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Me, Sonya, and Bloom walked inside Alfea and all you could see is new fairies and luggages. Then in the distance is mean old Miss Griselda. Miss Griselda is a brunette, with straight hair in a short, sharp hairstyle and sharp glasses to match. She often wears a navy blue, smoky blue, or red sailor-type dress. Miss Griselda is the meanest Alfea official in the world and her punishments are harsh. I've seen girls in front of Miss Griselda shaking in their boots because she is that scary. I just hope I can get Miss Griselda to believe Sonya and Bloom is one of the students who cancelled to be here.

"Young fairy what is your name?" Miss Griselda said looking through her clipboard of papers looking for the fairies names.

"El.... Eleanor of Delona, I......I sent my registration form!" Eleanor spoke nervously.

"Alright, let's see if your name appears on the list. (Looking on the list) Eleanor, Eleanor. Are you nervous young lady?
"A little... I..."
"There you are. Eleanor of Delona. You can go in,"

"I looked over at Sonya and Bloom. Sonya was looking scary if Miss Griselda while Bloom was looking around Alfea in pure awe.

"Stella, who is that lady and why she is so mean looking?" Sonya questioned worried.

"Sonya that's Miss Griselda and she is the assistant headmistress but she is also the Head of Disciplinary, so watch out for her girls!" I informed Sonya and Bloom.

"But what are we going to do about us getting in? We didn't register to go to the school!" Bloom panicked.

"Girls don't worry already have two of your tickets to be in Alfea, Princess of Castillisto and Princess of Reino!"

"What happened to them?" Sonya questioned.

"They both was suppose to come this year but changed their minds for some reason. So they both gave me their letter to give to Headmistress. Anyways no one knows who is Princess of Callisto and Princess of Reino is!" I said tearing up both of their letters.

"Stella this is wrong, we are being dishonest!" Bloom stressed as Kiko was on Bloom's shoulder.

"It's a little white lie, come on girls it's too late to turn back around now!"

"Bloom, Stella is right we came all the way over here, so we might as well lie," Sonya said agreeing with me.

"Yea let's just do this," Bloom said with a sad sigh but regain her emotions when we was in front of Miss Griselda.

"Well, if it isn't Princess Stella of Solaria, I never thought I'd see you here. After what happened last year, I'm surprised you chose to grace us with your presence... once again," Miss Griselda spoke was she was getting a little bit upset.

"Miss Griselda you know I don't give up that easily!" I replied flipping my blonde hair.

"Right you don't, but who are your friends?"

"This is Princess of Callisto and Princess of Reino!"


Miss Griselda looked on her list of fairies' names and she soon find us. Bring relieve all over my body.

"Oh yes Varanda Castillo and Fawn Reino," Miss Griselda said looking at us when she saw our "names".

"Yes that's us!" Bloom and I simultaneously said with a smile.

"You three may come in,"

We walked back Miss Griselda and for some odd reason I looked back at her. Miss Griselda look got even sterner like she didn't believe us or something. I ignored it and joined the walk to the Alfea Courtyard with Bloom and Stella.

"See I always have the greatest of ideas!" Stella boasted about herself with a smile.

"By the way, Stella what happened last year?" Bloom questioned Stella with a wondering face.

"Bloom and Sonya don't worry about it, Griselda always love to dramatize everything,"

We stopped at the entrance inside Alfea and then Miss Griselda walked on the steps of Alfea College.

"This school will be your home for the next five years. But, this home can cease to be yours at any moment. The rules of this institution are based discipline. Disregard these rules and I will personally escort you to the front gate. This is not a magician school. You're not here to learn hocus focus. Consequently, you may not use your powers in the hallways or other common areas. In fact, the only place you may display your powers is in your classroom under teacher supervision. Is that clear, Princess Stella?" Miss Griselda shouted the last part of her speech at Stella.

The funny thing about it is that I felt a strong power waving towards me. It was coming from the right side of me. I turn my head to see the destruction of what I assume is a classroom. The destruction was give me power as what felt like thunderbolts coursing through my body.

"Thanks to you and your antics, the Potion laboratory will not be accessible until the next month at the earliest. Now, I think you know what not to do, if you wish to say. Huh?" Miss Griselda continued her speech looking straight at Stella while everyone looked at Stella then at the destruction of the Potion laboratory.

"You did that?" Bloom questioned in shock.

"So? My daddy paid for all the damages!" Stella replied pouting.

I playfully rolled my eyes and shakes my head. Then four professors and Headmistress I assumed walked up and meet Miss Griselda on the steps. Some of the other girls started talking to each other.

"Sorry that I was late, I hope you can excuse me," the Headmistress spoke with her hands together.

"Ladies calm down, pay attention to the Headmistress Faragonda!" Miss Griselda said clapping her hands scaring the girls to be quiet.

"Oh, really there's no need to be stodgy, I hope Miss Griselda didn't frighten you guys too much! Welcome to Alfea, the best fairy school in all of Magix! I remind you the only one of its kind! Come on ladies let's walk inside!" Headmistress Faragonda said with a smile.


Me, Sonya, and Stella walked inside Alfea. It was beautiful on the inside with a huge golden color like stairs in front of the door. That's when I knew I'm going to love this place. I looked over at Sonya as she had a child like glint on her eyes as she was loving Alfea the same way I did.

"Here we are. And so we begin our orientation session, by the end of which, we should all know each other better. Becoming a fairy is hard work, but I know everyone here can do it. Keep in mind that the teachers and I are always here to help you. Okay, enough with the boring stuff, feel free to explore your surroundings. But, be very careful. There are dangers lurking about," Headmistress Fargonda informed us but was cut off my Stella whispering in both Sonya's and mine ears.

"Stay away from the witches of Cloudtower. Listen, that's what's coming up," Stella whispered.

"I don't think she wil-" Sonya said but was cut off when Headmistress Faragonda said the exact same thing.

"Stay away from the witches of Cloudtower!" Headmistress Faragonda said seriously.

"See told ya!" Stella taunted Sonya.

"Alright, speeches are over, everyone's dismissed, you're free 'til dinner time!" Miss Griselda shouted as the fairies moved to explore Alfea.

"As well as classes starts at 8 o'clock sharp, please be punctual! Good luck and I'll see you all tomorrow!" Miss Faragonda shouted as well.

"Come on girls I'll show you guys to our rooms!" Stella said with a smile.

Stella lead the way to our rooms. It gave me and Sonya a chance to explore Alfea as we was walking.

"You'll like Headmistress Faragonda, she always says the same thing, but she's really nice!" Stella informed us.

"Who are the witches of Cloudtower?" I questioned in utter curiosity.

"Bloom you don't remember? It's where Mitzi belongs!" Sonya answered with her arms folded and snickering a bit.

"It's fine Sonya! Magix has three schools. Ours is one. There's the Red Fountain school of Specialists, that's where the squad guys go. Finally, there's the witches' school of Cloud Tower," Stella explained it to me again.

"Witches! Wow!" I spoke with worry.

"Yea well, stay away from them!"

"No worries Stella we will stay clear of them witches, they can't do nothing to us fairies!"

That's when I'm glad to be friends with Sonya. She is so confident and not afraid to speak her mind. Sonya is always there to protect me and help me if I do need it.

Me, Stella, and Sonya walked up to the first door we seen. We stop at the door and looked at the sign. I seen both me and Sonya's fake names and Stella's name on the sign.

"Great we are in the same apartment! Cool!" Stella said excitedly and opened the door to our rooms.

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