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A/n: I'm going to change Sonya's outfit because I saw this cute outfit picture for her that represents her in my eyes and hopefully we are on the same page on what represents Sonya. Sonya outfit is kinda of edgy but it also kinda sporty for her at the same time. The color palette for this outfit also represents Sonya's color powers.


After that same what defeat from those stupid fairies, me and my sisters return back to Cloud Tower. Knut went into his stupid and stinky hiding spot. Darcy and Stormy made a circle while I completed the circle.

"Girls don't you think it was strange that, that stupid dumb diary got out of Ivy's powerful ice prison spell?" Darcy informed us with her arms crossed.

"Yeah that was strange even that idiot red haired fairy didn't get out of it!" Stormy pointed out as she have a scrunched us look on her face.

"Do you think she holds the Mystic Dragon Flame?" Darcy questioned.

"Umm no that stupid fairy can't be she just had luck on her side so will we continue to get Stella's scepter!" I informed my two younger sisters.

"So we are still on the search for the Mystic Dragon Flame and the Dragon Flame!" Stormy said with her arms crossed.

"Yes Stormy once we get Stella's scepter the only thing we need to find is the Mystic Dragon Flame, then we could take over the whole Magix dimension and no one can stop us!" I told my sisters as I laughed along with my sister.


I was walking to my next class with Falen as he was still daydreaming about Sonya. Falen was you can say head over hills with Sonya.

"Falen are you excited about tonight?" I asked Falen with a smile on my face.

"Yes I get to see minha bela princesa!" Falen smiled looking up at the ceiling, (Translation: my beautiful princess).

"You know you was most definitely a flirt!"

I laughed and Falen just shook his head not believing me. Then Riven, Timmy, and Sky(Brandon) came walking next to us as we was passing the other guys in the hallways of Red Fountain.

"Brandon what is so funny!" Sky(Brandon) wondered.

"Well Falen doesn't think he is a flirt!" I replied still laughing at Falen.

"Now Falen don't lie to yourself, you are a flirt!" Sky(Brandon) laughed along with me.

"You flirt even when you don't try!" Riven spoke with a smirk on his face.

"Yea Falen, you flirt 100% of the day, 75% of your flirting comes from you knowing you are and the remaining 25% you actually don't be knowing!" Timmy calculated pulling his glasses up to his face.

"So was I flirting with Sonya the night we saved her, Stella, and Bloom?" Falen questioned.

"Most definitely but I calculated from that night you knew that you was flirting but then again you actually wasn't!" Timmy calculated again.

"So he was in the middle!" Sky(Brandon) replied with a smile.

"So you guys actually think I'm a flirt?" Falen spoke shockingly.

"Yes!" Me, Sky(Brandon), Riven, and Timmy shouted in unison catching every Red Fountain warrior's attention.

"Agora, isso é um namorado tão doloroso!" Falen spoke as me and the rest of the guys looked at him confused.

"What does that mean, after being roommates with you I still haven't understand Reinoian!" Riven said angrily.

"I'm saying is, "Now that is so hurtful fellas"!" Falen spoke as he laughed.

"I just can't wait for the annual Red Fountain and Alfea College get together dance!" Sky(Brandon) smiled looking at the ceiling.

"You are saying that because you want to see Stella, Princess of Solaria!" Riven pointed out still upset for no reason.

"Hey at least I have someone to see at the dance!" Sky(Brandon) pointed out to Riven pointing his index finger at Riven.

"Fellas save energy to fight in combat class which we are going to now!" I kept the two guys away from each other as they was growling at each other.

Morning: Flora

Me and the rest of the Winx walked to our first class of the day, Professor Wizgiz. I was walking next Sonya and she looked extremely tired like she haven't slept in years.

"Sonya are you okay, you look exhausted!" I said worriedly.

"Yea I'm fine but a bit tired than usual," Sonya yawned and about to doze off but stopped herself from sleeping.

"Did you have a nightmare last night?"

"No Flora I didn't but I heard someone, a girl's voice calling my name and then she said she found me! But before I could ask her who she was and what was so important to find me, I woke up and from then on that night I could stop thinking about that voice! It's like I knew it from somewhere but I just can't remember!"

"I think you need to rest some more and have your first day of school tomorrow,"

"No Flora I'm fine, really I am!"

I smiled at what Sonya said and she reminded of the stories my mother used to tell me about the kingdom of Ikaika, the lost kingdom was used to be full strong soldiers willing to fight until the last soldier is down.

"What are you smiling about Flora?" Sonya asked with a sleepy smile on her face.

"You remind me of these stories my mother use to tell me about the lost Kingdom of Ikaika, you actually reminded me of the soldiers they was always strong even when they seemed weak and even when they don't have to! They are some strong kind of people that I wish I can be!" I smiled at the thought.

"Flora you are strong, I believe you are the most strongest person you can be, I just know it!"

"Thanks Sonya, that was really kind of you!"

"No problem Flora lets get to Professor Wizgiz class before he mark us tardy!"

Me and Sonya walked into Professor Wizgiz class as he was standing up on his desk. He greeted us all as we walked in and he informed me to close the classroom door. I followed his order and went to my new seat next to Sonya as she still gave me that tired smile.

"It's the first class of the year, a year full of great potential and limitless possibilities and that is what metamorphosis is all about. Metamorphosis is the art of changing how you appear, and once you master it, you can turn into anything from a rock to a rock star. Let me give you a little preview. Look at me now, an average elf, right? Look at me now!" Professor Wizgiz turning into Miss Griselda, causing the whole class to be afraid. "No worry girls I'm not the Queen of Detention!"

Me and the rest of the students sighed with relief and then Professor Wizgiz transformed back to himself. He smiled at us and then sat at his desk with his legs crossed within each other.

"The beauty of magic is that you can always go back to being you! But before we transform to someone else we have to start with the basics!" Professor Wizgiz smiled snapping his fingers and mirrors appeared before us. "We'll warm up with one of the simplest exercises: Changing your hair color. You should all be able to breeze through this one. Look in the mirror, focus your Winx and go. Try to change it!!!"

I grabbed the mirror and I closed my eyes and thought about the color green. At first I didn't feel anything and I opened my eyes with my eyes widen. My normal brown hair with blonde highlights turned to a forest green color with the bang portion of my hair was a lime green color. I laughed and I turned my attention to see Sonya's dark purple hair.

"Hey Son, I like your hair!" I laughed.

"Hey I could say the same for you Flora!" Sonya laughed back.


I went back to Flora and mine dorm room. I had a mirror in my hands while Stella was helping me with the spell we was working on in class. Flora was taking care of her plants while Sonya was in her middle split and she haven't came out of it, I'm guessing she is asleep.

"I'm the only one in the class to not know how to do the spell," I said looking sadly in the mirror.

"You'll get it! You just have to practice! After all, you know what they say, 'practice makes perfect'!" Stella encouraged me.

"Bloom if you don't get it right the first time keep on trying! We all work differently so the easiest things maybe harder for others! I'm sure you are going to get this right!" Flora smiled as she was watering her plants.

"Yeah you are right Stella and Flora, I can do this! It's like when I had to learn how to high jump back in Gardenia!" I said with a smile.

"That's the right attitude! And before you know it, you'll be growing fairy wings!" Stella pointed out with a huge smile.

"I hope so, but who is going to wake up Sonya?" I questioned with wondered.

"We don't need to wake up her up, she's been up all night," Flora said putting down her water pot.

"For what?" I asked worried about Sonya.

"I'll tell you after you are done with your spell," Flora said as she got the sleeping Sonya off the floor went into the other apartment room.

"But anyways I know you can do it! So let's just give it another try. Let's try this! Think about the best hair day you've had. Think about how happy you were and use that to change your hair color!" Stella encouraged me with a huge smile on her face.

I closed my eyes and thought about what makes me happy, soon started concentrating on what makes me happy. I felt the winds moving around me and I open my eyes looking into the mirror. I sighed with frustration as I see the bang part of my hair is sticking up. Stella laughed at me soon wiping her tears that was spilling out of her eyes.

"Ugh! Great! This is what I end up with?!" I whined.

"I'm just trying to help you, okay! You're a bigger project than I thought... Hmph!" Stella replied with a little smile on her face as a little giggle came out her mouth.

I knew from this rate that I won't be able to get my fairy wings or achieve any make spells if I keep performing like this.

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