Bonus 😁😁😁

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A/n: Guys we finally made to the end of one of the Winx story!! Like I kept on saying before I never thought I would have all these supporters who love this book as much or close to the original script of the Winx Club season 1!!! I want to thank you guys for joining me on this long two-year journey!! I would also like to say is I had fun making this story as it tested my limits of creativity to try to make Emalia or Sonya be her person in this story as well as making her apart of the Winx Club family!!! I hope you enjoy Sonya or Emalia's story and rejoining the whole Winx Club gang down memory lane!!! Just to let you know that this whole chapter will be based on the party scene of the final episode. So enjoy the chapter as this season is winding down which is a fitting end since school is around the corner for some of you guys!!! Enjoy!!!!


I watched the Trix being pushed through a portal for their punishment. Their punishment is a relaxing retreat at Lake Roccaluce. I think personally they deserve something worst punishment than that, but hey whatever is best for them I say. On the other side of the party was another portal, the witches of Cloud Tower was walking through it as Ms. Griffin, Headmistress Faragonda, and Saladin was talking to each other. The Specialists stayed since they wanted to party with the fairies for awhile which I don't blame them!

"Bloom!" A strange voice called out to me.

I turned around to see Mirta and she wasn't a pumpkin anymore! She was in her human form and she was smiling brighter than the party lights! I'm so happy to see her!

"Mirta!" I exclaimed holding my arms out for a hug. "I'm glad to see you back to normal!"

"Me too!" Mirta hugged me back and let me go to see me fully. "I heard you got your powers back along with Emalia!"

"Yea I learned something from the Trix!"

"What's that not being a power hungry witch?"

Mirta and I laughed at her little joke. I tried to stop laughing, but I couldn't!! I realize this was the first time I laughed since the Trix took my powers away from me. I'm glad I can finally laugh after all the traumatic events that happened here in Magix!

"It's not that, the lesson I learned is nobody no matter how powerful they are could take something that belongs to me and to never have doubt within myself!" I smiled.

"I'm glad the Trix taught you that because they taught me nothing but no be like them in the future!" Mirta replied with a light smile.

"Aren't you suppose to be going back to Cloud Tower?"

"Oh no! I realize that I don't belong over there with the witches!"

"Then where do you belong to?"

Mirta's whole face glowed even brighter than before. She left me on edge with her answer as I waited impatiently for her to say something. Her face then turned red as a tomato and her chubby little cheeks puffed out like she was holding her breath. I placed my hands on Mirta's shoulders and shook her a little bit.

"Mirta come on please tell me?" I giggled.

"I came to the conclusion that I belong here with you and Flora!" Mirta smiled sweetly. "Next school terms I will be starting out as a freshman fairy!"

"Wow Mirta!" I beamed. "I'm so happy for you and I know you will become a great fairy!"

"Thanks, but I must go and wish my old friend Lucy goodbye!!" Mirta waved me off. "See ya around!"

"See ya!"

I was again alone so I decided to sit near the little wooden brown benches of the party. I sat down with my hands over my knees as I took an exhale. For the first time in a short while, I studied the beautiful night sky! Reflecting on these past few days were hard and I finally get the chance to take a simply break of worrying. The wooden bench sitting creaked a little bit indicating that someone was sitting next to me. I glance over to my other side and see Sky. He smiled at me as he was finally out of his Specialist uniform.

"Hey Bloom!" Sky smiled.

"Oh hey Sky!" I replied, smiling back. "I see you are out of that Specialist uniform!"

"Yea it feels good being back in some normal clothing!"

"Yea I thought that uniform was going to be stuck on you forever!"

Sky laughed resulting in me laughing. He shook his head and stared at the night sky. I took notice in his features as his blue eyes twinkle under the light of the party and the moon and stars itself. His golden blonde hair swayed in the light breeze that blew. He glance over at me and smiled. I gave him another smile and went over to the wishing well. I glance down at the cool blue water and of course saw my reflection.


I stared up at the stars and the shining moon. I could feel Bloom's sudden mood change as she walked toward the wishing well of Alfea. Her fiery red hair brushed her shoulder and even her side. I walked over next to her and glance down the wishing well as well. I saw my reflection in the calm water. I studied Bloom's reflection in the well as her eyes was hooded with sadness.

"Bloom what's wrong?" I asked with caring eyes.

"I should be happy, huh?" Bloom asked with a faint smile.

"You were a few seconds ago, and you aren't now?"

Bloom avert her attention from the wishing well to me. Her blue eyes still hooded with sadness. Bloom's delicate small hands caress her fiery red hair.

"I don't know. I keep thinking about my adoptive parents, my birth parents, my past and there are still so many things I don't get. No kidding!" Bloom cried as she went back to staring down at the water.

"Listen. Whatever it is you choose to do-" I placed my hands on Bloom's shoulders and make her look at me in the eyes. "I want you to know that you're not alone!"

Bloom went back to that loving and smiling face. It was like she wasn't sad at all anymore. Bloom giggled as she covered her hand on top of her mouth.

"Is this another apology for what you put me through?" Bloom asked giggling some more.

"You can somewhat say yes!" I laughed along side Bloom.

"Thank you for your concern Sky and you don't have to keep apologizing about it!"

"But I do because what I did is unforgivable and unprincely like of me,"

Bloom was going to say something until a voice came over to both of us. It was Flora, she beamed as the light of the party made her tan skin glow. Her bracelet bangled and jiggled as she waved over at Bloom and I. Flora's brown hair bounced and flowed along with her movement.

"What's up Flora!" Bloom beamed back at her friend.

"Sorry to interrupt you two but I was wondering if you want to go out to the dance floor with the rest of us?" Flora beamed showing off her white teeth.

"Sure let's go!" I gently held Bloom's hand and dragged her along with Flora and I.

Bloom squealed by the sudden shock of being gently taken away from the wishing well. I saw a huge crowd of Specialists and fairies danced on the dance ground that apparently was in the center of the party. On stage was Musa along with a few instruments that was playing without a person playing them. I came to the conclusion that Musa used her magic to make the instruments play on their own. Flora danced on the dance floor to Musa singing on stage. Musa's voice made me want to dance like she was casting a spell within the song she sang.

(A/n: this video includes the song Musa sang as well as the video and also imagine Emalia, Kekipi, and Falen in the scenes also! Enjoy!!)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I started dancing as Bloom watched me and laughed hugging herself. I danced around Bloom egging her to dance along side me. Bloom soon gave in and started dancing along side me. I suddenly stopped dancing and glanced at the stage while everyone around me stopped dancing as well. On top of Musa and her magical instruments was a huge screen. The screen played along side with Musa as it showed video of the Winx Club and the Specialists. All the good, the bad, and the terrifying moments was on screen. The memories of each video swarmed through my head.

"Bloom how did you guys do that!?" I asked with shock of how good it was.

"Tecna and Timmy came together and did it as a surprise for us and the Specialists!" Bloom beamed. "I love it don't you?"

"Yea ..... I do!" I replied, staring lovingly at Bloom.


I'm good with huge parties like these but I'll tolerate it since we just finished a huge battle with the Trix. I sat on an empty bench that has a great view of the stage and everything else about the party. I watched everyone's amazements as the video continued as Musa sang. It was me and Musa's idea to come together at the last minute do this warming song and video! Exactly I kept on hearing Musa hum that same melody and words so much that she created a song out of it. Of course Musa came to me saying she wants some great visuals of Musa and her friends.

I couldn't say no to Musa since her contagious tune was stuck in my head so much. I then developed ideas of how to make the song and video stand out from each other. Timmy being a good person he is decided to help once I told him my ideas about the video. Timmy and I immediately went to work on the video which a lot of time and effort to put in. We didn't say anything to our friends about this as it was going to be a surprise for them at the end of the year party.

But with the Trix going around causing huge trouble for Emalia, Bloom, and everyone else her in Magix, it totally slipped Musa's and mine minds. Luckily we was both finished with our projects just in time before the Trix's mess could cause us to rush our projects. But me and Timmy may added a couple of last minute videos and animations to it to make it more memorable. The video and song came to an end as I watched everyone crying tears of joy and memory of our eventful year. A roar of applauses echoed through the courtyard of Alfea. Cheers and chants roared to life as I was touched that so many people like what Musa, Timmy, and I managed to do! I couldn't help but let a few tears out myself!

"That was a good video we did Tecna!" Timmy sat next to me on the bench with a tissue and a cup of punch in his hand as he handed me a cup.

"Thanks for this Timmy and we sure did!" I replied accepting the cup of punch and the tissue wiping my tears.

"Musa's song, of course was touching!" Timmy beamed pushing his glasses up.

"It was Timmy and the video you and I did made it even more touching even though the last minute stuff was a bit sloppy but still good to watch!"

Timmy nodded and glance up at the stars. I couldn't help but notice how the light of the moon bounced off the lens of Timmy's glasses. His eyes sparkled and I could my cheeks turning red. I gulped down the rest of the sweet and fruity drink while wiping a drop of juice off the curved of my lips. This sudden action got Timmy's attention which kinda of startled him since I probably acted too quickly for the slow moment we had.

"A-are you okay, T-Tecna?" Timmy questioned stammering a bit.

"Yes I'm fine Timmy, sorry I startled you!" Now I blushed with embarrassment.

"I-it's fine!" Timmy's eyes sparkled again. "I brought a new game that I got from my parents, do you want to play?"

"Sure, I would love too!" I placed my cup into the trash as Timmy got out his gaming device.

Timmy handed me the gaming controllers as soon as I walked back over to him. He hooked the red and green cords into the system. Then Timmy handed me the headset with a smile.

"You ready to kick some virtual butts?" Timmy beamed putting his headset on his head.

"I was born ready!" I smiled putting my headset on as well.


Stella and I went out to the stage to meet Musa at the steps as she was climbing down. I can't believe this was pulled off after everything we've been through! The song was touching and gave off a warm feeling inside me.

"Musa when did you come up with the song?" I asked with a huge smile.

"I have been humming the melody for a long while before the Trix sudden attack!" Musa beamed rubbing the back of her neck. "I hoped you guys like it!"

"How can we not like it let alone love it!!!" Stella replies showing off her sunny smile. "How did you get the video up of all of us during the school year?"

"That's all Timmy and Tecna's doing and they said they added some last minute vids and animation to it!" Musa gushed. "But still it looked great along with my song!"

I was going to ask Timmy or Tecna how they did what they did in the video. I notice that Tecna and Timmy was in gaming mode. Timmy's headrests was over both of them as they were digitally fighting some bad guys. Tecna constantly kicked her long legs up. Timmy on the other hand was karate chopping the bad guys with an occasional lunch here and there.

"I would ask the two geniuses behind the video but I see they up in digital world!" I laughed pointing over the digital warriors in the corner of the party.

"We can ask them later how they do it!" Stella giggles.

I notice out the corner of my eye, someone with purple-reddish hair was coming towards Stella, Musa, and I. I immediately knew it was Riven. His hands were deep in his pockets. I noticed a new side of Riven which was weird to me since I have always seen him as a aggressive type of guy. Covering Riven's cheeks was pink cotton candy color blush. I wanted to laugh, but I know that if I did it will ruin the moment between Musa and Riven.

"Musa you looked beautiful up there singing!" Riven said sweetly to Musa.

"Oh Stella, I think I see Emalia and Falen along with Bloom and Sky at the punch table!" I wrapped my arm around Stella's shoulders. "I think we need to go and see what they are talking about!"

"But I want to stay here!" Stella whined. "I want to see how this love story unfolds!"

"We can wait till Riven and Musa tells us along with the others!"

I heard Stella exhaling in defeat meaning I won. I averted Stella and mine attention to the punch table which I know Bloom and the others are not there. I didn't move because I felt a rough hand gripping my wrist. Glancing over my shoulder, knowing the rough hand belonged to Riven.

"Tell your prince that I still want my rematch from the Day of Royal!" Riven gave me his famous cocky and sly smile.

"Will do my friend!" I tipped the top of my forehead and waved him off.

Riven let go of my wrist and let me walk off with Stella. Stella's sunny skin turned red as she giggled. Her soft and fluffy blonde hair brushed against my arm. I wanted to laugh as it tickled, but I must appear manly for Stella and not laugh at silly things like that!

"You're so nice even though Riven can sometimes be a jerk!" Stella snuggled up to my arm like a cat would to their owner.

"Riven is just being a guy and understand how Riven feel at times, this time he want to make things right!" I stared with a smile glancing down at the green grass, thinking about the memories between Riven and I.

"Now let's talk to the other happy couples!" Stella beamed as my skin stiffen. "What's wrong Brandon?"

"Let's day that the other happy couples are not at the punch bowl and I just said that to get us away from a sweet moment between Musa and Riven!"



I have waited for Kala to come back. She has been gone for a long time and I know she helped Emalia fight off Icy with Bloom. I could see her presence inside Emalia as the battle was going on. I told Kala to rest and like always she doesn't listen to me which works out best for Emalia, Bloom, and everyone else. But it still doesn't make it right that she could lose her powers. I waited by the entrance of our cave at Lake Roccaluce like a mother would for her child's first day of school waiting to hear her child's exciting day through school.

Finally, I saw Kala weakly flying over to the cave. Kala's head hung low as I could see her stomach and back slowly expand and deflate. Kala's now fragile hand brushed her hair back which soon came back to her face. The poor girl was extremely tired from emerging her soul into Emalia's body. I held the tired ghost spirit and flew her over to her room. I laid her on her bed as I could feel she is getting hot.

"You're burning up Kala!" I exclaimed with worry.

"I'll be fine!" Kala replied the short sentence. "I'm from Ikaika ... where warriors ... are ... born and bred I'll fight ... this off!" Kala replied faintly as she closing her eyes shut but opened them so she can prove she is strong.

"It's okay to close your eyes and rest," I rubbed Kala's burning forehead.

"No!! I'm .. strong," Kala finally closed her eyes which was her fastest time which means she is extremely tired from her battle.

I got up from her bed and went to go find a way to clear this burning sensation from Kala's body. The best thing I know how to do without using my magic is sprinkling the water from the lake on Kala's forehead. I went over to the lake and cupped my hands. Inside the tiny cup was a cooling blue water. I'm still surprised that the water doesn't slip through my hands since I have been a ghost for almost seventeen years.

I flew back to Kala's room and gently poured the water on Kala's forehead. That on for a few more cooling drips to the forehead and Kala's little fever was down. I sat back next to the now resting Kala as she was fully in peace.

"Kala, I want to thank you for saving Bloom and all of Magix from the destruction of those witches!" I smiled.

I lightly patted the deeply sleeping Kala and got off her bed. I flew over to the opening of the cave and stared at the night sky which it seemed like I haven't saw in a long time. The moon and stars shined brighter than it ever did. I believe it's because the Trix is finally getting the punishment they deserve.

"The night sky looks beautiful no?" Kala scared me from behind, as she floated next to me staring up at the starry sky with me.

"You need to go back to bed and rest!" I exclaimed like a mom would to her overactive baby.

"I told you I will fight this fever off!" Kala smiles shining weakly than the stars.

"Stop I poured water on your forehead!"

"No wonder I had water surrounding my pillow?!"

"Get back to sleep!"

"No I'll fight this sleepiness!"

"Fine whatever you say Kala, but just know you'll fall asleep later on!"


It was almost the end of the party and I still haven't seen Emalia around. I still had my bandages on from my epic fight against the Mystic Dragon. I must say that dragon can put up a serious fight. Headmistress Faragonda has gathered all the Specialists and fairies to the center of the party. She was on stage as the magical instruments stopped playing music.

"May I please have your attention? We are gathered here to celebrate
a momentous event. Alfea has always been a school for fairies, and so, in honor of the great courage, loyalty and outstanding spirit of collaboration shown by some of you, especially during the last few days, I've decided to renew the concept of the modern fairy with a new word - "Winx"!" Headmistress Faragonda cheered along with everyone in the crowd. "I would also like to congrats Miss Emalia on her fabulous job of earning her Charmix powers before of her 'Winx' classmates!"

Everyone clapped for Emalia as a few searched around for her. I glance over at Bloom who shrugged her shoulders as she knew what I was going to ask her. Glanced around our friends as nobody spotted her since the party began. Is she avoiding this party because I'm here? I don't want to be the reason Emalia can't have a good time because of me and my dumb decision. Headmistress Faragonda smiled as she told everyone to join the end the party.

I went over to Bloom who was kissing Sky. Bloom gently pulled away from Sky when she saw me, she gave me a smile. Sky gave me a unhappy look as he probably know who I was looking for and what I was going to do?

"Sorry to interrupt you two, I was wondering have you seen Emalia?" I asked the happy couple hoping Emalia and I can be back where we was.

"No that you mention it Falen, I haven't seen her since the party began," Bloom replied with her hand under her chin thinking.

"Do you know where she could possibly be?" In my mind I hoped Bloom knows where Emalia is.

Bloom nodded her head and letting her fingertips touch the temples of her forehead. Bloom shut her eyes and concentrate on finding Emalia.

"I've found her! Emalia is in the far corner of the party!" Bloom open her eyes beaming and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Make things right with Emalia!"

"I will!" I slightly nod making sure not to hurt my head from the sudden jerk.

"Go fix things with your fairy princess!" Sky laughed.

"I am!" I was going to walk over to Emalia's location until a soft delicate hand grabbed my free arm. "Yes Bloom?"

"Emalia can be stubborn so don't give up on her!" Bloom informed me.

"I won't of course!"

I tread over to the far end of the party. My body ached from each long step towards Emalia I took. This pain was worth it to save Emalia and to bring her back to her friends and to me. Finally, I was on the other side of the party in a secluded corner of Alfea. A gorgeous voice blended with the calming air. I knew it was Emalia singing an Ikaikaian lullaby. As Emalia was singing, I heard little Kekipi cub-like yawn. I stepped out to the light to reveal myself.

"Did you enjoy the party?" I asked Emalia when she was finished with her lullaby.

"I didn't party with the others," Emalia replied holding the bandage Kekipi in her arms. "I don't deserve to party with everyone else,"

"Yes you do after everything you and Bloom been through these pass few days you need it!"

Emalia glanced up at me for the first time since we started talking to each other. Her amber orange eyes stared into my brown eyes like she was searching for something inside my eyes. Emalia's eyes brought me back to the first time we met outside of Bloom's house. Her smile forever sketched into my mind like a photo in a scrapbook. I just want my Emalia to smile at me again like she used to.

"After I trashed Alfea because of my powers! I don't partying with my friends and others aren't a good idea," Emalia explained with her head down staring at Kekipi as he peacefully sleeping in her arms.

"Are you avoiding the party because I'm there?" I asked sadly.


I stayed silent from Falen's question. I couldn't bring myself to studied him like I did before. Every time I think about Falen, I wanted to cry, to scream, or to just runaway and never look back. My options was limited because I couldn't runaway since I don't want to be back at square one with the Trix taking my powers again. I can't scream because I don't want to wake the exhausted Kekipi from his slumber. The last and only option that was acceptable was to cry.

Teardrops escaped my eyes. I used my hands to wipe my tears trying my best to make it less obvious that I was crying. I heard the patch of grass next to me crunch indicating someone was near me. A little flop along with some painful groaning noise came next as Falen was now sitting next to me. Falen gently pulled me close to his chest as my tears wetted his shirt.

"Let it out, I'm sorry I put you through that," Falen apologize.

"I'm messing ... up your shirt?" I replied getting out of Falen's chest and wiping the rest of my unstoppable tears.

"These injuries and you messing up my shirt is worth it so don't pay it no mind," Falen said with a faint smile. "I was wondering if you could forgive me of what I did?"

I sat on that question for about these past few days. Could I ever forgive Falen for breaking my heart? Could I ever be able to trust him again? Those questions and more fluttered around in my head. I don't want to forgive Falen and I even made plans to avoid him every time we had to hang out with our friends. Whenever I think about avoiding Falen, my heart aches even more. My heart wants me to be with Falen and move on from the situation, but my mind made me fearful of Falen's next action if I do give him another chance.

"I want to forgive you Falen, I do, but my mind made me scare of what you will do," I hung my head low.

"Don't be scared of me, if it made you feel any bit better, I told my parents to call off the marriage proposal between Yazmin and I!" Falen gently placed his hard hands on my cheeks.

"It do make me feel better, but how do I know you won't go behind my back to try to get the marriage proposal back up?" I cried.

Falen used both of his hands to lift my face up to meet his. I could see faith and determine in his brown eyes. Falen then placed a caressing kiss on my lips. This kiss was different than all the rest of the kisses we shared. This kiss was filled with more passion like he was putting his all in the kiss.

"I wouldn't get that proposal up and running not unless it's you that I'm marrying!" Falen brown cheeks turned red as his lips were only a centimeters away from my lips. "I wouldn't try to do anything that hurts you in any way or fashion Emalia! Tell me what your heart wants minha princesa?"

"My heart wants you," I held on to Falen's warm hands.

"Trust your heart and me,"

I nodded my head and closed the gap between Falen and mine lips. A spark jolted in my body as I felt Bloom was close by. I parted lips from Falen as Bloom was now out before Falen and I.

"I know you guys just made up and all but we need you two for the final performance of the party!" Bloom waved us over to the party with a huge smile.

"Okay, okay we're coming!" I exclaimed slowly getting up without waking up Kekipi and also to minimize the pain shocking my body. "Come on my crowned Prince, our subjects are waiting for us!"

I helped Falen up while he was lightly groaning. Bloom continued to wave us over as Falen and I followed after her. Falen held Kekipi in his hands while Kekipi snuggled into Falen's chest getting comfortable in a new hold. Now I was out in the party with people staring at me with excitement. Back on stage was Headmistress Faragonda. She beamed at me waving me over to the stage platform.

"Musa gave up her final performance of the night to our first ever Charmix fairy Emalia!" Headmistress Faragonda announces on the mike as everyone in the crowd cheered.

"What she did?" I gasped in shock walking on stage.

"I did it to make you completely happy now rock out my pigtail twin!" Musa shouted from the crowd with laughter.

"Alright you ask for it!"

(A/n: The same goes from the last video to this video! Imagine Falen, Kekipi, and Emalia in the video throughout the school year!!)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I finished the song with a peaceful exhale. I glance around the crowd to see everyone was in tears like before. Even I was in tears at the end. I kinda of giggled at the sight of Miss Griselda crying other than her hard and serious demeanor. The video played behind me as I sang showing up more adventure me and the Specialists and Winx had throughout the school year. Headmistress Faragonda walked on back on stage wiping her tears.

"That was another lovely song you wrote Musa as well as the graphics for it Tecna and Timmy!" Headmistress Faragonda avert her attention to me. "What a beautiful voice you have for that song Emalia!"

"Thanks Headmistress Faragonda!" I beamed with a star in the starry sky.

"Okay Winx and Specialists the party is now officially over and it's time for summer break after all the tough fighting you did these past few days! I hope you enjoy your summer break and I can't wait to see you guys next school term!"

Everyone groaned from the party being over. Falen handed me Kekipi kicking his little paws in the air probably chasing after some food in his dreams! The specialists waved by to us Winx as they had to get back on their ships and pack their things for their summer break. They all cleared out leaving my friends and I in our usual huddle. A smile was on all our faces as we couldn't stop smiling.

"This year was an eventful first year for us!" Musa commented with a smile.

"Yea, but some the eventful things was worth it though!" Tecna wrapped her arms around me and Flora.

"It made us stronger!" I flex my bandage arm.

"I'm not sure about your bandage arm Emalia, but it did bring us closer together!" Flora joked causing the group to laugh.

"Next year we will have peace from the Trix and more fashionable clothing!" Stella squealed.

"Stella!!!" Everyone but Stella chanted with a laugh.

"I could never get tired of you Winx chanting my name!" Stella laughed.

"Well, nothing, just a Winx thing!" Bloom beamed as she crossed her fingers into an long x shaped like she did when she came up with our group name.

(A/n: I hope this cute little gif works or it will lose the effect that I wanted to end this story!)

We laughed and gently hugged each other not wanting to disturb Kekipi. We put our hand in a pile. I knew with these girls I could do anything. I knew with these girls by my side nothing can stop me or them from achieving our dreams!

"Winx Club for life!" The girls and I chant with a roar of laughter and smiles to come after what way to end our first year at Alfea!

The End

A/n: this lovely story came to a touching end! 😭😭 I hope you guys enjoyed the story from beginning to end as I did. I pray that this chapter met you guys expectations and made you a bit sad that this story ended. But no worries season 2 of the Winx Club fairies are coming sooner than you think so please be patient for the announcement of it!!! Also I want to branch out into other shows like My Hero Academia so if you like the anime and want my spin of it please let me know in the comment section of this chapter or pm me. I hope you guys enjoyed this magical ride with the Winx Club fairies, I can't wait to see and hear from you guys real soon!!!! See ya 💕😘

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