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(Newgate x Reader)

It was going to be the final year you had together. The nurses could only do so much. The doctors could make the pain subside. But bare the heartbroken news to your family.

Your adventure was coming to an end.

The door opened softly having you perk up from your book. You turned to Marco who smiled walking in. You smiled softly folding a corner of your book. Then shut it softly.

"Good morning mama." Marco smiled.

"Good morning my son." You weakly smiled.

"Pops is coming to see you today."

"Ah. My beloved."

"Oh and Ace wanted to come in and say hi."

He turned to the door as Ace walked in. You smiled folding your hands in your lap. That messy raven hair took you back. To the man who made you a pirate.

"Good morning mama."

"Good morning my son."

He smiled softly, as he rummaged in his pocket. Ace pulled out a shell fitting in the palm of his hand.

"I found this. I figured you would like it."

You smiled taking it gently. Holding it close you admired it.

"I love it, it's beautiful." You smiled.

Ace grinned, "I'll go find you more."

You chuckled softly as Ace darted off. Marco chuckled sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You promise you'll take care of things while I'm gone?" You asked.

"I promise. It will break our hearts. But. We can cope. We will be okay."

You smiled reaching over to the drawer. Inside was a stack of letters for each member. They were tied together in twine. Marco stepped up to the drawer scooping them up.

"Give them out when the time is right."

"Yes mama."

Newgate stepped into the room, you smiled as Marco took the letters and left. Leaving the two of you alone.

"Good morning my beloved." You said.

"Even on your death bed, your as beautiful as the day I met you."

"Newgate. Don't be so upsetting."

He sat beside you taking your frail hand.

"I know. But you don't have much longer. And without you here. I. I don't know what I-"

"You will still be a emperor of the sea, you will still be a father to our sons, you will still have me. In your heart. And I will be proud of what you will do. Or who you will become. KnowingI was apart of your life."

He chuckled, "I love you. I hope you know that."

"I love you too, my soft old man."

The door bursted open, Ace and Thatch came in with seashells.

"We found more!"

But that night. You had left everyone in your sleep. Leaving your family to grieve and heal.

It's been a year since your passing and each of the crew wore a seashell. In memory of you.
Marco stood holding the letters on the deck. It was time. To see what your final words to your sons and husband were.

"H-hey guys. I. I have something for you."

They turned to Marco as he cut off the twine and distributed the letters. Leaving the last for Newgate and Marco. Newgate took the small letter and frowned. Knowing he couldn't read it.

"Marco. Could you give your old man a hand?"

He looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"Sure pop."

Tears were shed as were happy smiles. They missed you. But your words for pop made them curious.

"My Dearest, Newgate.

Yours will be the hardest letter I will have to write. I loved you. I experienced so much with you. Even as enemies, I couldn't help but fall for you. And when we picked up Marco. Then Juzo, then Vista then. Our family. I felt complete. Our lives were complete. I remember the night you brought Ace into our lives. You couldn't stop smiling. Begining with Marco and ending with Ace. Well. I wouldn't know. You always pick up the strangest of boys. And you will always be a great father. And you were a great and wonderful husband."

Marco sniffled before a dove landed on Newgate's hand. Whitebeard furrowed turning to the bird. But noticed the shell the bird wore around her neck.

"You've returned my darling."

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