How He Fell

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(Issho x Reader)
Dedicated to my wife RanaParra I forgot to upload this. I love you!

The man who could not see, was always looking. Listening. He was listening for that voice. It was gentle, and always kind. She spoke to the young cadets with kindess and understanding. She was there mentor. But also a very high rank of a vice admiral.

He stopped when he head her.

"It's alright look. It's not that bad." You said.

The young boy sniffled looking to his elbow. Blood dripped from the scrape cutting open his tanned skin. He looked back to you as you pulled a first aid kit from your coat pocket. You sat before him treating the wound. He hissed to the medicine before you applied a bandage.

"C-can you kiss it?" He asked.

You smiled kissing to the white bandage. He smiled before the two of you embraced.

"Thank you!"

Then the boy ran off.

"Ooo, Fujitora. You find someone to your liking?" Kizaru teased.

"Her voice is so calm. Who is she?" He asked.

"Vice Admiral (Y/N). She takes care of the children in the nursery. Or our teenagers. She's a strong woman. But she couldn't teach our adults. They never take her seriously."

"How come?"

"She can't make them laugh."


"She doesn't want another Akainu."

Fujitora hummed, "Who is she exactly?"

Kizaru sighed, "Well, she was brought in by Garp. To protect her brothers when she could. But. When Ace. Lets just say, she wasn't herself for a long time. I don't think she still is."

They both were quiet as more of the children and teens had found you. Swarming you with embraces and laughter. Then they ran off down the hall.

"(Y/N)! Come here a moment will you?" Kizaru called.

You perked up to the two admirals.

"Someone's in trouble."

You turned to the last two children giggling.

"I am not, now go get lunch before the other kids eat it."

They gasped before running off. You stood and approached the admirals.

"What can I do for you?" You asked.

"Have you met Fujitora? He's the nee admiral." Kizaru asked.

He handed Kizaru his cane sword before holding his hand out to you. You smiled taking his hand. His free hand felt your wrist and up your arm a bit.

"It's a pleasure. Welcome." You said.

"The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

You turned to three children darting to you and hiding in your coat. You then turned to Smoker with scribbles across his face. You kept in a small laugh.

"You keep an eye on your brats!" Smoker huffed.

You saluted Smoker, "Roger."

Then he stormed off as the three children poked out of your coat.

"Alright. That wasn't funny. Or nice at all. I want you three to apologize to Smoker or I will have to take you to Akainu."

"No! Not Akainu!"

"Yes Akainu. Now march."

The three hung there heads before following after Smoker. You sighed turning back to Fujitora.

"I'm so sorry about that." You said.

Fujitora laughed as Kizaru explained what happened. You smiled softly.

As some time went by. Fujitora never seemed to leave your side. Or. The other way around. You got worried he could fall and hurt himself. So he went with you everywhere so you could keep an eye on him. The two of you had bonded very well spreading rumors across the marine base.

Fujitora laughed as you giggled softly.

"That really happened?"

"Sad but true. I'm a klutz." You said.

He was quiet as he reached out for you. He soon felt your hair running a hand through it. Before he cupped your cheek.

"I wish I could of gotten a glimpse of you before-"


He blinked in confusion, "What?"

"The color of my hair, it's (Color)."

He smiled, "What about your eyes?"


"What about, your lips?"

You smiled softly, "Issho."

He gave a cheeky grin, as you kissed him softly. Then a loud cheer broke the two of you apart. You looked to the children teens and a few adults popping out of the garden. They witnessed and heard everything. Some of them bickered about who owed who money. Issho took your hand as you locked your knees together and hanging your head.

"Heh. I guess it wouldn't be hard to tell anyone now."

You smiled, "I guess."

Sorry its not as good

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