Fifty - seven

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Game time, night: Emalia 

 We was all laying in our respectable beds in our rooms. I was sleeping peacefully until the signal to start our ambush plan come into play. Slow and steady breathing to make it seem like I was asleep. Then I felt this slow and eery feeling coursing through my body! The feeling was sinister and it was moving fast around the apartment! This got to be the monster who was messing with our dreams while we are asleep!

 I want to get out of my bed and face the monster myself but I must wait for the key words to start this plan. I felt the evil presence stop moving indicating it was about to mess with one of the girls' dreams! 

 "I GOTCHA!" Flora yelled the keyword throughout the apartment so we can start the ambush. 

 Me and Stella quickly got out of our beds and went over to Bloom and Flora's room to see the nightmare gargoyle. Musa and Tecna came into the room as well and was shocked to see the monster before their eyes. The nightmare gargoyle had red evil eyes as it hissed at us, giving us a warning to step back. The creatures skin was a dark black color as he reminds me of an skeleton. 

 Flora had green sparkles flying out of her hands and the monster starts getting wrapped up in her vines. Flora got out of her bed walking over to me, Stella, Musa, Tecna, and Bloom with a smile on our faces. 

 "Get it Flora!" Bloom cheered with a huge smile. 

 "Let's see how you like that you Venus Flywrap monster!" Flora taunted back as the monster was struggling to get out of Flora's vines. 

 The monster breaks free from the vines, moving through the walls of the apartment. This caused me and the Winx to be worried! If that nightmare gargoyle goes outside our apartment then all of Alfea will be in danger! Me and the Winx moved to the living room area to corner the creature again. Before we could do anything to the creature, it has grown bigger!

 "Oh no my magic made the creature get bigger!" Flora panicked. 

 "It looks like its gonna pounce!" Musa pointed out in fear. 

 "Then its time to Winx!" Bloom smirked like she was ready for the fight of her life. 

 "YEAH" me, Musa, Tecna, Stella, and Flora yelled.

 "Let's go girls, lets show this monster what Winx powers are all about!" Stella smiled at me and the Winx.

  "READY!!!" Tecna and Musa yelled. 

 "READY!!" Me, Stella, Bloom, and Flora yelled back. 

Cloudtower, Trix's dorm room: Icy

 Me and my sisters watched as the stupid Winx fairies was crumbling under our nightmare gargoyle. I was dying laughing as Bloom and Emalia was being thrown around like a rag doll. It looked like an endless game of rock em sock em game those pathetic humans used to play with back in the day. Two pixies fall down another gets up to take its place and the cycle goes on. Darcy and Stormy were wiping their eyes as tears came pouring out of their eyes. 

 "Icy do you those stupid pixies trying to fight our nightmare gargoyle!" Stormy laughed with evil glee. 

 "This is better than WitchTV!" Darcy chuckled wiping her eyes so she can see the crystal ball clearly. 

 "Okay girls, I think its time to step in and show em what's up!" I brought up the idea to my sisters as they gave me their sinister smile. 

 "Yeah let's take matters into our own hands!" Stormy balled up her fist with an grin that could kill those pixies in one glare. 

Alfea's Courtyard

 "We can't give up you guys! I know we can do this!" Bloom encouraged her weak friends. 

 "Oh look sisters, Bloom think her and her pesky weak friends have chance!" I taunted as me and my sisters appear before the weak fairies. 

 "Icy I think you need to take that courage down just a notch! When I just a notch I mean all the way down!" Darcy chimes in flipping her long hair with an side way smirk. 

 I shot a white sphere at Flora and Stella causing them to be encase in a huge ice block floating in the air. I laughed along with my sisters as the powerless Winx fairies stood and watched their friends in horror. An air of hot breath escaped their lips and I felt their fear tingling down my back with joy. I could tasted and felt the powers of Bloom and Emalia's power coursing through my fingertips. 

 "I'll get you Icy!!!" Bloom and Emalia got off the ground and start to fly over to me. 

 "NOW!!!!!" I shouted as got the perfect opportunity to strip their powers away from them. 

 "AAAAHHHHH!" Bloom yelled as her friends where literally frozen on the ground. 

 "LET US GO YOU STUPID WITCHES!" Emalia struggled to get out of our triangle barrier. 

 "GOT THEM, THEY'RE ALL OURS!!" Darcy shouted in pure bliss 

 "No matter how much you struggle, you'll never get out!" I commented with an evil glare to my face. 

Headmistress Faragonda 

 In my sleep I kept hearing explosions going on. At first I thought I was going crazy and just imagining things until they kept on going. I woke up from my bed turning the lamp lights on in my room. I kept  hearing the explosions until it stopped all of a sudden. I thought I should check around my school and see what was going on. 

 A thought came into my head and I decided to listen to my thought and check Bloom and her friends' apartment. I got out of my bed and went down the dark and silent hallways of Alfea. This eery feeling kept coming to me that something bad was happening to my girls. I got to the door of their apartment and unlocked their door to see damages done into their room. 

 "BLOOM!! EMALIA!!! TECNA!!!!! MUSA!!! FLORA!!!! STELLA!!!!" I shouted throughout the dead silent apartment. 

 The only thing that came out of the room was Kiko and Kekipi. I kneeled down to the level of Kiko and Kekipi. 

 "Kekipi and Kiko do you know where the girls are at this time?" I asked the furry animals as they looked outside the balcony. 

 I heard the explosion noises going off again. I walked towards the balcony with Winx furry friend following behind me. I see Flora and Stella trapped in an ice spell, Musa and Tecna staring hopelessly at the nightmare gargoyle, Bloom and Emalia is trapped in triangular barrier, and the witches of Cloudtower at my school causing trouble to my girls!

 I floated down to see the Trix gasping at my sight. The girls looked relieve to see me! My blood boiled as I think this situation with my girls and the Cloudtower girls have gotten all the way wrong. The Trix let Emalia and Bloom go from their triangular barrier spell and 

 "This is where all the ruckus was coming from?" I asked the youngsters with my hands on my hips frustrated. 

 "Oh great! Here's the party pooper!" Darcy commented rolling her eyes. 

 "What do we do sister?" Stormy asked her older sister in worry. 

 "Let the nightmare gargoyle handle them," Icy looked at her nails as her body language showed she wasn't interested with what is going on. 

 I groaned and strike the monster that was on the move to get me. The monster screeched moving back towards the witches. 

 "I've had it with you 3 witches messing with my students!! Conjuring up a nightmare gargoyle goes far beyond an inter-prank!" I told the 3 witches as I strike the monster again as it was screeching some more in pain. 

 I pointed over to Stella and Flora and freed them their ice prison. They fell safely to the round while I strike the monster once more. 

 "This fowl creature must go!!! Bloom, Emalia would like to help an old Headmistress take down this creature!" I smiled at the two girls. 

 "It will be mine pleasure!" Emalia smiled as she help me attack the creature along with Bloom.

 "That's it girls, keep firing!!" I encouraged the girls as I can feel the creature weakening. 

 "Nocturnus excutus!" I fired off the last spell as the creature turned into dust. 


 The creature was gone ending the nightmare that haunts us when we are asleep. Me and the other Winx cheered the Headmistress, Emalia, and Bloom on. I noticed the Trix was trying to leave the courtyard until I told Headmistress Faragonda of their sneaking off. 

 "GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADIES!" Headmistress Faragonda yelled at the Trix that was flying away. 

 "Yeah, right!!" Darcy yelled back leaving Alfea to go back to Cloudtower. 

 "Later!!" Icy chimes. 

 The Trix disappeared and Headmistress Faragonda turned and look at us. I felt disappointment waving over me when I stare into Headmistress Faragonda. 

 "I'll get the witches later, but you girls! Can you explain to me what happened over here?" Headmistress Fargonda asked with her arms crossed. 

 "The Trix sent that nightmare gargoyle thing to weaken our powers and then they showed up and attacked us!" Bloom explains to Headmistress Faragonda looking a little bit sad.

 "Sorry we let them knock us around, you're not gonna fail us are you?" Stella  asked Headmistress Faragonda looking worried. 

 "We really did tried Headmistress Faragonda!" I chimed in with a hopeful smile on my face. 

 "Don't be silly girls! A nightmare gargoyle bested an entire senior class when I was a student!" Headmistress Faragonda gave us a smile. 

 I turned around when I heard light footsteps coming over to me and the Winx. I saw Kekipi and Kiko looked sad coming over to us. I picked up the two cuties and wrapped them in my arms. 

 "No worries guys I know you guys would of fought off the monster and protected us and Alfea!" I encouraged the two animals as they smiled and cheered with joy. 

 "Ms. Griffin will be hearing from the Magic Council. They'll see to it that she punishes those three witches for good this time!" Headmistress Faragonda went back inside Alfea and back to her room to go back to sleep but stopped to look at us one final time for the night. "Girls I suggest you go back to sleep! The nightmare gargoyle will not get you anymore so you can have a peaceful night sleep for once this week!" 

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