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Stella moved her hands and Bloom's pens levitated in the air to form one big old pen and she looked at me first with a smile.

"Okay Sonya put the pens back into its original shape!" Stella said with a smile holding the pen up.

I took a deep breath and concentrate on the big pen and putting them back into its original form. I wave my hand and Bloom's pens was back to their original form. Bloom clapped her hands along with Stella.

"That's great Sonya, for your first try!" Stella said with a smile. 

"Thanks Stella!" I smiled back in confident.

"You're welcome girl, now it's your turn Bloom!"

Stella smiled and formed Bloom's pens into one big pen and Bloom tried her best but she failed and looked a bit sad, she tried again but the same result.

"Nothing.. I can't do it Stella and Sonya!" Bloom spoke sadly looking sad again.

"It's okay Bloom, it takes time!" I said comforting a friend.

"You guys should come with me to Alfea, it's a school for fairies like you and me! A new school term is going to start so it will give you a chance to learn your powers!" Stella said with a huge smile, turning the big pen back at the little pens. "And I most definitely sure of you guys being the most excellent fairies in the whole Magix realm!"

"Where's Alfea?" Bloom and I said looking confuse.

"It's a very enchanted Realm of the Magix, a place beyond space and time where everything is possible! If you want to see Alfea I will show you!" Stella said with a innocent grin getting a little postcard out.

The postcard looks beautiful! There was a whole lot of gorgeous green and healthy trees covering the sides of the postcard. Then in the middle is a huge building that looks like a school. The school must be Alfea College the fairy school Stella was talking about! The school had a very light or pastel color purple building with a lot of windows covering the the building.

"You guys ready to see Alfea?!" Stella asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" Bloom and I spoke happily.


Stella laid the postcard flat on the floor of my room. Stella then stand on top of the picture and she slowly started sinking in the picture. While Sonya and I looked at each other in confusion.

"Come on guys follow me!" Stella smiled and then she was all the way inside the picture, I followed behind her, and last but not least is Sonya.

Once inside the postcard the picture of the school was right in front of me and Sonya. It's even more beautiful than it is on the postcard!

"Well here it is Bloom and Sonya, Alfea College the school for fairies!" Stella introduced us to the school with a huge smile.

"So what goes on here?" I spoke as my eyes was drifting from from parts of the school and then the surrounds of the school.

"The best and most fabulous come from all over the universe to perfect their powers. Most are princesses like moi, but we also have pixies and Gwyllians, and get this, we're only one enchanted forest away from the Red Fountain School for Heroics and Bravery! It's full of hunks! But we're also just down the lagoon from the creepiest place in the entire realm, the Cloud Tower School for Witches," Stella explained as she looked creep when she said Cloud Tower.

"Since Cloud Tower for witches shouldn't Mitzi be the first one to sign up for the school!" Sonya joked having me laughing but having Stella confused.

"Who is Mitzi, Bloom and Sonya!"

"Stella don't worry about that evil witch she is not getting close us anyways!" Sonya smiled brightly.

"But this is a very hard decision for us," I said looking sad thinking.

"To help make you guys decisions, I can invite some H and B boys over to your house!" Stella looking at her nails and then at me and Sonya smirking.

"The heroes are coming to the house? When?"

"Yea tell us when because I need my camera to take a picture of all their glorious handsomeness!" Sonya said with love eyes.

"Pretty soon, but let's get going!" Stella smiled. "To get out of the postcard we need to jump out of here!"

We all jumped out of the postcard and we was back to my room with Kiko not in my room. Sonya smiled big and she turned happily around the room, sometimes I swear she is boy crazy.

"Hey Stella can you make my camera appear please!" Sonya beg Stella.

"Yea sure anything!" Stella snapped her finger and Sonya's camera appeared around her neck.

"Thanks Stella!"

Before Stella could respond to Sonya's exclamation statement there was a lot of noise going on downstairs which I heard mine and Sonya's parents screaming. We all looked at each other and we went down stairs. After a few seconds we made it down stairs and I see the monster from before and he had some more friends with him which are the ones we fought off before and a new big blue troll that have very long hair.

"Tell us where the girls are or you make some delicious food for my friends!" Ogre said seriously as he hold my father and Sonya's father by their ankles having them upside down. While our mothers were holder tightly by the troll.

"Turn around sunshine because here we are!" Stella said with a smile.

The monsters turned around quickly as we all came down the stairs.

"It's them, get them my friends!" The ogre shouted pointing towards us.

"I guess you want more of us or you just didn't understand that Sun lesson I gave you earlier!" Stella smirked as she transformed into her fairy self and then she kicked the blue troll.

And that's when the massive fight begin inside my house.

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