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"I know that little pesky fairy, Sonya have the Mystic Dragon Flame!" Darcy smirked pulling her glasses up to her face.

"Did you test it out with the vacuum?" Icy questioned with her skin crawling with excitement.

"Yes and it confirmed it as well!" Darcy replied with a evil smirk still on her face.

"Great we found the Mystic Dragon Flame and the Dragon Flame but the thing is how are we suppose to get them in our possession?" I questioned thinking of a good plan.

"I GOT SOME NEWS, YOUR HIGHNESSES!" Knut yelled coming out of his hiding funking up our room.

"Knut lower your voice and you stink as always, but what is your news that you found?" Icy covered her nose as well as me and Darcy.

"I went to Red Fountain like you told me too and I was hiding in the bathroom or the closet but I overhead the boys said they are taking my hunting troll to Magix but they are turning him in to the authorities," Knut explained playing with his fingers.

"And do we care? NO YOU BIG IDIOT! Tell me that is not your news?" Icy shouted in frustration.

"Hold on Icy, What if the interrogation sorcerers get a hold of him and use a mind read spell? Even with his little pea-brain they'll find out about our plan!" I worried and explained to my older sister.

"Point taken Stormy. In that case, We'll just have to stage a little jail break, free the troll and then get rid of the sorry beast, forever!" Icy told Darcy and me with a evil smile on her face.


The aircraft did a crash landing in Black-Mud Swamp. I got up from the crash and slowly walked out of the craft to meet the girls in front of me. Tecna came over to me and hold me up being my support. Soon all the boys came out looking the same but they recovered quickly than me.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked the fellas as I was slowly recovering from the crash.

"Yes everyone is fine Timmy!" Falen replied with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear you guys are okay," Sonya said worriedly.

"We saw your aircraft crash!" Tecna spoke with her hands on her hips sounding worried.

"It wasn't a crash, it was more like an emergency landing," Riven replied scratching his hair.

"What happened up there, Pilot's Ed class got too much for you boys?" Stella questioned with a smirk on her face.

"Ladies always remember nothing is ever too much for a Specialists to handle!" Falen answered with his fists on his hips and he was doing a heroic pose.

"Yeah sure but what are you doing here?" Musa questioned having her eyes on Riven.

"We was here to transport a huh-" Sky stopped talking but then quietly started walking to the back to the aircraft to check on the troll.

"Transporting a very important package to a-" Brandon stopped talking as well.

Brandon got cut off by Sky coming back up with a shock but worried look on his face.

"The troll had escape!" Sky exclaimed looking shock.

"You let the troll get away!" Stella said in shock as the other fairies that just surrounded us started mumbling.

"We didn't let the troll get away, the ship had an malfunction," Riven clarified with his usual mean expression in his face and his arms crossed like always.

"It's a mechanical failure," I justified with my hand behind my head.

"He is not going far since Riven the greatest Specialists in the Magix dimension will save the day!" Riven boasted showing off his conceited grin.

"But no worries.... ladies we have this.... all under control!"

"Yea what Timmy said, so calm down and relax!" Falen chimed in helping me getting the ladies to calm down.

"The troll is not getting far because we put Adle Shackles on him," Riven told the girls as they sigh with relief.

"Exactly, they will slow the troll down like a tranquilizer! He most definitely not getting far!" Brandon explained showing off his winning smile.


I was worried about the troll knowing it will be the same one from when me and Sonya first founded out we had Powers. I glance over at Sonya as her eyes always danced with determination and unafraid. She is always strong even when she didn't have to be. Like that time where she broke her leg at her gymnastics competition. Sonya could of cried when she was in pain but she chose not to. I came out of my thoughts when I saw some shackles poking out of the mud.

"Actually boys the shackles came loose," Brandon said picking up the shackles.

"They came loose," the other fairies mumbled to each other.

"While we need to look for this troll, what are you ladies doing out here!" Brandon asked us smiling at me.

"A field exercise for Nature class!" I replied with a smile back at Brandon.

"Well you ladies get back exercise and leave the problem for the Specialists to handle!" Riven said cockily.

"When are the Specialists gonna get here!" Stella questioned sarcastically looking around for the "real Specialists".

"Awwww snap good one Stella!" Musa laughed causing the other Winx to laugh along with her.

"Listen here you little privileged princess!" Riven said seriously having Prince Sky coming between Riven and Stella but Sonya is blocking Stella.

"Woah, woah, woah, there you better calm down before you see yourself in a very embarrassing situation Riven!" Sonya said seriously as well.

"Okay clam down you two but what is Riven is saying that it might be best if you guys just leave the troll to us and go back to your class assignment!" Sky said clarifying what Riven was trying to say.

"I can tell them myself," Riven unhappily spoke as he stepped back from Prince Sky.

"But what if the troll runs into the other girls from our class?" Tecna questioned with her hands on her hips.

"Just stay out of our way so we can take care of it, you got it? Come on guys, let's go. Let's not waste any more time here," Riven said meanly while him and other Specialists walked away.

"Girls I think we should go with them!" I said telling the Winx my idea.

"And why should we? You mean after the crummy 'tude Riven just gave us?" Stella questioned having her head up high and her arms crossed like a little kid.

"Yeah I agree with Stella, he was rude. I say we get back to our assignment, and let Riven deal with it!" Flora replied with her arms crossed too.

"Flora's right Bloom. If Riven wants to get eaten, I say "Bon Appetit" right?" Stella gestured to the fancy waiter hand position when they are leaving your table after you get your food on your plate.

"That's not what I'm quite saying Stella but-" Flora spoke but got cut off because of Tecna finding something.

Me and other Winx ran over to Tecna and the aircraft accident and noticed that there was a big whole on the side.

"Something's strange here. Did you guys notice the hole in the ship? The patterns of the burnt marking surrounding the perimeter, indicate that the hole was created by a blast from outside the ship while it was still in flight," Tecna examining the damage of the aircraft.


"Tecna are you saying that someone shot down the ship?" Flora asked looking at the big hole.

"Correct by the way of the aircraft is looking," Tecna replied touching the hole's opening.

"If that is the case then I suggest we investigate," Flora commented with her hands on her hips.

" If I ever say "Hey let's go hang out in a swamp." remind me that I really hate swamps!" Musa said having Sonya laughing.

I glance down at the ground and notice the troll ground tracks. I notice something about them that was strange.

"Wait a minute, the troll's footprints. Notice anything?" I called the Winx over to investigate the troll's footprints.

"What about them, Bloom?" Flora questioned not seeing what I'm seeing.

"I notice something, they're like a size thirty!" Stella said with speechless expression on her face.

"STELLA!" Sonya shouted with Stella raising her hands up in defense.

"Not that Stella! They're getting less and less deep as they go on," I informed the girls.

"Poor thing! He must hardest time finding some shoes in his size!" Stella exaggerated.

"Stella stop that idea!" Sonya told Stella with her hands on her hips.

"They totally disappear up ahead. He like found a way to levi-walk so he could shake up our follow, you know?" Musa explained to us what she was thinking.

"The troll, must have cast a spell," Flora said coming up with a explanation.

"Except trolls can't do that," Tecna clarified Flora explanation.

"Which means someone else is here in the swamp?" I told my theory to the Winx.

"Yes you're right Bloom I can feel a very strong destruction wave coming towards me," Sonya said with her hands on her temples as her eyes are closed.

"So they might be watching us?" Tecna asked looking around Black-Mia Swamp.

"So lets go with the boys and prove we can be as good as them!" Sonya encouraged us with a huge smile on her face.

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