Chapter 1

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3rd Pov

Years Later....

It's been years since Yuri and Izzy took Anthony as they helped him grow up and get use to Earth after gaining Yuri's niece Elizbeth as Anthony has gotten his powers and his adopted parents told him that he wasn't from earth but they still love him. Now the teenager was reading a comic book while eating food as Yuri took the book from him.

Anthony: Mom! Come on.

Yuri: No reading books while eating. You got school today.

Anthony: *grumbles*

Elizbeth: *chuckles* She got you there Ant.

Anthony soon glared at his adopted cousin eating her cereal as he used his heat vision to heat up the cereal.

Elizbeth: Ew why?

Anthony: Because suffer.

Yuri: Anthony.

Anthony: What just saying.

Yuri: *sighs* just finish your food so that you can leave with mark.

Anthony: Alright, alright.

Anthony then finishes eating his food as he gotten up and grabbed his bag before walking to the door.

Anthony: Alright, I'm gonna meet Mark.

Yuri: Okay be safe.

Anthony: Hey I'm durable I'll be fine, jeez.

He the walked out of his home and walked his way to his best friend's Mark Grayson trying to fly as he burst out laughing as Mark saw him as groaned.

Mark: Really man?

Anthony: Yes really, you look like an idiot.

Mark: Ugh....

Anthony: I'm not going to annoy you on that anymore.....until you do some more stupid shit.

Mark: Let's just go to school man.

Anthony: *chuckles* Still funny though.

Mark: Hey don't laugh cause I didn't get my powers yet you got your as a kid.

Anthony: Dude, I'm full alien you is just half so it'll take long. 

Anthony watched Mark sigh as the two of them started making their way towards their high school.

Some Minutes Later...

It's be a couple of minutes as Anthony is seen walking towards his locker he soon heard some people talking as he turned his head and saw it was one of his other friends Amber being harassed by Todd an idiot who he hates.

Anthony: *groans* Great that asshole.

He then heard footsteps as he saw Mark getting close to Todd and telling him off and punched him but Todd when to punch Mark but Anthony rushed over there and caught his punch.

Anthony: How many times do I have to teach you this lesson asshole?

Anthony then punched Todd in the face not with any of his strength as he stumbled back and fell to the ground.

Anthony: *looks behind him* You good guys?

Amber: Yeah thanks, Ant.

Mark: I had him man.

Anthony: You said that the last time and you gotten a broken noise.

Mark: .......

Anthony: That what I though. Now let's go class is going to start.

After what Anthony said he started walking to one of his classes to get his day over with so he can go home and sleep.

Later That Day....

Mark and Anthony was waling to their homes as they was talking about stuff.

Anthony: I'm telling you I'm way more powerful than half of the guardian of the globe.

Mark: No you're not...well with some of them you would win but my dad with War Woman, and Immortal you'll lose man.

Anthony: Maybe maybe but if I go all out? I'll win against War Woman and Immortal, your pops is a different story so I can't tell but I do want to fight him.

The two then made it to Mark's house as his mother, Debbie open the door and saw the two teenagers.

Debbie: Ah, Mark, you came home already. *sees Anthony* Hey Anthony.

Anthony: Heya Mrs. Grayson, just here to drop off your misfit son.

Mark: Hey!

Anthony snickers as Nolan come out of the house and saw the teens.

Nolan: Hey Mark, Anthony.

Mark: Hey dad.

Anthony: Sup, Mr. Grayson, just here to drop mark off so I'll be on my merry way.

Debbie: Tell your mothers I said hello.

Anthony: *smiles* I will Mrs. Grayson.

Anthony then leaves not knowing that Nolan was staring at the teen but looked back with Anthony he made it home as he sees his mothers.

Anthony: Hey Ma, Mom. 

Izzy: Hey kiddo

Yuri: Hey, how was school?

Anthony: It was okay saved Mark from Todd again.

Izzy: That boy is always getting himself in trouble.

Anthony: Not his fault he wanted to help people that all. Just saying.

Izzy: But still-

Yuri: Let Mark be honey.

Izzy: *sighs* Fine.

Anthony chuckles at his adopted mother bickering. Some time later, Mark is seen working at his job at a burger place as he was taking out the trash. He used his full strength to pick up the trash as he throws it but the trash was sent into the skies as Mark looked in shocked but soon smirk knowing that his powers kicked in.

Mark: About damn time.

Someone else had saw it and that person was Anthony who was far away but thanks to his super sight he saw it as smirks.

Anthony: Fucking finally.

He then flies away quickly and back home to get ready for the next day.

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