Sixty - eight

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A/n: I would like to thank you guys for the 31K reads on this story!!! 😇🥰🥰. Also I'm thinking about ending the story within the next three or four chapters, I'm still deciding between those two. 

Inside Emalia's head: Emalia

I stayed trapped in my prison. My little pigtails was falling out of my rubber bands. My bang was stuck to my forehead as the Mystic Dragon was staring at me. He was flowing as he was wrapped around me. My head hung low.

"Let me out," I begged.

"No the Trix owns us now! They let me use my powers!" The Mystic Dragon answered.

"So what was the problem with me, tell me so I can fix it?"

The Mystic Dragon unwrapped from me. He floated across from me and I stared into his yellow eyes. Suddenly I feel the pain of sorrow from him.

"After all those years, you never used my power, I was nothing to you!!!! Once you found out about my power, you still didn't use me!!!! The only time you use my powers is when you are close to losing that's not fair to me!!!!"

It was like I felt his pain. It clutch tight to my heart. A low groan escaped from my lips. All of what the Mystic Dragon was saying played in my head. Starting from when I was a baby to the time I was growing up in a world with no magic. It even show up to the current events where I have been abusing my powers. This pain flowed through my body and all pulsing at a different second than the other pain spots. I tried to yank this hold off of me, but it was no use.

"Why.... do I ...... feel this pain!!" I pant still feeling the pain.

"You're feeling my pain ... the pain I felt all those years of just slumbering in your subconscious!! This proves even though I am under the Trix's magic, me and you are both still connected," the Mystic Dragon replies wrapping back around me.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes it is, that means I'm still connected to you in someway since this has been a good place to slumber! We work effectively together,"

I must play my cards right. I have a tiny chance of breaking free from the Trix's control. If I can get the Mystic Dragon back on my side then I'll be able to get back to my friends.

"How about I make you a deal?" I offered.

"Is it going to be better than the Trix's doing?" The Mystic Dragon asked with a curious look to his Dragon face.

"Yes it should be to both of our likings,"

A few minutes later: Headmaster Faragonda

The attacks have calmed down a bit. Giving my staff and mainly my students a break from fighting. This opportunity also gives the Red Fountain boys a chance for a break. The Alfea staff and students to tend to their battle injuries. Bloom and the girls are still not back from Domino and haven't gotten an update from Professor Palladium. I'm worried about the girls.

"What are you thinking about Headmistress Faragonda?" Saladin asked me holding his cane.

"I'm just worried about the girls," I replied looking at the gloomy sky surrounding my school.

"I'm sure they are fine especially since my boys are going to be there to help them,"

"Yes you're right but what about Emalia? She's trapped under the Trix's magic, what can we do for her?"

"HEADMISTRESS FARAGONDA, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!" Professor Wizgiz yelled from afar running quickly towards me and Saladin.

"What's the problem Wizgiz, is there more decaying warriors coming?" I asked hoping they are not coming back.

"No it's not them, it's Emalia she's coming this direction!!!!" Wizgiz panicked.

"Isn't that good news for us and her friends?" Saladin asked with a confuse look.

"Yes it is but Emalia has this dark aura around her and it's the most intense thing I have ever seen!"

A seismic wave of black energy flowed through the ground and air. I glance around as it scared mine and Saladin's students. I faced the front and see Emalia standing at the entrance of the school. Her outfit was way different from her fairy form. Her colors weren't a burn orange color but a black and dark purple. Emalia's hair wasn't in pigtails as it was hanging down ending at her upper shoulders.

Nobody said a word. Everyone was frozen as we couldn't believe our eyes. How did Emalia get like this? Mainly how did she get out of the control of the Trix? My poor student is suffering! A blue hologram appear above me and the others, it was Icy as she had her usual evil smile.

"Oh I see me and my sisters present has got there on time!" Icy announced with a laugh.

"WHAT HAPPEN TO MY STUDENT ICY?" I yelled mad at what happen to my student. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY STUDENT?"

"We did nothing to your precious Emalia but what you should be asking what deal did Emalia make with the Mystic Dragon!"

Icy ended the hologram conversation as my eyes went back to Emalia. She still has that creepy smile on her face. What deal did Emalia make with the Mystic Dragon?

"Emalia what deal did you agree on with the Mystic Dragon?" I asked slowly walking towards Emalia.

"I offer up my body to him so he's controlling it as I speak!" Emalia still smile creepily. "Since I'm here I should cause some destruction!"

Flying around the place: Sky (the real Sky)

Me and the boys followed the coordinates to the location of the Winx girls. The coordinates took us to this snowy realm. All I can see is snowy mountains and lands.

"Why would Headmistress Faragonda take the girls here to this place?" Timmy asked in confusion as he was handling the ship's vital signs.

"Who knows?" Brandon (real Brandon) replied staring lost at the place we are surrounded by.

"How are going to find the girls in this weather?" Falen asked with wonder.

"Just look for anything that's colorful and moving, listen out for explosion noise, or something flying by fast," I informed the boys.

"On my radar we got something!" Brandon shouted.

"What do we got?" I asked hoping we found the girls.

"We've got 6 dots up ahead, I think we found the girls!" Brandon smiled.

"Send me the coordinates of those dots and we will fly over there!" I smiled.

Brandon sent me the coordinates and I maneuver the ship in the direction of the girls' location. Not even 5 minutes we are at the location of the girls but before them was a huge snow monster.

"What's going on here?" I asked pondering about the situation.

"I don't know but lets give this monster the power of this ship!" Falen pushed the button firing at the monster.

The monster yelled while shielding himself from the fire. The monster ran off to a different direction. I landed the ship down and dropped the hatch so we can get out of the ship. Me and the boys got out of our seats walking out of the ship.

"You guys saved us!" Stella smiled.

"We have to!" Brandon smiled.

"But how did you find out about our mission?" Tecna asked fixing her hoodie.

"Red Fountain has been destroyed, so all the Specialists took refuge at Alfea. Then we was called to help you guys," I replied with a little smile.

"What do you say we all go back to Alfea now?" Flora asked rubbing her arms cold.

"That sounds like a smart plan!" Miss smiled running up the hanger of the ship.

"Climb aboard ladies!" Falen bowed gesturing them inside the ship.

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