She doesn't belong here!'

Mrs Franklin shook her head. 'I'm disappointed in you. You have so much good in you, but you seem to only have spite for Victoria. Now I'm going to look for her, and you should better hope that nothing has happened to her. Because if something bad has happened, it would be all your fault!'

Annie's conscience was very much alive at the moment. She knew that she hadn't just been spiteful. She had been cruel.

Annie thought of all the puppies and kittens in the pet shop. She realized that Victoria had a lot in common with them. Like the pets, Victoria was an abandoned creature who desperately needed love and comfort in her life.

If you didn't take care of a pet properly, it might run away. Annie had abandoned Victoria when she left her.

The Franklin parents went out to search for Victoria after leaving Betty in charge. They went around town searching for Victoria, but to no avail.


Victoria felt almost numb with cold. After laying by her spot for a while, she knew that she had to keep moving if she didn't want to freeze to death. But the cold seemed to be settling in her veins and she could hardly move.

Victoria was terrified. She wondered if this was how she had felt when her biological parents abandoned her. Or died, or whatever happened.

Just then, she suddenly slipped onto a slippery rock and fell down - into a pond!

Victoria was terrified mainly because she couldn't swim! She struggled against the water, yelling, 'Help!' when her head went above the surface.

Fortunately for her, a policeman was walking past the park when he saw her panicking in the water. He quickly went into the water and rescued Victoria.

And it was at that moment when Mr and Mrs Franklin were driving past the park. They gasped when they saw Victoria in the policeman's arms. They went out of the car at once.

'That's our adopted daughter,' said Mr Franklin. 'Whatever has happened to her?'

'I don't know,' said the policeman. 'I saw her in the pond and pulled her out.'

'Wait, why is she wearing Betty's clothes?' asked Mrs Franklin.

'There's no time!' said Mr Franklin. 'Her lips are already turning blue. We have to get her to the hospital, and fast!'

After wrapping Victoria in blankets, they went off to the hospital. Victoria still shivered under her blankets. She was spiking a high fever and was hallucinating things.

The Franklin parents almost broke the front door down as they rushed into the building.

'Doctor!' said Mrs Franklin. 'Our daughter has been in the cold for too long.'

Victoria was taken to the emergency room in a stretcher. The Franklin parents were extremely worried. They hoped that nothing bad would be wrong with Victoria.

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