Fifty - one

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Ice Cream Shop: Brandon (Sky)

I called Bloom and she sounded sad on the phone. So I decided to come and pick her up to take her to the ice cream shop to cheer her up. All Bloom could do was look sad and play around with her ice cream.

"Bloom are you okay?" I asked as I put my spoon down to listen to Bloom talk.

"Brandon, I was that close to pass that exam but I just couldn't summon my power," Bloom said sadly.

"Hey, don't get so bummed out about it. It's okay, it's just an exam!" I said trying to cheer Bloom up.

"Sonya, I mean Emalia couldn't try her powers but at the last minute it worked. I wondered my powers is so frustrating and lame!"

"But Bloom, your power's awesome! Come on!"

"Thing is, I can't control it! Sometimes it's like I can't connect to it at all,"

"Well it seems like Sonya, my bad Emalia couldn't do it either at first. Why don't you ask her how she did it and it will happen you!"

"Yea maybe that will work, but I believe that my powers are new to me. I need to figure out the source if my power and maybe I could get an idea on how it works!"

"That's a better idea! I could help you figure that out!"

"That's great to hear because I need you to take me to a dangerous place which is Cloud Tower if you are up to it!"

"Yea I'm up to it! I'll pick you up tonight!"

"Thanks Brandon you are the best!"

Bloom was over the table as she hugged me tightly. I hugged Bloom back, her giggle was making me smile with joy.

Cloud Tower: Mirta

I was in the Lecture Hall with all the other witches. Headmistress Griffin was explaining her favorite spell as she was sitting at her desk looking at and each witch in the lecture hall.

"My personal favourite is a revenge spell passed down from my Grandmother. It includes three different types of roadkill. Now you're to describe your favourite spells. You are first Mirta," Headmistress Griffin pointed to me making it dramatic.

I stood in front of Headmistress Griffin desk. Headmistress Griffin was looking at me with her usual stern unamused eyes as she waited to her my favorite spell.

"Uh, okay. It works best outdoors and it's most effective during a solar eclipse. Hold a gemstone above your head and say "friends forever" four times. The spell works quickly to bring you your very own best friend," I said to Headmistress Griffin as she was looking at me like I was weird and crazy.

"Excuse me! Did you say the spell makes a friend? Mirta, you fail, sit down!" Headmistress Griffin said as she pointed down to my seat.

I walked back to my seat with my head down. The other witches was laughing and making fun of me for what I said. I was embarrassed as I wanted to break down and cry.

"What a dork. She's so pathetic!" One student jeered at another student sitting next to her.

"Little loser wants a best friend!" The second student chuckled.

I sat back in my seat with my head still down. I suddenly looked up to see the Trix laughing at me. Put my head down again but I looked to the other side of the lecture room to see Lucy chuckling along with the other witches. I got up dismissing myself from the lecture hall as the laughter and jokes rang out of my ears as I walked to my room.

Red Fountain: Timmy

"YOU'RE TAKING BLOOM WHERE NOW!?" I exclaimed with shock.

"SHHHHHH! Timmy, I want to take Bloom to Cloud Tower!" Brandon said with a sly smile on his face rubbing his neck.

"Cloud Tower's surrounded by a magical, protective fence, Brandon!" Timmy exclaimed still shock.

Timmy and I was looking at the map of Cloud Tower which was on Timmy's desk. Falen and Sky was playing a game not paying any attention to me nor Brandon.

"Okay, is there any way to get through it?" Brandon asked me with worry.

"I think I could map out a path so you could get in!" I said as I was already thinking of ways to break the protective fence around Cloud Tower.

"Awesome Tims you are the best!"

"You might not want to go tonight. It's a full moon; witches are particularly strong during a full moon. Their power's can sometimes double in strength," Sky warned Sky sounding worry as I did before as he paused the game Falen and he was playing.

"I know but Bloom looked so devastated today and I want to cheer her up as much as possible!" Brandon said looking down.

"All right. Just be extra careful, it's risky!" Falen said seeming truly worried.

"Hey how fast exactly can your levabike can go?" I asked Brandon as I got my piece of paper to do some calculations.


I was relaxing in my dorm with Icy until Darcy came into the dorm with an evil smile on her face.

"What are you looking like that for?" I asked suspiciously of my older sister behavior.

"I got a message from my boyfriend Riven, Bloom and her squirt of a boyfriend is paying us I mean Cloud Tower a visit!" Darcy exclaimed evilly.

"That's the best news I ever heard!" Icy rubbed her hands together as she look evilly along with Darcy.

"So Bloom and her boyfriend is coming over here!" I said with greedy smirk on my face.

"Yes so you know what that means! Bloom powers will finally be ours!" Icy said squeezing her hands to a tight ball.

"Wait will Sonya come along with them so we can get a two for 3 deal!" I cheered hoping Sonya will come.

"Sadly no Riven told me Falen asked Brandon do he and Sonya which now she goes by Emalia to accompany them to Cloud Tower but Brandon turned the offer nicely down," Darcy replied rolling her eyes.

"Well it's okay we can use Bloom's powers to get and take away Sonya or whoever she wants to be powers!" I smiled will evil joy flowing through my body.

"Sisters listen up I have a evil and most glorious plan I could ever come up with! When Bloom comes to Cloud Tower we can make a fake book for her to read. When she reads the book, she'll panic, and be filled with doubt, her defenses will drop, and then we'll rip the power right out of her!" Icy laughed menacingly as it ringed through our dorm room.

"That's a good plan sister the best one you could come up with!" Darcy joined in with the menacingly laughing.

"Well sisters lets get started before Bloom and Brandon gets here!" I laughed.

Next morning: Stella

I got up from my bed awake from my beauty sleep. I looked over to see Emalia is not up from her bed. It was strange since she will be up before me. Maybe she was extremely tired from the exams yesterday. Well I walked to my mirror and sat down to hum happily as I fiddled with my hair.

Then there was a knock on the door which woke Emalia up as she rubbed her eyes triedly yawning along with Kekipi. I opened the door to see a worried Flora in her pajamas.

"Flora didn't I tell you that 8 to 9 is my hair hour!" I exclaimed as my hair hour is ruined.

"It's an emergency that is way bigger than your hair hour Stella!!" Flora exclaimed back at me as she stepped into me and Emalia's room.

"What's the issue Flora?" Emalia said with a tiresome smile on her face.

"Bloom never came back last night!" Flora panicked.

"Uh oh!" I said worried about Bloom.

"I told Bloom not to go because I sensed something bad is going to happen!" Emalia said as she quickly got of her bed.

Then Tecna and Musa came inside the room as Tecna pushed a button on her phone.

"We just talked to Brandon and he said she insisted on walking back-" Tecna said as she stopped talking to let Musa finished her sentence.

"From Cloud Tower," Musa finishes the sentence with a worry look.

"All by herself?" I questioned with shock.

"And Brandon let that happen!" Emalia said with the same shock expression.

"She could be stuck in the dark forest! She could be lost! We have to find her before something awful happens!" Musa panicked as we all rushed through the doors of our dorm and outside of Alfea.


A/n: I would like to thank you guys for having Chapter 1 1K reads! Thank you so much and I'm glad so many readers like this story!! It really warms my heart to know that you guys love this book! Also if you like BTS and AMBW (Asian Man and Black Woman) relationship story or both for that matter make sure to check out my new friend RomanGoddess99 story The Badlands AMBW AU!! Till then my lovely Winx fans!! 💖❤️😊😘

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