Him and I

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(Kizaru x Reader)

Rain pattered against the cobblestone. You stepped out of an ally holding a blanket close. Glancing around you placed the small being into a basket. Then shut the lid before pulling him close. You pulled on your cloak as you darted out and into the rain. You came to the docks where you hopped into a dingy and cut off the rope. You placed the basket down before starting to row out to sea.

Until a beam of light shot through your boat. You gasped grabbing the basket and snapping to the light in the darkness. Kizaru stood pointing his finger at you. Like a gun. A few bystanders witnessed the glare war between the two of you.

"Borsalino." You grunted.

With a flick of his light he stood on the end of your ship. You gripped close to the basket as he hummed softly.

"(Y/N). Where are you off to so late at night?" He asked cocking his head.

His eyes narrowed to the basket. "With Ray?"

"I'm leaving. Taking our son with us." You huffed.


You glanced to the water slowly filling in your boat. Now reaching your calf and slowly climbing. Your eyes filled with panic as he held out his hand.

"Come home dear."

You glanced to the water before it was about to hit your knees and the basket. Your hand took his. Kizaru scooped you up as you clung to the basket.

With a flash you were soon home. All soaked from the rain Borsalino set you down. You stood shivering before he gripped your chin and tilted up your chin.

"(Y/N). Why did you do this?"

"I'm tired of being someone I'm not. I'm not a marine, they tell me that all the time. I'm sick of it. Tomorrow morning I'm leaving."

"Who? Who is saying this to you?"

"Everyone. All the towns people, families, marines, I'm sick of it all. I'm done."

"Then as my final wish, will you spend tonight with me?"

"As you wish."

There was a soft crying having you both turn to the basket. Borsalino watched as you pulled the baby out of the basket hushing him softly. You perked up to Borsalino wrapping a blanket around you and scooped you up. He sat you in front of the fire as Ray was soon to fall asleep again.

"You love me don't you?" Borsalino asked.

You turned to him, "Of course I do. With all my heart."

"Then why did you think leaving wouldn't hurt me?"

You were quiet as you looked down to your baby.

"I figured, that your life would be much easier without me in it."

He chuckled wrapping his arms around you, "My life couldn't be more complete."

"Kizaru." You hummed.

"Please stay."

He held his hand in front of you to a ring sitting in the palm of his hand.

"As my wife."

"You always did have a soft spot for this pirate."

"Well what do you say?"

"I do."

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